полная версияBacon is Shake-Speare

Durning-Lawrence Edwin
Bacon is Shake-Speare

Полная версия

Miscueruntque novercae non innoxia verba

Jurisconsultj domus oraculum Civitatis

now as ambiguows as oracles.

Hic clamosi rabiosa forj

Jurgia vendens improbus

Iras et verba locat

In veste varietas sit scissura non sit

Plenitude potestatis est plenitudo tempestatis

Iliacos intra muros peccatur et extra

Prosperum et felix scelus virtus vocatur

Da mihi fallere da iustum sanctumque viderj.

Nil nisi turpe iuuat cure est sua cuique voluptas

Hec quoque ab alterius grata dolore venit

Casus ne deusne

fabuleque manes

Folio 92, front

Ille Bioneis sermonibus et sale nigro

Existimamus diuitem omnia scire recte

Querunt cum qua gente cadant

Totus mu[n]dus in malingo positus

O major tandem parcas insane minori


forma dat esse

Nee fandj fictor Vlisses

Non tu plus cernis sed plus temerarius audes

Nec tibj plus cordis sed minus oris inest.

Invidiam placare paras virtute relicta

[Greek: ho polla klepsas oliga douk ekpheuxetai]

Botrus oppositus Botro citius maturescit.

Old treacle new losanges.

Soft fire makes sweet malt.

Good to be mery and wise.

Seeldome cometh the better.

He must needes swymme that is held vp by the chynne.

He that will sell lawne before he can fold it.

Shall repent him before he haue sold it.

No man loueth his fetters thowgh they be of gold.

The nearer the church the furder from God.

All is not gold that glisters.

Beggers should be no chuzers.

A beck is as good as a dieu vous gard.

The rowling stone neuer gathereth mosse.

Better children weep then old men.

Folio 92, back

When bale is heckst boote is next.

Ill plaieng w'th short dag (taunting replie).

He that neuer clymb neuer fell.

The loth stake standeth long.

Itch and ease can no man please.

To much of one thing is good for nothing.

Ever spare and euer bare.

A catt may looke on a Kyng.

He had need be a wyly mowse should breed in the

cattes ear.

Many a man speaketh of Rob. hood that neuer shott

in his bowe.

Batchelers wyues and maides children are well


God sendeth fortune to fooles.

Better are meales many then one to mery.

Many kisse the child for the nurses sake.

When the head akes all the body is the woorse.

When theeues fall owt trew men come to their good.

An yll wynd that bloweth no man to good.

All this wynd shakes no Corn.

Thear be more waies to the wood then one.

Tymely crookes the Tree that will a good Camocke be.

Better is the last smile then thefirst laughter.

No peny no pater noster.

Every one for himself and God for vs all.

Folio 93, front

Long standing and small offring.

The catt knowes whose lippes she lickes.

As good neuer a whitt as neuer the better.

fluvius quae procul sunt irrigat.

As far goeth the pilgrymme as the post.

Cura esse quod audis.

[Greek: Erga neon Bomlai de meson enchai de geronton.]

Taurum tollet qui vitulum sustulerit.

Lunae radijs non maturescit Botrus.

Nil profuerit Bulbus; y'e potado will doe no good.

Dormientis rete trahit The sleeping mans nett draweth.

ijsdem e literis efficitur Tragedia et Comedia.

Tragedies and Comedies are made of one Alphabett.

Good wyne needes no bush.

Heroum filij noxae.

The sonnes of demy goddes demy men.

Alia res sceptrum alia plectrum

fere danides.20

Abore dejecta quivis ligna colligit.

The hasty bytch whelpes a blind lytter.

Priscis credendum.

We must beleeue the wytnesses are dead.

Thear is no trusting a woman nor a tapp.

Folio 93, back

Not onely y'e Spring but the Michelmas Spring.

Virj iurejurandi pueri talis fallendj.

Ipsa dies quandoque parens quandoque noverca est.

Vbj non sis qui fueris non esse cur velis viuere.

Compendiaria res improbitas.

It is in action as it is in wayes; comonly the nearest

is the fowlest.

Lachrima nil citius arescit.

woorke when God woorkes.

A shrewd turn comes vnbidden.

Hirundines sub eodem tecto ne habeas.

