Plays on the 5,6,7,8,9,10 people. Collection №4

Nikolay Lakutin
Plays on the 5,6,7,8,9,10 people. Collection №4

Полная версия

Julia bridges, attracting the attention of a man, shows with all her appearance how uncomfortable she is and how hopeless her situation is.

KIRILL: (looking at Yulia's maneuvers, he turns to her): It really hurts to look at Vichy wanderings, I would be happy to offer you something, but there is nothing to offer except the second knee.

Moms laugh, appreciating the joke. Julia laughs the loudest. The laughter stops.

JULIA (seriously): I agree.

Yulia approaches Kirill, who is taken aback, and sits down on his second knee next to Dima.

JULIA (playfully turns to Dima): Hi! We're neighbors now! What's up?

DIMA: It's okay, aunt Yul. How are you doing?"

JULIA (enthusiastically): I remember! He remembered me! How nice. Oh, I'm fine. My daughter has been discharged and you will soon recover. What happened to you?

DIMA: I have a sore Throat.

CYRIL: purulent sore throat!

Julia jumps off her knee as if scalded and runs away, hiding behind Nelly and Jeanne.

All moms show excitement and apprehension, looking at Dima.

JULIA: It's contagious!

KIRILL: I was joking. We had too much ice cream on the weekend. Vaughn's own voice has also sat down (clears his throat).

The mothers laugh vaguely, a broken, unnatural laugh.

ZHANNA (to Cyril): And what do you do with the child to the clinic, why not the wife?

The other moms show genuine interest in the man's response.

KIRILL: WHAT's the big deal? Aren't men allowed in here?

NELLY: no, Why not. You can, of course. It's just that men don't meet here very often. Usually mothers take children to the reception. And in General, in General, mothers are usually more engaged in children. No?

Cyril takes his son off his knee.

KIRILL (son): Go, Dima, draw while there with Marina and Rudik.

The boy leaves.

KIRILL (sadly): Usually… Usually, I think so. But I don't have a wife. Die in childbirth.

NELLY, JEANNE, JULIA (together they cover their mouths with their hands in fright): Ah!

The office door opens and Dina comes out, looking pleased.

DINA: Uh, well, everything seems to have been discussed, now I won't come for a long time.

Jeanne jumps up from her seat and turns to Dina with a panicked look of hope.

JEANNE: How about everything? About everything? And about cucumbers and tomatoes and the whole crop?

DINA (quite): Yes!

JEANNE: And what about seeds and winter crops?

DINA (quite): Yes!

JEANNE: AND about pensions?

DINA (quite waving her hand): Also!

JEANNE (from the last hope): What about grandchildren?

Dina thinks about it. Her face shows confusion and a sly smile.

DINA: Actually, I didn't want to tell you, my granddaughter is about to be born. Ah, well, I was, I wasn't.

Dina gives an elaborate wave and returns to the office.

ZHANNA (to Cyril): And what have you been doing all this time? One?

KIRILL: Yes, it's fine, I'm used to it. At first, it was certainly difficult, but this is good. It was distracting from the loss. Then everything settled down more or less. Dimka I have almost no pain, a strong guy. He's good.

JEANNE (sympathetically): My God, my God, my God…

NELLIE: Excuse me, but what do you work for?

KIRILL: I was a pilot until the tragedy happened. Then I had to leave. I devoted myself to my son.

Julia: but what about you…

KIRILL: WHAT did you live on?


KIRILL: pilots have a fairly high salary. I managed to work for ten years, saved a good amount. I planned to buy a Villa in Spain and move my family there, but I didn't have to. That's how they lived with their son. I then successfully managed to invest in dollars, the exchange rate increased and the amount doubled. Everything is not just so in our life, somehow everything is predetermined as if. Or it may not be a foregone conclusion, but it is provided for – that's for sure.

JULIA, JEANNE, NELLY (chorus): Yeah…

NELLIE: About a foregone conclusion or provided for… I've been thinking. (Turns to Julia) You say that your uncle bought toys for orphanages.

