Svetlana Marzeyeva believes that it is not necessary to impose either "hard” or "soft” skills on children: "Any school that wants to meet the current trends must put aside control and evaluation and focus instead on helping students develop and master their personal educational goals; that is, children in today’s school must cease to be objects of educational activity. As soon they become subjects, the question of "hard” and "soft” skills will fade away by itself. It doesn’t matter what to teach, it matters who to teach. And that determines how they will be taught.”
Alexey Semyonychev explains that if the principles developed in alternative education are implemented in practice, this will effectively mean that separate, special training in school for flexible skills will no longer be necessary. "Soft skills, democratic education, free education are parts of a common democratic concept. If the schools change towards alternative, informal education, as we are planning it, "soft skills” training will no longer be necessary. The school system itself, each teacher’s mode of instruction, the system of school organization – all this will work to ensure that the child grows up as a free and independent person, right from the start. In turn, freedom and independence themselves will give birth to all the ’soft skills’ you can think of,” the expert says.
What can change and improve a school? The three slogans of the French Revolution – liberty, equality, fraternity – are as relevant here as never before.
What can change and improve a school? The three slogans of the French Revolution – liberty, equality, fraternity – are as relevant here as never before. "The school of the future should at least be a free school, which respects every student and is free from any form of violence. Violence is inability to negotiate. And the ability to negotiate is a soft skill. The school of the future should not be based on child abuse or classroom abuse”, Alexey Semyonychev summarized. Introducing twelve Russian schools that have integrated soft skills training into their curricula.
The types of schools selected for this review are based on the results of the School of the Future study conducted by the analytical department of the Positive Changes Factory in the first half of 2022. The study identified key models of school education in Russia and proposed criteria for their classification and evaluation. One of the criteria is “soft skills orientation."
When selecting specific cases for this review, we were guided by the recommendations of the experts interviewed in the School of the Future study.
The resulting sampling of schools is not intended to be representative but rather will serve as an illustration of the variety of approaches Russian schools take to soft skills instruction.
Most of the schools presented in the review are located in Moscow and St Petersburg, because such schools have appeared here sooner than in other parts of the country. Besides, schools in Moscow and St. Petersburg tend to publish more detailed and up-to-date information on their websites.
Information about the school opening year, types of instruction and the school's curriculum is based on information available on the school's Web site and from other public sources, quoted as close as possible to the source.
Information about the inclusion of soft skills in the curriculum is based on the information on the school's website. To prevent overloading the review, we only include specific excerpts and quotes showing the school's emphasis on soft skills. For complete information on missions, approaches, curricula, etc., go directly to the schools' websites.
Please note that in some cases it is impossible to understand from the information on the school website whether the school works in accordance with the FGOS or not. Alternative schools do not have to follow the Federal State Education Standards (FGOS). The school websites do not always make it clear what classes are available. Often there is no information on the opening date of the school. The authors of this review and the Journal are not responsible for any incomplete information on school websites.
Grades 1–11.
General secondary education school. It strives to guarantee both achieving certain academic results (for example, successful examinations) and maintaining a humanistic vector of self-determination, personal development, attention to each child, his or her personal movement.
The school’s mission is to give children from different social backgrounds an opportunity to develop and demonstrate their cognitive, creative and personal abilities through continuous growth, education and upbringing, and eventually find the best ways to achieving happiness and complete self-fulfillment in the modern society, thus contributing to its development. Our goal is to teach children to live independently, based on their authentic positions, to make informed decisions and independent choices.
School values are curiosity and development; openness and self-determination; responsibility and choice; non nobis solum ("not just for yourself"); comradeship.
Kindergarten, pro-gymnasium (grades 1–4), gymnasium (grades 5–11).
The instruction includes both standard academic disciplines (FGOS NOO) and activities aimed at developing creative thinking, emotional intelligence, communicative competence, cooperation and teamwork, systemic thinking, and information literacy. The curriculum is focused not only on subject literacy, but also building soft skills. There is an option to study under the International Baccalaureate program.
The values of Khoroshkola are reflected in the portrait of its student. It is based on four basic values: awareness, respect, responsibility, and caring.
It is the school of the 21st century competencies. "Learning to learn” throughout life is the key competency being developed at Khoroshkola.
By developing critical and systemic thinking, emotional intelligence, information literacy and design thinking, communication and cooperation, we enable our students to adapt quickly in a rapidly changing world.
Kindergarten, elementary school, high school. 20 branches
Education according to FGOS standards, supplemented by a variety of extracurricular activities. Children receive knowledge aimed at the development of hard and soft skills and personality traits. In our work we are guided by the Finnish educational model.
Our schools use the original SMART methodology:
S – Social-emotional intellect
M – Motivation
A – Agile
R – Responsibility
T – Track
We strive to teach children to understand themselves, to interact with the others, to show a flexible response to a rapidly changing world, and to never retreat in the face of difficulties.
