The great Emperor Otto
Could not decide upon a motto.
His mind wavered between
"L'Etat C'est Moi" and "Ich Dien."
Guglielmo Marconi
Was brought up on macaroni,
But when he gets it now
There's no end of a row.
That you have all heard of Hume
I tacitly assume;
But you didn't know, perhaps,
That his parents were Lapps.
Mr Hilaire Belloc
Is a case for legislation ad hoc.
He seems to think nobody minds
His books being all of different kinds.
It is understood that Job
Never read "The Globe;"
But nothing could be higher than
His opinion of Leviathan.
The views of Pizarro
Were perhaps a little narrow.
He killed the Caciques
Because (he said) they were sneaks.