полная версияTheft: A Play In Four Acts

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Theft: A Play In Four Acts

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(Speaking in transmitter.) Red 6-2-4. Yes, please.



(Rising.) Call Senator Chalmers as well. Tell him to come immediately.


Yes, sir – immediately.


(Starting to cross stage to center and speaking to Margaret.) Come over here.

(Margaret follows. She is obedient, frightened, very subdued – but resolved.)

Why have you done this? Were you truthful when you said there was nothing between you and this man Knox?


Father; don't discuss this before the —

(Indicating Dobleman.) – the servants.


You should have considered that before you stole the documents.

(Dobleman, in the meantime, is telephoning in a low voice.)


There are certain dignities —


(Interrupting.) Not for a thief.

(Speaking intensely and in a low voice.) Margaret, it is not too late. Give them back, and no one shall know.

(A pause, in which Margaret is silent, in the throes of indecision.)


Mr. Hubbard says he will be here in three minutes. Fortunately, Senator Chalmers is with him.

(Starkweather nods and looks at Margaret.) (Door at left rear opens, and enter Mrs. Starkweather and Connie. They are dressed for the street and evidently just going out.)

Mrs. Starkweather

(Speaking in a rush.) We are just going out, Anthony. You were certainly wrong in making us attempt to take that 2:10 train. I simply can't make it. I know I can't. It would have been much wiser —

(Suddenly apprehending the strain of the situation between Starkweather and Margaret.) – Why, what is the matter?


(Patently disturbed by their entrance, speaking to Dobleman, who has finished with the telephone.) Lock the doors.

(Dobleman proceeds to obey.)

Mrs. Starkweather

Mercy me! Anthony! What has happened?

(A pause.) Madge! What has happened?


You will have to wait here a few minutes, that is all.

Mrs. Starkweather

But I must keep my engagements. And I haven't a minute to spare.

(Looking at Dobleman locking doors.) I do not understand.


(Grimly,) You will, shortly. I can trust no one any more. When my daughter sees fit to steal —

Mrs. Starkweather

Steal! – Margaret! What have you been doing now?


Where is Tommy?

(Mrs. Starkwater is too confounded to answer, and can only stare from face to face.) (Margaret looks her anxiety to Connie.)


He is already down in the machine waiting for us. You are coming, aren't you?


Let him wait in the machine. Margaret will come when I get done with her.

(A knock is heard at right rear.) (Starkweather looks at Dobleman and signifies that he is to open door.)

(Dobleman unlocks door, and Hubbabd and Chalmers enter. Beyond the shortest of nods and recognitions with eyes, greetings are cut short by the strain that is on all. Dobleman relocks door.)


(Plunging into it.) Look here, Tom. You know those letters Gherst stole. Mr. Hubbard recovered them from Knox and returned them to me this morning. Within five minutes Margaret stole them from me – here, right in this room. She has not left the room. They are on her now. I want them.


(Who is obviously incapable of coping with his wife, and who is panting for breath, his hand pressed to his side.) Madge, is this true?


I haven't them. I tell you I haven't them.


Where are they, then?

(She does not answer.)

If they are in the room we can find them. Search the room. Tom, Mr. Hubbard, Dobleman. They must be recovered at any cost.

(While a thorough search of the room is being made, Mrs. Starkweather, overcome, has Connie assist her to seat at left. Margaret also seats herself, in same chair at desk.)


(Pausing from search, while others continue.) There is no place to look for them. They are not in the room. Are you sure you didn't mislay them?


Nonsense. Margaret took them. They are a bulky package and not easily hidden. If they aren't in the room, then she has them on her.


Madge, give them up.


I haven't them.

(Chalmers, stepping suddenly up to her, starts feeling for the papers, running his hands over her dress.)


(Springing to her feet and striking him in the face with her open palm.) How dare you!

(Chalmers recoils, Mrs. Starkweather is threatened with hysteria and is calmed by the frightened Connie, while Starkweather looks on grimly.)


(Giving up search of room.) Possibly it would be better to let me retire, Mr. Starkweather.


No; those papers are here in this room. If nobody leaves there will be no possible chance for the papers to get out of the room. What would you recommend doing, Hubbard?


(Hesitatingly.) Under the circumstances I don't like to suggest —


Go on.


First, I would make sure that she – er – Mrs. Chalmers has taken them.


I have made that certain.


But what motive could she have for such an act?

