полная версияGeological Observations on South America

Чарльз Дарвин
Geological Observations on South America

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Nautilus d'Orbignyanus.

Navidad, tertiary formations of, subsidence of.

Negro, Rio, pumice of pebbles of.

– gravel of.

– salt lakes of.

– tertiary strata of.

North America, fossil remains of.

North Wales, sloping terraces absent in. – bent cleavage of.

Neuvo Gulf, plains of. – tertiary formation of.

Owen, Professor, on fossil mammiferous remains.

Palmer, Mr., on transportation of gravel.

Pampas, elevation of. – earthquakes of. – formation of. – localities in which fossil mammifers have been found.

Panuncillo, mines of.

Parana, Rio, on saline incrustations. – Pampean formations near. – on the S. Tandil.

Parish, Sir W., on elevated shells near Buenos Ayres. – on earthquakes in the Pampas. – on fresh-water near salt lakes. – on origin of Pampean formation.

Patagonia, elevation and plains of. – denudation of. – gravel-formation of. – sea-cliffs of. – subsidence during tertiary period. – crystalline rocks of.

Payta, tertiary formations of.

Pebbles of pumice. – decrease in size on the coast of Patagonia. – means of transportation. – encrusted with living corallines. – distribution of, at the eastern foot of Cordillera. – dispersal of, in the Pampas. – zoned with colour.

Pentland, Mr., on heights in the Cordillera. – on fossils of the Cordillera.


Peru, tertiary formations of.

Peuquenes, Pass of, in the Cordillera. – ridge of.

Pholas, elevated shells of.

Pitchstone of Chiloe. – of Port Desire. – near Cauquenes. – layers of, in the Uspallata range. – of Los Hornos. – of Coquimbo.

Plains of Patagonia. – of Chiloe. – of Chile. – of Uspallata. – on eastern foot of Cordillera. – of Iquique.

Plata, La, elevation of. – tertiary formation of. – crystalline rocks of.

Playfair, Professor, on the transportation of gravel.

Pluclaro, axis of.

Pondicherry, fossils of.

Porcelain rocks of Port Desire. – of the Uspallata range.

Porphyry, pebbles of, strewed over Patagonia.

Porphyry, claystone, of Chiloe, – of Patagonia. – of Chile. – greenstone, of Chile. – doubly columnar. – claystone, rare, on the eastern side of the Portillo Pass. – brick-red and orthitic, of Cumbre Pass. – intrusive, repeatedly injected. – claystone of the Uspallata range. – of Copiapo. – eruptive sources of.

Port Desire, elevation and plains of. – tertiary formation of. – porphyries of.

Portillo Pass in the Cordillera.

Portillo chain. – compared with that of the Uspallata.

Prefil or sea-wall of Valparaiso.

Puente del Inca, section of.

Pumice, pebbles of. – conglomerate of R. Negro. – hills of, in the Cordillera.

Punta Alta, elevation of. – beds of.

Quartz-rock of the S. Ventana. – C. Blanco. – Falkland islands. – Portillo range. – viscidity of. – veins of, near Monte Video. – in dike of greenstone. – grains of, in mica slate. – in dikes. – veins of, relations to cleavage.

Quillota, Campana of.

Quintero, elevation of.

Quiriquina, elevation of. – deposits of.

Rancagua, plain of.

Rapel, R. elevation near.

Reeks, Mr. T., his analysis of decomposed shells. – his analysis of salts.

Remains, human.

Rio de Janeiro, elevation near. – crystalline rocks of.

Rivers, small power of transporting pebbles. – small power of, in forming valleys. – drainage of, in the Cordillera.

Roads, parallel, of Glen Roy.

Rocks, volcanic, of Banda Oriental.

– Tres Montes.

– Chiloe.

– Tierra del Fuego.

– with laminar structure.

Rodents, fossil, remains of.

Rogers, Professor, address to Association of American Geologists.

Rose, Professor G., on sulphate of iron at Copiapo.

S. Blas, elevation of.

S. Cruz, elevation and plains of. – valley of. – nature of gravel in valley of. – boulder formation of. – tertiary formation of. – subsidence at.

S. Fe Bajada, formations of.

S. George's bay, plains of.

S. Helena island, sea-cliffs, and subsidence of.

S. Josef, elevation of. – tertiary formation of.

S. Juan, elevation near.

S. Julian, elevation and plains of. – salt lake of. – earthy deposit with mammiferous remains. – tertiary formations of. – subsidence at.

S. Lorenzo, elevation of. – old salt formation of.

S. Mary, island of, elevation of.

S. Pedro, elevation of.

Salado, R., elevated shells of.

– Pampean formation of.


Salt, with upraised shell. – lakes of. – purity of, in salt lakes. – deliquescent, necessary for the preservation of meat. – ancient formation of, at Iquique. – at S. Lorenzo. – strata of, origin of.

Salts, superficial deposits of.

Sand-dunes of the Uruguay. – of the Pampas. – near Bahia Blanca. – of the Colorado. – of S. Cruz. – of Arica.

Sarmiento, Mount.

Schmidtmeyer on auriferous detritus.

Schomburghk, Sir R., on sea-bottom. – on the rocks of Guyana.

Scotland, sloping terraces of.

Sea, nature of bottom of, off Patagonia. – power of, in forming valleys.

Sea cliffs, formation of.

Seale, Mr., model of St. Helena.

Sebastian Bay, tertiary formation of.

Sedgwick, Professor, on cleavage.

Serpentine of Copiapo.

Serpulae, on upraised rocks.

Shale-rock, of the Portillo Pass. – of Copiapo.