JULIA: I bought it. And toys for the new year and some things brought. Why do you remember that now?

NELLIE: You asked me what I did for my country. So I managed not to die in this mess, and survive!

JULIA: Great credit. You say that because you have nothing to compare it to. Didn't she talk to her parents, her grandparents, as they had to?

NELLIE: That's just it… There was no one to talk to… I grew up in an orphanage.

Sad, quiet music plays.

NELLY: They didn't teach us much about high morals. I was taught only one art from birth, the art of survival. Our brother's gratitude is eliminated from the body after the first few nights in the shelter.

JULIA: I'm Sorry. You don't look it. You look pretty decent. Educated, well-groomed…

NELLIE: She made herself so. It's been a long time coming and I'm still on my way…

Mommies look down.

NELLY (Julia): So what kind of orphanage did your uncle bring toys to?

JULIA (almost crying): I honestly don't know. I wasn't particularly interested.

NELLIE: WHAT'S your uncle like? Describe it?

JULIA: Well, now he is bald, but the beard remains, as it was in his youth. I never changed my principles.

NELLIE: is the beard red?

Julia looks at Nelly in disbelief.

JULIA: Red-haired…

NELLY: He's tall. In a raincoat with a torn pocket?

JULIA: Noooo. No. No. This can't be happening. I do not believe. He did have a bit of a torn pocket, and he wouldn't let his wife sew it up. Because this pocket was torn by a child in an orphanage. I clung to it, didn't want to let go. I asked to go with him. And my uncle couldn't take me in, there were enough children of his own, and my wife was against it, but as a memory, he didn't sew up this pocket.

NELLIE: this pocket was torn by a girl…

Nellie and Julia approach each other, stand, stare at each other, their eyes filling with tears. And suddenly, in a sharp mutual impulse, they embrace, pressing each other in a strong embrace.

The climax of the music sounds louder. The music plays, the music stops.

The door in the fifth office opens, Dina comes out, or rather the doctor pushes her out.

DOCTOR: that's enough. Who's next there? Go.

Nelly and Julia let go of each other.

DINA (to the doctor): Well, what are you, just a little bit more would have waited, and would have broken for sure!

DOCTOR: stop playing around. 1:1. So that Cahors with half of take. That's it, go, you also need to work sometimes. (Turns to the patients) Next, come in!

Dina leaves, Zhanna calls Rudik, who comes running and they hide in the office with the doctor.

KIRILL: I'll go and see how the children

are doing…

Nellie and Julia sit on chairs.

Nellie: CAN you arrange a meeting with your uncle? I want to see him and hug him.

JULIA: of course, he will be happy!

NELLY: only don't tell his wife anything about it…

Julia looks at Nelly with incomprehension.

NELLIE: No,no, I don't mean anything like that. It's just that you yourself say that he didn't take me because of his wife, she was against it. I don't think she will appreciate my impulse to see someone who instilled faith in the best not only in me.

JULIA: Yes… you're probably right. She doesn't want to know. In this case, the less you know, the better you sleep. All the more reason to think of something else. In her old age, she became somewhat nervous.

NELLIE: You know, those gifts were so important to us.

Julia nods her head knowingly with a tender, tremulous smile.

NELLIE: we were all very much waiting for the kind uncle to come and do something for us just like that. We had everything at stake. If you want an extra piece of bread, you can get it, but you will have to give something in return. And then just take away the rights of the strong. And then there was this… other person. He smelled good. I still remember his smile. He stood a little way off and watched the children take their toys apart. And so pleasantly, gently and warmly smiled. That's when I rushed to him, because I felt that such a person in my life may never meet again. Of course, I wanted him to be my father, but I knew that it was unlikely that my wish would come true. Pocket I then he blew up…

Julia gently hugging Nellie.

The door to the office opens, a satisfied Jeanne and her son come out, say goodbye, and leave. The doctor looks out of the office.

DOCTOR: Next, please.

The doctor closes the door behind him.

NELLY (Julia): Will you go?

