полная версияEarlyborn

Илай Колесников

Полная версия

Chapter 20, Phecda (Phad)

Earlyborn and Zhenka continued their journey. It was a torture to call for someone in Venezuela. They phoned their captain to inform that he could sail where he wished for ten or twelve days, yet then by with them on the dot! The Ursa Major constellation has a turning in the middle, so our characters were to turn according to the projection they made and head for Costa Rica. Yes, they had a great deal of plans. After inhospitable Venezuela any country, even the one which requires huge turnings in two hundred kilometres, would be alike to the place that is not paradise, but not hell at the same time. Moreover, we know that Earlyborn created Luisian with her imagination when she was sitting by the window in France. This is the evidence she was also, as her character, willing to visit Costa Rica.

It was at the dawn yesterday. Zhenka sat in a cosy hotel room in Venezuela and wrote a poem. His love to sister made him bear creations next to her. He looked at her sleep and thought he was her guard. Protecting her peace was his priority. He scrawled his ideas attending his mind so as not to nod off. “Costa Rica will wait for me; I am not sure you will./ There was one lonely Latin day and a storm from Caribbean sand.” The siblings decided to hire a small plane and fly to Costa Rica without a minute to lose.


What had our characters already learned during their travel, given that it can end any time now? Do not worry, I am not going to show you the ending of the book – I have something more to tell about in a couple of chapters. Yet there is another question: “What will happen if our life, like a book written in a hurry by some careless writer, will finish any day now?” Then it is quite logical to puzzle yourself with a question “What have I managed to do within this time? How much time did I waste? How did I occupy myself? What comments can I leave on my doubts and emotions I had a long time ago? Did they worth anything? Or were they nothing, like the fog which disappears as the sun rises?” You cannot find the answer to this issue before the hour x comes. Never will anyone guess when this our will come, which means this riddle will remain unsolved. Be that as it may, we are able to presume that the answer is in the meaning of life. And here we face with a fact we are helpless to get it all. So what is the point to understand this question? Maybe it is simpler to accept that we should just consume and produce emotions? This question is intricate. But I can easily say the next: when you get the reward after the hard work you carried out despite difficulties, you feel pleased. As it is widely known, almost everything ingenious is plain. This phrase certainly does not intend to convey that geniuses are fools. It means that there was no sophisticated thought that could lead to practical ideas. The thought which was not hard to explain, but hard to digest. Like there is no healthful gas not just with big molar mass, but with the colossal one. The case is that all thoughts which confuse us, do so, since they look like the lead among thought with its inexplicably enormous mass.

When the siblings approached to the capital, they were told a Caribbean typhoon fell on Costa Rica. This disaster allegedly chased the guys, who decided to develop for one reason—since no one knows when they could die. It chased them like a strict teacher, who has a passion for examining his students, and he is ready to clamp his students’ necks between his teeth with a crocodile’s power in case if the lessons he taught them would not be learned. Yet our characters were calm. They were calm like a patient person with rich background, for whom examinations of life were not new. But even in his hear a question rises “What do I have to do something for if not for the doing itself?” This thought gladdens him.

The characters landed in a town near the coast. Oddly enough, Earlyborn and Zhenka did not collaborate to decide what to do next, but they drank a cup of real Costa Rica coffee with cinnamon and vanilla each and then joined to a local volunteer community. They did so as they wanted to bring good to this macabre world under the moon. The good is the main honesty from ones which exist. Remember how you were excited in your childhood when your mother and you went to throw away rubbish in a bin. You estimated highly this event, as realized there was somewhat beneficial in it. Imagine how many more happy kids’ faces you will see having a job of a volunteer. Earlyborn and Zhenka defeated their wish to leave everything and go to the place where the night meets with the morning. They began working. They were happy. They grasped what you will never grasp living in front of the Eiffel Tower. The grasped what they followed making a plan of their journey at home. What do I mean, my friends? You will understand it. They got that happiness is not to live up your expectations, but to hope without waiting anything. Just to live is happiness.