(Hubbard looks wise.)


(To Hubbard.) You know more about this than would appear. What is it?


I'd rather not. It is too —

(Looks significantly at Mrs. Starkweather and Connie.) – er – delicate.


This affair has gone beyond all delicacy. What is it?


No! No!

(Chalmers and Starkweather look at her with sudden suspicion.)


Go on, Mr. Hubbard.


I'd – I'd rather not.


(Savagely.) I say go on.


(With simulated reluctance.) Last night – I saw – I was in Knox's rooms —


(Interrupting.) One moment; please. Let him speak, but first send Connie away.


No one shall leave this room till the documents are produced. Margaret, give me the letters, and Connie can leave quietly, and even will Hubbard's lips remain sealed. They will never breathe a word of whatever shameful thing his eyes saw. This I promise you.

(A pause, wherein he waits vainly for Margaret to make a decision.) Go on, Hubbard.


(Who is terror-stricken, and has been wavering.) No! Don't! I'll tell. I'll give you back the documents.

(All are expectant She wavers again, and steels herself to resolution.) No; I haven't them. Say all you have to say.


You see. She has them. She said she would give them back.

(To Hubbard.) Go on.


Last night —


(Springing up.) I won't stay!

(She rushes to left rear and finds door locked.) Let me out! Let me out!

Mrs. Starkweather

(Moaning and lying back in chair, legs stretched out and giving preliminary twitches and jerks of hysteria.) I shall die! I shall die! I know I shall die!


(Sternly, to Connie.) Go back to your mother.


(Returning reluctantly to side of Mrs. Starkweather, sitting down beside her, and putting fingers in her own ears.) I won't listen! I won't listen!


(Sternly.) Take your fingers down.


Hang it all, Chalmers, I wish I were out of this. I don't want to testify.


Take your fingers down.

(Connie reluctantly removes her fingers.) Now, Hubbard.


I protest. I am being dragged into this.


You can't help yourself now. You have cast black suspicions on my wife.


All right. She – Mrs. Chalmers visited Knox in his rooms last night.

Mrs. Starkweather

(Bursting out.) Oh! Oh! My Madge! It is a lie! A lie! (Kicks violently with her legs.) (Connie soothes her.)


You've got to prove that, Hubbard. If you have made any mistake it will go hard with you.


(Indicating Margaret.) Look at her. Ask her.

(Chalmers looks at Margaret with growing suspicion.)


Linda was with me. And Tommy. I had to see Mr. Knox on a very important matter. I went there in the machine. I took Linda and Tommy right into Mr. Knox's room.


(Relieved.) Ah, that puts a different complexion on it.


That is not all. Mrs. Chalmers sent the maid and the boy down to the machine and remained.


(Quickly.) But only for a moment


Much longer – much, much longer. I know how long I was kicking my heels and waiting.


(Desperately.) I say it was but for a moment – a short moment.



(Abruptly, to Hubbard.) Where were you?


In Knox's bedroom. The fool had forgotten all about me. He was too delighted with his – er – new visitor.


You said you saw.


The bedroom door was ajar. I opened it.


What did you see?


(Appealing to Hubbard.) Have you no mercy? I say it was only a moment.

(Hubbard shrugs his shoulders.)


We'll settle the length of that moment Tommy is here, and so is the maid. Connie, Margaret's maid is here, isn't she? (Connie does not answer.) Answer me!




Dobleman, ring for a maid and tell her to fetch Tommy and Mrs. Chalmer's maid.

(Dobleman goes to desk and pushes button once.)


No! Not Tommy!


(Looking shrewdly at Margaret, to Dobleman.) Mrs. Chalmer's maid will do.

(A knock is heard at left rear. Dobleman opens door and talks to maid. Closes door.)


Lock it.

(Dobleman locks door.)


(Coming over to Margaret.) So you, the immaculate one, have been playing fast and loose.


You have no right to talk to me that way, Tom —


I am your husband.


You have long since ceased being that.


What do you mean?


I mean just what you have in mind about yourself right now.


Madge, you are merely conjecturing. You know nothing against me.


I know everything – and without evidence, if you please. I am a woman. It is your atmosphere. Faugh! You have exhaled it for years. I doubt not that proofs, as you would call them, could have been easily obtained. But I was not interested. I had my boy. When he came, I gave you up, Tom. You did not seem to need me any more.


And so, in retaliation, you took up with this fellow Knox.