JULIA: No, I'm going there, in General… Write down my phone number. Call me when you're free. I'll arrange a meeting with your uncle. I promise!

Mommies hug one last time, Nellie calls her daughter Marina and goes into the office with her.

Julia waves goodbye to Nelly, leaves the clinic.

The corridor – stage remains empty.

Soft, soft music plays.

Kirill enters the stage, leads his son Dima by the hand, and holds a stack of drawings in his other hand.

They sit on two chairs outside the office.

Cyril puts his arm around his son, and they have a silent dialogue. They look at drawings, discuss something, the father smiles, laughs inaudibly, the son also smiles, animatedly explains something to the father. Their dialogue is inaudible, the music plays, the music stops.

The office door opens and a distressed Nellie and her daughter come out. Nellie holds the recipe in her hand. Mother and daughter hurriedly leave the stage.

The doctor comes out of the office, examines the corridor, looks at the father and son with emotion, approaches Kirill with the child.


The music stops.

Doctor (To the child, affably): hi, how are you?

DIMA (draws attention to the woman standing next to him): Hello, nothing, thank you. Please sit down! (gives way)

The doctor smiles and sits down next to dad.

DOCTOR (Child): Thank you dear. This is education, this is what I understand. Father – well done. (Turns to Cyril) Are you coming to me?

KIRILL: Yes, Hello. The child's throat was cold, so they came for the advice of a knowledgeable person.

DOCTOR: am I knowledgeable?

KIRILL: I suspect so.

The doctor smiles and waves his hand. Then he looks at the child.

DOCTOR (to Cyril): You've got a good kid. Strong build, healthy skin. Calm, well-mannered. I don't want to ruin it with drugs.

KIRILL: Sorry, I didn't understand.

DOCTOR: everything that we should recommend in this case has side effects and contraindications, and this, frankly, is not very good. And the quality of modern drugs leaves much to be desired. You know what they say, if you treat a cold, it will go away in fourteen days, and if you do not treat it, then in two weeks.

KIRILL: About how… But in General from observations – it seems to be true.

DOCTOR: Well, so… (beckons Dima) Come here, little one.

Dima comes closer to the doctor.


Dima opens his mouth wide and shows his throat.

DOCTOR: everything is clear, you can close it.

Dima closes his mouth and steps aside.

The DOCTOR (Dima): Did you draw this? (pointing to one of the drawings in Papa's hand.)

DIMA: Yes. I drew the beach that my dad and I went to recently.

DOCTOR: WHERE are all the people? Uncles, aunts, children, Umbrellas from the sun, towels, bedspreads…

DIMA: now I will finish drawing!

Dima takes the drawing in question and runs off to finish everything else.

DOCTOR (to Cyril): You know, gargle with cold, ice-cold water. Pour cold water into a glass, add a few pieces of ice to it, and when it cools down more strongly, let the child rinse. You do not need to drink it, but rinse it – it will be the best.

CYRIL: It's kind of like fight fire with fire?

The DOCTOR: Sort of.

KIRILL: AND what will help?

DOCTOR: IN America, everyone has been treating the throat for a long time. It passes very quickly. And in our country everything is topsy-turvy. The throat is irritated, and it's still boiling water and raspberries. And then they come with a swollen throat, wonder why it didn't help and it got worse.

KIRILL: I didn't really think about it. Well, we'll try, thank you.

DOCTOR: a Woman came to see me, did you see her?

KIRILL: is she an Old woman?

DOCTOR: Well, Yes. This is my friend. Medicine is powerless for her. Dina has an incurable disease. The doctors can't help her, and no one knows how long she has left. Maybe a week, maybe a year. But when she comes to me, she's so happy. She forgets about the disease and the disease seems to recede. She even looks different when she leaves me. We'll talk, talk about this and that, and I'll look at it and listen to it… and she lives, smiles. In this I see my help. Some people are helped by pills, and some by a kind word. People are different, treatment is different, so I'm sorry that I had to wait a long time.

Kirill shakes his head understandingly.

Kirill: of COURSE, I understand.

