Book-12 Gravity cyclone novella

V. Speys
Book-12 Gravity cyclone novella

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Chapter 4

Sitting comfortably in the module chair and burning with curiosity, Elena asked question after question. Sometimes she received an answer, but most of the UFO's questions simply did not respond, making it clear that a conversation on this topic would not work.

– How is the module arranged?

– Specifically, what interests you? – Eet answered the question with a question.

– Well, how does it move, why are there no inertial sensations?

– Well, it's as easy as shelling pears. The existence of matter in the universe is determined

three factors, according to your concepts, are space, time and mass. So now, by changing space, you can influence time and mass. Naturally mass is constant, but time and space changes. – Eet paused and stared at Elena with curiosity. The woman fidgeted in her chair, depicting extreme interest on her face, asked: – And how, how do you influence time and space?

– Using the control unit. – Eet pressed a button on the remote control and a square niche formed in the floor, which opened a black and flat box, similar to a briefcase- briefcase.

– This block. It redistributes the space energy between the engines, further is the refraction of space in time. In fact, the module is not moves. Space moves in time. Flows like a river around the island and attracts the desired point in space to the coast, i.e. to the module. Space

moves in time at a certain speed. After falling into this current module, by means of energy costs and the illusion of movement arises. This the speed is huge, not commensurate with the usual ideas person.

– I cannot but ask you to give me an energy block to Earth.

– This is dangerous.

– For whom?

– For you, of course. Humanity cannot defend itself against everything that is destructive

live energy.

– That's all? You can also attach instructions, say for operation, or apply a protective layer, etc.

– Oh, this is a whole revolution in science. And a revolution cannot happen without changes in thinking.

“Can’t you help us?”

– Except for yourself, no one can change thinking. We only help you’re in visual excursions, demonstrations of the capabilities of the Coalition.

“We should thank you for that at least.” Eet and Eola were modestly silent. At this time, the red light on the control panel flashed feverishly.

– Please Elena, – the robot suddenly came to life.

“Oh, I already managed to forget about you,” the astronaut said tartly. MB- 20 made an offended grimace. – Well, well, excuse me.

“Oh, I'm not angry anymore,” he answered jokingly and invited me to the exit with a broad gesture. Elena cast a curious glance at the UFOs. They looked at her directly, without expressing any feelings. The robot ran down the steps first. Elena, stepping carefully, followed. Again her head was covered with a transparent helmet. A dilapidated skyscraper appeared in front of her. Darkness reigned everywhere. Piles of stones chaotically piled up between fearsome human skeletons, bones and ash. Elena looked around in fright. MB- 20, invited her further, standing on a pile of twisted reinforced concrete slabs. But the woman, backing away, climbed back into the module. In the module chair, sighing loudly, she looked inquiringly at the pilots. Eet was the first to break the silence:

– This is the future of the Earth. If you don't change your mind, self- destruction awaits you.

– But what should be done?

– I'm afraid to repeat a multiple truth, but the Bible is very clear and intelligibly, where every word appeals to kindness, peace and philanthropy.

– Yes, yes…, – the astronaut agreed. She lowered her eyes ashamed, she felt embarrassed, but natural curiosity won: – Tell me, if humanity lived according to biblical precepts, then …

“You would be like Noah,” Eola replied.

– This happy planet Noah?

– Yes, this is your future and it is real, if you change your mind, – Eet glanced at the incoming MB- 20.

– Desert, solid desert. Nothing, no plants, no microorganisms. One

poisonous atmosphere, yes radiation.

– But maybe, at least, somewhere, at least, something survived? the woman asked hopefully in her voice. Eet was already pressing the keys. Soon the red light began to flash again. Elena prepared to leave, but Eet stopped her with a gesture and pointed to the transparent shell of the module. Newly chilling pictures floated before my eyes. Everywhere destruction, everywhere brown, gray tones of a dead planet. Below there were charred forest trunks, dried waterless riverbeds, empty eye sockets of lakes. In the distance, a strip of sea suddenly sparkled from the thick gray cloud. The module quickly approached the shore. Elena, without asking anyone, jumped out onto the sand. The water, with a thick film of some kind of coating, shimmering in the gray glare of the day with all the colors of the rainbow, was translucent. And the waves rolled with a menacing hiss, again and again splashing anger on the deserted beach. The astronaut hurried to the module. She didn't want to talk. The gaze wandered behind the transparent shell of the apparatus, bumping into destruction and deserted spaces. Suddenly, the module soared into Space, and stopped at a pile of silvery stones in the middle of a huge field, which consisted entirely of these stones.