A thorn is gentle when it is yong.

Aut regem aut fatuum nasci oportet (of a free jester).

Exigua res est ipsa Justitia.

Quae non posuistj ne tollas.

Dat veniam coruis vexat Censura columbas.

Lapsa lingua verum dicit.

The toung trippes vpon troth.

The evill is best that is lest [best?] knowen.

A mercury cannot be made of every wood (bvt

priapus may).

Princes haue a Cypher.

Anger of all passions beareth the age lest [best?].

One hand washeth another.

Iron sharpeth against Iron.

Folio 94, front

Eyther bate conceyte or putt to strength.

faciunt et sphaceli Immunitatem.

He may be a fidler that cannot be a violine.

Milke the staunding Cowe. Why folowe yow the


He is the best prophete that telleth the best fortune.

Garlike and beans

like lettize like lips.

Mons cum monte non miscetur.

Hilles meet not.

A northen man may speake broad.

Haesitantia Cantoris Tussis.

No hucking Cator buyeth good achates.

Spes alit exules.

Romanus sedendo vincit.

Yow must sowe w'th the hand not w'th the baskett.

Mentiuntur multa cantores (few pleasing speches


It is noth if it be in verse.

Leonis Catulum ne alas.

He cowrtes a fury.

Dij laneos habent pedes (They leaue no prynt).

The weary ox setteth stronger.

A mans customes are the mowldes whear his fortune

is cast.

Folio 94, back

Beware of the vinegar of sweet wyne.

Adoraturj sedeant.21

To a foolish people a preest possest.

The packes may be sett right by the way.

It is the Cattes nature and the wenches fault.

Coene fercula nostre.

Mallem conviuis quam placuisse cocis.

Al Confessor medico e aduocato.

Non si de tener [tena?] il ver celato.

Assaj ben balla a chi fortuna suona.

A yong Barber and an old phisicion.

Buon vin Cattina testa dice il griego.

Buon vin fauola lunga.

good watch chazeth yll aduenture.

Campo rotto paga nuoua.

Better be martyr then Confessor.

L'Imbassador no porta pena.

Bella botta non ammazza vecello.

A tender finger maketh a festred sore.

A catt will neuer drowne if she see the shore.

Qui a teme [temor?] a lie.

He that telleth tend [tond?] lyeth is eyther a foole

himself or he to whome he telles them.

Che posce a [ci?] Cana pierde piu che guadagna.

Folio 95, front

Ramo curto vindimi lunga

Tien l'amico tuo con viso suo.

Gloria in the end of the salme

An asses trott and a fyre of strawe dureth not

Por mucho madrugar no amanece mas ayna

Erly rising hasteneth not y'e morning.

Do yra el Buey que no are?

Mas vale buena quexa que mala paga

Better good pleint then yll pay

He that pardons his enemy the amner shall haue

his goodes

Chi offendi maj perdona

He that resolues in hast repentes at leasure

A dineros pagados brazos quebrados.

Mas uale bien de lexos que mal de cerca.

El lobo & la vulpeja son todos d'vna conseja

No haze poco quien tu mal echa a otro (oster before)

El buen suena, el mal buela.

At the trest of the yll the lest

Di mentira y sagueras verdad

Tell a lye to knowe a treuth

La oveja mansa mamma su madre y agena

En fin la soga quiebra por el mas delgado.

Quien ruyn es en su villa ruyn es en Sevilla

Quien no da nudo pierde punto

Quien al Ciel escupe a la cara se le buelve

Covetousenesse breakes the sacke

Dos pardales a tua espiga haze mala ligua

Folio 95, back

Quien ha las hechas ha las sospechas.

La muger que no vera no haze larga tela

Quien a las hechas ha las sospechas.

Todos los duelos con pan son buenos.

El mozo por no saber, y el viejo por no poder dexan

las cosas pierder.

La hormiga quandose a de perder nasiente alas

De los leales se hinchen los huespitales.

Dos que se conoscan de lexos se saludan.

Bien ayrna quien mal come.

