Quantum entanglement, or The destiny rock

Artur Zadikyan
Quantum entanglement, or The destiny rock

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It seems to us that we live in the present. In fact, we live in the future and the past at the same time.

You know the author


This story may have started the same way as the story you are remembering now, or it may have started differently. It all depends on how and from what "angle" to look at your story. For example, when were you born? When you appeared in this world? But imagine if your soul was living… or maybe it already was. Waiting for you as flesh, as a body. Waiting to be allocated a body… or to be made a body. For once a body is made, all the diversity of the inner spiritual world fills it, from the totality of that which was created by clearly not the two, who created you. So when were you born anyway? Maybe when your parents decided to conceive a child? Or maybe when they met through the many labyrinths of fate? Or maybe when their parents did? Or when your distant ancestor escaped death? Or maybe we are all children of Adam and Eve? Or maybe of a god? Or maybe we were born when one of the humanoid primates began to think and decided to use that ability to become a leader (and most likely his idea was to create numerous copies of himself, that is, to capture females first)? Behind the banality and simplicity of such a desire hides the very mystery of life, its preservation, development into higher forms and transition into the incorporeal rulers of the universe. Or maybe our life began when life as such appeared? Or were we born when, already being in a body, we realized ourselves as a being, as a person? But it was obviously not at the moment of our birth… and certainly not at the moment of conception, although even in the womb we were already living people. So when? And what happened to those particles, from which, in the end, having made quadrillion-trillion-trillion combinations, a certain group of molecules closed the chain and began a series of copies, which we call life?

Now imagine a black hole. A so-called black hole… I mean, that term probably confuses us completely. There's probably no black hole.

For you, my dear reader, I will give explanations, many of which for your convenience I will cite from open sources, though I will try to explain more in simple everyday language. Otherwise how to understand such terms, necessary for our narration, as event horizon and quantum entanglement.

So, what is a black hole? Scientifically, it's kind of like this: a star dies and goes from one state to another. It kind of weakens, it can no longer push fuel from the inner part into the upper layers, and under their weight it starts to shrink. More precisely, the upper layers fall on the lower ones, and if this process stops at a certain stage, the star still shines, burns and lives for billions of years. Eventually it all burns up and falls even more towards the center. So there's no logic to it. That's something we're going to run into a lot – a logic that doesn't exist. There is no logic where it should be iron, i.e. firmly scientific.

If the black hole attracts everything to itself, as if swallows it, then the process must eventually lead to the fact that it must start the reverse process of restoration. So the question is: where is all that it attracted? Did she recycle it all and send it somewhere else, and unnoticed? That is why it is still a mystery of science, although there are already assumptions that it is some kind of a pipe that swallows from one side and throws out the recycled matter somewhere very far away, maybe in a parallel world. Parallel – in the sense that, perhaps, in the black hole electrons turn into protons, protons into antiprotons, and all substances, particles acquire "anti", i.e. opposite properties, so they are not visible for our senses and equipment, which we have created on the basis of "understanding".

Eventually it seems like the star is so compressed that it turns into a fantastic magnet that doesn't let anything out. It attracts everything and even sucks it in. Not even light can't escape from there, it's sucked in. So the boundary where it starts to happen, that is, the place where you can no longer escape from the attraction of the black hole, is called the event horizon. Even time is said to be different there. Speaking of time. How do you feel about its eternity? What about the eternity of space? And the eternity of matter? These are three important components of the world we live in. The world we can understand based on our senses. The world that these three-dimensional sensations "show" us. We can fantasize, compose, imagine, imagine, imagine, imagine, think about any other perceptions, dimensions, realities, but the reality for us will remain that which we can understand on the basis of our senses.

