полная версияEssays Upon Heredity and Kindred Biological Problems

Weismann August
Essays Upon Heredity and Kindred Biological Problems

Полная версия



The ideas developed in this essay were first expressed during the past winter in a lecture delivered to the students of this University (Freiburg), and they were shortly afterwards—in February and the beginning of March—written in their present form. I mention this, because I might otherwise be reproached for a somewhat partial use of the most recent publications on related subjects. Thus I did not receive Oscar Hertwig’s paper—‘Contributions to the Theory of Heredity’ (Zur Theorie der Vererbung), until after I had finished writing my essay, and I could not therefore make as much use of it as I should otherwise have done. Furthermore, the paper by Kölliker on ‘The Significance of the Nucleus in the Phenomena of Heredity’ (Die Bedeutung der Zellkerne für die Vorgänge der Vererbung), did not appear until after the completion of my manuscript. The essential treatment of the subject would not, however, have been altered if I had received the papers at an earlier date, for as far as the most important point—the significance of the nucleus—is concerned, my views are in accordance with those of both the above-named investigators; while the points upon which our views do not coincide had already received attention in the manuscript.

A. W.

Freiburg I. Breisgau,

June 16, 1885.


When we see that, in the higher organisms, the smallest structural details, and the most minute peculiarities of bodily and mental disposition, are transmitted from one generation to another; when we find in all species of plants and animals a thousand characteristic peculiarities of structure continued unchanged through long series of generations; when we even see them in many cases unchanged throughout whole geological periods; we very naturally ask for the causes of such a striking phenomenon: and enquire how it is that such facts become possible, how it is that the individual is able to transmit its structural features to its offspring with such precision. And the immediate answer to such a question must be given in the following terms:—‘A single cell out of the millions of diversely differentiated cells which compose the body, becomes specialized as a sexual cell; it is thrown off from the organism and is capable of reproducing all the peculiarities of the parent body, in the new individual which springs from it by cell-division and the complex process of differentiation.’ Then the more precise question follows: ‘How is it that such a single cell can reproduce the tout ensemble of the parent with all the faithfulness of a portrait?’

The answer is extremely difficult; and no one of the many attempts to solve the problem can be looked upon as satisfactory; no one of them can be regarded as even the beginning of a solution or as a secure foundation from which a complete solution may be expected in the future. Neither Häckel’s94, ‘Perigenesis of the Plastidule,’ nor Darwin’s95 ‘Pangenesis,’ can be regarded as such a beginning. The former hypothesis does not really treat of that part of the problem which is here placed in the foreground, viz. the explanation of the fact that the tendencies of heredity are present in single cells, but it is rather concerned with the question as to the manner in which it is possible to conceive the transmission of a certain tendency of development into the sexual cell, and ultimately into the organism arising from it. The same may be said of the hypothesis of His96, who, like Häckel, regards heredity as the transmission of certain kinds of motion. On the other hand, it must be conceded that Darwin’s hypothesis goes to the very root of the question, but he is content to give, as it were, a provisional or purely formal solution, which, as he himself says, does not claim to afford insight into the real phenomena, but only to give us the opportunity of looking at all the facts of heredity from a common standpoint. It has achieved this end, and I believe it has unconsciously done more, in that the thoroughly logical application of its principles has shown that the real causes of heredity cannot lie in the formation of gemmules or in any allied phenomena. The improbabilities to which any such theory would lead are so great that we can affirm with certainty that its details cannot accord with existing facts. Furthermore, Brooks’97 well-considered and brilliant attempt to modify the theory of Pangenesis, cannot escape the reproach that it is based upon possibilities, which one might certainly describe as improbabilities. But although I am of opinion that the whole foundation of the theory of Pangenesis, however it may be modified, must be abandoned, I think, nevertheless, its author deserves great credit, and that its production has been one of those indirect roads along which science has been compelled to travel in order to arrive at the truth. Pangenesis is a modern revival of the oldest theory of heredity, that of Democritus, according to which the sperm is secreted from all parts of the body of both sexes during copulation, and is animated by a bodily force; according to this theory also, the sperm from each part of the body reproduces the same part98.