Por mejoria mi casa dexaria

Hombre apercebido medio combatido

He caries fier in one hand and water in the other

To beat the bush while another catches the byrd

To cast beyond the moone

His hand is on his halfpeny

As he brues so he must drinke

Both badd me God speed but neyther bad me wellcome


To bear two faces in a whood

To play cold prophett

To sett vp a candell before the devill

He thinketh his farthing good syluer

Folio 96, front

Let them that be a cold blowe at the cold.

I haue seen as farre come as nigh

The catt would eat fish but she will not wett her foote

Jack would be a gentleman if he could speake french

Tell your cardes and tell me what yow haue wonne

Men know how the markett goeth by the markett men.

The keyes hang not all by one mans gyrdell.

While the grasse growes the horse starueth

I will hang the bell about the cattes neck.

He is one of them to whome God bedd heu

I will take myne altar in myne armes

for the mooneshyne in the water

It may ryme but it accords not

To make a long haruest for a lyttell corn

Folio 96, back

Neyther to heavy nor to hott

Soft for dashing

Thowght is free

The deuill hath cast a bone to sett strife

To putt ones hand between the barke and the Tree

Who meddles in all thinges may shoe the gosling

Let the catt wynke and lett the mowse runne

He hath one pointe of a good haulke he is handy

The first poynt of a faulkener to hold fast

Ech finger is a thumb

Owt of Gods blessing into the warme sune.

At eve[r]y dogges barke to awake

A lone day

My self can tell best where my shoe wringes me

A cloke for the Rayne

To leap owt of the frieng pan into the fyre

Now toe on her distaff then she can spynne

To byte and whyne

The world runs on wheeles

He would haue better bread than can be made of whea[t]

To take hart of grace

Folio 97, front

Thear was no more water then the shipp drewe

A man must tell yow tales and find yow ears

Haruest ears (of a busy man).

When thrift is in the feeld he is in the Towne

That he wynnes in y'e hundreth he louseth in the Shyre

To stumble at a strawe and leap over a bloc

To stoppe two gappes with one bush

To doe more than the preest spake of on Sunday

To throwe the hatchet after the helve

Yow would be ouer the stile before yow come at it.

Asinus avis (a foolish conjecture).

Herculis Cothurnos aptare infantj

To putt a childes leg into Hercules buskin

Jupiter orbus

Tales of Jupiter dead withowt yssue

Juxta fluuium puteum fodere

To dig a well by the Ryuer side

A ring of Gold on a swynes snowte

To help the sunne with lantornes

In ostio formosus (gratiows to shew)

Myosobae flyflappers (offyciows fellowes)

[Greek: Adelphizein]. To brother it (fayre speech)

Jactare iugum To shake the yoke

When It was to salt to wash it with fresh water

(when speach groweth in bi … to fynd taulke

more gratfull)

Folio 97, back

Mira de lente

Quid ad farinas.

Quarta luna Natj (Hercules nativity).

Olle amicitia.

Venus font.

Utraque nutans sententia

Hasta caduceum

The two that went to a feast both at dyner and

supper neyther knowne, the one a tall the other

a short man and said they would be one

anothers shadowe. It was replied it fell owt fitt,

for at noone the short man mowght be the long

mans shadowe and at night the contrary.

A sweet dampe (a dislike of moist perfume).

Wyld tyme on the grownd hath a sent like a Cypresse chest.

Panis lapidosus grytty bread

Plutoes Helmett; secrecy Invisibility


Omnem vocem mittere (from inchantmentes)

Tertium caput; (of one ouercharged that hath a burden

upon eyther showder and the 3rd. vpon his head).

Triceps mercurius (great cunyng).

Creta notare (chaulking and colouring).

Folio 98, front

Vt phidie signum (presently allowed).

Jovis sandalium; (Jupiters slipper, a man onely

esteemed for nearnesse).

Pennas nido majore extendere.

Hic Rhodus Hic Saltus (exacting demonstracion).

Atticus in portum

Divinum excipio sermonem

Agamemnonis hostia

With sailes and owres

To way ancre.

To keep strooke (fitt conjunctes).

To myngle heauen and earth together.

To stirr his curteynes (to raise his wyttes and sprites).

Comovere sacra

To iudg the Corne by the strawe.

Domj Conjecturam facere [Greek: oikothen eikax[ein]]

To divine with a sive (?)

Mortuus per somnum vacabis curis (of one that

interpretes all thinges to the best).

