полная версияSuicide or DAY FOR MARRIAGE. Play for 2 people

Nikolay Lakutin
Suicide or DAY FOR MARRIAGE. Play for 2 people

Полная версия

Lida begins to understand what Grisha is leading to. She smoothly stops in her actions, turns slowly, and looks attentively at Grisha.

GRISHA (calmly continues, almost paying no attention to the girl): … and I believed, I practically knew that sooner or later… it may be too late, or almost too late, but I will meet a girl who I will bring to this house, and she will be the mistress. It will add the last, but most important touches and create comfort. He will do what I can't do alone.

Grisha stares at Lida, a tear almost falling from his eye.

GRISHA (nodding brightly): I listened to your story and correlated it with what is dear and valuable to me. You know, I … like most men, I've always wanted a son. And in the backyard of the house for the future, so to speak, built a small basketball court.

Maintains a pause.

GRISHA (with a face beaming with happiness): Bought a new ball. Just like they play on the best basketball courts in the world… I held this ball in my hands and imagined how my son and I would play on this court. How I will lift him up by the armpits to the ring, and he will be happy to throw the ball into the basket… How much… I spent the hours of my days in these happy dreams…

Grisha gets up from the ground, shakes himself off, goes to the Bush, tears off a twig or blade of grass. Making a ring.

GRISHA (without looking at Lida): Dear Lida… I turned you down for one reason only. Not because I don't want you to be my wife, but because a man should propose. And if something happens, then blame no one, but only yourself!

Grisha twists the ring, and Lida, realizing what really happened, covers her face with her hands in shame.

GRISHA (turns to the girl): What's the clock? There are still a few minutes left for our century?

Lida takes out her phone and looks at it.

LIDA (happily, but with restrained calm): Yes…, the last few minutes have started their run…

Grisha goes up to Lida, sits down on one knee and hands her the ring.

GRISHA: Lida, my beautiful doubt, my happy doubt, my only doubt in my life… Please become my wife!

Lida hesitates. Whatever it was, it was a very serious step.

LIDA (half-joking): do you Promise that if anything happens, you will then blame yourself exclusively?

GRISHA: I Promise!

Lida covers her face with her hands again, wiping away happy tears. He accepts the ring, puts it on his ring finger, and hands it to Grisha.

LIDA (half-joking): I think this is unnecessary, I will do everything so that you do not have a reason to blame yourself, Grisha… Yes, I agree to be your wife, I really want to be your wife!

They lift the ropes and tie them together like a single piece of machinery.





The terms of the play are negotiated individually.

All of Nikolai Lakutin's plays are publicly available on the author's official website the" Plays " section

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