Emissaries 1, 2, 3 parts. Complete collection

Nikolay Lakutin
Emissaries 1, 2, 3 parts. Complete collection

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– Good morning, Archinus, come in, now let us to drink tea.

"Tell me, master, why did you believe me?" the visitor asked, sitting beside the Yacht.

– What kind of master am I? You're a free man, don't demean yourself. Are you asking why I fed you yesterday, gave you money and demanded nothing in return?

– Yes, I do not understand, especially since I could hide with the money and not come to you today.

– You can leave me at any time as desired, and the money I can give you more if you need it.

– But why? Who are you? Why are you helping me?

Achord smiled.

– Don't worry, dear friend, I am sincerely glad that you are here now, in a beautiful external and internal arrangement. I'll answer your questions, but after we eat. Eating is not desirable to combine with a conversation, otherwise the food loses most of its nutrients and the conversation is perceived in half. Attention dissipates, and many little things are overlooked. And the little things do not matter much…

Archinus my eyebrows, knowing that it begins to lose the idea, or rather, what had failed her new friend.

– Because they decide everything! – finished the Yacht.

After the tea ceremony, the Archinus received answers to his questions.

– I'm not just helping you. I came here to help – it's my mission. By the way, you came here for the same.

– Here? The cabin?

Down here.

Archinus chewed his lips in a troubled smile. Crazy this man was clearly not similar, in his words, felt the truth, some tranquility, freedom.

– You'll understand, Archinus, all in good time. I'm going into town now. You can keep me company if you want.

– How did you know my name?

– Knowledge is now right in front of me, I just voiced it. Come on.

Archinus patted bulging eyes and left the cabin, following the wanderer.

A lot of people have already gathered in the square. Merchants laid out their goods, buyers languidly trudged from shop to shop. A few onlookers lost in oblivion, amused passers-by children with their thoughtful awkward faces, and pickpockets, just emptied their pockets trying to get lost in the crowd.

– Your city lives by trade, fraud, theft. Don't want to specify a different vector of development – Achard turned to his new friend.

– I want, of course, but as?

– What do these people want most? – Achord waved his hand over the area.

– Money, of course, wealth, prosperity – replied Archinus.

So let's give them money, wealth, prosperity, maybe then they will see that the world is not limited to that, that there is something else worth living for?

– It would be nice, but where do we get the wealth and even in such quantity?

– Everything is and always has been. Yes it will. Only the shape changes. Look at that pile of tanks by the hedge.

In the far part of the market square there were really full tanks of waste. Old ragged clothes, rotten fruit, broken supports, remains of ridiculous adaptations for trade and with what inhabitants of the city preferred to leave. Achord went straight to them. Archinus only yesterday courted these tanks with the utmost care, trying to find them at least something edible or more or less surviving from the clothes, and today, being in a completely different status felt some disdain, disgust. Not too eager and agile, but he came to these tanks, not realizing that meant his companion. Imagine his surprise when in the tanks just filled with debris, he saw a large variety of coins. And highly not small coins.

– A-not staying, cried out Archinus, a couple of times wiping his eyes and patting his cheeks.

– Money? Holy shit, money! – he exploded from the overabundance of feelings and rushed to fill the pockets of coins.

On his cry turned a dozen people, they immediately rushed to the tanks, to satisfy their curiosity about what money the man shouted so quickly something stuffed in his pockets. Behind these ten, several dozen people hurried.

Realizing that now there will be hustle and bustle, Achord overturned tanks. The coins clanged to the ground and rolled in different directions. A minute later, the entire area safely in all growth there was only one person – Achard. All the others, like a swarm of bees, actively worked with their hands, raking coins, who, how many will carry under the merged chorus of cries and enthusiastic voices.

– If you need more money-then fill these tanks with garbage by the evening. Tomorrow morning You will get the same coins – incredibly loud and clear boomed the voice of Akorda over the area for a second severing people from panic fatten their pockets. Then Ahard left the area, and people still long to understand the coins that have already rained down from all sinuses and pockets.

By evening a single coin next to the tanks is not lying, but the trash they turned out to be three times more than before. Inhabitants were on duty at tanks all night, expecting without knowing what, but even disbelief in inexplicable didn't prevent some citizens to come in the morning with dense bags, and someone even with small carts.

The sun had risen long ago. Of the residents, waving his hand, went home, but people arrived a lot more than crowded at the market yesterday afternoon.

– Good morning, friends-I heard a powerful, already familiar to many voice.

People focused their attention on the tall man standing in the middle of the square.

– I'll give you more if you need more. What this requires – you now know.

– Money-shouted the first people who paid attention to the tanks. The crowd once again rushed to stuff the bales of coins from the barrels, being just a moment ago filled with garbage.

At this time, the villagers brought an even greater amount of waste. Coins rolled under the wooden shields to get no one, though they were visible, collected only what lay on the surface.

– Well, then, a certain degree of saturation has come, he said aloud Achord, drawing attention to difficult to reach the remaining coins.