Nellie returns with her daughter Marina, and Nellie hands the prescription to the doctor.

NELLIE: Here, I took the first and second at the pharmacy, but the rest they said – no.

DOCTOR: I see, well, then replace it with this, (writes something on a piece of paper) drink for four days, on the fifth to see me, I think everything will pass by then. We'll discharge you.

NELLIE (sadly): Okay, thanks.

The doctor stands up.

DOCTOR (Good to parents and children): Get well!

The doctor goes into the office, closes the door behind him.

Remain in the hallway, Cyril, Nelly, and Marina.

Cyril sees that Nelly is upset.

KIRILL (Nelly): is Everything okay?

NELLIE: I don't know… I wish it was better. I thought I'd be on sick leave for a couple of days at most and go back to work. And you'll have to sit for another week.

KIRILL: are you So eager to get to work?

: I would not rush, I do not work officially, sick leave is not paid. You want to go, you don't want to go, but you won't get any money either, and you can't raise a child by yourself… you won't run too far.

KIRILL: You are also alone…

Nelly sighs.

NELLIE: my Husband left two years ago.

Cyril looks at Nelly questioningly, but doesn't ask. She catches a questioning look on her face and explains.

NELLIE: I found a younger one.

KIRILL: Well, do you communicate? Helps, probably, all the same?

NELLIE (waving her hand): Yeah, talking. He doesn't even wish the child a happy birthday, much less me. There, the young woman turned his head thoroughly. He has a completely different life for a long time. We became strangers.

CYRIL: it turns out…

NELLY: what?

KIRILL: it turns out that we are comrades in misfortune, in a way.

NELLIE (smiles): So it turns out.

Dima returns with the drawing.

DIMA: everything is fine, I finished it (shows the drawing).

Kirill looks at the drawing.

KIRILL: Well, Yes, that's better. Aunts, uncles, children, umbrellas from the sun, towels, this is probably a blanket (asks, pointing to the drawing)?

DIMA: Yes.

KIRILL (Dima): Wait, where are we? Am I missing something?

Dima points at the drawing with his finger.

CYRIL: that's it?

DIMA: Yes.

KIRILL: Wait, I don't understand. But there are four people under the fungus. And there are two of us with you

, aren't there? : I just really want there to be four of us the next time we go to the beach. You, me, mom and sister.

Dad makes a duck-like gesture with surprise but approval.

CYRIL: that's Interesting.

NELLY: can I see it?

Kirill hands the drawing to Nelly. She studies him carefully, smiling.

Marina also goes to the drawing, also looks.

MARINA (seriously): She looks like me (pointing).

NELLIE (half laughing): Indeed, there are similarities.

DIMA: Well, that's right, I drew my sister from Marina.

There is an awkward pause.

Cyril and Nellie look at each other.

Kirill takes the drawing, looks at it, then looks at Marina, then at Nelly, then at the drawing.

KIRILL: Well, then… I don't mind.

Nellie takes the picture gently from his hands, Kirill, is also looking at the picture, then dim, then to Cyril. Then he looks down at the drawing.

NELLY: Yes, I am, in General, too.

Cyril and Nelly stare into each other's eyes.

Marina carefully takes the drawing from her mother's hand. He stares at the drawing, then at Dima, then at the drawing, then at Kirill, then at the drawing, then at his mother.

MARINA: I agree, too.

Kirill: Well, then… (pulls his son closer, hugs him)

Nelly and Marina also come, Kirill hugs them, they hug everyone.

KIRILL: Then… then we wish good luck to our new crew and a good journey together!

Loud and effective music!


Play for five, six or seven people "Honest announcement"


MOM – a short, cheerful old woman of 66 years;

YURA – son, "sitting on the neck" of the mother. Tall fellow 36 years old.

SANEK is a friend of Yura, a darling of fate, about 40 years old.

DARIA is the first candidate for a relationship, 28 years old.

ARINA is the second candidate for a relationship, 35 years old.

MILANA is the third candidate for a relationship, 42 years old.

KAPITOLINA is the fourth candidate for a relationship, 18 years old.

