Search sources
The strategic research approach is based on related search sources being taken in internet about PPPs including:
Academic papers: Theories, methods, and interventions to understand the genesis of PPPs, their essence and intended aims;
Legal basis: Legal acts, prescriptions, and policies for regulation of PPP activity (domestic and EU levels);
Press releases: Studies, analyzes, and trend research in official internet sources;
Websites of PPP-Initiatives: Overview of experience resulting, support information and other.
Material should be drawn from a wide range of academic disciplines, including economics, law, and business administration.
As a first step, the search should be limited to English– and German-language articles. Moreover, it should analyse all acquainted official sources such as databases and archives of European Commission, European Council, Eurostat, International Federation of Accountants, International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee, International Monetary Fund, Germany’s government and others.