Okay, now a little more about eternity. Have you really visualized it yet? Have you imagined, for example, your life in a million years? What about a billion? How about a billion billion billion? Is it hard to imagine such a long life? It's quite realistic. But we'll talk about that later. For now, imagine that you still live at least a thousand years and are always flying somewhere. Not just like that, but without a body. Your thoughts are flying. In fact, you are your thoughts, your understanding of what you are, not your body. Imagine if you don't realize anything, but you have a body. Do you exist in that case? As a person, no. But if you don't have your body, but you still have the ability to think, then you will exist as your Self. So, if we imagine our world, our whole universe as a kind of computer world, where we all sleep or live in some kind of virtual reality, then in such a world we could fly to the Moon, for example, in a second. I mean as energetic beings, without a body, as an astral body of thoughts. If such a life – in the energetic or computer world – seems something improbable to you, then I will tell you: prove the opposite when you sleep. After all, everyone has dreamed dreams – as if all this were really happening. Imagine if you fell asleep and slept for the rest of your life. And now this, for example: to take and put all your vital signs into a certain matrix, formula, and then to calculate by all your moral and psychological data your worldview and on the basis of it to predict your deeds. For example, horoscope or fortune-telling is also based on this somehow. Thus it is possible to make your digital, computer image, that is, say, it is possible to make a character with your data for a computer game. Now if you imagine that god or aliens have already done this, then we are all in some kind of cosmic simulation. What I mean by that is that within that simulation, within the computer game, signals are traveling at the speed of light. This brings us back to what I've written about before – eternity. If you live for a billion years and fly at 300,000 kilometers per second, which is simply not only incredible, but also unimaginable, it would take you 14 lifetimes to fly to the edge of the universe. Even with those capabilities, you need to live 14 billion years. Can you imagine such a thing? Many people have even thought now: what to do all this time? Ha, really funny. Let me make it clear. If you still live that long and move that fast, after 14 billion years, you will still not be at the edge of the universe. Why not? Because we know the distance from where the farthest light supposedly "flew" to us at that speed. And as it traveled, everything changed.

Now, I'm going to make a digression. For example, you look up at the sky at night and you see stars. In fact, many of them may no longer be there. It's their light that's still traveling towards us. And they may have already gone out, that is, died. It is as if, for example, in ancient times one had to walk around the Earth on horseback or on foot for 14 years; if in the seventh year someone from the team died, then the news about it would reach home after 7 years.

So, our universe is actually supposed to be 93 billion light years in diameter. Now, understand this: those edges 14 billion light years away, even with a life of 14 billion years and at that speed, you still wouldn't reach those edges. After all, you only live some 14 billion years, and the universe has expanded during your flight. So let's live longer, like 28 billion years. Is that hard to imagine? Just imagine, you'd live for 28 billion years. It's a miracle. It's unimaginable. Now you probably know what I mean by now. Even with such great unimaginability, you can't reach the edge of the universe. The edge of our universe, because there are many others. Now imagine eternity. Imagine that the universe we've been talking about is just a grain of sand on a beach. A grain of sand among billions and trillions of others. Imagine that? Now imagine you've been alive for a hundred billion years. How cool is that? Now imagine you're traveling to the nearest star at the speed of light. Congratulations, it'll take you four years to get there. So that's at the speed of light, which, by the way, by all the laws of physics, material bodies can't reach. Not that it's technically difficult, no. With the capabilities that space technology has now – it will take us about 40,000 years to get there, and at the speed of light – only 4 years. You might be thinking: how fast, compared to traveling in a rocket. Now imagine, it takes you 4 years to go to a neighboring city. For domestic needs, and more, that's an awfully long time. Notice, it's at the speed of light, which a person can't fly. Not that flying is impossible, it's impossible to reach. Our bodies are material.

Now you have a better idea of the size of the universe. No? Then let's fly through at least our galaxy. In the meantime, I'll tell you in confidence that there are supposedly about 500 billion galaxies, and each galaxy has from 200 billion to a trillion stars. Can you imagine how many galaxies there are? Does it make you dizzy? Then imagine snowflakes in a blizzard. About that many if there's a blizzard all night and all over the region. And think of those grains of sand I mentioned above. In the meantime, we've got another 100,000 years to go through the galaxy. Don't forget, we're only talking about our own. They'd tell you to go to the capital and meet me there in 100,000 years. How cool is that? I think you're already euphoric. That's my way of trying to explain to you a tiny fraction of what's called eternity. You've been flying, flying, flying… billions and trillions of years, and you haven't actually moved. How? It's like this. Because no matter how big you visualize, you're still visualizing a tiny fraction of eternity.


Have you ever paid attention to a human embryo in the early stages of development? Does it really look like a fish? It is assumed that the embryo in the process of growth passes through all stages of living beings, from which in the process of evolution came, overcoming the evolutionary chain, man. Now imagine the eternity of space. For the eternity of space at some stage our universe is just a molecule. Have you imagined the magnitude of eternity I am talking about now? Now imagine this vast space in another part of infinity. In a vast infinity in which already this big unimaginable gigasuniverse becomes a molecule. Perhaps our universe, expanding at some stage, is "born", that is, it reaches a stage where life appears in it. Then it grows, ages and dies. And all these multiple universes are all part of some organism. Are you surprised? But infinity makes any huge quantity into a tiny little thing. By comparison, we have billions of living things inside our bodies… and they have no idea who we are. They are born, live and die without recognizing who they are living off of.

