Вокруг света за 80 дней: адаптированный текст + задания. Уровень А1

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Вокруг света за 80 дней: адаптированный текст + задания. Уровень А1

Полная версия

7) At the station, Phileas Fogg saw his five friends from the Reform Club.

5. Объясни, почему:

1) The police was looking for a thief.

2) Phileas Fogg said that the world is not a big place.

6. Вставь правильные предлоги:

1) He was ___________ a card table with the same five men as yesterday and the day before and the day before that.

2) A thief walked ___________ the Bank of England and took fifty-five thousand pounds.

3) You can go ___________ the world more quickly now.

4) I’ll bet all ___________ it.

5) ‘Each person will pay you four thousand pounds – that’s twenty thousand pounds – when we see you again here in the Reform Club _________ eighty days at the end of your journey round the world,’ said Ralph.

6) Phileas Fogg thought ___________ a minute.

7) At 7.25, Phileas Fogg said good night to his friends and left the Reform Club.

8) He looked ___________ the timetable.

7. Соедини первую и вторую форму глаголов:

Be               was / were

Leave               opened

Say               left

Go               went

Open               said

8. Выскажи свое мнение о:

1) Ralph

2) The Club

3) The thief

4) The bet

5) The journey around the world

9. Поставь слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились предложения:

1) Fogg, think, right, I, Mr., is

2) You, they, on, can, the, stop, way

3) On, will, journey, something, happen, the

4) Pay, pounds, you, have, to, us, twenty, thousand

10. Что обозначают выделенные слова?

1) Phileas Fogg said good night to his friends and left the Reform Club.

2) ‘We are leaving in ten minutes for Dover and Calais,’ said Phileas Fogg.

3) At 8 o’clock, Passepartout was ready with a small bag.

4) He took the bag from Passepartout and put a lot of money into it.

5) I am following the bank thief, Phileas Fogg.

Detective Fix

On Wednesday, 9th October a small thin man waited for a ship at Suez, Egypt. The ship, a fast ship, was the Mongolia. The man was Detective Fix. He was at the port because he wanted to find the Bank of England thief.

Fix looked at everybody. He wanted a tall man in expensive clothes. When the Mongolia arrived at the port, Phileas Fogg left the ship. He had to get a stamp in his passport. He went back to the ship. Fix watched him.

Then the detective found Passepartout out in the town. ‘Can I help you?’ asked Fix.

‘You are very kind,’ said Passepartout. ‘This is Suez?’ ‘Yes,’ said Fix. ‘Suez, in Egypt, in Africa.’ Passepartout looked at Fix with wide eyes.

‘Africa!’ he said.’ This morning I saw Paris again, from 7.20 to 8.15 in the morning, through the windows of a train, between two railway stations. And now I am here in Africa.’

‘You haven’t got much time, then?’ asked the detective.

‘No, Mr. Fogg hasn’t got much time. Oh, and I have to buy some clothes. We came away with only one small bag for the journey.’

‘I’ll show you the way to the shops.’

‘Thank you,’ said Passepartout. And the two men walked through Suez. ‘I have to be careful about the time. The ship leaves again in a short time.’

‘You’ve got time for shopping,’ Fix answered. ‘And you’ve got time for lunch.’

Passepartout took his big watch.

‘Lunch?’ he said. ‘It’s 9.52 in the morning!’

‘No, it’s 11.52,’ said Fix. ‘You’ve got London time on your watch. That’s two hours behind Suez time. When you go round the world, time changes. On your journey you’ll have to change the time on your watch for each new country.’

‘What! Change the time on my watch? Never!’ said Passepartout.

Fix smiled. Five minutes later he said, ‘Here are the shops. You can buy everything here. I think you left London quickly.’

‘Oh yes! Last Wednesday, Mr. Fogg came back from his club at 7.50 in the evening. He usually comes back at midnight. And then we started our journey.’

Fix thought about that. Then he asked, ‘But where is Mr. Fogg going?’

‘Round the world.’

‘Round the world?’

‘Yes, in eighty days. He says it is for a bet.’ ‘Is he rich?’ Fix asked.

‘I think he is,’ said Passepartout. The Frenchman was always ready to talk. ‘He has a lot of new banknotes with him, and he buys things all the time. He gave the captain of the Mongolia a lot of money because he wanted to get to Bombay early.’

So the detective wrote to London and asked for a warrant in Bombay. Phileas Fogg was tall and wore expensive clothes. He left London quickly. He had a lot of money in new banknotes. Phileas Fogg was, Fix thought, the Bank of England thief.

Ten minutes before the Mongolia left Suez, Fix was on the ship with a light bag and some money. He was on his way to Bombay.

Словарные слова

through – через

careful – осторожный, внимательный

warrant – ордер (на аррест)

captain – капитан

detective – детектив

smile – улыбка; улыбаться

railway – железная дорога; железнодорожный

stamp – печать


1. Выбери правильный вариант: true (правда) или false (неправда) в соответствии с текстом главы.

1) The ship Mongolia was fast.

True / false

2) Detective Fix was looking for a thief.

True / false

3) The thief was wearing expensive clothes and he was a tall man.

True / false

4) Passepartout didn’t talk with Fix.

True / false

5) Passepartout had the wrong time on his watch.

True / false

6) Phileas Fogg had a lot of money.

True / false

7) Fix didn’t follow Phileas Fogg.

True / false

2. Вставь правильный предлог.

1) __ Wednesday

2) __ the port

3) __ the town

4) __ Egypt

5) __ Africa

6) __ the morning

7) __ 7.50 __ the evening

3. Поставь предложения в правильном порядке:

1) Passepartout looked at Fix with wide eyes.

2) ‘I’ll show you the way to the shops.’

3) He had to get a stamp in his passport.

4) He wanted a tall man in expensive clothes.

4. Ответь на вопросы:

1) Where did the detective find Passepartout?

2) Why didn’t Passepartout know the right time?

3) Where did Fix bring Passepartout?

4) Did Passepartout tell Fix about Mr.Fogg?

5) What did the detective ask from London?

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14 