Not all female roles of relationship candidates overlap, they can be played by 4.3 or 2 Actresses.

Yura's Hobbies are fooling around, making faces, gesticulating, and imitating. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the roles of this character in relation to the clarity of facial expressions and artistry in General. This is important!


MOM AND YURA's apartment


A table, two stools (strong, will "fly"), a sofa, a TV, a wardrobe (not heavy, so that my mother could move it), bookshelves (one of which will later move) things and other attributes that correspond to a residential home is not rich environment.

Quiet, calm music is playing. Not a bright light.

In an apron, cheerful all in the process of cooking, a short mother bustles into the room. Carries a saucer of sliced bread. Puts it on the table, hurries to the kitchen.

After a while, my mother appears again, holding a saucepan and a cutting Board. Puts everything on the table, hurries to the kitchen, brings two spoons, a salt shaker, and napkins to the hall. It stands, looks carefully at the table, calculates something. She remembers that she hasn't reported it yet, runs to the kitchen, returns with a teapot and two mugs. He looks at the table contentedly.

The music stops.

He takes off his apron, turns around, and calls his son.

MOTHER (affectionately, loving, caring): Yuri? My son? Time to get up. The porridge is getting cold. (Walks across the room, puts two stools at the table, turns around, sees that his son has not yet arrived, continues to call) Yurochka Wake up, dear, Breakfast is ready!

With the face swollen from sleep, in half – lowered family underpants of a very intricate style, which his mother-old woman obviously sewed for him (it is highly desirable to make to order or sew something unconventionally funny on her own), yawning and stretching, reluctantly, a bumpy son, a tall fellow, passes into the hall. In his hand, he has a crumpled t-shirt, which he tries to straighten out and determine where the front is and where the back is. Puts it on, but, as it turns out, on the left side. The thick seams of the fabric clearly protrude, attracting attention.

MOTHER (affectionately, loving, caring): Son, please come to the table, how did you sleep? You don't look happy. Did you have a bad dream?

YURA (yawning): No, not really… Sleep is just fine. Everything was even good there, but not enough.

MOTHER (curiously): How interesting, but what did you dream? What's not enough?

Yura looks at her mother with a strange look. He's confused, and he knows he shouldn't have said that.

YURA (wagging): Nuuu…, how to say… (Abruptly changes the tactics of defense to attack, paying attention to the table) I didn't bring any plates! Mom, what am I going to eat out of?

The old mother pays attention to her mistake, throws up her hands in frustration.

MOM (annoyed): Oh, I'm so busy. Now, my dear, now everything will be fine.

The mother runs to the kitchen and returns with two plates. Takes care of his son, puts him first, puts a plate in front of him, puts a spoon, ties him a napkin (or a handkerchief at the discretion of the Director). He sits down opposite me. Proceeds to the Breakfast.

The mother eats, not too loudly and clearly, but still slurps.

The son sits, does not eat, and with gentle glances sends passes of mimic gestures of disapproval in the direction of the mother.

The mother pays attention to this. She's worried.

MOM (annoyed): What is it, dear?

YURA (ornately): Here… Such case.

MOTHER (alarmed): Well,what?

YURA (prevaricating): I don't even know how to say…

MOM (alarmed): Speak up, Lord Almighty. What happened?

YURA (annoyed): You're slurping! Annoying!

Mom lets out a sigh of relief, preparing for something more weighty.

MOM (guiltily): So I'm old, no teeth read. And so I try to be careful.

JURA (on the nerves): And not particularly it turns out!

Mom shrugs guiltily and continues to eat. Every now and then she makes a little noise.

YURA (with a flourish and a grimace): It may sound a little strange, it may even sound rude, and I admit that it may even be outrageous, but… Listen… And you couldn't eat somewhere out there… in the kitchen, for example, because you're losing your appetite, and Breakfast is the most important food, you said yourself… my

Mother humbly takes her Cup, spoon, and leaves the table.

