That night, after the ride, when Shelton was about to go to bed, his eyes fell on Ferrand’s letter, and with a sleepy sense of duty he began to read it through a second time. In the dark, oak-panelled bedroom, his four-post bed, with back of crimson damask and its dainty sheets, was lighted by the candle glow; the copper pitcher of hot water in the basin, the silver of his brushes, and the line of his well-polished boots all shone, and Shelton’s face alone was gloomy, staring at the yellowish paper in his hand.
“The poor chap wants money, of course,” he thought. But why go on for ever helping one who had no claim on him, a hopeless case, incurable – one whom it was his duty to let sink for the good of the community at large? Ferrand’s vagabond refinement had beguiled him into charity that should have been bestowed on hospitals, or any charitable work but foreign missions. To give a helping hand, a bit of himself, a nod of fellowship to any fellow-being irrespective of a claim, merely because he happened to be down, was sentimental nonsense! The line must be drawn! But in the muttering of this conclusion he experienced a twinge of honesty. “Humbug! You don’t want to part with your money, that’s all!”
So, sitting down in shirt-sleeves at his writing table, he penned the following on paper stamped with the Holm Oaks address and crest:
I am sorry you are having such a bad spell. You seem to be dead out of luck. I hope by the time you get this things will have changed for the better. I should very much like to see you again and have a talk, but shall be away for some time longer, and doubt even when I get back whether I should be able to run down and look you up. Keep me ‘au courant’ as to your movements. I enclose a cheque.
Yours sincerely,
Before he had written out the cheque, a moth fluttering round the candle distracted his attention, and by the time he had caught and put it out he had forgotten that the cheque was not enclosed. The letter, removed with his clothes before he was awake, was posted in an empty state.
One morning a week later he was sitting in the smoking-room in the company of the gentleman called Mabbey, who was telling him how many grouse he had deprived of life on August 12 last year, and how many he intended to deprive of life on August 12 this year, when the door was opened, and the butler entered, carrying his head as though it held some fatal secret.
“A young man is asking for you, sir,” he said to Shelton, bending down discreetly; “I don’t know if you would wish to see him, sir.”
“A young man!” repeated Shelton; “what sort of a young man?”
“I should say a sort of foreigner, sir,” apologetically replied the butler. “He’s wearing a frock-coat, but he looks as if he had been walking a good deal.”
Shelton rose with haste; the description sounded to him ominous.
“Where is he?”
“I put him in the young ladies’ little room, sir.”
“All right,” said Shelton; “I ‘ll come and see him. Now, what the deuce!” he thought, running down the stairs.
It was with a queer commingling of pleasure and vexation that he entered the little chamber sacred to the birds, beasts, racquets, golf-clubs, and general young ladies’ litter. Ferrand was standing underneath the cage of a canary, his hands folded on his pinched-up hat, a nervous smile upon his lips. He was dressed in Shelton’s old frock-coat, tightly buttoned, and would have cut a stylish figure but far his look of travel. He wore a pair of pince-nez, too, which somewhat veiled his cynical blue eyes, and clashed a little with the pagan look of him. In the midst of the strange surroundings he still preserved that air of knowing, and being master of, his fate, which was his chief attraction.
“I ‘m glad to see you,” said Shelton, holding out his hand.
“Forgive this liberty,” began Ferrand, “but I thought it due to you after all you’ve done for me not to throw up my efforts to get employment in England without letting you know first. I’m entirely at the end of my resources.”
The phrase struck Shelton as one that he had heard before.
“But I wrote to you,” he said; “did n’t you get my letter?”
A flicker passed across the vagrant’s face; he drew the letter from his pocket and held it out.
“Here it is, monsieur.”
Shelton stared at it.
“Surely,” said he, “I sent a cheque?”
Ferrand did not smile; there was a look about him as though Shelton by forgetting to enclose that cheque had done him a real injury.
Shelton could not quite hide a glance of doubt.
“Of course,” he said, “I – I – meant to enclose a cheque.”
Too subtle to say anything, Ferrand curled his lip. “I am capable of much, but not of that,” he seemed to say; and at once Shelton felt the meanness of his doubt.
“Stupid of me,” he said.
“I had no intention of intruding here,” said Ferrand; “I hoped to see you in the neighbourhood, but I arrive exhausted with fatigue. I’ve eaten nothing since yesterday at noon, and walked thirty miles.” He shrugged his shoulders. “You see, I had no time to lose before assuring myself whether you were here or not.”