Nil sacrj es (Hercules to adonis).

Plumbeo iugulare gladio (A tame argument).

Locrensis bos (a mean present).

Ollaris Deus. (a man respected for his profession

withowt woorth in himself).

In foribus Vrceus; an earthen pott in the threshold


Folio 98, back

To drawe of the dregges

Lightenyng owt of a payle

Durt tramped w'th bloude.

Ni pater esses

Vates secum auferat omen.

In eo ipso stas lapide vbj praeco praedicat, of one that

is abowt to be bowght and sold.

Lydus ostium claudit (of one that is gone away w'th

his purpose).

Vtranque paginam facit An auditors booke (of one

to whome both good and yll is imputed).

Non navigas noctu (of one that govern[s] himself

acaso [bycause] the starres which were wont to

be the shipmans direction appear but in the


It smelleth of the lampe

You are in the same shippe

Between the hamer and the Andville

Res est in cardine

Vndarum in vinis

Lepus pro carnibus (of a man persecuted for profite

and not for malice).

Corpore effugere

Nunquid es saul inter prophetas

A dog in the manger

[Greek: Oaekonous] (a howsedowe a dedman).

Folio 99, front

Officere luminibus

I may be in their light but not in their way.

Felicibus sunt et timestres liberj.

To stumble at the threshold

Aquilae senectus

Of the age now they make popes of

Nil ad Parmenonis suem

Aquila in nubibus (a thing excellent but remote).

Mox Sciemus melius vate

In omni fabula et Daedali execratio (of one made a

party to all complaintes).

Semper tibj pendeat hamus.

Res redit ad triarios.

Tentantes ad trojam pervenere greci

Cignea cantio

To mowe mosse (vnseasonable taking of vse or


Ex tripode

Ominabitur aliquis te conspecto.

He came of an egge

Leporem comedit

Folio 99, back

H [Greek: Ae tan ae epi tun]

Dormientis rete trahit

Vita doliaris

He castes another mans chaunces.

I neuer liked proceeding vpon Articles before bookes

nor betrothinges before mariages.

Lupus circa puteum chorum agit

The woolue danceth about the welle.

Spem pretio emere

Agricola semper in nouum annam diues.

To lean to a staffe of reed

fuimus Troes.

Ad vinum disertj.

To knytt a rope of sand.

Pedum visa est via

Panicus casus

Penelopes webb

[Greek: skiamachein]

To striue for an asses shade

Laborem serere.

Hylam inclamat.

[Greek: theomachein]

To plowe the wyndes

Actum agere

Versuram soluere To euade by a greater mischeef.

Bulbos querit (of those that looke downe

Between the mowth and the morsell).

A Buskin (that will serve both legges

not an indifferent man but a dowble spye).

Folio 100, front

Chameleon Proteus, Euripus.

Mu[l]ta novit uulpes sed Echinus unum magnum

Semper Africa aliquid monstrj parit

Ex eodem ore calidum et frigidum.

Ex se finxit velut araneus

Laqueus laqueum cepit.

Hinc ille lachrime; Hydrus in dolio

Dicas tria ex Curia (liberty vpon dispaire)

Argi Collis (a place of robbing).

Older then Chaos.

Samiorum flores

A bride groomes life

Samius comatus (of one of no expectacion and great


Adonis gardens (thinges of great pleasure but soone


Que sub axillis fiunt.

In crastinum seria.

To remooue an old tree

[Greek: Kymakophon] (of one that fretteth and vaunteth

boldnesse to vtter choler).

To bite the br[i]dle

Lesbia regula.

Vnguis in vlcere

To feed vpon musterd

In antro trophonij (of one that neuer laugheth).

Arctum annulum ne gestato.

Folio 100, back

Areopagita; Scytala.

Cor ne edito.

Cream of Nectar

Promus magis quam Condus.

He maketh to deep a furrowe

Charons fares

Amazonum cantile[n]a; The Amazons song

(Delicate persons).

To sow curses.

To quench fyre with oyle

Ex ipso boue lora sumere.

Mala attrahens ad se vt Cesias nubes

Pryauste gaudes gaudium.

Bellerophontis literae (producing lettres or evidence

against a mans self).

Puer glaciem.