Kindergarten, Grades 1–11.
The school uses the Waldorf pedagogy adapted to Russian educational standards, which implies:
• personalization and differentiation of learning;
• the one-classroom-teacher principle;
• active engagement of the parents;
• the main-lesson principle, teaching by "epochs";
• an imaginative and artistic approach to teaching;
• the versatility of education;
• developing a strong-willed culture through a variety of practical activities;
• the study of music, painting, eurythmy, introduction to musical instruments, handicrafts;
• no grade point system.
The curriculum differs significantly from the usual educational curriculum, but it is approved by the Department of Education. In high school, students prepare for the USE and pass it safely.
A freely self-determined, creative person with the health, abilities and strength for conscious choice and self-actualization, who perceives the world holistically and imaginatively – this is the goal of the Waldorf school in working with each child.
Why Waldorf? The Waldorf School is of interest to those parents who want holistic development for their child. During the school years it is important for a person to develop not only thinking, but also feeling and free will. All standard subjects are present in the Waldorf School curriculum: mathematics, native language, literature, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, foreign languages, and computer science. However, some of the subjects are aimed at developing the senses and the will.
The main thing is to make sure that a person, after growing up, bravely takes on everything new, feels interest and ability to solve problems in life. One important quality of Waldorf students identified in studies of learning abilities is creativity, non-standard thinking; in studies of social interactions – tolerance, openness.
Kindergarten (ages 3–6), school (ages 6–15).
Development Center – Kindergarten – School.
The School’s MISSION. With love and joy, in cooperation with the parents, we help the children in their self-development and education, thus contributing to the creation of a society of independent and responsible people.
The MMS is a place where children gain independence and autonomy, parents gain a community of similarly conscious parents, peace and confidence in their children’s future, and teachers, treating each child with respect and love, become guides for children into a world of happy adults.
Our Values:
• The special roles of the teacher and the student. Children and adults work together in an atmosphere of mutual assistance and respect for each other.
• Continuous self-education and independence. Nurturing responsibility and independence as the key to life.
• Caring for the world we live in and leave behind.
The instruction takes into account the two poles of a child’s development: gaining independence and becoming a part of the collective. Children learn to make choices and negotiate with others.
OPENING YEAR 2008 (?).
From age 4 to 11th grade.
The school’s program takes into account the state standards and gives students an opportunity to take all required exams. The Orange is a school of informal education, where children decide everything. The school is governed by the children’s parliament, which has absolute power. No decision by an adult (the principal and teachers are no exception) is valid unless it has been accepted and approved by the students. Among other things, the students can ask to add a new subject to the schedule[8].
The desire for new things, curiosity, creativity, ingenuity, the ability to create are the traits inherent in everyone, regardless of the age. Our task is to create the conditions in which these qualities can manifest themselves and develop. One of the main skills a person has is the ability to interact with other people, with the world, with knowledge, with himself. We all learn this together at the Orange, too.
We strive to make people feel free, to develop in many ways, to learn to choose – in both content and form. That’s why there are so many different subjects at The Orange. Most of the classes are chosen by the students themselves.
We recognize the uniqueness of each individual, we understand that the best and main driver of the educational process is personal interest, we believe that one of the main skills today is the ability to choose and the ability to interact – with the world around us, with ourselves, with knowledge, with other people and so on. Finally, we believe that a modern lesson should include all of the above.
Grades 1–10.
The curriculum includes the following classes: math, Russian, language art, English, history, biology, geography, physics, chemistry, programming, as well as preparation for the GSE in math and Russian.
Our students build their life paths with confidence, navigate the world with ease, and play with its challenges.
KIT School is a school where:
• you receive help in becoming a person ready for any tomorrow
• the teachers select pedagogical technologies that help children open up, feel the excitement of learning, the joy of acquiring new knowledge.
Every classroom offers:
• Classes to develop emotional and social intelligence
• A lot of play activities, aimed at the development of logical, verbal, systemic thinking
• Project activities
The school offers:
• Support, so you can answer the following questions: "who am I?”, "what am I like?", “why am I doing this?", “can I do things differently?"
• Training, so you can learn how to build your boundaries and how to maintain those boundaries sustainably
In high school, it is important for kids to make their own decisions, so we teach:
• Understanding your objectives
• Managing your time
• Understanding how, where and when you can be effective
• Planning and completing your business.
Kindergarten, Grades 1–11.
FGOS compliant.
It is not just "the aggregate knowledge”, collected "just in case”, but questions of worldview significance for children and adolescents – that’s the program of our school. We teach you to think, not to repeat someone else’s thoughts, and every lesson we have is a small discovery.