“Of course – ” began Shelton, but again he stopped.
“I should very much like,” the young foreigner went on, “for one of your good legislators to find himself in these country villages with a penny in his pocket. In other countries bakers are obliged to sell you an equivalent of bread for a penny; here they won’t sell you as much as a crust under twopence. You don’t encourage poverty.”
“What is your idea now?” asked Shelton, trying to gain time.
“As I told you,” replied Ferrand, “there ‘s nothing to be done at Folkestone, though I should have stayed there if I had had the money to defray certain expenses”; and again he seemed to reproach his patron with the omission of that cheque. “They say things will certainly be better at the end of the month. Now that I know English well, I thought perhaps I could procure a situation for teaching languages.”
“I see,” said Shelton.
As a fact, however, he was far from seeing; he literally did not know what to do. It seemed so brutal to give Ferrand money and ask him to clear out; besides, he chanced to have none in his pocket.
“It needs philosophy to support what I ‘ve gone through this week,” said Ferrand, shrugging his shoulders. “On Wednesday last, when I received your letter, I had just eighteen-pence, and at once I made a resolution to come and see you; on that sum I ‘ve done the journey. My strength is nearly at an end.”
Shelton stroked his chin.
“Well,” he had just begun, “we must think it over,” when by Ferrand’s face he saw that some one had come in. He turned, and saw Antonia in the doorway. “Excuse me,” he stammered, and, going to Antonia, drew her from the room.
With a smile she said at once: “It’s the young foreigner; I’m certain. Oh, what fun!”
“Yes,” answered Shelton slowly; “he’s come to see me about getting some sort of tutorship or other. Do you think your mother would mind if I took him up to have a wash? He’s had a longish walk. And might he have some breakfast? He must be hungry.”
“Of course! I’ll tell Dobson. Shall I speak to mother? He looks nice, Dick.”
He gave her a grateful, furtive look, and went back to his guest; an impulse had made him hide from her the true condition of affairs.
Ferrand was standing where he had been left his face still clothed in mordant impassivity.
“Come up to my room!” said Shelton; and while his guest was washing, brushing, and otherwise embellishing his person, he stood reflecting that Ferrand was by no means unpresentable, and he felt quite grateful to him.
He took an opportunity, when the young man’s back was turned, of examining his counterfoils. There was no record, naturally, of a cheque drawn in Ferrand’s favour. Shelton felt more mean than ever.
A message came from Mrs. Dennant; so he took the traveller to the dining-room and left him there, while he himself went to the lady of the house. He met Antonia coming down.
“How many days did you say he went without food that time – you know?” she asked in passing.
“He does n’t look a bit common, Dick.”
Shelton gazed at her dubiously.
“They’re surely not going to make a show of him!” he thought.
Mrs. Dennant was writing, in a dark-blue dress starred over with white spots, whose fine lawn collar was threaded with black velvet.
“Have you seen the new hybrid Algy’s brought me back from Kidstone? Is n’t it charmin’.” and she bent her face towards this perfect rose. “They say unique; I’m awfully interested to find out if that’s true. I’ve told Algy I really must have some.”
Shelton thought of the unique hybrid breakfasting downstairs; he wished that Mrs. Dennant would show in him the interest she had manifested in the rose. But this was absurd of him, he knew, for the potent law of hobbies controlled the upper classes, forcing them to take more interest in birds, and roses, missionaries, or limited and highly-bound editions of old books (things, in a word, in treating which you knew exactly where you were) than in the manifestations of mere life that came before their eyes.
“Oh, Dick, about that young Frenchman. Antonia says he wants a tutorship; now, can you really recommend him? There’s Mrs. Robinson at the Gateways wants someone to teach her boys languages; and, if he were quite satisfactory, it’s really time Toddles had a few lessons in French; he goes to Eton next half.”
Shelton stared at the rose; he had suddenly realised why it was that people take more interest in roses than in human beings – one could do it with a quiet heart.
“He’s not a Frenchman, you know,” he said to gain a little time.
“He’s not a German, I hope,” Mrs. Dennant answered, passing her forgers round a petal, to impress its fashion on her brain; “I don’t like Germans. Is n’t he the one you wrote about – come down in the world? Such a pity with so young a fellow! His father was a merchant, I think you told us. Antonia says he ‘s quite refined to look at.”
“Oh, yes,” said Shelton, feeling on safe ground; “he’s refined enough to look at.”