MOM (guiltily): Yes,Yes… I understand everything. When I was young, my grandfather also irritated me with such phenomena… it came back to me. Enjoy your meal, son. I'm in the kitchen, if you need anything, call out.

Mom leaves.

The son makes a disgusted face, a little contemptible shiver runs through him (twitches). He looks to see if mom's gone, grimaces. The mood lifts, and he begins to eat with an impudent haughty expression on his face.


With a clang, clang and crash, almost falling, Sanek runs into the room, trying to keep his balance.

An iron basin and bucket, a ladle, all this also flies into the room obviously after meeting with the clumsy foot of a not too young and not particularly attentive man.

SANEK (on emotion, rushing into the room): .

Yura is sitting with her back to him, jumping up from the clang and crash, spilling porridge on her pants, the plate falls to the floor, but the spoon with the pitiful remnants of Breakfast is still in her hand.

YURA (recovering from the shock, trying to cope with a nervous TIC that came from nowhere): Sanek… Healthy, old boy. You what is this neither light nor sh…, (takes a breath) nor dawn, and even so shocking. And what about the mother? I didn't hear…

Sanek collects the basin, bucket, and ladle that he dropped, and carefully sets them all aside.

SANEK (irritated): Yes, I'm talking… Your mother is a good woman. Economic. All something kolgotitsya, something pyzhitsya, something all makes, prepares… (points to the basin and bucket), washes, obviously. Or are you doing the Laundry?

Yura's outraged facial expressions and gestures speak for themselves.

YURA (taken aback): A fool or what?

SANYA (smoothing out the corners): Me? Yes, it seems not quite. It's just that the "tazovederny trains" in your house didn't cross my path before. And as for neither light nor SRA… (takes a breath) nor dawn, so it's you overreacted. What a morning, it's almost eleven o'clock!

Yura licks the remains of the porridge from the spoon and calls out to her mother with displeasure.

YURA (loudly, addressing the kitchen): Mom! Here it is… Need a rag… and grab a dustpan and brush!

Mom comes running with a rag, brush and dustpan, warmly greets Sanka. He's busy cleaning up after his son.

YURA (to her mother, incredulously): Mom, is it really eleven o'clock?

MOM (calmly, good): True, my son, it's already past eleven.

YURA (to her mother, indignantly): Why did you Wake me up so late? Didn't I ask you to Wake me up at nine? Today we have a business meeting with Sanka. I should have been prepared, at least had time to Wake up properly!

MOTHER (calmly, good): I did Wake you up, son. I came to you four times, but you didn't Wake up. He grumbled, swore, and threw a pillow at me one last time. Breakfast was already cold, and I had to warm it up. I tried, really.

YURA (to her mother, indignantly): So you're not trying hard. I should have done something different, I don't know… to be smart. Shamed me in front of a friend.

Yura makes an indignant grimace and rolls her eyes.

SANYA (smoothing out the corners): Come on, whatever. It happens to everyone. I've sometimes gone as far as twelve, or even as far as two.

MOM (with interest): What kind of event are you planning? Business meeting? Did you decide to get a job?

Sanek and Yura look at their mother with a disapproving, reproachful look, but they are silent.

Mom understands their look and shakes her head.

MOTHER (disappointed): Well yes… What am I, really? What kind of work in thirty-six years. Small yet. (Sanku) And it's probably too late for you, Sasha. (Resignedly, continuing cleaning) Never mind, we'll hang out sometime. I understand everything, these are difficult times, the employer is deceiving at every step. (Son) You'd better be at home, so it will be safer, and calmer. I've got a pension for a thousand dollars, and I've taken some home-sewing work. It's normal, why complain, a lot of people live worse.

The mother finishes cleaning up after her son, goes to the kitchen.

SANEK (admiringly): You have a great mother. Here is my me constantly shpynyaet – go work, go work. I may be about to turn forty, but you can't just take me. Spend priceless years of your life sitting in depressing warehouses, production halls, or dusty offices? I didn't find myself in a dumpster. It is necessary to live brightly, easily, naturally! It's so easy. Is it really that hard to understand? After all, our old people should be wise, and they are some kind of stupid on the contrary.

