
Psychological features of the student s economic behavior in the Russian market of educational services. (Бакалавриат). (Магистратура). Монография

Psychological features of the student s economic behavior in the Russian market of educational services. (Бакалавриат). (Магистратура). Монография

The collective monograph sets out the theoretical, methodological and psychological characteristics of students" economic behavior in the Russian market of educational services. The authors examined economic behavior in terms of the characteristics of

psychological research, taking into account the individually-personal, motivational, cognitive and emotional-volitional components of student behavior in the market of educational services, presented the organization and methods of studying the

psychology of the student and the formation of his personal readiness for professional self-determination in the market of educational services, gave a conceptual justification of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the formation of rational

economic behavior of students in the educational space.

The contents of the monograph will be of interest to researchers of psychological problems of studying and shaping the economic behavior of a subject (student) in the Russian market of educational services, teachers, teachers, education management

workers, graduate students, undergraduates, and scientists.

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