– It's stuff. Rather, the planet is ore- bearing, or closer to earthly concepts, a space warehouse for raw materials from which the Coalition makes modules. This planet is the size is equal to the Earth and everything consists of pieces of ore, – Elena looked at the lifeless desert of stones, and her thoughts were far away on that Earth, where death destroyed everything. Is the Cosmic Mind really so cruel, which calmly contemplates the death of an entire planet without interfering? She somehow strangely looked at the UFOs sitting with their backs to her, then into the niche, at the motionless idol of the robot MB- 20. The robot suddenly came to life and smiled at her affably. The pilots' quick speech put her out of her thoughts. Eet and Eola were talking about something, alternately glancing in her direction …

Chapter 5

The song of a lark flew over the breadth of the sunlit field. The bird fluttered in the blue sky like a barely noticeable lump. But the kite, hovering high, almost in rare clouds, was clearly visible from the ground, although it seemed from here the size of a swallow. It seems that the wings are motionless and not a bird, but clouds rushing towards, so unnatural was the flight. Down in the field, the women’s workers bowed their heads in white handkerchiefs together and weeded the tender green rows of green seedlings stretching to the very horizon. And in this invisible harmony, birds, people and plants were intertwined into one. The only difference was that each lived his own isolated life. A sharp thunderous explosion whipped the air, echoing across space, field and sky. The working women instantly straightened up, the lark fell like a stone into the grass, and the kite, folding its wings, flew like an arrow to the ground. High in the sky, in the instant silence, a bouquet of three flowers bloomed with domes of parachutes- daisies. " The bouquet "smoothly, swaying, froze in the sky, but, looking closely, one could guess that the bouquet is moving down to the ground. The women huddled together in the middle of the field, gesturing vigorously, exchanging impressions. A black dot is visible under the canopies of the parachutes. Gradually, it turned into a charred ball. The ball sank onto the field for a long time. When the ground was about a meter away, the rocket landing engines worked, cushioning the impact on the ground. Workers rushed to the ball at a run, even though it was a good kilometer before it. The dust was still falling when the first of them approached ten steps, stopped in indecision. She began to watch, waiting for the companions. Elena woke up from a sharp pain, from the seat belts cutting into her shoulders. From the overloads he had experienced, his head ached, pounded in his temples, and felt sick. It was hot in the stuffy atmosphere of the capsule. For a minute she sat in an armchair, listening, then flipped the toggle switch on the remote control, finding the right one in orderly rows above her head. Slowly, as the shutters of the portholes opened, the cockpit was filled with daylight. The astronaut clung to one of the three, which was opposite the chair almost to the very face, and a smile sparkled on his tired face. With quick and precise movements, she began to perform the necessary actions that she had to do hundreds of times on the spaceport simulators before embarking on this first flight. Soon the exit hatch lid was thrown back, and the beautiful face of an astronaut with curls of brown, thick, cropped hair was revealed to the workers standing below.

– The first said in a singsong voice. The women came closer, sighing.

– And how did you come to us? – asked the second with a wide tanned face and whitish eyebrows.

– Well, hello, ladies! – Elena said, getting out, already completely out of the cab. Her white spacesuit gleamed dazzlingly in the sun. Barely jumping to the ground, a girl in a blue dress pushed over to her and shyly, hiding her eyes, held out a bunch of daisies. Her tanned little hand held these first flowers of her native Earth in her thin fingers. Tears came to the eyes of the astronaut. For some reason, everyone burst into tears, hiding their eyes in the tips of their handkerchiefs. The girl, laughing, handed over the flowers, started to run, towards a whole band of children, old people, residents who appeared from the direction of the village. The helicopter, throwing up clouds of dust, landed next to the capsule. A military man in a colonel's flight uniform stepped out of it and quickly approached the astronaut. A country jeep was in a hurry to see the colonel. A man in boots and a cap jumped out of the jeep on the move and blocked the military path. In the chatter of the helicopter's engines, it was impossible to make out what they were talking about. But, judging by the decisive gestures that chopped the air with their palms, one thing was clear, the men did not agree. the colonel, abandoning the speaker, rushed to the cosmonaut:


– Well, hello, daughter! – and grabbed the woman reddened with awkwardness into a bear hug. Then he took her to the helicopter. The machine, sweeping away the loose layer of soil from the tender green sprouts, rushed into the heights, dragging the attached ball with it. In the helicopter, the doctor examined her. I felt my pulse, measured pressure and temperature. These preliminary signs of attention of medicine, helped to form a picture of the state of health of the astronaut. Every minute the doctor's eyes met the piercing gaze of the colonel's gray eyes, which made even him, the best doctor of the cosmonaut corps, uncomfortable. But the astronaut's health was all right. No deviations were observed at this stage of the "helicopter" inspection.

“Forgive us for such attention,” the colonel used to say, almost affectionately and somehow awkwardly. “After all, you just disappeared from the radar. We found the emergency capsule only today at eleven o'clock.

“I don’t understand something,” Elena began to speak loudly, trying to out- shout the chirping roar of the helicopter motors. – After all, communication with the ship ended instantly and

he began to accelerate into open space. I couldn't even hold on to it

sustainer engines in braking mode.

“No, you disappeared, somehow suddenly,” the colonel insisted. – I, as a leader flight, followed every maneuver. It happened when you requested permission to maneuver. We have everything recorded. And suddenly she disappeared. And so you appear seven days later in an emergency rescue capsule, – the colonel looked expectantly at Elena.

– How are seven days?! I immediately went to the rescue compartment and started. truth

everything happened so quickly that I lost consciousness from overloads.

– Yes, the capsule is designed for overloading the male body. More precisely, more trained. This is your first independent. Both were worried. Inaccuracy in seven days, and even in Cosmonautics, it looks like the explosion of an atomic bomb accidentally dropped by a US Air Force pilot flying over Alaska. But for an anomalous phenomenon for sure. This seems to have to be sorted out. In the meantime, the cosmonaut is waiting for rest, close supervision of doctors and an analysis of what happened. So thought the head of the flight, Colonel Smirnov. But one thing he was calm about was that the first- class pilot- cosmonaut who was entrusted to him was alive and well. This is the main thing. And the rest is a matter of technology. Its flight part is in order, but the engineers will have to work hard. Finding the cause of the accident and pushing it onto the pilot is not a success, there are clear signs of their inattention. Somewhere in the depths of my soul I thought maliciously, already a general, former Colonel C, but still remained a Colonel.

Chapter 6

– I'm asking you, Colonel! – shouted at the frozen in the middle of the Persian carpet, the general, standing at the massive polished writing table. Glass from the portrait of Felix Edmundovich glittered menacingly behind the general's back. – Come on! The colonel, striking a step, sinking into the carpet, approached. Dzerzhinsky saw off the guest with a portrait look.

– I ask you how it could have happened that Gracis spent seven days in orbit

unnoticed ?! – bulging, pitch- black eyes on the roll, with a look of impatient objections, devoured Smirnov, general.

– We have everything written down. She disappeared from radar and was not even detected.

intelligence service during …

– Why do they report this to me from third parties ?! – the colonel winced:

«As in prison, here are informants. They make a career on the bones," Colonel Smirnov thought unflatteringly. The colonel's eyes glazed sadly at the slender cypress tree outside the office window …

«The general's shoulder straps were crying. I will retire, to hell. Let everything burn, with a blue flame. The colonel's pension will be enough", – the saving thought tenderly touched his temple.