Mrs. Dennant took the rose and put it to her nose.
“Delicious perfume! That was a very touchin’ story about his goin’ without food in Paris. Old Mrs. Hopkins has a room to let; I should like to do her a good turn. I’m afraid there’s a hole in the ceilin’, though. Or there’s the room here in the left wing on the ground-floor where John the footman used to sleep. It’s quite nice; perhaps he could have that.”
“You ‘re awfully kind,” said Shelton, “but – ”
“I should like to do something to restore his self-respect,”, went on Mrs. Dennant, “if, as you say, he ‘s clever and all that. Seein’ a little refined life again might make a world of difference to him. It’s so sad when a young man loses self-respect.”
Shelton was much struck by the practical way in which she looked at things. Restore his self-respect! It seemed quite a splendid notion! He smiled, and said,
“You’re too kind. I think – ”
“I don’t believe in doin’ things by halves,” said Mrs. Dennant; “he does n’t drink, I suppose?”
“Oh, no,” said Shelton. “He’s rather a tobacco maniac, of course.”
“Well, that’s a mercy! You would n’t believe the trouble I ‘ve had with drink, especially over cooks and coachmen. And now Bunyan’s taken to it.”
“Oh, you’d have no trouble with Ferrand,” returned Shelton; “you couldn’t tell him from a gentleman as far as manners go.”
Mrs. Dennant smiled one of her rather sweet and kindly smiles.
“My dear Dick,” she said, “there’s not much comfort in that. Look at poor Bobby Surcingle, look at Oliver Semples and Victor Medallion; you could n’t have better families. But if you ‘re sure he does n’t drink! Algy ‘ll laugh, of course; that does n’t matter – he laughs at everything.”
Shelton felt guilty; being quite unprepared for so rapid an adoption of his client.
“I really believe there’s a lot of good in him,” he stammered; “but, of course, I know very little, and from what he tells me he’s had a very curious life. I shouldn’t like – ”
“Where was he educated?” inquired Mrs. Dennant. “They have no public schools in France, so I ‘ve been told; but, of course, he can’t help that, poor young fellow! Oh, and, Dick, there ‘s one thing – has he relations? One has always to be so careful about that. It ‘s one thing to help a young fellow, but quite another to help his family too. One sees so many cases of that where men marry girls without money, don’t you know.”
“He has told me,” answered Shelton, “his only relations are some cousins, and they are rich.”
Mrs. Dennant took out her handkerchief, and, bending above the rose, removed a tiny insect.
“These green-fly get in everywhere,” she said.
“Very sad story; can’t they do anything for him?” and she made researches in the rose’s heart.
“He’s quarrelled with them, I believe,” said Shelton; “I have n’t liked to press him, about that.”
“No, of course not,” assented Mrs. Dennant absently – she had found another green-fly “I always think it’s painful when a young man seems so friendless.”
Shelton was silent; he was thinking deeply. He had never before felt so distrustful of the youthful foreigner.
“I think,” he said at last, “the best thing would be for you to see him for yourself.”
“Very well,” said Mrs. Dennant. “I should be so glad if you would tell him to come up. I must say I do think that was a most touchin’ story about Paris. I wonder whether this light’s strong enough now for me to photograph this rose.”
Shelton withdrew and went down-stairs. Ferrand was still at breakfast. Antonia stood at the sideboard carving beef for him, and in the window sat Thea with her Persian kitten.
Both girls were following the traveller’s movements with inscrutable blue eyes. A shiver ran down Shelton’s spine. To speak truth, he cursed the young man’s coming, as though it affected his relations with Antonia.
From the interview, which Shelton had the mixed delight of watching, between Ferrand and the Honourable Mrs. Dennant, certain definite results accrued, the chief of which was the permission accorded the young wanderer to occupy the room which had formerly been tenanted by the footman John. Shelton was lost in admiration of Ferrand’s manner in this scene.. Its subtle combination of deference and dignity was almost paralysing; paralysing, too, the subterranean smile upon his lips.
“Charmin’ young man, Dick,” said Mrs. Dennant, when Shelton lingered to say once more that he knew but very little of him; “I shall send a note round to Mrs. Robinson at once. They’re rather common, you know – the Robinsons. I think they’ll take anyone I recommend.”