No, no. It is not true, Tom. I tell you it is not true.


You were there, last night, in his rooms, alone – how long we shall soon find out —

(Knock is heard at left rear. Dobleman proceeds to unlock door.) And now you have stolen your father's private papers for your lover.


He is not my lover.


But you have acknowledged that you have the papers. For whom, save Knox, could you have stolen them?

(Linda enters. She is white and strained, and looks at Margaret for some cue as to what she is to do.)


That is the woman.

(To Linda.) Come here.

(Linda advances reluctantly.) Where were you last night? You know what I mean.

(She does not speak.) Answer me.


I don't know what you mean, sir – unless —


Yes, that's it. Go on.


But I don't think you have any right to ask me such questions. What if I – if I did go out with my young man —


(To Margaret.) A very faithful young woman you've got.

(Briskly, to the others.) There's nothing to be got out of her. Send for Tommy. Dobleman, ring the bell.

(Dobleman starts to obey.)


(Stopping Dobleman.) No, no; not Tommy. Tell them, Linda.

(Linda looks appealingly at her.)

(Kindly.) Don't mind me. Tell them the truth.


(Breaking in.) The whole truth.


Yes, Linda, the whole truth.

(Linda, looking very woeful, nerves herself for the ordeal.)


Never mind, Dobleman.

(To Linda.) Very well. You were at Mr. Knox's rooms last night, with your mistress and Tommy.


Yes, sir.


Your mistress sent you and Tommy out of the room.


Yes, sir.


You waited in the machine.


Yes, sir.


(Abruptly springing the point he has been working up to.) How long?

(Linda perceives the gist of the questioning just as she is opening her mouth to reply, and she does not speak.)


(With deliberate calmness of despair.) Half an hour – an hour – any length of time your shameful minds dictate. That will do, Linda. You can go.


No you don't. Stand over there to one side.

(To the others.) The papers are in this room, and I shall keep my mind certain on that point.


I think I have shown the motive.


You are a beast!


You haven't told what you saw.


I saw them in each other's arms – several times. Then I found the stolen documents where Knox had thrown them down. So I pocketed them and closed the door.


How long after that did they remain together?


Quite a time, quite a long time.


And when you last saw them?


They were in each other's arms – quite enthusiastically, I may say, in each other's arms. (Chalmers is crushed.)


(To Hubbard.) You coward.

(Hubbard smiles.)

(To Starkweather.) When are you going to call off this hound of yours?


When I get the papers. You see what you've been made to pay for them already. Now listen to me closely. Tom, you listen, too. You know the value of these letters. If they are not recovered they will precipitate a turn-over that means not merely money but control and power. I doubt that even you would be re-elected. So what we have heard in this room must be forgotten – absolutely forgotten. Do you understand?


But it is adultery.


It is not necessary for that word to be mentioned. The point is that everything must be as it was formerly.


Yes, I understand.


(To Margaret.) You hear. Tom will make no trouble. Now give me the papers. They are mine, you know.


It seems to me the people, who have been lied to, and cajoled, and stolen from, are the rightful owners, not you.


Are you doing this out of love for this – this man, this demagogue?


For the people, the children, the future.


Faugh! Answer me.


(Slowly.) Almost I do not know. Almost I do not know.

(A knock is heard at left rear. Dobleman answers.)


(Looking at card Maid has given him, to Starkweather.) Mr. Rutland.


(Making an impatient gesture, then abruptly changing his mind, speaking grimly.) Very well. Bring him in. I've paid a lot for the Church, now we'll see what the Church can do for me.


(Impulsively crossing stage to Margaret, putting arms around her, and weeping.)

Please, please, Madge, give up the papers, and everything will be hushed up. You heard what father said. Think what it means to me if this scandal comes out. Father will hush it up. Not a soul will dare to breathe a word of it. Give him the papers.


(Kissing her, shaking head, and setting her aside.) No; I can't. But Connie, dearest —

(Connie pauses.) It is not true, Connie. He – he is not my lover. Tell me that you believe me.


(Caressing her.) I do believe you. But won't you return the papers – for my sake?

(A knock at door.)


I can't.

(Enter Rutland.)

(Connie returns to take care of Mrs. Starkweather.)


(Advances beamingly upon Starkweather.) My, what a family gathering. I hastened on at once, my dear Mr. Starkweather, to thank you in person, ere you fled away to New York, for your generously splendid – yes, generously splendid – contribution —

(Here the strained situation dawns upon him, and he remains helplessly with mouth open, looking from one to another.)


