The Wise Fly
In a distant forest, where the sun shone almost every day, and the grass was green all year round, lived a little donkey named Oswald. He was a kind and hardworking donkey who helped his friends and neighbors.
One day, when Oswald the donkey was going to visit his friend Bruno the hedgehog, he noticed a small fly circling around him. The fly was unusual – it was very wise and knew the answers to all questions. But the donkey did not know about its abilities.
– Stop, donkey, – the fly squeaked, – don't go any further.
– What's the matter? – Oswald the donkey was surprised, looking at the small fly that had landed right on his nose. The next moment, two huge trees fell right in front of Oswald, and he was safe and sound thanks to the fly's advice.
– Thank you, friend, – the donkey thanked the fly.
After the miraculous rescue, Oswald decided to talk to the fly and asked her how he could become even better and help his friends. The fly smiled and said: "To become better, you need to be kind and hardworking, as you already do. And to help your friends, you can share with them what you have." Oswald thanked the fly for her advice and decided to follow her wise words. Oswald the Donkey became even kinder and more hardworking, and also began to share his supplies with friends and neighbors when they were in trouble. Over time, Oswald became known throughout the forest as a kind and wise donkey. Everyone came to him for advice and help, and he was always ready to help.
The Giant's Swing
Once upon a time in a distant forest there lived a donkey Oswald and his friends: a cheerful puppy Oscar, a smart cat Martin and a little mouse Wilda. One day, while walking through the forest, they came across an amazing tree with a swing that was so big that an entire city could fit on it. Donkey Oswald, laughing, suggested that his friends ride the swing. They approached the tree and saw that there was a note hanging on it: "Whoever can swing on this swing and fly to the clouds will receive a magic gift." The friends decided to try. Oswald sat on the swing and began to swing with all his might. Puppy Oscar, cat Martin and Wilda encouraged the donkey with shouts and applause. Oswald swung so hard that it seemed that he was about to fly into the sky. But at the last moment he couldn’t hold on and fell to the ground.
His friends were upset. They thought that Oswald would never be able to fulfill his dream. But the donkey didn’t give up.
“I heard,” squeaked the mouse Wilda, “that there is a magic oak tree nearby. Maybe it can help us?” Then the donkey Oswald decided to take the mouse’s advice and ask the wise old oak tree for help.
The oak tree listened to Oswald and said: “To achieve your dream, you need to find friends who will support you and help you overcome all difficulties.”