Luisian sat on a crossbar of a fence and dangled his feet. He did it in tune with vegetation that bloomed behind his back. There were flowers looked like peonies and roses but that were a mix of these types. Luisian was delighted. I cannot conjecture what dawned on him, but he eventually learned what the greatest power of human beings was. “Don’t be sad, never be sad,” said a mother to her boy in a plane when he dropped a glass of tea on a seat. Luisian sat at the table of life and suddenly bid a farewell to that solemn ball of sorrow he visited in his soul when many times mourned the dead father. And I think this was a right step, for his darling father, obviously, would not be happy to his decease made his son grieve over him. There were also some tasty fruit falling down and bumping each other behind Luisian. Some of them got dimples, but they were not discouraged, since knew what else that mother told his child in a plane. Any dimple adds some courage to a person’s soul.

Chapter 21, Merak

Begin with what is important. We often do not understand what to begin with and what to continue with. To learn how to find out what is important, you should compose logical lines of thoughts in your mind. You should have a strong belief that you truly ought to fulfill the action you named your priority. Yet there is no point of forcing you to believe. You should be honest with yourself and act according to your heart.


Earlyborn and Zhenka moved forward checking the map of the stars they drew. They did not hurry up to set sail, so they met their guide in the middle of the Atlantic ocean not soon. The point of Merak on the map was a bit dimmer than the other ones. Zhenka suggested there was a secret they would reveal when they reach the point of destination. He thought this way as yesterday, when they rescued people from the typhoon in Costa Rica, they seemed to grow up. What does a person discover the next day after his birthday? Well, nothing new, except for one more dawn, one more seen or missed dusk, aging for one day and giving a promise that the person will mature with this passing away year. He does so, because he and we all have no choice, but the point of no return. We all are rockets, and a rocket cannot return back to the Earth soon after its last stage separation. We all are these aircrafts, yet we fly with different speeds, having the same fuel inside. The guide realized that and show his “different speed”. The siblings did not head neither for Brazil, nor Uruguay and Argentina, as the ones who examined the map would reckon. Despite Merak was to coincide with a place of that area, they moved at another direction. It was the guide who decided to do it. He acted like a wise teacher, who opens something beyond the school course to his children to show there is something of higher importance than what they already grasped. The guide brought them to a common silent and dark place. It was about plus twenty degrees Celsius. They could hardly make out Guinea, Gabon or Nigeria looming far from them. There was approximately a thousand of kilometres between our characters and the land on either side. The place was a treasure of energy, which no one, seemed had discovered before them.

“Begin with what is important.” Zhenka’s words were right. He continued.

“All is not as bad as you deem looking at the older generation that wants to improve their children with a help of singing and dancing around the pagans’ tambourine. Everyone there is right. We still can be the ones we wanted to be. We all look for problems and try to solve them. Before your dreamed future came true, you have to learn much and now how to control yourself. We, older generation, will help you to gain this knowledge. You should just live in peace with adults and try to understand their lines of thoughts. Understanding of other people is the basics. It is known since the times of primitive society that there will be now honest rule without a dialog or some drawings on a cave’s walls. This leads to a concept relationships among people are crucial at any times. And particularly today, when the boards between communication and the absence of communication—a brief exchange of opinions—are blurred. We become confused. I say, people have not changed, and their nature is to mix up the thoughts. To return back to the right path of the development of communication, we should either step back to the previous path or to become rather strong for this one. As the evolution shows, we can choose any option and develop it, then it will turn right. Now it is easier to choose the one related to actions we know. This is to increase the amount of time we have for face-to-face meetings. Why? The cobweb of social networks hangs on us. We are addicted to them. It is not enough just to delete your accounts in networks. You may feel changes only after the social networks will be deleted from you: otherwise, it is useless. Unless you, Earlyborn, had not forget your previous life stage, you will not find peace in the new one. Yet no one says this will happen instantly. It would be hard for you, yet this is the life. The main lesson is patience. The real joy is in minutes when you go and work when your work is needed.”



And Earlyborn stood up now, as if she finished eating the durian of her previous life, and stopped dreaming. She again brewed a cup of Dominican coffee this beautiful morning after the New Year’s Eve, phoned his brother in Irkutsk and congratulated him with the New Year which came. Then she deleted her Instagram account and went to the market to buy a bird. She walked along one of the paved streets in France and all of a sudden met a person—it was Ded Moroz. His glance at her was strange. He, seemed, waited for her to act. A teacher stands near the blackboard this way, when his student solves an equation. Earlyborn acted like it was expected. She approached to this stranger, jerked his beard for three times and politely told him where to get off, using the great and mighty Russian language. Then she booted a rock she found nearby to show her strictness, and the stranger ran away, looking at the strength, which was hidden in that young lady. Do this with your problems, and they will disappear. The sun shone again. Earlyborn called Luisian the parrot she purchased on the market. It sang quietly and flew to the market constantly. Our heroine understood her pet needed some freedom and did not stop it. She forgot sadness, which was the first right doing of Earlyborn in the new year. She watered phloxes…