“I ‘m sure they will,” said Shelton; “that’s why I think you ought to know – ”
But Mrs. Dennant’s eyes, fervent, hare-like, were fixed on something far away; turning, he saw the rose in a tall vase on a tall and spindly stool. It seemed to nod towards them in the sunshine. Mrs. Dennant dived her nose towards her camera.
“The light’s perfect now,” she said, in a voice muffled by the cloth. “I feel sure that livin’ with decent people will do wonders for him. Of course, he understands that his meals will be served to him apart.”
Shelton, doubly anxious, now that his efforts had lodged his client in a place of trust, fell, back on hoping for the best; his instinct told him that, vagabond as Ferrand was, he had a curious self-respect, that would save him from a mean ingratitude.
In fact, as Mrs. Dennant, who was by no means void of common-sense, foresaw, the arrangement worked all right. Ferrand entered on his duties as French tutor to the little Robinsons. In the Dennants’ household he kept himself to his own room, which, day and night, he perfumed with tobacco, emerging at noon into the garden, or, if wet, into the study, to teach young Toddles French. After a time it became customary for him to lunch with the house-party, partly through a mistake of Toddles, who seemed to think that it was natural, and partly through John Noble, one of Shelton’s friends, who had come to stay, and discovered Ferrand to be a most awfully interesting person he was always, indeed, discovering the most awfully interesting persons. In his grave and toneless voice, brushing his hair from off his brow, he descanted upon Ferrand with enthusiasm, to which was joined a kind of shocked amusement, as who should say, “Of course, I know it’s very odd, but really he ‘s such an awfully interesting person.” For John Noble was a politician, belonging to one of those two Peculiar parties, which, thoroughly in earnest, of an honesty above suspicion, and always very busy, are constitutionally averse to anything peculiar for fear of finding they have overstepped the limit of what is practical in politics. As such he inspired confidence, not caring for things unless he saw some immediate benefit to be had from them, having a perfect sense of decency, and a small imagination. He discussed all sorts of things with Ferrand; on one occasion Shelton overheard them arguing on anarchism.
“No Englishman approves of murder,” Noble was saying, in the gloomy voice that contrasted with the optimistic cast of his fine head, “but the main principle is right. Equalisation of property is bound to come. I sympathise with then, not with their methods.”
“Forgive me,” struck in Ferrand; “do you know any anarchists?”
“No,” returned Noble; “I certainly do not.”
“You say you sympathise with them, but the first time it comes to action – ”
“Oh, monsieur! one doesn’t make anarchism with the head.”
Shelton perceived that he had meant to add, “but with the heart, the lungs, the liver.” He drew a deeper meaning from the saying, and seemed to see, curling with the smoke from Ferrand’s lips, the words: “What do you, an English gentleman, of excellent position, and all the prejudices of your class, know about us outcasts? If you want to understand us you must be an outcast too; we are not playing at the game.”
This talk took place upon the lawn, at the end of one of Toddles’s French lessons, and Shelton left John Noble maintaining to the youthful foreigner, with stubborn logic, that he, John Noble, and the anarchists had much, in common. He was returning to the house, when someone called his name from underneath the holm oak. There, sitting Turkish fashion on the grass, a pipe between his teeth, he found a man who had arrived the night before, and impressed him by his friendly taciturnity. His name was Whyddon, and he had just returned from Central Africa; a brown-faced, large-jawed man, with small but good and steady eyes, and strong, spare figure.
“Oh, Mr. Shelton!” he said, “I wondered if you could tell me what tips I ought to give the servants here; after ten years away I ‘ve forgotten all about that sort of thing.”
Shelton sat down beside him; unconsciously assuming, too, a cross-legged attitude, which caused him much discomfort.
“I was listening,” said his new acquaintance, “to the little chap learning his French. I’ve forgotten mine. One feels a hopeless duffer knowing no, languages.”
“I suppose you speak Arabic?” said Shelton.
“Oh, Arabic, and a dialect or two; they don’t count. That tutor has a curious face.”
“You think so?” said Shelton, interested. “He’s had a curious life.”
The traveller spread his hands, palms downwards, on the grass and looked at Shelton with, a smile.
“I should say he was a rolling stone,” he said. “It ‘s odd, I’ ve seen white men in Central Africa with a good deal of his look about them.
“Your diagnosis is a good one,” answered Shelton.
“I ‘m always sorry for those fellows. There’s generally some good in them. They are their own enemies. A bad business to be unable to take pride in anything one does!” And there was a look of pity on his face.
“That’s exactly it,” said Shelton. “I ‘ve often tried to put it into words. Is it incurable?”