The city was buzzing for two days as never before. Stores were deserted, the residents bought everything, even the fact that it was not necessary. Garbage cans were rapidly filled with old worn-out things and objects. By the morning of the third day it was already a whole dump. Having the opportunity to update the interior and everyday people shamelessly dragged from all over the city their belongings, which are no longer needed.

Evening at the cabin door Ahorda knocked.

– Come on in, Archinus, glad you to see – one through the door overbearing voice.

Archinus came in with a tray of different dishes, he was dressed no worse than the sheikhs of the frontier destinies.

– Divide this modest dinner, friend? peace said Archinus, performing unusual and awkward bow.

–How did you do that? after a silent meal, suddenly asked Archinus, pulling out his coin.

Achard stood at the window and enthusiastically began to look somewhere in the sky. He so closely watched, that Archinus forgetting about his issue,, too, hurried to window, in the hope see there something an unusual. However, when he came up and looked at the sky, he saw nothing but a few clouds. He looked accusingly at Akorda, chewed his lower lip and headed towards the door, when suddenly I heard:

– Turning the coin tanks was a lot harder than turning the trash into money.

The archinus stopped. Tried to comprehend, but all his attempts were in vain. He sat back down, poured himself some wine from his waist-length eggplant, and looked skeptically at the window-seat of the Yacht. He, as and above, closely watched on the sky.

Draining his Cup, the Archinus once again went to the window. Once again I looked at the sky, then at the Yacht, then again at the sky, then again at the Yacht. Then he broke into a smile and fell at the tray, continuing to deal with the gifts brought.

– What are you going to do next? – again asked question Archinus.

– You said people need money, wealth, prosperity. Don't you?

– Yes, that's right – nodded Archinus throwing and mouthful of grape.

– Well, now, I'm going to give it to your people.

– I mean, I can count on the fact that now every morning in the trash will be piles of coins?

Can Ahord modestly replied, not taking his eyes from the sky.

Archinus thoroughly stuffed belly, filled it all with remnants of wine and without saying goodbye, came out of the hut.

Two weeks later, each resident of Tyn – Java barns were filled with coins. There was almost no garbage left in the city, the tanks were not filled to half by the evening, and when people came in the morning for money, they took only what they could get at arm's length. A week later, the tanks with coins stood idle without asking. Traders were not interested to come to the market and sell their goods, because in order to make money, they now just had to go to the tanks and take out as much as they want. But they didn't do it either, because their houses were full of coins. Things have changed. Now everyone had a lot of money, but there was nothing to buy them, because the incentive to work disappeared. Local merchants on the square did not, and the newcomers ceased to carry goods, they came with empty carts, took them the coins and went to their homes.

Food supplies began to run out rapidly in the city after a rapid surge of hunger began to appear.

The people began to gather on the square not to collect more coins, but to communicate with each other and decide how to live further, where to get food, clothes and other attributes necessary for a comfortable life.

– You got your wealth, tell me, are you happy? a mighty voice swept across the square.

The people saw a familiar silhouette.


Are you devil or God? – one of local leaders in the question expressed the General opinion.

– And what does it matter if I do your will. The question is more relevant than your desires are guided and what is their nature. Did I corner you by giving you what you wanted? Did I tell you that you need to give up all classes except one – stuffing your pockets and belly.

– To pockets of claims aren't present, and here with a stomach… – again the representative of the people retorted. People nodded their heads actively, supporting their speaker.

– Understand. No problem with that either. Right behind You is a wonderful garden, full of fruits, berries and nuts.

People turned around and saw that right behind the square, on the site of the forest is really fragrant huge garden. People jumped in front of there forgetting about everything.

Near the garden, people found huge rows of clothes, household supplies, technical means and many more things that had not been seen before. And as the people evinced their greed and ignorance, products and goods in Tyn – Java does not become smaller.

Two weeks the city was filled with joy and fun. About Horde were all sorts of rumors. Someone worshipped him, someone scolded and cursed, but no one from the city tried to understand his actions.

– Are you happy? – again swept strong-willed voice over the area in one of the gloomy days, when a considerable number of people gathered here, do not really understand why.

People ambiguously met Ahorda. His question remained unanswered, because this question is none of the residents himself not asked, and certainly did not think of the answer.

– You wanted money, You got it. You wanted freedom and prosperity – you have both. Do you want something else? Do you need anything else to be happy? – finished his question Achord.

This issue has generated a lot of discontent in society, because people realized the earthiness of their thinking and way of life. They understood that they received all that they did not even dream of, but all their desires did not fill the inner space with peace, warmth and the elusive that they so want to know, but it is almost impossible to Express. And since man is by nature ready to blame its imperfection on anyone but themselves the object of hatred was Ahard.

On that day, the wanderer did not hear a single sound in his address, did not hear the answer and even an attempt to answer, but very well felt the General mood, which day by day began to gain more and more strength. So the power of creation was redirected by the will of the mass consciousness into the force of hateful, destructive and ruthless.

– He is a devil, a real devil-shouted the most low-developed representatives of the city.

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