If, according to the received physiological and morphological ideas of the day, it is impossible to imagine that gemmules produced by each cell of the organism are at all times to be found in all parts of the body, and furthermore that these gemmules are collected in the sexual cells, which are then able to again reproduce in a certain order each separate cell of the organism, so that each sexual cell is capable of developing into the likeness of the parent body; if all this is inconceivable, we must enquire for some other way in which we can arrive at a foundation for the true understanding of heredity. My present task is not to deal with the whole question of heredity, but only with the single although fundamental question—‘How is it that a single cell of the body can contain within itself all the hereditary tendencies of the whole organism?’ I am here leaving out of account the further question as to the forces and the mechanism by which these tendencies are developed in the building-up of the organism. On this account I abstain from considering at present the views of Nägeli, for as will be shown later on, they only slightly touch this fundamental question, although they may certainly claim to be of the highest importance with respect to the further question alluded to above.

Now if it is impossible for the germ-cell to be, as it were, an extract of the whole body, and for all the cells of the organism to despatch small particles to the germ-cells, from which the latter derive their power of heredity; then there remain, as it seems to me, only two other possible, physiologically conceivable, theories as to the origin of germ-cells, manifesting such powers as we know they possess. Either the substance of the parent germ-cell is capable of undergoing a series of changes which, after the building-up of a new individual, leads back again to identical germ-cells; or the germ-cells are not derived at all, as far as their essential and characteristic substance is concerned, from the body of the individual, but they are derived directly from the parent germ-cell.


I believe that the latter view is the true one: I have expounded it for a number of years, and have attempted to defend it, and to work out its further details in various publications. I propose to call it the theory of ‘The Continuity of the Germ-plasm,’ for it is founded upon the idea that heredity is brought about by the transference from one generation to another, of a substance with a definite chemical, and above all, molecular constitution. I have called this substance ‘germ-plasm,’ and have assumed that it possesses a highly complex structure, conferring upon it the power of developing into a complex organism. I have attempted to explain heredity by supposing that in each ontogeny, a part of the specific germ-plasm contained in the parent egg-cell is not used up in the construction of the body of the offspring, but is reserved unchanged for the formation of the germ-cells of the following generation.

It is clear that this view of the origin of germ-cells explains the phenomena of heredity very simply, inasmuch as heredity becomes thus a question of growth and of assimilation,—the most fundamental of all vital phenomena. If the germ-cells of successive generations are directly continuous, and thus only form, as it were, different parts of the same substance, it follows that these cells must, or at any rate may, possess the same molecular constitution, and that they would therefore pass through exactly the same stages under certain conditions of development, and would form the same final product. The hypothesis of the continuity of the germ-plasm gives an identical starting-point to each successive generation, and thus explains how it is that an identical product arises from all of them. In other words, the hypothesis explains heredity as part of the underlying problems of assimilation and of the causes which act directly during ontogeny: it therefore builds a foundation from which the explanation of these phenomena can be attempted.

