
Николай Владимирович Лакутин

Полная версия

Expresses extreme surprise and disappointment.

ANIA. He looks twenty-five…, six…, seven. Well, thirty… two… three… not forty! Why do men age less clearly? Ah, cute, a disease.

Constantine passes by Anya, going on business.

Meanwhile, the new neighbor passed by.

CONSTANTINE (ane). Good afternoon.

ANYA (dismissing the lowest reverence and devotion). Hello.

Constantine passes, with no intention of continuing the dialogue.

ANYA (in lack of understanding). I'm wearing the same clothes I was wearing when we met. He couldn't help but recognize me. People like me don't forget. Something was wrong with him. Okay, we'll figure it out. Not like the Brest fortress took!

Comes to the entrance with a cunning plan on his face.


Next morning.

Next meeting.

Anya goes to work and meets Konstantin at her entrance.

CONSTANTINE (ane). Greetings!

Passes past, not particularly paying attention on Anya.

ANYA (furiously). No, he was kidding! That won't do!

He takes a few steps after her.

He turns to Constantine.

ANIA. Please excuse me.

Constantine turns around.

ANIA. I wanted to clarify, we with You, raze, neighbors?

CONSTANTINE. I stopped by quite recently, still not managed with all contact. But it seems so.

ANYA (holding out my hand like a man). Anya!

CONSTANTINE (gently touching her hand, politely smiling) Kostya, we are familiar with.

Again tries to escape from dialogue.

Anya does not give up positions. She calls after him.

ANIA. I'm from the fifties…

CONSTANTINE. So we live on the same landing. I stopped at fifty-three.

ANIA. It turns out that so. Well, nice to meet you.

Anya performs a nod with rolled eyes, lips and neck turn, then pointedly turns and walks away.

ANIA. Well, another thing, now I run away from him. Let aiming to catch up. Not immediately can be, but he'll bite!


In proud alone on kitchen sits Anya.

Looking out the window, trying to understand the situation prevailing incomprehensible to her way.

ANIA. I don't know how he managed to keep it clean. A kind of beguiling naivety. He acts like he's not interested in me at all. How can he not be interested in me? His this wife and me even to compare cannot be. Either case, I, who knows her worth, and not unfounded (show), or the insect. No faces, no skin, and a butt the size of a fist. Typical office plankton. How could he be interested in her? And more surprisingly, how could he not be interested in me? Maybe he didn't. Not tasted, so to speak, or just true beauty has not seen in life, that's crazy with the habit, this also happens… i think. Tomorrow I'll be waiting for him, and I'll announce myself so he knows his place.

Rummaging in the closet, looking for heels.

ANIA. What would you choose? These? No. These? No, sorry. Here is, nor never their so and not wore and not d, this the most an opportune option.

Takes the selected pair, tries.

ANIA. Okay, a little tight, but I'll wait an hour.

He runs into the kitchen and comes back with a frozen fish file.

ANIA. I'll give him one." He recognizes me…

Saws the heel of one of the shoes.

ANIA. Here. So well. Now the main thing is not to break it earlier than necessary. Good

I've already tracked his schedule. In the morning he takes his daughter to school, his wife to work, then at around ten in the morning he returns home, I have a couple of hours, and then again he will go on his business and will arrive only in the evening.

Makes insidious expression of faces.

He claps and rubs his hands together.

ANIA. Evening is not an option, but ten o'clock is his break, this is the ideal time to shorten the distance.

Pretty winks.

Goes about his business.

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