To hold a woolf by the ears

fontibus apros, floribus austrum

Softer then the lippe of the ear

More tractable then wax

Aurem vellere.

[Greek: Aeeritrimma]; frippon

To picke owt the Ravens eyes.


Improbitas musce (an importune that wilbe soone

awnswered but straght in hand agayne).

Argentangina, sylver mumpes

Lupi illum videre priores

Dorica musa.

To looke a gyven horse in the mowth.

Folio 101, front

Vlysses pannos exuit.

fatis imputandum


Terrae filius

Hoc jam et vates sciunt

Whear hartes cast their hornes

few dead byrdes fownd.

Prouolvitur ad milvios (a sickly man gladd of the



Odi memorem compotorem.

Delius natator.

Numeris platonis obscurius

Dauus sum non Oedipus

Infixo aculeo fugere

Genuino mordere.

Ansam quaerere.

Que sunt apud inferos sermones.

Et Scellij filium abominor (of him that cannot

endure the sound of a matter; from Aristocrates

Scellius sonne, whome a man deuoted to a

democracy said he could not abide for the

nearnesse of his name to an Aristocracy).

Water from the handes (such doctrynes as are

polluted by custome).

Folio 101, back

famis campus an yll horse kept

The thredd is sponne now nedes the neadle

quadratus homo. a Cube.

fenum habet in Cornu.

Armed intreaty.

Omnia secunda saltat senex.

[Greek: theon cheires]

Mopso Nisa datur

Dedecus publicum.

Riper then a mulbery.

Tanquam de Narthecio

Satis quercus; Enowgh of Acornes.

Haile of perle.

Intus canere.

Symonidis Cantilena.

Viam qui nescit ad mare

Alter Janus.

To swyme withowt a barke

An owles egg.

Shake another tree

E terra spectare naufragia

In diem vivere

Vno die consenescere.

[Greek: Porro dios te K[a]i keraunou]

Servire scenae.

Omnium horarum homo

Spartae servi maxime servi

Non sum ex istis heriobus (sic) (potentes ad


Folio 101, back – continued

Scopae dissolute

Clavum clauo pellere

Extra querere sese

Folio 102, front

Cumjnj sector

Laconice lunae.

Coruus aquat.

Ne incalceatus in montes.

Domj Milesia

Sacra hec non aliter constant.

Gallus insistit

Leonis vestigia quaeris (ostentation with couardize)

fumos vendere


Calidum mendacium optimum

Solus Currens vincit.

Vulcaneum vinclum.

Salt to water (whence it came).

Canis seviens in lapidem

Aratro iacularj.

Semel rubidus decies pallidus.

Tanto buon che ual niente

So good, as he is good for nothing.

The crowe of the bellfry.

The vinegar of sweet wyne.

En vne nuit naist vn champignon.

He hath more to doe then the ovens in Christmas.

piu doppio ch' una zevola

Il cuopre vn altare & discuopre l' altro

He will hide himself in a mowne medowe

Il se crede segnar & se da de dettj ne gli occhi

He thinkes to blesse himself and thrustes his fingers into his eyes

Folio 102, back

He is gone like a fay withowt his head

La sopra scritta e buona

La pazzia li fa andare |

La vergogna li fa restare |

Mangia santj & caga Diauolj.

Testa digiuna, barba pasciuta.

L'asne qui porte le vin et boit l'eau

lyke an ancher that is euer in the water and will

neuer learn to swyme

He doth like the ape that the higher he clymbes the

more he shews his ars.

Se no va el otero a Mahoma vaya Mahoma al otero.

Nadar y nadar y ahogar a la orilla

llorar duelos agenos

Si vos sabes mucho tambien se yo mi salm [o?]

Por hazer mi miel comieron mj muxcas

Come suol d'Invierno quien sale tarde y pone presto.

Lo que con el ojo veo con el dedo lo adeuino

Hijo no tenemos y nombre lo ponemos.

Por el buena mesa y mal testamento.

Era mejor lamiendo que no mordiendo

Perro del hortelano

Despues d'yo muerto ni vinna ni huerto

Perdj mj honor hablando mal y oyendo peor

Tomar asino que me lleue y no cauallo que me derruque.