Yura looks reproachfully at his friend.

SANEK (making excuses): well… it doesn't apply to your mother, but in General… some generation of fools seems to have grown up in the post-war years. Well, it's understandable, in General, it was hard, it was necessary to raise the country! Education and self-development was not at all in the first so to speak needs…

YURA (turning the topic): Okay, no more demagoguery. What was there, how it was there. We met today for a very specific event, so we won't waste any time!

SANEK (clapping his hands, rubbing his hands): Yes!

YURA (businesslike): So, my dear friend. What do we have? So I'm thirty-six years old!

SANEK (cheerfully, enthusiastically): So!

JURA (business): Marriage was not seen…

SANYA (cheerfully, enthusiastically): I wasn't!

JURA (business): As in fact, and in General in the company of a girl.

SANEK (surprised): Really? What in General, what if never with anyone and never?

YURA (judiciously): It happens! Haven't you read Omar Khayyam? Here he says that it's better to be alone than with just anyone!

Sanek scratches his chin thoughtfully.

SANEK (surprised): However… And have you read much of this outstanding man's work?

YURA (hesitating): Frankly, not very much. Yes, in all conscience, only this.

SANEK (smiling contentedly): Ah…Well… that's What I thought.

YURA (businesslike): So! Again with the topic jumped. So, today we are going to find me a life partner! Or have you changed your mind to help me in this difficult task?

SANEK (smiling contentedly): What are you, old boy! Where are you without your old friend, wise bitter experience in the field of gender relations? Of course, I will help, I have already made some sketches, so to speak, variants. We are going to place an ad about Dating on the Internet?

YURA (delovo): Well, where else? Not on the fence as in the middle ages…

SANYA (business): There! I figured out how to correctly compose the ad text, so that, you know – to hook! To attract! To catch the hook of such a girl, with whom you will then swim all your life in the ocean of passion!

YURA (rather admiringly): That's what an experienced friend means! As I said! Come on, come on. What are the options you came up with?

Sanek is all of himself, he feels the master of the situation, he is the "king of the world".

SANYA (business): So, we need to show your strengths, in the most attractive light to present to the court of single girls, or not singles, this is already… you know, things happen, your person. So. Option one!

YURA (intrigued): Right?

SANEK (pathetic): A seasoned alpha male, in the Prime of life, with excellent health and a well-established genotype, is looking for a worthy candidate for the post of a faithful reliable life partner!

Sanek pauses, waiting for a reaction.

Yura looks at him indifferently.

SANEK (pathetic): What's it like?

SANEK (disappointed, drooping): Listen well… I don't know, of course, what's wrong with the genotype. About health – well… unless… Yes, I'm not exhausted by work, but I would hardly be accepted into the Olympic reserve, as if… everything is not so smooth for me. And last – a seasoned alpha male! I have no idea what to do with the girl, how to go where and what Makar, and how to get to the stage of relevance of this issue? What kind of alpha am I? Where did you find the male in me? (embarrassed) No, thank you very much, but it's not true, is it?

SANEK (cheerfully, fervently): Ha, yurok, made me laugh. Who writes the truth in ads on Dating sites? And in General, in principle, in ads. This is the most that neither is advertising! And advertising works only when it is able to convince the average person that this product, product, service or… (takes a breath, points to a friend) in this case, a person, just needs it! We have to make you the kind of macho man that hundreds of women, thousands of girls, and maybe even a dozen men will want.

Sanek twists his smile, jokingly shows his tongue.

Yura shudders at the last thing he heard. His face reflects a premonitory state.

SANEK (cheerfully, fervently): Yes, I'm joking, relax, (with a dig) although…

Yura's look makes it clear that he does not Intend to joke, not the mood.

SANEK: okay. A lot will depend on the quality of your profile picture!

YURA (timidly): A..... is it necessary?

SANEK (pressing): Of course! This is almost the most basic point! The most important first factor that will determine whether you will start to study in detail or immediately scroll through the General pile of questionnaires.

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