Снежная королева. Адаптированный текст + задания. Уровень A1

Ганс Христиан Андерсен
Снежная королева. Адаптированный текст + задания. Уровень A1

Полная версия

“We have travelled well,” said she; “but you mustn’t freeze. Go into my bearskin.” She put him beside her in the sledge. “Are you still cold?” she asked, and kissed him on the forehead. It was colder than ice, and struck straight to his heart. And after that, he didn’t notice the cold anymore.

Once more the Snow Queen kissed Kay, and he forgot little Gerda and grandmother and everyone at home.

“No more kisses now,” said she, “or I should kiss you to death.” Kay looked at her; she was very pretty. She wasn’t scary anymore. In his eyes she was perfect, and he felt no fear. Kay looked at the great spaces of the air, and they flew high among the dark clouds, and the storm wind whistled and roared as if it were singing old ballads. They flew over forest and lake, sea and land: below them the wolves howled; above them flew the black crows, and over all shone the moon, large and bright.

Словарные слова:

neighbours – соседи

herbs – травы

flourish – цвести

across the gutter – поперек сточной трубы

reach – доставать

twin – виться

arch – арка

copper – медный

peep-hole – глазок

swarm – кишеть, копошиться

patterns – узоры

melt – таять

beckon – поманить

winked – моргнуть

rotten – гнилой

interrupt – перебивать

wrapped – закутанный, завернутый

let go – отпустить


1. Ответь на вопросы:

1) What is the looking-glass?

2) What happened to the looking-glass?

3) What were the names of the boy and the girl?

4) Did they live in a big city?

5) Who were their parents?

6) Were the children brother and sister?

7) Which flowers did the parents grow in their boxes?

8) Who told the children about the Snow Queen?

9) What did Kay do?

10) Why or how did Kay forget Gerda and his grandmother?

11) When did the pieces of looking glass got into the boys, eye and heart?

12) What was the boy going to do at the big square?

13) Who drove the large white sledge?

14) When did the boy meet the Snow Queen for the first time?

2. Вставь подходящий предлог:

1) Everyone told the news all ____________________ the miracle looking glass.

2) It was very amusing ____________________ him.

3) And ____________________ that, he didn’t notice the cold anymore.

4) Everything good and pretty that was reflected ____________________ it became bad and ugly.

5) They would heat copper pennies ____________________ the stove.

6) Kay and Gerda were sitting looking ____________________ a picture book.

7) She nodded towards the window and beckoned ____________________ her hand.

8) It broke ____________________ millions of tiny pieces.

9) There isn’t enough room ____________________ everybody to have a little garden.

10) Now we are going to hear all ____________________ it.

3. Вставь слова в предложения по смыслу:

millions / high / bees / excellent / wicked / window / boxes / wonderful / swallows / stricking

1) Those are white ____________________ swarming.

2) It was ____________________ fun.

3) It broke into ____________________ of tiny pieces.

4) Once there was a ____________________ troll.

5) You could get from one ____________________ to the other in one step.

6) The pea plants hung down over the ____________________.

7) They freeze into ____________________ patterns.

8) The ____________________ built their nests.

9) The clock in the great church tower was ____________________ five.

10) They flew ____________________ among the dark clouds.

4. Выбери правильный ответ по тексту главы (правда или неправда) – true / false.

1) The troll broke the magic looking-glass.

2) Kay and Gerda were friends.

3) Kay and Gerda were brother and sister.

4) Kay got pieces of the looking-glass in his eye and in his heart.

5) Children seldom met each other.

6) Gerda lived far away from Kay.

7) Gerda saw the Snow Queen first.

8) Kay tied his sledge to the Snow Queen’s.

9) The children’s parents had a garden where they grew roses.

10) The Snow Queen kissed Kay twice.

11) The wicked troll kept a school.

12) The children weren’t allowed to play under the roses.

13) The glass made Kay tease everyone but Gerda.

5. Вставь правильную форму: there is или there are.

1) ____________________ so many houses.

2) ____________________ not enough place for everybody.

3) ____________________ two children.

4) ____________________ no pleasure.

5) ____________________ white bees.

6. Составь предложения так, чтобы в них были все следующие слова:

1) neighbours, peep-hole

2) herbs, flourish, twin

3) arch, copper, patterns

4) reach, let go

5) interrupt

7. Поставь в правильную форму глагол:

1) Then the snow (begin) to fall.

2) And after that, he (not notice) the cold anymore.

3) Over all (shine) the moon.

4) Kay (look) at the great spaces of the air.

8. Опиши, какой / какая:

1) The Snow Queen

2) Kay

3) Gerda

9. Кто сказал следующие фразы?

1) No more kisses now

2) We have travelled well

3) It was only fit for

4) That rose is worm-eaten

5) Those are the white bees swarming

10. Что обозначают выделенные слова?

1) Once more the Snow Queen kissed Kay.

2) And after that, he didn’t notice the cold anymore.

3) It seemed as if they knew each other.

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16 