“I think so.”
“Can you tell me why?”
Whyddon pondered.
“I rather think,” he said at last, “it must be because they have too strong a faculty of criticism. You can’t teach a man to be proud of his own work; that lies in his blood “; folding his arms across his breast, he heaved a sigh. Under the dark foliage, his eyes on the sunlight, he was the type of all those Englishmen who keep their spirits bright and wear their bodies out in the dark places of hard work. “You can’t think,” he said, showing his teeth in a smile, “how delightful it is to be at home! You learn to love the old country when you’re away from it.”
Shelton often thought, afterwards; of this diagnosis of the vagabond, for he was always stumbling on instances of that power of subtle criticism which was the young foreigner’s prime claim to be “a most awfully interesting” and perhaps a rather shocking person.
An old school-fellow of Shelton’s and his wife were staying in the house, who offered to the eye the picture of a perfect domesticity. Passionless and smiling, it was impossible to imagine they could ever have a difference. Shelton, whose bedroom was next to theirs, could hear them in the mornings talking in exactly the tones they used at lunch, and laughing the same laughs. Their life seemed to accord them perfect satisfaction; they were supplied with their convictions by Society just as, when at home, they were supplied with all the other necessaries of life by some co-operative stores. Their fairly handsome faces, with the fairly kind expressions, quickly and carefully regulated by a sense of compromise, began to worry him so much that when in the same room he would even read to avoid the need of looking at them. And yet they were kind – that is, fairly kind – and clean and quiet in the house, except when they laughed, which was often, and at things which made him want to howl as a dog howls at music.
“Mr. Shelton,” Ferrand said one day, “I ‘m not an amateur of marriage – never had the chance, as you may well suppose; but, in any case, you have some people in the house who would make me mark time before I went committing it. They seem the ideal young married people – don’t quarrel, have perfect health, agree with everybody, go to church, have children – but I should like to hear what is beautiful in their life,” and he grimaced. “It seems to me so ugly that I can only gasp. I would much rather they ill-treated each other, just to show they had the corner of a soul between them. If that is marriage, ‘Dieu m’en garde!’.rdquo;
But Shelton did not answer; he was thinking deeply.
The saying of John Noble’s, “He’s really a most interesting person,” grew more and more upon his nerves; it seemed to describe the Dennant attitude towards this stranger within their gates. They treated him with a sort of wonder on the “don’t touch” system, like an object in an exhibition. The restoration, however, of, his self-respect proceeded with success. For all the semblance of having grown too big for Shelton’s clothes, for all his vividly burnt face, and the quick but guarded play of cynicism on his lips – he did much credit to his patrons. He had subdued his terror of a razor, and looked well in a suit of Shelton’s flannels. For, after all, he had only been eight years exiled from middle-class gentility, and he had been a waiter half that time. But Shelton wished him at the devil. Not for his manners’ sake – he was never tired of watching how subtly the vagabond adapted his conduct to the conduct of his hosts, while keeping up his critical detachment – but because that critical detachment was a constant spur to his own vision, compelling him to analyse the life into which, he had been born and was about to marry. This process was disturbing; and to find out when it had commenced, he had to go back to his meeting with Ferrand on the journey up from Dover.
There was kindness in a hospitality which opened to so strange a bird; admitting the kindness, Shelton fell to analysing it. To himself, to people of his class, the use of kindness was a luxury, not significant of sacrifice, but productive of a pleasant feeling in the heart, such as massage will setup in the legs. “Everybody’s kind,” he thought; “the question is, What understanding is there, what real sympathy?” This problem gave him food for thought.
The progress, which Mrs. Dennant not unfrequently remarked upon, in Ferrand’s conquest of his strange position, seemed to Shelton but a sign that he was getting what he could out of his sudden visit to green pastures; under the same circumstances, Shelton thought that he himself would do the same. He felt that the young foreigner was making a convenient bow to property, but he had more respect for the sarcastic smile on the lips of Ferrand’s heart.
It was not long before the inevitable change came in the spirit of the situation; more and more was Shelton conscious of a quaint uneasiness in the very breathing of the household.
“Curious fellow you’ve got hold of there, Shelton,” Mr. Dennant said to him during a game of croquet; “he ‘ll never do any good for himself, I’m afraid.”
“In one sense I’m afraid not,” admitted Shelton.
“Do you know his story? I will bet you sixpence” – and Mr. Dennant paused to swing his mallet with a proper accuracy “that he’s been in prison.”