A theft has been committed, Mr. Rutland. My daughter has stolen something very valuable from me – a package of private papers, so important – well, if she succeeds in making them public I shall be injured to such an extent financially that there won't be any more generously splendid donations for you or anybody else. I have done my best to persuade her to return what she has stolen. Now you try. Bring her to a realization of the madness of what she is doing.


(Quite at sea, hemming and hawing.) As your spiritual adviser, Mrs. Chalmers – if this be true – I recommend – I suggest – I – ahem – I entreat —


Please, Mr. Rutland, don't be ridiculous. Father is only making a stalking horse out of you. Whatever I may have done, or not done, I believe I am doing right. The whole thing is infamous. The people have been lied to and robbed, and you are merely lending yourself to the infamy of perpetuating the lying and the robbing. If you persist in obeying my father's orders – yes, orders – you will lead me to believe that you are actuated by desire for more of those generously splendid donations. (Starkweather sneers.)


(Embarrassed, hopelessly at sea.) This is, I fear – ahem – too delicate a matter, Mr. Starkweather, for me to interfere. I would suggest that it be advisable for me to withdraw – ahem —


(Musingly.) So the Church fails me, too.

(To Rutland.) No, you shall stay right here.


Father, Tommy is down in the machine alone. Won't you let me go?


Give me the papers.

(Mrs. Starkweather rises and totters across to Margaret, moaning and whimpering.)

Mrs. Starkweather

Madge, Madge, it can't be true. I don't believe it. I know you have not done this awful thing. No daughter of mine could be guilty of such wickedness. I refuse to believe my ears —

(Mrs. Starkweather sinks suddenly on her knees before Margaret, with clasped hands, weeping hysterically.)


(Stepping to her side.) Get up.

(Hesitates and thinks.) No; go on. She might listen to you.


(Attempting to raise her mother.) Don't, mother, don't. Please get up.

(Mrs. Starkweather resists her hysterically.) You don't understand, mother. Please, please, get up.

Mrs. Starkweather

Madge, I, your mother, implore you, on my bended knees. Give up the papers to your father, and I shall forget all I have heard. Think of the family name. I don't believe it, not a word of it; but think of the shame and disgrace. Think of me. Think of Connie, your sister. Think of Tommy. You'll have your father in a terrible state. And you'll kill me. (Moaning and rolling her head.)

I'm going to be sick. I know I am going to be sick.


(Bending over mother and raising her, while Connie comes across stage to help support mother.) Mother, you do not understand. More is at stake than the good name of the family or – (Looking at Rutland.) – God. You speak of Connie and Tommy. There are two millions of Connies and Tommys working as child laborers in the United States to-day. Think of them. And besides, mother, these are all lies you have heard. There is nothing between Mr. Knox and me. He is not my lover. I am not the – the shameful thing – these men have said I am.


(Appealingly.) Madge.


(Appealingly.) Connie. Trust me. I am right. I know I am right.

(Mrs. Starkweather, supported by Connie, moaning incoherently, is led back across stage to chair.)



Margaret, a few minutes ago, when you told me there was nothing between you and this man, you lied to me – lied to me as only a wicked woman can lie.


It is clear that you believe the worst.


There is nothing less than the worst to be believed. Besides, more heinous than your relations with this man is what you have done here in this room, stolen from me, and practically before my very eyes. Well, you have crossed your will with mine, and in affairs beyond your province. This is a man's game in which you are attempting to play, and you shall take the consequences. Tom will apply for a divorce.


That threat, at least, is without power.


And by that means we can break Knox as effectually as by any other. That is one thing the good stupid people will not tolerate in a chosen representative. We will make such a scandal of it —

Mrs. Starkweather

(Shocked.) Anthony!


(Glancing irritably at his wife and continuing.) Another thing. Being proven an adulterous woman, morally unfit for companionship with your child, your child will be taken away from you.


No, no. That cannot be. I have done nothing wrong. No court, no fair-minded judge, would so decree on the evidence of a creature like that.

(Indicating Hubbard.)


My evidence is supported. In an adjoining room were two men. I happen to know, because I placed them there. They were your father's men at that. There is such a thing as seeing through a locked door. They saw.


And they would swear to – to anything.


I doubt not they will know to what to swear.