Now let's reset our imagination and try to visualize infinite time. Imagine those billions of years when the universe will expand, then contract, explode, and be reborn. Now imagine that you're the one making coffee every morning. One hundred billion years have passed. The next day, a new universe is born again, life appears somewhere. Civilization developed, the universe shrank, exploded. Another day goes by, and it's all over again. So there you go. Even that's not infinity. Infinity isn't the size of something. Not the passage of countless years and time itself, not the vast distances with no end in sight, not the realization that matter will never disappear, no matter how many times it transforms from one such species to another. No. Infinity is the understanding of something that has never arisen and will never disappear. Something that has never arisen and will never cease. It's hard for us to imagine. Our brains are used to working, to operating with concepts that have some kind of boundaries. Now that your brain has realized how small we are and how fleeting our lives are – let's get to our story. Here from it we will learn how it is possible to live so long and move so fast.

For now, however, we will remember the past. Namely, the story of a past life. The lives of characters from a series of parallel worlds, and not only from there. Let's remember how Rutra and his friend, a "luminary of science" named Parmenides, invented a method of quick human cloning and transferring consciousness from any human to a clone. Let us remember the properties of quantum-entangled pairs, undetermined by science so far, to find their pair and transfer to it with instantaneous speed the impact that was exerted on it. Let's remember how, using these marvelous paradoxes of science, they found and transferred to parallel worlds the consciousness of a real person.

Now a little reminder of how. Here, for example, a computer turns a file into multiple copies. You don't know the technical details? It's no longer a surprise to you. It's kind of a matter of course. Now imagine a 3D printer that copies shapes, models. Now imagine a printer that makes food from prepared foods. Or a kitchen supercombine, a coffee machine, or a bread maker. Something like that. Imagine there is some substance from which to create a human being. Imagine transferring information, a program, from one machine, be it a smartphone, a computer or the like. Imagine that in the same way it can be transferred into a human being. After all, since childhood, learning, we do the same thing, only not quickly. Imagine that you have a chip in your brain, into which the entire "Wikipedia" has been pumped. Now imagine without the chip. Because when we learn, understanding is recorded somewhere. Here's your clone, and here's his consciousness at once. It's also possible to download information to you. All of it. Even what you have already forgotten. And then save it, create a clone when you die, and pump it into him. You're alive again.

Now a little bit about quantum entanglement. It's such an interesting thing. In simple words, it looks like this. For example, you've seen how a game of billiards starts. One ball smashes a bunch of collected balls. It's roughly how a neutron, a small particle, enters an atom and rips it apart. At the same time, those particles inside the atom start to rage, hoot, holler, yell, scream, fight, fuss, so that the noise becomes enormous. So it's a nuclear explosion. There are particles that are friends with each other. They're called entangled pairs. They sort of dance together. If you separate them and let them fly apart and catch them somewhere in a special installation, they secretly communicate with each other. They continue their circling. Only now in opposite directions to each other. If one is from right to left, the other particle is necessarily from left to right. And this is ironcladly inviolable. Always. You can use this to influence one particle to influence another. For example, if you make one particle change its property, then the other particle will recognize it in some unimaginable way. This instantaneous connection is something that no one can understand or determine. No matter how far apart they are, they understand each other instantly. Beyond the speed of light.

Here it is necessary to remind and explain a little bit. The point is that there is no speed higher than the speed of light in our world, in our material, and not only in the universe. That's the limit. And the famous formula E=MC2 says that if something reaches the speed of light, then E, which is energy, and M, which is mass, must be infinite. So the speed of light is only allowed for massless particles, like photons of light, radio waves, and something else. Although, though… how to say. There are a lot of contradictions in it. I mean, if something goes from one place to another, something goes there too. But we'll talk about that later. For now, about the properties of these particles, or rather, about the mystery of their correspondence.