Folio 103, front

So many heades so many wittes

Happy man happy dole

In space cometh grace

Nothing is impossible to a willing hand

Of two ylles chuze the lest.

Better to bow then to breake

Of suffrance cometh ease

Two eyes are better then one.

Leaue is light

Better vnborn then vntaught.

All is well that endes well

Of a good begynyng comes a good ending

Thinges doone cannot be vndoone

Pride will haue a fall

Some what is better then nothing

Better be envyed then pytied

Every man after his fashon

He may doe much yll ere he doe much woorse

We be but where we were

Vse maketh mastery

Loue me lyttell love me long.

They that are bownd must obey

Foly it is to spurn against the pricke

Better sitt still then rise and fall.

Might overcomes right

No smoke w'th owt some fire

Tyme tryeth troth

Make not to sorowes of one

Folio 103, back

Thear is no good accord

whear euery one would be a lord

Saieng and doing are two thinges

Better be happy then wise

Who can hold that will away

Allwaies let leasers haue their woordes

Warned and half armed

He that hath an yll name is half hanged

Frenzy Heresy and jalousy are three

That seeldome or neuer cured be

That the ey seeth not the hart rueth not

Better comyng to the ending of a feast then to the

begynyng of a fray

Yll putting a swoord in a mad mans hand

He goes farre that neuer turneth

Principium dimidium totius

Quot homines tot sententiae

Suum cujque pulchrum.

Que supra nos nihil ad nos

Ama tanquam osurus oderis tanquam amaturus.

Amicorum omnia communia

Vultu sepe leditur pietas

Fortes fortuna adjuuat.

Omne tulit punctum.

In magnis et uoluisse sat est

Difficilia quoee pulchra.

Turn tua res agitur paries cum proximus ardet

Et post malam segetem serendum est

Omnium rerum vicissitudo

Folio 103 back – continued

In nil sapiendo vita jucundissima

Parturiunt montes nascetur ridiculus mus

Dulce bellum inexpertis

Naturam expellas furca licet vsque recurret.

Folio 104, front

Quo semel est imbuta recens servabit odorem

Bis dat qui cito dat

Consciencia mille testes

In vino veritas

Bonae leges ex malis moribus

Nequicquam sapit qui sibj non sapit

Summum jus summa injuria

Sera in fundo parsimonia

Optimum non nasci

Musa mihi causas memora


Ambages sed summa sequar fastigia rerum

Causasque innecte morandj

Incipit effari mediaque in voce resistit

Sensit enim simulata voce locutam

quae prima exordia sumat

Haec alternantj potior sententia visa est.

Et inextricabilis error

Obscuris vera inuolvens.

Hae tibi erunt artes

Sic genus amborum scindit se sanguine ab vno.

Varioque viam sermone leuabat

Quid causas petis ex alto fiducia cessit

Quo tibj Diua mej

Causas nequicquam nectis inanes

quid me alta silentia cogis

Rumpere et obductum verbis vulgare dolorem

Nequicquam patrias tentasti lubricus artes

Do quod uis et me victusque uolensque remitto

Folio 104, front – continued

Sed scelus hoc meritj pondus et instar habet

Quaeque prior nobis intulit ipse ferat

Officium fecere pium sed invtile nobis

Exiguum sed plus quam nihil illud erit

Sed lateant vires nec sis in fronte disertus

Sit tibj credibilis sermo consuetaque verba

praesens vt videare loqui

Folio 104, back

Ille referre aliter sepe solebat idem

Nec uultu destrue verba tuo

Nec sua vesanus scripta poeta legat

Ars casum simulet

Quid cum legitima fraudatur litera uoce

Blaesaque fit iusso lingua coacta sono

Sed quae non prosunt singula multa iuuant.

Sic parvis componere magna solebam

Alternis dicetis

paulo majora canamus

Non omnes arbusta iuuant

Et argutos inter strepere anser olores.