– Go! – unexpectedly barked the general, – Major! – the last spoken word did not immediately reach the colonel's consciousness, but when his hand touched the cold metal of the door handle: «How? Major ?!" – for a moment Smirnov paused, then pulled the heavy, black leather door of the office towards himself and went out. The colleagues never saw Colonel Smirnov again. There were various rumors that he was promoted to the academy in Moscow for a general's post. Such are the vicissitudes of the service. And Elena, meanwhile, at ease, but persistently was questioned by majors, captains, colonels and various military men and everyone asked her the same question, how she started from a reusable ship in an emergency capsule. And why I stayed in orbit for seven days. And for the umpteenth time she repeated the same thing, that she immediately lost consciousness and did not remember anything, that she woke up only on the ground. Yes, to be sure, and the rescue capsule with a man on board spent seven days in Earth orbit and remained unnoticed, this has never happened in astronautics. No matter how the departmental services tried, there were no perpetrators of what happened, and there was not for the only reason that nowhere in any corner of the world was the capsule recorded by the international tracking service for space objects. It turned out that Elena appeared from Space. Suddenly from nothing and a capsule? General Fedorov, appointed responsible for the investigation of the incident, stood on the firm positions of Marxist- Leninist philosophy, where the principle of the primacy of matter and the secondary nature of consciousness is clearly formulated. Therefore, miracles do not happen. And since miracles do not happen, it means that the capsule with Elena was simply not noticed. Sighing heavily, and burying his blind gaze in the instructions and prescriptions neatly laid out on the desk, he was senility worried about the fact that had happened. But an incomprehensible shiver ran through his cheeky face and sleek bald head, and a sigh of relief escaped the general's thick lips. But the intelligence of Western countries does not confirm the discovery. So there are no guilty ones. A stupid expression hardened on the general's face, reflected in the stubbornly knitted bushy eyebrows and a firm gaze above the eyes that looked like bones from smoked prunes.

– Yes, – the general dropped. But in the practice of the military, and even in his department, there are no guilty ones, just as there are no reasons that give rise to these guilty ones themselves. Bushy eyebrows parted, eyes regained their usual melancholy, diffuse smoked prune color, and the general pressed a button. A moment later, the door opened to admit the chubby captain. The staff secretary, as in the old pre- revolutionary times, the adjutant of His Excellency, was helpful and transformed, trying his best to resemble his master, both in appearance and in habits.

– Colonel Smirnov's case?! – the general barked as he entered. The captain, not at a loss, in a coolly obliging tone in his voice, gently remarked: – It is on your table, comrade general, – Fedorov fussed. The captain, with lightning speed, with some catlike movement, ran up to the general's table, throwing on the go:

– Allow me? – and took out what was needed from the pile of cases.

– Thank you, captain. You are free.

– There is! May I go out!

– I said go.

The secretary went out noiselessly. The general leafed through the gray folder with the "SECRET" stamp on the cover for a long time, step by step studying the colonel's record. Secret reports of informants ran before my eyes. Characteristics of the commanders of the units where the colonel served and not a single case of violation of discipline. The general snorted in displeasure. Even in his personal file there is a report from the deputy for the political part of the squadron, in which officer Fedorov began his service, that he allegedly, having got drunk with his colleagues, sent him, i.e. Major so- and- so, what the Major's name was, he no longer remembered. And along with it, the entire leadership of the army in three letters of the expression, famous from Slavic Russia. How beautiful, then, the major inflated – this is the case. He had no doubts of success, that, finally, the generals themselves would envy his vigilance. But the naive major did not take into account that this pimply lieutenant, stupid in appearance, the illegitimate son of the Commander of the Air Force of the Central Asian Military District, General of the Army Comrade Chervinsky, a hero of the Soviet Union, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. Recalling this fact, General Fyodorov smiled maliciously, then again, dissatisfied and angrily, began flipping through the colonel's file. The report of the major, the future colonel, Smirnov, that he had a personal meeting with a creature of extraterrestrial origin, caught my eye. In the report to the command, Major Smirnov described the incident in detail. The general looked up in hope, staring unblinkingly into the space of the room. However, the hope of bringing the colonel to administrative responsibility for negligent service, with the addition of a tendency to periodically visited hallucinations, was not justified. Since the change in policy regarding the secret study of UFOs did not allow the colonel to be recognized as a nutcase. Oh, how would it be now. What prospects for the service would look ahead. In Moscow, at the headquarters of the Armed Forces. Business trips. Hunt on government grounds. Young soldiers in the bathhouse with massages and other non- traditional services. Dreams intoxicated the imagination, and Fedorov, with the ferocity of a gambler, began to delve into the colonel's personal file, looking for possible clues to unreliability. A sharp phone call brought the general out of the "mines" to the mountain. – Yes! he almost growled into the phone. I'm busy! – He briefly threw and slammed the pipe, hammering into place. The phone chirped plaintively. The call was repeated immediately.

