RRTV MEDIA is a unique platform that unites all those involved in content creation: journalists, musicians, videographers, bloggers and other creative personalities. By offering monetization of your content, by performing actions you will receive RRTV MEDIA tokens - this project will teach you how to use and learn how to earn in digital currencies in the future. Start at 2500 rubles =10 RRTV MEDIA tokens.RRTV MEDIA opens the doors to the world of decentralized finance, where your talent becomes an asset. The platform offers transparent conditions and fair remuneration for your work. Monetize your articles, music, videos, and other content by receiving RRTV MEDIA tokens, which can be exchanged for other cryptocurrencies or fiat money.Join RRTV MEDIA and become part of a growing community of creators making money from their content in the digital currency era. Start your journey to financial independence today! I am officially hosted on Telegram Blockchain. I invite the first 5,000 partners to my global platform..If you analyze the exchange rate of 1 ton = from 329 and above or below, but it's even good that I'm aware of + 100 rubles to my own, and it's more profitable than a dollar.