Margaret, I have told you some, merely some, of the things I shall do. It is not too late. Return the papers, and everything will be forgotten.


You would condone this – this adultery. You, who have just said that I was morally unfit to have my own boy, will permit me to retain him. I had never dreamed, father, that your own immorality would descend to such vile depths. Believing this shameful thing of me, you will forgive and forget it all for the sake of a few scraps of paper that stand for money, that stand for a license to rob and steal from the people. Is this your morality – money?


I have my morality. It is not money. I am only a steward; but so highly do I conceive the duties of my stewardship —


(Interrupting, bitterly.) The thefts and lies and all common little sins like adulteries are not to stand in the way of your high duties – that the end hallows the means.


(Shortly.) Precisely.


(To Rutland.) There is Jesuitism, Mr. Rutland. I would suggest that you, as my father's spiritual adviser —


Enough of this foolery. Give me the papers.


I haven't them.


What's to be done, Hubbard?


She has them. She has as much as acknowledged that they are not elsewhere in the room. She has not been out of the room. There is nothing to do but search her.


Nothing else remains to be done. Dobleman, and you, Hubbard, take her behind the screen. Strip her. Recover the papers.

(Dobleman is in a proper funk, but Hubbard betrays no unwillingness.)


No; that I shall not permit. Hubbard shall have nothing to do with this.


It is too late, Tom. You have stood by and allowed me to be stripped of everything else. A few clothes do not matter now. If I am to be stripped and searched by men, Mr. Hubbard will serve as well as any other man. Perhaps Mr. Rutland would like to lend his assistance.


Oh, Madge! Give them up.

(Margaret shakes her head.)

(To Starkweather.) Then let me search her, father.


You are too willing. I don't want volunteers. I doubt that I can trust you any more than your sister.


Let mother, then.


(Sneering.) Margaret could smuggle a steamer-trunk of documents past her.


But not the men, father! Not the men!


Why not? She has shown herself dead to all shame.

(Imperatively.) Dobleman!


(Thinking his time has come, and almost dying.) Y-y-yes, sir.


Call in the servants.

Mrs. Starkweather

(Crying out in protest.) Anthony!


Would you prefer her to be searched by the men?

Mrs. Starkweather

(Subsiding.) I shall die, I shall die. I know I shall die.


Dobleman. Ring for the servants.

(Dobleman, who has been hesitant, crosses to desk and pushes button, then returns toward door.) Send in the maids and the housekeeper.

(Linda, blindly desiring to be of some assistance, starts impulsively toward Margaret.) Stand over there – in the corner.

(Indicating right front.)

(Linda pauses irresolutely and Margaret nods to her to obey and smiles encouragement. Linda, protesting in every fiber of her, goes to right front.)

(A knock at right rear and Dobleman unlocks door, confers with maid, and closes and locks door.)


(To Margaret.) This is no time for trifling, nor for mawkish sentimentality. Return the papers or take the consequences.

(Margaret makes no answer.)


You have taken a hand in a man's game, and you've got to play it out or quit. Give up the papers.

(Margaret remains resolved and impassive.)


(Suavely.) Allow me to point out, my dear Mrs. Chalmers, that you are not merely stealing from your father. You are playing the traitor to your class.


And causing irreparable damage.


(Firing up suddenly and pointing to Lincoln's portrait) I doubt not he caused irreparable damage when he freed the slaves and preserved the Union. Yet he recognized no classes. I'd rather be a traitor to my class than to him.


Demagoguery. Demagoguery.

(A knock at right rear. Dobleman opens door. Enter Mrs. Middleton who is the housekeeper, followed by two Housemaids. They pause at rear. Housekeeper to the fore and looking expectantly at Starkweather. The Maids appear timid and frightened.)


Yes, sir.


Mrs. Middleton, you have the two maids to assist you. Take Mrs. Chalmers behind that screen there and search her. Strip all her clothes from her and make a careful search. (Maids show perturbation.)


(Self-possessed.) Yes, sir. What am I to search for?


Papers, documents, anything unusual. Turn them over to me when you find them.


(In a sudden panic.) This is monstrous! This is monstrous!


So is your theft of the documents monstrous.


(Appealing to the other men, ignoring Rutland and not considering Dobleman at all.)

You cowards! Will you stand by and permit this thing to be done? Tom, have you one atom of manhood in you?


(Doggedly.) Return the papers, then.