– What else?! Five minutes? – he sighed, then added with a suffering look on his face, – Let him come in. A young lieutenant in a white medical coat over his tunic entered the office. The lenses of his gold- rimmed spectacles gleamed persistently. The general measured the newcomer with an angry glance from head to toe: – Well, what have you got?! – the imperious tone in his voice would have made anyone lose confidence in their own strength, but not the lieutenant:

– Allow me to hypnotize Major Gratsis! – he blurted out outright. The general was taken aback; he was not accustomed to without a "magic": «Allow me to turn?" – immediately the subordinates were talking about business.

– This is why?! – the general's bushy eyebrows went up in surprise.

“You see, the United States Air Force has been searching for and studying Unidentified Flying Objects for a long time,” and the lieutenant bravely, akimbo, stepped closer and threw the “Young Technician” magazine onto the general’s desk with an open article about UFOs from the United States. The general looked as lean as after a heavy hangover with expressionless eyes. Contemptuously measuring the puny lieutenant from the toes of his boots to his uniform cap and fatherly remarked:

– My dear, not a single fact of the existence of UFOs has been accepted by science. And what's there write these magazines, reacting to the provocative attacks of our opponents, let it remain on their conscience. We need to be more vigilant and not succumb to this kind of provocation.

– What do you call a provocation? An article in a magazine? And what happened to

Elena, how do you think it is?

– Young man, why didn't you give a nondisclosure agreement?

– I did! But I came to you, not to the policeman at the crossroads! And in addition, even a schoolchild today knows that modern services tracking, both in our country and in the United States, can almost instantly detect any object in near- earth space. In short, the facts indicate that the major Gracis has been kidnapped. The general looked at the medical lieutenant with almost bestial hatred: – Are you serious? – why, to some brat, a two- year- old, it occurred to him, and not to him, General Fyodorov. He hesitated for a minute, doubting his materialistic philosophical convictions, then suddenly realized that according to all the laws of physics this could not be, and said aloud:


– Do you understand what you are saying? This article, the purest water provocation American special services, picked up by politically uneducated journalists.

– Why, journalists? the lieutenant continued coolly, not paying attention to the enraged general. – The article was written by V. Selena, – to which the general did not answer, he stared unblinkingly at the glass of the visitor's glasses, becoming covered with crimson spots. The doctor watched with curiosity the changing appearance of the owner, what he thought at that time, it was easy to guess. Such metamorphoses are not pronounced by ear. Especially generals, seasoned in the brew of service crossings. Both were silent. The pause dragged on. Finally, the doctor spoke up:

– May I leave?

– Go! – barked like an angry lion, the general, waving his left hand, a gesture very reminiscent of the blow of an animal's paw on a rabbit driven into a dead end. At the same time, the general's wide cheekbones and round chin wrinkled into a funny grimace, full of evil wrinkles. When the massive office door closed behind the visitor, the general took an abandoned magazine from the table, rolled it up into a tube, and, patting the blue general's stripe on his right leg, walked to the window. From anger, thoughts were confused in the general's head, one more absurd than the other. It’s better not to know what was going on in the general’s convolutions, only one thought clearly and distinctly turned out to be correct:

“Yes, the generals will dismiss me if I fall for the bait of this jerk. And Smirnov is also good, behaved very stupidly. I would be ashamed report a meeting, and even with humanoids. Unjustified risk, could put an end to his career, it's good that he was lucky, the policy has changed. And you must be a fool, a fool, but he rose to the rank of colonel. Well, nothing we are fix it, expel it as a major.” Outside the window, a cypress tree stood like a slender minaret, soaring into the sky. The general has been observing for the fifth year how the tree under the window grows, and it has overgrown with ties, like this cypress with branches. And to make the colonel a major, it was as easy for the general as for the sparrow outside the window to fly from one cypress branch to the next. The general turned away from the window. The decision ripened in his head. He took off his cap from a hanger in the corner of the room and left the office.