We don’t just "sit and listen” in class – we work individually and in teams. We don’t watch – we do it ourselves!
How do we understand this word? It is about being able to think for yourself and do what you thought. We don’t demand blind obedience – we discuss all the rules together and give you the opportunity to choose. We don’t march in formation – we teach freedom and independence.
OPENING YEAR 1997 (?).
Grades 1–11 (?).
The school has no “subject specialization.” We strive to give students an opportunity to build their own educational routes and master the subjects that interest them most. Upon graduation, most of the children enter the leading universities of St. Petersburg and Moscow.
We work a lot on self-determination, self-understanding, and building each child’s social skills.
We build our curriculum around four main areas: we teach how to learn, we teach how to do, we teach how to interact, and we teach how to live:
• Developing critical thinking
• Teaching how to learn and make informed choices
• Developing responsibility for your performance
• Practicing teamwork and negotiation skills
In elementary school we preserve the child’s natural curiosity and interest, open up the world of knowledge, and instill a taste for independence.
In middle school, we create a space for trials, project activities, and living different experiences. We teach out-of-the-box thinking and creative problem solving.
In high school, we open up opportunities for the child to delve deeper into a subject of interest, to gain real-world experience with professionals from various fields, and prepare for final exams.
OPENING YEAR 2020 (?).
The school website offers no information about grades/age of students, but it says that one can graduate as an extern at the age of 14–16.
Combination of classical general education subjects with classes to develop superpowers (development of intuition, photographic memory, speed reading).
The main tasks and priorities of the school:
To form in each child the qualities of a successful, morally and physically healthy personality, capable of successful socialization and adaptation to the labor market.
DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVE ABILITIES, ACTING AND PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS Development of creative abilities and emotional intelligence in the visual arts, acting and public speaking, music, developing authentic products; moral development and etiquette classes.
Financial and computer literacy training. Mastering entrepreneurial skills, basics of business, while developing communication skills: maintaining social media, creating websites, taking pictures, participating in interviews and other business communications.
OPENING YEAR 2007 (?).
Grades 1–9.
Orion Family School is a school within the family community, one that is harmoniously integrated into its life. Our children successfully pass interim and final state certification.
We teach with the support of joint activities of children and adults, sharing events, values, and caring interpersonal relationships.
We guarantee a friendly social environment. The child stops being afraid of communication. He or she learns communication by solving developmental problems.
We teach through play, project activities, and use elements of research work. Approaches vary depending on the child’s individual developmental goals.
Upbringing and value-based development. We not only teach but also develop the children through informal events. Children choose what events to participate in or organize them with the help of adults.
A wide range of additional education and career guidance activities is available. The kids participate in work placements so they can make a conscious choice of a profession. This is an actual internship at a production, technology, or business organization, where the children learn how to work for real, master highly demanded skills and try on the nuances of the profession.
Школабелаяворона. рф
Grades 1–7.
Every day the school’s schedule has three blocks dedicated to:
• academic learning and hard skills,
• original courses with an emphasis on soft skills training (Understand Yourself; Critical Thinking; Projects;
Time Management),
• developmental classes (Acting; Chess; Etiquette; Sports).
The White Crow School is confident in the following:
• The school should provide knowledge without disconnecting from real life, but in an interesting and engaging way,
• It is important for the child to acquire specific skills: responsibility, critical thinking, independence in action and judgment, communication, self-determination
• The atmosphere of all years of school life should be safe, supportive, comfortable, free, with acceptance and respect for everyone.
1. Foxford. Media. (2019) Soft skills – what they are and where to learn them. Retrieved from: https://media.foxford. ru/soft-skills/ (accessed 18 March 2019). (In Russian).
2. Mann, C. (1918) A Study of Engineering Education. Boston: The Merrymount Press.
3. Strauss, V. (2017) The surprising thing Google learned about its employees – and what it means for today's students. Retrieved from: 16 May 2022).
4. Faye, F. (2016). If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich? Bloomberg. Retrieved from:–12–22/if-you-re-so-smart-why-aren-t-you-rich (accessed 15 May 2022).
5. Heckman, J. J. & Kautz, T. (2012). Hard evidence on soft skills. Labour Economics, 19(4), 451–464. https://doi. org/10.1016//. labeco.2012.05.014
6. Gray, A. (2016) The 10 skills you need to thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Retrieved from: https://www.weforum. org/agenda/2016/01/the-10-skills-you-need-to-thrive-in-the-fourth-industrial-revolution/ (accessed 16 May 2022).
7. OECD (2015). Skills for Social Progress: The Power of Social and Emotional Skills. OECD Skills Studies. Paris: OECD Publishing.
8. OECD Skills Outlook. Retrieved from: 16 May 2022).
9. National Soft Skills Association (NSSA). Retrieved from: 16 May 2022).