My Granny\'s Potions

Maribel Pedrera Pérez – Maga Beth
My Granny's Potions

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María Isabel Pedrera Pérez, better known as Maga Beth, was born in Barcelona on February 9, 1970.

With an inherited profession, her grandmother and great grandmother introduced her in the world of High Magic; she showed, at an early age, a preference towards esotericism.

María Isabel attended basic and high school education and completed higher education with a diploma in Infant Education and Childcare, specialising her studies with the following courses:

– Educator for people with learning difficulties – Autism.

– Special needs – Dyslexia.

– Stimulation and development in education with disabilities.

– Psychopathic disorders in childhood.

– Speech Therapy.

– The teacher in school failure.

– Music therapy.

– Movement and play in the teaching practice.

She combined both studies and also specialised in parapsychology, hypnosis, occultism and astrology; and completed a Master in Quality Control and Environment.

As a good Aquarius, her restless soul led her to continue gaining experience but this time in the natural world, and earned a diploma in Naturopathy, Bach Flowers Remedies, Schüssler Salts, Dietetics and Nutrition, Lymphatic Drainage, Reflexology and Chiromassage.

María Isabel is the author of several books:

– El mágico mundo de las pirámides- Piramidología práctica y esotérica.

– Runas, símbolos mágicos.

– Diccionario de santería.

– Eshú y Pomba Gira, más allá del bien y del mal.

– The Great Secret of Holy Death

– The world of Eshú and Pomba Gira

Throughout these years, María Isabel has collaborated in several radio programmes and esoteric fairs, has given lectures and conferences, and many Tarot, Runes and High Magic courses; and also participated in the First Congress of Mediums held in Spain.

Currently, she continues working in different fields spreading her knowledge.




Instagram: Maga Beth



This book is dedicated to what allowed me to get here, with the good and the bad things.

Family is sometimes a curse and others the greatest blessing.

Here I have to thank my great-grandparents and my grandparents, since I wouldn’t be who I am if I hadn’t had them.

They are fundamental pieces in my life, and don’t think that, although you are reading this book, everybody believed in magic.

Some of my family members were witches and sorcerers and others were pragmatic and very sceptical.

Thanks to them I am the person you know today: a person who fights, studies and can share the values they gave me and I am very proud of them.

When you come to a family, whether biological or adopted, and you receive their surname, they give you a lot of years, a lot of experiences and a lot of energies.

You must become strong against them and if they teach you how to use them it can be one of your best aces in life.

This book is all the wisdom my great-grandmother transmitted to me, teaching me to do my ‘little things’ and stand on my own, anywhere and in any situation.

Never judge someone by their appearance, they can deceive you. Fragility is not on the outside, it is something that cannot be seen: you create strength little by little, forging it with your values and experiences. This was the greatest lesson they taught me.

You will learn something from everything you do and you will move forward in this path because you will become stronger and discover more qualities and weaknesses that you will have to work.

Go ahead!! We have a lot of work to do.

Maga Beth


This book is made with love and gives a brief and simple description of what magic is for. It aims to break the topics so that magic can be within everybody’s reach.

I will briefly explain how the concept of magic has evolved over the centuries and over the years. How magic was done in ancient times and how we can make use of it today.

Magic isn’t difficult to do but if you don’t take precautions the rebound effect can be devastating, because it leads us to an obsession that is completely negative for us and prevents what we have asked for from happening.

In this book you’ll find a compilation of all the ancestral recipes that I received spoken at meals, snacks, in the kitchen or when women got together to talk about the problems in my family.

Many of them are recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation by our ancestors, so that today they are within our reach.

In a practical way, this is a guide of the most used magic ingredients in the world of home magic.

There are many types of magic: white magic, red magic and high magic. All of them are valid as a concept of magic and, depending on how people use it; it is called one way or another.

However, nobody speaks about home magic, which would be another type of magic; the one which is as powerful as the other types of magic or even more powerful.

What differentiates home magic from the other types of magic is that instead of being done by a magician, i.e., a specialist in the field, it can be done by anyone with a little preparation, patience, perseverance and insistence.

The only difference between us today and our grandparents is that they were more constant and had fewer distractions (television, WhatsApp, cinema, radio, concerts, etc.), and they were the most stubborn.

Chapter 1 – The History of Magic

There are many types of magic and thus many books about magic, which you must have already read. That is why, right now, I do not want to fill you with pages and pages about magic to create a good impression.

I will summarise it for you in the simplest way. We are all born with a special intuition and, as we grow, we all develop this intuition towards something that draws our attention. Some people are scared of it or are lucky enough to block their intuitive part and push those feelings away.

And here you could say: Hey, there is a grammar mistake!!! You have written ‘lucky enough’… No, I haven’t made a mistake. Seeing or feeling what the person in front of you is thinking is, at the beginning, sometimes good and funny. However, as you grow older and your gift does not disappear and is real, it is not much fun because it is not a suit that you can take off whenever you want… You have it during a consultation and this helps you to buy food, which is good –to be honest-, but you also see it when you truly love someone and is your friend, your partner, your family and, then, sometimes it is better not to know certain things…

Therefore, dear friends, it is better to work with intuition as in this book: that is, whenever you need it to do a work, to help a friend or to help yourself because that gap is always open. This is the so called residual intuition and it does not mean to be connected 24 hours.