Shells, upraised state of, in Patagonia. – elevated, too small for human food. – transported far inland, for food. – upraised, proportional numbers varying. – gradual decay of. – absent on high plains of Chile. – near Bahia Blanca. – preserved in concretions. – living and fossil range of, on west coast. – living, different on the east and west coast.

Shingle of Patagonia.

Siau, M., on sea-bottom.

Silver mines of Arqueros. – of Chanuncillo. – of Iquique. – distribution of.

Slip, great, at S. Cruz.

Smith, Mr., of Jordan Hill, on upraised shells retaining their colours. – on Madeira. – on elevated seaweed. – on inclined gravel beds.

Soda, nitrate of. – sulphate of, near Bahia Blanca. – carbonate of.

Soundings off Patagonia. – in Tierra del Fuego.


Spix and Martius on Brazil.

Sprengel on the production of carbonate of soda.

Springs, mineral, in the Cumbre Pass.

Stratification of sandstone in metamorphic rocks. – of clay-slate in Tierra del Fuego. – of the Cordillera of Central Chile. – little disturbed in Cumbre Pass. – disturbance of, near Copiapo.

Streams of lava at S. Cruz, inclination of. – in the Portillo range.

String of cotton with fossil-shells.

Struthiolaria ornata.

Studer, M., on metamorphic rocks.

Subsidence during formation of sea-cliffs. – near Lima. – probable, during Pampean formation. – necessary for the accumulation of permanent deposits. – during the tertiary formations of Chile and Patagonia. – probable during the Neocomian formation of the Portillo Pass. – probable during the formation of conglomerate of Tenuyan. – during the Neocomian formation of the Cumbre Pass. – of the Uspallata range. – great, at Copiapo. – during the formation of the Cordillera.

Sulphur, volcanic exhalations of.

Sumatra, promontories of.

Summary on the recent elevatory movements. – on the Pampean formation. – on the tertiary formations of Patagonia and Chile. – on the Chilean Cordillera. – on the cretaceo-oolitic formation. – on the subsidences of the Cordillera. – on the elevation of the Cordillera.

Tacna, elevation of.

Tampico, elevated shells near.

Tandil, crystalline rocks of.

Tapalguen, Pampean formation of. – crystalline rocks of.

Taylor, Mr., on copper veins of Cuba.

Temperature of Chile during the tertiary period.

Tension, lines of, origin of, axes of elevation and of cleavage.

Tenuy Point, singular section of.

Tenuyan, valley of.

Terraces of the valley of S. Cruz. – of equable heights throughout Patagonia. – of Patagonia, formation of. – of Chiloe. – at Conchalee. – of Coquimbo. – not horizontal at Coquimbo. – of Guasco. – of S. Lorenzo. – of gravel within the Cordillera.

Theories on the origin of the Pampean formation.

Tierra Amarilla.

Tierra del Fuego, form of sea-bottom. – tertiary formations of. – clay-slate formation of. – cretaceous formation of. – crystalline rocks of. – cleavage of clay-slate.

Tosca rock.

Trachyte of Chiloe. – of Port Desire. – in the Cordillera.

Traditions of promontories having been islands. – on changes of level near Lima.

Trees buried in plain of Iquique. – silicified, vertical, of the Uspallata range.

Tres Montes, elevation of. – volcanic rocks of.

Trigonocelia insolita.

Tristan Arroyo, elevated shells of.

Tschudi, Mr., on subsidence near Lima.

Tuff, calcareous, at Coquimbo. – on basin-plain near St. Jago. – structure of, in Pampas. – origin of, in Pampas. – pumiceous, of R. Negro. – Nuevo Gulf. – Port Desire. – S. Cruz. – Patagonia, summary on Chiloe. – formation of, in Portillo chain. – great deposit of, at Copiapo.

Tuffs, volcanic, metamorphic, of Uspallata. – of Coquimbo.

Ulloa, on rain in Peru. – on elevation near Lima.

Uruguay, Rio, elevation of country near.

Uspallata, plain of. – pass of. – range of. – concluding remarks on.

Valdivia, tertiary beds of. – mica-slate of.

Valley of S. Cruz, structure of.

– Coquimbo.

– Guasco, structure of.

– Copiapo, structure of.

– S. Cruz, tertiary formations of.

– Coquimbo, geology of.

– Guasco, secondary formations of.

– Copiapo, secondary formations of.

– Despoblado.

Valleys in the Cordillera bordered by gravel fringes. – formation of. – in the Cordillera.


Valparaiso, elevation of. – gneiss of.

Vein of quartz near Monte Video. – in mica-slate. – relations of, to cleavage. – in a trap dike. – of granite, quartzose. – remarkable, in gneiss, near Valparaiso.

Veins, relations of, to concretions. – metalliferous, of the Uspallata range. – metalliferous, discussion on.

Venezuela, gneissic rocks of.

Ventana, Sierra, Pampean formation near. – quartz-rock of.

Villa Vincencio Pass.

Volcan, Rio, mouth of. – fossils of.

Volcanoes of the Cordillera. – absent, except near bodies of water. – ancient submarine, in Cordillera. – action of, in relation to changes of level. – long action of, in the Cordillera.

Wafer on elevated shells.

Waves caused by earthquakes, power of, in transporting boulders. – power of, in throwing up shells.

Weaver, Mr., on elevated shells.

White, Martin., on sea-bottom.

Wood, silicified, of Entre Rios.

– S. Cruz.

– Chiloe.

– Uspallata range.

– Los Hornos.

– Copiapo.

Yeso, Rio, and plain of.

Ypun Island, tertiary formation of.


End of Project Gutenberg Etext South American Geology, by Charles Darwin

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