Causando nostros in longum ducis amores

Nec tibj tam sapiens quisquam persuadeat autor

Nec sum animj dubius verbis ea vincere magnum

quam sit et angustis hunc addere rebus honorem

Sic placet an melius quis habet suadere

Quamquam ridentem dicere verum

quis vetat

Sed tamen amoto quaeramus seria ludo

Posthabuj tamen illorum mea seria ludo

O imitatores seruum pecus

Quam temere in nobis legem sancimus iniquam.

mores sensusque repugnant

Atque ipsa vtilitas justj prope mater et equi

dummodo visum

Excutiat sibj non hic cuiquam parcit amico

Nescio quod meritum nugarum totus in illis

Num22 quid vis occupo

Folio 104, back – continued

Noris nos inquit doctj sumus

O te bollane cerebrj

Felicem aiebam tacitus.

Folio 105, front

ridiculum acrj

Fortius et melius magnas plerunque secat res.

At magnum fecit quod verbis graeca latinis }

Miscuit o serj studiorum }

Nil ligat exemplum litem quod lite resoluit

Nimirum insanus paucis videatur eo quod }

Maxima pars hominum morbo laborat eodem }

Neu si vafer vnus et alter

Insidiatorem praeroso fugerit hamo

Aut spem deponas aut artem illusus omittas

gaudent praenomine molles }

auriculae }

Renuis tu quod jubet alter

Qui variare cupit rem prodigaliter unam.

Et adhuc sub judice lis est.

Proijcit ampullas et sesquipedalia verba

Quid dignum tanto feret hic promissor hiatu

Atque ita mentitur sic veris falsa remittet

tantum series juncturaque pollet

Tantum de medio sumptis accedit honoris

Ergo fungar vice cotis acutum }

Reddere que possit ferrum exors ipsa secandj }

Haec placuit semel haec decies repetita placebit

Fas est et ab hoste docerj

Vsque adeo quod tangit idem est tamen vltima

Quis furor auditos inquit praeponere visis [distans].

Pro munere poscimus vsum

Inde retro redeunt idemque retexitur ordo

Nil tam bonum est quin male narrando possit


Folio 105, back

Furor arma ministrat

Pulchrumque morj succurrit in armis

Aspirat primo fortuna laborj

Facilis jactura sepulchrj

Cedamus phoebo et monitj meliora sequamu[r]

Fata uiam invenient

Degeneres animos timor arguit

Viresque acquirit eundo

Et caput inter nubila condit

Et magnas territat vrbes

Tam ficti prauique tenax quam nuntia verj

Gaudens et pariter facta atque infecta canebat

Nusquam tuta fides

Et oblitos famae meliori amantes

Varium et mutabile semper


Furens quid femina possit

Quo fata trahunt retrahuntque sequamur

Quicquid id est superanda est omnis fortun[a] ferendo

Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior i[to]

Hoc opus hic labor est

Nullj fas casto sceleratum insistere li[men]

Discite justitiam monitj.

Quisque suos patimur manes

Neu patrie validat23 in viscera vertite vires

Verique effeta senectus.

At patiens operum paruoque assueta iuuen[tus]

Juno vires animumque ministrat

Nescia mens hominum fatj sortisque futur[ae]

Et servare modum rebus sublata secund[is]

Folio 106, front

Spes sibi quisque

Nee te vllius violentia vincat

Respice res hello varias

Credidimus lachrimis an et hae simulare docentur

He quoque habent artes quaque iubentur eunt

Quaecunque ex merito spes venit equa venit

Simplicitas digna fauore fuit

Exitus acta probat careat successibus opto

Quisquis ab euentu facta notanda putet.

Ars fit vbj a teneris crimen condiscitur annis

Jupiter esse pium statuit quodcunque iunaret

Non honor est sed onus

Si qua voles apte nubere nube parj

Perdere posse sat est si quern iuuat ista potestas.

Terror in his ipso major solet esse periclo

Quaeque timere libet pertimuisse pudet

An nescis longas regibus esse manus

Vtilis interdum est ipsis injuria passis

Fallitur augurio spes bona sepe suo

Quae fecisse iuuat facta referre pudet

Consilium prudensque animj sententia jurat

Et nisi judicij vincula nulla valent

Sin abeunt studia in mores

Illa verecundis lux est praebenda puellis

Qua timidus latebras speret habere pudor

Casta est quam nemo rogauit

Quj non vult fierj desidiosus amet

Gratia pro rebus merito debetur inemptis

Quern metuit quisque perisse cupit

Folio 106, back

A late promus of formularies

and elegancies



Folio 107, front

He that owt leaps his strength standeth not

He keeps his grownd; Of one that speaketh certenly

& pertinently

He lighteth well; of one that concludeth his speach


Of speaches digressive; This goeth not to the ende

of the matter; from the lawyers,

for learnyng sake.