Chapter 22, Dubhe

Calm South waves swinging bothered Zhenka’s awaken at night imagination. He was overfilled with emotions. The case becomes simpler when you use metaphors. I know, Zhenka found his metaphor to understand the world. Earlyborn met Luisian. The boat sailed with the current, moving through the unknown waters, where anything could occur—where the depths could devour them. Yet remember what I admitted in the previous chapter—people’s relationships are crucial today.

Yesterday night the siblings lost any hope to survive, as there was a crack in their boat, when Luisian flew to them by a plane. He listened to his heart and finally decided he wanted to become a rescuer. He bought the tickets to our (and his, of course) loved Costa Rica. Then he flied a small helicopter to get to his ranc, from which he set off to his first, almost studying, flight. The boat where Earlyborn and Zhenka were had a tracker, so that if something happened, the signal would be sent to the Rescued Department. The siblings threw away their phones so as not to be addicted to them, and soon after that the boat got a crack. It was a sign they acted perfect. The closest ship to that boat now sailed around the Cape of Good Hope, yet Luisian was near. He flew notwithstanding the awful weather—there was a usual sea storm. And who did know that Luisian would say not just a stranger, but a second mother in this boat he was to rescue? Somehow turned that Luisian disappeared, however, he managed to take Earlyborn and Zhenka to Antarctic. They became cold there as soon as arrived, but managed to see and feel that beauty of the frost which you can embrace with the entire soul. This frost was like an angry kitten that wants scratch with his paws, but cannot. The invisible cover made from the fresh Italian tea protects you from everything. And then the light comes.


Earlyborn woke up one more time. She did not sleep for the whole previous night, and even Dominican coffee could not take all these dreams out of her mind. She phoned Zhenka to assure that it was just a dream, and she felt alright. Yet such a behavior was appropriate for a woman who wants to go in Italy to enjoy the life and gaze at charming sunsets.

In four hours she sat on the roof of a small house on Sicilia. She spoke with houses about the eternity. Some of them had stucco works on walls, others had high spires and towers. She sat dangling her legs. She had a white plate with a yellow border in one hand, from where some bunches of grape looked at this world. There was a glass of mineral water. She sat, looking somewhere forward, far from there and was extremely happy. A person who missed the most important flight in his life understands abruptly: here is the happiness. Just to sit on a small island of time. Earlyborn looked at her past and realized she need to have a new goal. The rain started to fall down. She saw: two months of this year passed by. There were ten left. Ten more months—ten more hopes and ten more journeys, one in each months. How many times would she meet her reflection in a lake under the moon? Endless! Earlyborn polished off the plate with a last grape and went on living. A great painting appeared in the sky: the dawn of the moon met the dusk of the sun. “Do you love the moon or the sun?” Earlyborn asked herself. She knew with her a bit dyed fair hair: the moon. Now she loved the moon.

Earlyborn did not want to continue this book. She created a plan in her mind on how to get the valuable information without a telephone and a thing. She looked for the way of how she could become a real Italian firefighter. The luck greets people who just stood on the true path. And she stood on it. In the century of technologies we confuse he good and the bad ways of life. To clean up your mind, you need to delete all your accounts in social networks and try to live without them for a week. Without all of them. As we realize those enormous hazards and joys we faced from our beginning, we would get the pleasure from life. The light post shines into our window like a symbol of the higher powers… Happiness.


A maiden, majesty of codfish,

Has climbed suddenly the curtain holder.

She sits, and eyes her wink.

Legs dangling under her.

And there is nothing in the world she’s needed.

No thing to brighten more.

Yet, seems, there is one—breeze blowing

From seas and lands abroad.

A maiden, majesty of codfish,

Has climbed suddenly the curtain holder.

She is the greatest actress,

Playing the roles, which no one

Had played so charming as she does before.

The dusk will hide us once,

Like side-scenes after a performance.

There is a cloud high in the sky,

Resembling two wild foxes.

She looks and dreams. She’s named Azis.

A maiden, majesty of codfish,

Has climbed suddenly the curtain holder.