“Prison!” ejaculated Shelton.
“I think,” said Mr. Dennant, with bent knees carefully measuring his next shot, “that you ought to make inquiries – ah! missed it! Awkward these hoops! One must draw the line somewhere.”
“I never could draw,” returned Shelton, nettled and uneasy; “but I understand – I ‘ll give him a hint to go.”
“Don’t,” said Mr. Dennant, moving after his second ball, which Shelton had smitten to the farther end, “be offended, my dear Shelton, and by no means give him a hint; he interests me very much – a very clever, quiet young fellow.”
That this was not his private view Shelton inferred by studying Mr. Dennant’s manner in the presence of the vagabond. Underlying the well-bred banter of the tranquil voice, the guarded quizzicality of his pale brown face, it could be seen that Algernon Cuffe Dennant, Esq., J.P., accustomed to laugh at other people, suspected that he was being laughed at. What more natural than that he should grope about to see how this could be? A vagrant alien was making himself felt by an English Justice of the Peace – no small tribute, this, to Ferrand’s personality. The latter would sit silent through a meal, and yet make his effect. He, the object of their kindness, education, patronage, inspired their fear. There was no longer any doubt; it was not of Ferrand that they were afraid, but of what they did not understand in him; of horrid subtleties meandering in the brain under that straight, wet-looking hair; of something bizarre popping from the curving lips below that thin, lopsided nose.
But to Shelton in this, as in all else, Antonia was what mattered. At first, anxious to show her lover that she trusted him, she seemed never tired of doing things for his young protege, as though she too had set her heart on his salvation; but, watching her eyes when they rested on the vagabond, Shelton was perpetually reminded of her saying on the first day of his visit to Holm Oaks, “I suppose he ‘s really good – I mean all these things you told me about were only…”
Curiosity never left her glance, nor did that story of his four days’ starving leave her mind; a sentimental picturesqueness clung about that incident more valuable by far than this mere human being with whom she had so strangely come in contact. She watched Ferrand, and Shelton watched her. If he had been told that he was watching her, he would have denied it in good faith; but he was bound to watch her, to find out with what eyes she viewed this visitor who embodied all the rebellious under-side of life, all that was absent in herself.
“Dick,” she said to him one day, “you never talk to me of Monsieur Ferrand.”
“Do you want to talk of him?”
“Don’t you think that he’s improved?”
“He’s fatter.”
Antonia looked grave.
“No, but really?”
“I don’t know,” said Shelton; “I can’t judge him.”
Antonia turned her face away, and something in her attitude alarmed him.
“He was once a sort of gentleman,” she said; “why shouldn’t he become one again?”
Sitting on the low wall of the kitchen-garden, her head was framed by golden plums. The sun lay barred behind the foliage of the holm oak, but a little patch filtering through a gap had rested in the plum-tree’s heart. It crowned the girl. Her raiment, the dark leaves, the red wall, the golden plums, were woven by the passing glow to a block of pagan colour. And her face above it, chaste, serene, was like the scentless summer evening. A bird amongst the currant bushes kept a little chant vibrating; and all the plum-tree’s shape and colour seemed alive.
“Perhaps he does n’t want to be a gentleman,” said Shelton.
Antonia swung her foot.
“How can he help wanting to?”
“He may have a different philosophy of life.”
Antonia was slow to answer.
“I know nothing about philosophies of life,” she said at last.
Shelton answered coldly,
“No two people have the same.”
With the falling sun-glow the charm passed off the tree. Chilled and harder, yet less deep, it was no more a block of woven colour, warm and impassive, like a southern goddess; it was now a northern tree, with a grey light through its leaves.
“I don’t understand you in the least,” she said; “everyone wishes to be good.”
“And safe?” asked Shelton gently.
Antonia stared.
“Suppose,” he said – “I don’t pretend to know, I only suppose – what Ferrand really cares for is doing things differently from other people? If you were to load him with a character and give him money on condition that he acted as we all act, do you think he would accept it?”
“Why not?”
“Why are n’t cats dogs; or pagans Christians?”
Antonia slid down from the wall.
“You don’t seem to think there ‘s any use in trying,” she said, and turned away.
Shelton made a movement as if he would go after her, and then stood still, watching her figure slowly pass, her head outlined above the wall, her hands turned back across her narrow hips. She halted at the bend, looked back, then, with an impatient gesture, disappeared.