So, Rutra and Parmenides decided: since one particle has its double, there are particles opposite to those of which our world consists, for example, antiproton, then there must be worlds in which these particles live. Or rather, worlds that are made up of these particles. After all, it is no surprise to any of us that our world is made up of the particles of which it is made up. So why shouldn't there be worlds where the antiproton and all the "anti's" are perfectly normal, especially these second particles of entangled pairs: they can go to unimaginable distances. So Rutra and his friend decided to find those worlds where they are masters. They decided to run these particles through the brain, having previously converted them into the form that the human consciousness had converted. This is if you take, for example, and by the story of a person, through another storyteller, imagine and draw a picture of what is being told. Or, for example, the story itself. Or, for example, to make something according to the available forms. That is, our consciousness is also such a multifaceted form of concepts. For example, if you are asked what God, culture, flower, beauty are, everyone will tell something very close, similar, but at the same moment – their own idea. And in the same way, if you tell a director about a character, saying that he was like this, then the director will demand from the actor behavior and manners according to his idea of the told person. Similarly, our consciousness: if it is transformed into rays, radiations, waves or some other forms, it can influence these particles in a certain way. And then one particle, transmitting its state changed by consciousness, makes it as it has become, as if transmitting a copy of consciousness. And there, entering another brain, it makes that consciousness a copy of this one. And in fact it turns out that the first consciousness, which influenced the particles, passed into that brain with their help. Everything could be done in a simpler way, but only on Earth, close by. But with the help of particles it is possible to transfer the state of consciousness, that is consciousness itself, to incredible distances instantly. Since these are particles, of which we are made up, among others, it is possible to enter the brain where they have become a copy. That is, an entangled pair of particles of a spoon entered (or created) the same spoon there, an entangled pair of an apple created an apple, and an entangled pair… or rather, billions and billions of pairs of which you are composed, created someone like you there. And all together a parallel world. So this is not enough, those particles that are emitted there – they also created a parallel world… and so in a circle, many worlds. Now you will take and read the theory of many-worlds of a clever man named Everett, and I will begin my artistic narration.

Chapter 1: Thought Collider.

– …We often read other people's stories, and we find them very interesting, romantic. However, when we need to tell about some of our impressions – we often cannot express our feelings, emotions; then we say that we do not have enough words. Exactly words, because other components that convey a picture of an event, mankind has… or does not have… or they are perceived even more individually. For example, instead of words there can be a picture, a movie, a theatrical performance, and sometimes just a look, a cry, a laugh. And now imagine if a person had such an opportunity – to transmit information not with words, but with other ways of communication, namely, only with feelings, in the sense of those that we have experienced, which we cannot describe to ourselves… which can only be experienced. And we could transmit them from the brain to the brain, so that the person to whom we were telling felt exactly what we felt… One day, thinking about this, about the technologies that were already in the secret laboratory where I work, the thought occurred to me that we humans often develop technologies if they serve us a certain purpose that was not originally set. For example, for war. Although in reality we are always dissatisfied with ourselves and the reality around us, yet this deep original feeling of instinct made us, the rulers of civilization. Although all living beings have this feeling. No matter how banal – it is the instinct of self-preservation. With the help of new technologies, we first of all want to protect ourselves. We want to protect ourselves, including ourselves as a civilization. Having received a certain guarantee of security, we began to live differently, differently from the animal world. We began a different life, a cultural life. Culture was the security that allowed us to take a step away from the wild world, which eventually allowed us to become the rulers of this world. Notice the connection: it was only by agreeing not to kill that we became rulers over the killers. That was the other life. Over time, however, we began to endow the concept of "life" with a meaning different from the physiological definition of the word. The same culture gave people not only an understanding of a certain way of behaving differently from animals – it began to characterize the quality of being in the human population itself. To put it simply, first of all, this life for us should be a continuous celebration, otherwise we say what kind of life it is. And we also want to make a monument out of life, to extend life after death in a peculiar way. This is also a kind of peculiar pleasure. That is why very often we use everything we think up for our own pleasure, and then we make a lot of other decisions based on it. Although we do not ask ourselves questions, do not introspect as human beings, it is not clear to us where our decisions come from, but nevertheless our consciousness gives us the answer that it is out of this desire for pleasure that we have created a lot of other desires. We have created a kind of show of life – holidays, rituals, customs, New Year presents, fashion. Our whole life is based on pleasure, in the center of everything is pleasure, ingeniously instilled in us by nature, by God. Because it is the only possibility for a living being to develop intellectually. And if someone says about the instinct of self-preservation, the thirst to survive as the engine of progress, the answer will be an argument – for the sake of what? The answer is for the sake of enjoying the existence of life as such. And the crown of all this is the pleasure of reproduction. And now let us turn to intelligence. Very often outstanding scientists substantiate peculiar hypotheses and assumptions about the emergence of reason, intelligence. And from the point of view of our reasonableness – everything seems to be logical. But if we look at everything not from the human's point of view, but from the point of view of some other creature, which does not know the human way of life, for example, a robot, or more precisely, an artificial intelligence, how will it characterize us, humans? It will study us in terms of science, not in terms of morality, spirituality or feelings. In fact, intelligence is just a peculiar ability of the brain to reproduce recorded, put together in the most necessary combination, experienced, received, remembered actions. That is to say, all our feelings, our intelligence, everything we understand, are reactions in the brain to this or that stimulus. With the help of the central nervous system and the whole body. Suppose you once ate some fruit, it was very tasty, many, many years have passed – and you can't remember the taste anymore. Why not? Because your brain cannot reproduce the chemical reaction of that flavor. And in the same way, we forget a lot of things. It's often the case that memory is erased. Erases what? It's erased by this reaction in the brain. The brain doesn't have the capacity to hold all the possible options. Initially, when man left the animal society, it was this mutation, the developed properties and proportions of the human body that turned out to be the most optimal for the chemical reaction in the brain to become permanent and repeatable, with the possibility of continuing to record the next reaction. It is like an adaptation of the body to its surroundings. If fish did not fixate on mutation and consequently develop adaptations to life outside of water, life in water would have remained. If we, having invented a calculator, could not transform it into a computer, we would not be able to go into space. If our minds could not exist outside the body, we would not see other worlds, or even find them at all. And all of this is woven into a code of the universe where everything matters. Everything, starting from the state of the charge level of particles in an atom, the magnetic field, the light of the sun, the influence of gravity, the totality of the systems that make up the universe. It all converged into some central point that became optimal for human existence. It turned out to be the most optimal to make one more reaction in the brain than all other living things. That was the great step of intelligence across the universe. Nature had experienced this millions, billions of times. So many different creatures have been born on Earth, but none have reached the point where the brain can reproduce the same reaction continuously, with the next action memorized and a new repetition. So that it can memorize and reproduce twice. It's like in science: a discovery is considered scientific if it can be reproduced twice and is refutable. In the survival variant, animals have developed other abilities to survive. A dog, for example, has a sniff, an eagle has eyesight, a moth can sense its female at a distance of several kilometers. And so on. We can give many examples, for example, how birds migrate by navigation and so on. One animal relied on memory, reproduced one action, then a second action was attached to it, then a third, fifth, tenth, and then repeated one after another – and until now we are developing, cognizing and repeating. In this way we build the pyramid of the building of intelligence; someday, perhaps in 100 years, perhaps in 1,000, the present knowledge and achievements will be primitive to us. We build the building of science – from school to institute and so on, we adopt knowledge from each other, reproduce it and constantly look for new knowledge, and then reproduce it again. We do not develop in ourselves any other abilities, for example, such as those of animals. To survive, we constantly develop science first of all, and then we use it to defend ourselves from predators, from viruses, from radiation.....