You will also notice that when someone is more or less normal, she/he will act normal, dress normal, life normal, look normal and is someone just like you, there is no difference. This person does not need to wear a disguise unless it is carnival. Many times it is good to listen to a friend who knows you well, who is always giving you good advice, even if she/he is not wearing a disguise; because her/his energy and yours can be very much akin.

In this book you are going to learn how to use your own energy for yourself, to be strong and to learn to make decisions. To be like the reeds that can bend but never break even if gales appear, to return to your initial position, to regain your strength, to grow and to feel good.

In short, I would like you to learn to believe in yourself.

Chapter 2 – How to Prepare Yourself to Make Potions

There are different types of superstitions we must all take into account to a greater or lesser extent when doing things. The fact that they may be known does not mean that if you do them that way, nothing will happen to you.

In any case, when getting ready to perform magic the following is fundamentally requested.

You must take a shower before to disconnect from bad vibes and to be able to concentrate in the work you are about to do since it is a spiritual work and you are asking for you or for someone else. Then, you can start all the work. Each ritual must be done with the highest concentration so that there is no rebound effect.

You must let yourself be carried away by your intuition and choose the potion that most catches your attention or the one with which you have the most affinity.

You should never use any product used in magic to cook or eat it. It is important not to use it since it has been worked at an energetic level.

All the potions described in this book were used by my grandmother and her ancestors, passed down from generation to generation, and have already demonstrated their effectiveness.

Sometimes the results are not immediate since obstacles arise. You may have to repeat the ritual or be patience and wait a little longer.

When getting ready to make the potions, it is very important to have a good disposition, wishing the best for that ritual, and not becoming obsessed because many times you do not get it right the first time because obstacles have to be solved.

Keep in mind that when we ask for something in which we include another person, many times we must cleanse their spiritual path of fear and anguish as well as ours; because we are asking that person to jump into the void and give us a chance.


However, we must also give this person a chance and these changes are in both directions, not just in one. When we ask for something and we do a work, much energy are moved and that is why we sometimes have to do the ritual again, and not because we have not done it well, but because we are modifying situations so that what we are asking for is really linked in the right way.

We must always rely on honesty. It is not necessary to say everything but every relationship means sacrifice by both sides, and although we like someone, we do not have to like everything that person carries with her/him.

I believe this person does not have to like everything we carry either and that is why every ritual requires a time for adaptation.

How many times –ask yourselves -, have you ask for something with all your strength and when you have had it, you have thought: ok, but now that I have it, I would need some things to change, because I am happy but this is not exactly what I wanted …

We must learn to know what we ask for and what we want, and this is why reflection and preparation when asking is so important.

Although you will see that the things you are going to use are not expensive or cost a fortune never underestimate them because they have a lot of power: the power of nature, creation, your energy and the possibility to channel such power.

I am going to explain this to you in detail, as it has been used since ancient times in my family. You will see how easy it is and you will also discover how to stand up for yourself.

The most important thing for me is that you will also begin to channel and feel your spiritual strength and energy stronger day by day, connecting with your deepest self. Since each ritual you do will give you feelings and strength; either because you have achieved it and you have it, or it is getting closer. You will notice by yourself the things you do not want.

Things will be put into the right place. Simply with the things you have around you, within your reach, without harming anyone, working your own energy, feeling free and moving forward every day.

As final curiosities, I will give you some wise advice given by magicians and sorcerers of all times.

1 – When you have to sweep and use a broom, always do it from the inside of the house to the front door, since otherwise you will drive away prosperity.

2 – If any undesirable person has come to your home, place the broom upside down behind the front door. You will see how she/he will leave soon.

3 – When you hang up clothes on the terrace or balcony always hang them inside out to drive away envies.

4 – In order for your body to recharge with energy, it is good to sleep with the head facing north and the feet facing south.

5 – If someone in your family is having a bad streak, place a pair of open scissors with the tips pointing upwards behind the mattress for seven days.

6 – Always have magnets near your house’s front door. Magnets have a great power to neutralise negative energies.

Chapter 3 – Lunar Phases

The Moon is essential for doing any kind of magic. All Moon Phases must be taken into account since much of the success of the ritual will depend on the moment in which the phase of the Moon is. It is very important to do the ritual in the Moon phase indicated because its effectiveness partly depends on it.

Waxing Moon: during this lunar phase you should do rituals to unite couples, to strengthen loving bonds, to awaken the interest on the person you love, to recover lost objects, to increase economic income, to recover health, or to get something done quickly. It is a very beneficial phase for any aspect you want to work on.

Full Moon: unless you have a great knowledge of magic you should not do any kind of rituals during this lunar phase. It can help to find a new love, to increase personal magnetism, charisma and influence on others; it is also appropriate to do a work for you. In addition, it is a good phase to prepare talismans both for you and for others. However, you must wait until the phase changes to give these talismans to the people you want.

Waning Moon: this is an important phase for everything that implies removing, whether they are persons, feelings, negative energies or bad vibrations from your home or your environment. It is a good phase to remove a lover that is not good for you or to change a person’s attitude towards you.

New Moon: this moon is very good so that the effects of the rituals last for a long time. In general, the ritual will be effective if you focus intensely.

Eclipses: No ritual should be performed when there is a solar or a lunar eclipse, either total or partial. It is a very conflicting moment since the energies are confused and can interfere with each other, rebounding and coming back to you. Large asteroids or meteorites passing close to the Earth can also alter the results of rituals.

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