Mr. Rutland —


(Very awkwardly and oilily.) My dear Mrs. Chalmers. I assure you the whole circumstance is unfortunate. But you are so palpably in the wrong that I cannot interfere – (Margaret turns from him in withering scorn.) – That I cannot interfere.


(Breaking down unexpectedly.) I cannot stand it. I leave your employ, sir. It is outrageous. I resign now, at once. I cannot be a party to this.

(Striving to unlock door.) I am going at once. You brutes! You brutes!

(Breaks into convulsive sobbings.)


Ah, another lover, I see.

(Dobleman manages to unlock door and starts to open it.)


You fool! Shut that door!

(Dobleman hesitates.) Shut it!

(Dobleman obeys.) Lock it!

(Dobleman obeys.)


(Smiling wistfully, benignantly.) Thank you, Mr. Dobleman.

(To Starkweather.) Father, you surely will not perpetrate this outrage, when I tell you, I swear to you —


(Interrupting.) Return the documents then.


I swear to you that I haven't them. You will not find them on me.


You have lied to me about Knox, and I have no reason to believe you will not lie to me about this matter.


(Steadily.) If you do this thing you shall cease to be my father forever. You shall cease to exist so far as I am concerned.


You have too much of my own will in you for you ever to forget whence it came. Mrs. Middleton, go ahead.

(Housekeeper, summoning Maids with her eyes, begins to advance on Margaret.)


(In a passion.) Father, if you do this I shall never speak to you again.

(Breaks down weeping.) (Mrs. Starkweather, during following scene, has mild but continuous shuddering and weeping hysteria.)


(Briskly, looking at watch.) I've wasted enough time on this. Mrs. Middleton, proceed.


(Wildly, backing away from Housekeeper.) I will not tamely submit. I will resist, I promise you.


Use force, if necessary.

(The Maids are reluctant, but Housekeeper commands them with her eyes to close in on Margaret, and they obey.)

(Margaret backs away until she brings up against desk.)


Come, Mrs. Chalmers.

(Margaret stands trembling, but refuses to notice Housekeeper.) (Housekeeper places hand on Margaret's arm.)


(Violently flinging the hand off, crying imperiously.) Stand back!

(Housekeeper instinctively shrinks back, as do Maids. But it is only for the moment. They close in upon Margaret to seise her.)

(Crying frantically for help.) Linda! Linda!

(Linda springs forward to help her mistress, but is caught and held struggling by Chalmers, who twists her arm and finally compels her to become quiet.)

(Margaret, struggling and resisting, is hustled across stage and behind screen, the Maids warming up to their work. One of them emerges from behind screen for the purpose of getting a chair, upon which Margaret is evidently forced to sit. The screen is of such height, that occasionally, when standing up and struggling, Margaret's bare arms are visible above the top of it. Muttered exclamations are heard, and the voice of Housekeeper trying to persuade Margaret to sub-mit.)


(Abruptly, piteously.) No! No!

(The struggle becomes more violent, and the screen is overturned, disclosing Margaret seated on chair, partly undressed, and clutching an envelope in her hand which they are trying to force her to relinquish.)

Mrs. Starkweather

(Crying wildly.) Anthony! They are taking her clothes off!

(Renewed struggle of Linda with Chalmers at the sight.)

(Starkweather, calling Rutland to his assistance, stands screen up again, then, as an afterthought, pulls screen a little further away from Margaret.)


No! No!

(Housekeeper appears triumphantly with envelope in her hand and hands it to Hubbard.)


(Immediately.) That's not it.

(Glances at address and starts.) It's addressed to Knox.


Tear it open. Read it.

(Hubbard tears envelope open.) (While this is going on, struggle behind screen is suspended.)


(Withdrawing contents of envelope.) It is only a photograph – of Mrs. Chalmers.

(Reading.) "For the future – Margaret."


(Thrusting Linda back to right front and striding up to Hubbard.) Give it to me. (Hubbard passes it to him, and he looks at it, crumples it in his hand, and grinds it under foot.)


That is not what we wanted, Mrs. Middleton. Go on with the search.

(The search goes on behind the screen without any further struggling.) (A pause, during which screen is occasionally agitated by the searchers removing Margaret's garments.)


(Appearing around corner of screen.) I find nothing else, sir.


Is she stripped?


Yes, sir.


Every stitch?


(Disappearing behind screen instead of answering for a pause, during which it is patent that the ultimate stitch is being removed, then reappearing.) Yes, sir.