Mot. of the mynd explicat in woords implicat in


I iudg best implicat in thowg. or of trial or mark

bycause of swiftnes collocat. & differe & to

make woords sequac.

Folio 107, back


Folio 108, front

Vpon Impatience of Audience

Verbera sed audi. The fable of the syrenes

Auribus mederj difficillimum. Placidasque viri deus obstruit

Noluit Intelligerevt bene aures


The ey is the gate of the

affection, but the ear

of the vnderstanding

Vpon question to reward evill w'th evill

Noli aemularj in malig- Cum perverso perverteris;

nantibus lex talionis

Crowne him wth tols (?) Yow are not for this world

Nil malo quam illos simil- Tanto buon cheval niente

les esse suj et me mej

Vpon question whether a man should speak or

forbear speach

Quia tacuj inveterauerunt Obmutuj et non aperuj os

ossa mea (speach may meum quoniam tu fecistj

now & then breed It is goddes doing.

smart in y'e flesh; but Posuj custodiam Orj

keeping it in goeth to meo cum consisteret

y'e bone). peccator aduersum me.

Credidi propter quod Ego autem tanquam

locutus sum. surdus nonaudiebam et

Obmutuj et humiliatus tanquam mutus non

sum siluj etaim a bonis aperiens os suum

et dolor meus re-

nouatus est.

Folio 108, back

Benedictions and maledictions

Et folium eius non defluet

Mella fluant illj ferat

et rubus asper amonium


Dij meliora pijs

Horresco referens

Folio 109, front

Per otium To any thing impertinent.

Speech yt hangeth not together nor is concludent.

Raw sylk; sand.

Speech of good & various wayght but not neerely

applied; A great vessell yt cannot come neer


Of one yt. rippeth things vp deepely. He shooteth

to high a compass to shoote neere.

Y'e law at Twicknam for mery tales


Folio 109, back


Folio 109c, front


Folio 109d, back. Synanthropie
Folio 110, front


The syn against y'e holy ghost termd in zeal by one

of y'e fathers

Cause of Oths; Quarells; expence & vnthriftynes;

ydlenes & indisposition of y'e mynd to labors.

Art of forgetting; cause of society acquaintance

familiarity in frends; neere & ready attendance

in servants; recreation & putting of melancholy;

Putting of malas curas & cupiditates.

Games of Actiuity & passetyme; sleight of Act. of

strength quicknes; quick of y'e hand; legg, the

whole mocion; strength of arme; legge; Of Activity of sleight.

Of passetyme onely; of hazard, of play mixt

Of hazard; meere hazard Cunnyng in making yor.

game; Of playe: exercise of attention;

of memory; of Dissimulacion; of discrecion;

Of many hands or of receyt; of few; of quick

returne tedious; of praesent iudgment; of

vncerten yssue.

Seuerall playes or Ideas of play.

Frank play; wary play, venturous not venturous

quick slowe;

Oversight Dotage Betts Lookers on Judgment

groome porter; Christmas; Invention for hunger

Oddes; stake; sett;

He that folowes his losses & giueth soone over at

wynnings will never gayne by play

Ludimus incauti studioque aperimur ab ipso

Folio 110, front – continued

He that playeth not the begynnyng of a game well at

tick tack & y'e later end at yrish shall never


Frier Gilbert

Y'e lott; earnest in old tyme sport now as musik

owt of church to chamber

Folio 110, back


Folio 111


Folio 112, front

good morow_

Good swear24

Good trauaile

good hast

good matens

good betymes; bonum mane

bon iouyr. Bon iour; (bridgrome).

good day to me & good morow to yow.

I haue not sayd all my prayers till I haue bid yow

good morow.

Late rysing fynding a bedde,

20This is difficult to read. It may be "fero danid es."
21"Sedeant." This word is doubtful. It may be "tedeant," "te deum" is not an impossible reading.
22"Num" may by read as "Nunc."
23"Validat" may be read "Validas".
24"Swear," this may be read "Sweat."