Der Tag: or, The Tragic Man

Джеймс Мэтью Барри
Der Tag: or, The Tragic Man

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Chancellor. I ask your pardon, Sire. It came, somehow, pat to my lips.

Officer. Your Imperial Majesty, the time passes. Will it please you to sign?

Chancellor. Bonaparte would have acted quickly.

Emperor. Bonaparte!

Chancellor. The paper, Sire.

Emperor. Leave it now with me. Return in an hour and you shall have it signed.

Officer (warningly). The least delay – Chancellor. Overmuch reflection – Emperor. I wish to be alone.

(They retire respectfully, but anxious. He is left alone in thought.)

Emperor. Even a King's life is but a day, and in his day the sun is only at its zenith once. This is my zenith; others will come to Germany, but not to me. The world pivots on me to-night. They said Bonaparte, coupling me with him. To dim Napoleon! Paris in three weeks – say four, to cover any chance miscalculation; Russia on her back in six, with Poland snapping at her, and then, after a breathing space, we reach – The Day! We sweep the English Channel, changing its name as we embark, and cross by way of Calais, which will have fallen easily into our hands, the British fleet destroyed – for that is part of the plan – Dover to London is a week of leisured marching, and London itself, unfortified and panic-stricken, falls in a day! Væ victis! I'll leave conquered Britain some balls to play with, so that there shall be no uprising. Next I carve America in great mouthfuls for my colonists, for now I strike the seas. It's all so docketed. I feel it's as good as done before I set forth to do it. Dictator of the world! And all for pacific ends. For once, the whole is mine. We come at last to the great desideratum, a universal peace. Rulers over all! God in the heavens, I upon the earth – we two! (Raising his brows threateningly) And there are still the Zeppelins! I'll sign!

(He sits in thought. He is very tired, and soon he is asleep. The lighting becomes strange; he dreams, and we see his dream. The Spirit of Cultureappears, a noble female figure in white robes.)

Emperor. Who's that?

Culture. A friend. I am Culture, who has so long hovered well-placed over happy Germany.

Emperor (who gives her royal honor). A friend – a consort! I would hear you say, O Queen, that I have done some things for you.

Culture. You have done much for me. I have held my head higher since you were added to the roll of sovereigns. I may have smiled at you at times, as when you seemed to think that you were the two of us in one, but as Kings go you have been a worthy King.