Ruthra was silent for a moment, looking around the audience, they were quite awake, so he decided to continue without resting.

– Now we come to the main topic. This is the way of thinking I decided to create a new device that would transmit the feelings experienced. To be more precise, it could be used to feel what someone else's body feels. The technology is again based on chemical reactions of the brain, which need to be recorded and then reproduced in another brain. It's a revolutionary technology that I developed while I was still in the underground lab at CERN. At the Center for Nuclear Research. It's based on two simple things. In fact, we think it's very complicated. When, for example, there was no electricity, it was difficult for us to understand all these technologies that now exist thanks to it. Today, what was once a miracle is absolutely commonplace for us. When, let's say, there is a live broadcast on television, even from a space station. In the laboratory, I developed a technology for scanning and transmitting what is recorded in the brain, that is, memory, and everything else that is called subconsciousness. Simply put, the stuff that makes your personality individual. Recording your consciousness, storing it, with the ability to process and rewrite it from a computer to another brain. Magic? It's actually very simple to do. Cloning is already known to mankind. Everyone remembers Dolly the sheep and many more. It's illegal to clone humans, but secret labs have been working on it. The difficult thing is the rapid growth of a cloned body. Fast cloning was achieved by a method that was used in animal husbandry, for example, to grow broiler chickens. Genetic engineering can be applied at the same time. It is possible to apply the technology of genetic modification and produce a person with appropriate properties, pre-set growth, eye color, strength, intelligence, even awareness of the thoughts of another person. It is only necessary to be able to decipher the signals of chemical reactions in the brain. After all, it is no surprise to us when we translate some of our body parameters into a familiar method of understanding. For example, the way our kidneys work is by urine; the way our heart works is by electrocardiogram. We can also trace the brain's reactions, identify them, and try to reproduce them. This is the kind of thing I have reproduced technically. The technology allows the brain to take and reproduce the reactions that were in the one from which the recording is taken. The same feelings, the same memories that we originally took and recorded using the formula. As I said above, everything we make up translates into pleasure. We can't bring the technology of cloned bodies to the masses yet. In fact, it is a method that gives people eternal life. You can clone your body, set certain parameters, and you will be the same age all the time. This does not mean that people will stop wanting to have children.

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