It is true that this theory also meets with difficulties, for it seems to be unable to do justice to a certain class of phenomena, viz. the transmission of so-called acquired characters. I therefore gave immediate and special attention to this point in my first publication on heredity99, and I believe that I have shown that the hypothesis of the transmission of acquired characters—up to that time generally accepted—is, to say the least, very far from being proved, and that entire classes of facts which have been interpreted under this hypothesis may be quite as well interpreted otherwise, while in many cases they must be explained differently. I have shown that there is no ascertained fact, which, at least up to the present time, remains in irrevocable conflict with the hypothesis of the continuity of the germ-plasm; and I do not know any reason why I should modify this opinion to-day, for I have not heard of any objection which appears to be feasible. E. Roth100 has objected that in pathology we everywhere meet with the fact that acquired local disease may be transmitted to the offspring as a predisposition; but all such cases are exposed to the serious criticism that the very point that first needs to be placed on a secure footing is incapable of proof, viz. the hypothesis that the causes which in each particular case led to the predisposition, were really acquired. It is not my intention, on the present occasion, to enter fully into the question of acquired characters; I hope to be able to consider the subject in greater detail at a future date. But in the meantime I should wish to point out that we ought, above all, to be clear as to what we really mean by the expression ‘acquired character.’ An organism cannot acquire anything unless it already possesses the predisposition to acquire it: acquired characters are therefore no more than local or sometimes general variations which arise under the stimulus provided by certain external influences. If by the long-continued handling of a rifle, the so-called ‘Exercierknochen’ (a bony growth caused by the pressure of the weapon in drilling) is developed, such a result depends upon the fact that the bone in question, like every other bone, contains within itself a predisposition to react upon certain mechanical stimuli, by growth in a certain direction and to a certain extent. The predisposition towards an ‘Exercierknochen’ is therefore already present, or else the growth could not be formed; and the same reasoning applies to all other ‘acquired characters.’

Nothing can arise in an organism unless the predisposition to it is pre-existent, for every acquired character is simply the reaction of the organism upon a certain stimulus. Hence I should never have thought of asserting that predispositions cannot be transmitted, as E. Roth appears to believe. For instance, I freely admit that the predisposition to an ‘Exercierknochen’ varies, and that a strongly marked predisposition may be transmitted from father to son, in the form of bony tissue with a more susceptible constitution. But I should deny that the son could develope an ‘Exercierknochen’ without having drilled, or that, after having drilled, he could develope it more easily than his father, on account of the drilling through which the latter first acquired it. I believe that this is as impossible as that the leaf of an oak should produce a gall, without having been pierced by a gall-producing insect, as a result of the thousands of antecedent generations of oaks which have been pierced by such insects, and have thus ‘acquired’ the power of producing galls. I am also far from asserting that the germ-plasm—which, as I hold, is transmitted as the basis of heredity from one generation to another—is absolutely unchangeable or totally uninfluenced by forces residing in the organism within which it is transformed into germ-cells. I am also compelled to admit that it is conceivable that organisms may exert a modifying influence upon their germ-cells, and even that such a process is to a certain extent inevitable. The nutrition and growth of the individual must exercise some influence upon its germ-cells; but in the first place this influence must be extremely slight, and in the second place it cannot act in the manner in which it is usually assumed that it takes place. A change of growth at the periphery of an organism, as in the case of an ‘Exercierknochen,’ can never cause such a change in the molecular structure of the germ-plasm as would augment the predisposition to an ‘Exercierknochen,’ so that the son would inherit an increased susceptibility of the bony tissue or even of the particular bone in question. But any change produced will result from the reaction of the germ-cell upon changes of nutrition caused by alteration in growth at the periphery, leading to some change in the size, number, or arrangement of its molecular units. In the present state of our knowledge there is reason for doubting whether such reaction can occur at all; but, if it can take place, at all events the quality of the change in the germ-plasm can have nothing to do with the quality of the acquired character, but only with the way in which the general nutrition is influenced by the latter. In the case of the ‘Exercierknochen’ there would be practically no change in the general nutrition, but if such a bony growth could reach the size of a carcinoma, it is conceivable that a disturbance of the general nutrition of the body might ensue. Certain experiments on plants—in which Nägeli showed that they can be submitted to strongly varied conditions of nutrition for several generations, without the production of any visible hereditary change—show that the influence of nutrition upon the germ-cells must be very slight, and that it may possibly leave the molecular structure of the germ-plasm altogether untouched. This conclusion is also supported by comparing the uncertainty of these results with the remarkable precision with which heredity acts in the case of those characters which are known to be transmitted. In fact, up to the present time, it has never been proved that any changes in general nutrition can modify the molecular structure of the germ-plasm, and far less has it been rendered by any means probable that the germ-cells can be affected by acquired changes which have no influence on general nutrition. If we consider that each so-called predisposition (that is, a power of reacting upon a certain stimulus in a certain way, possessed by any organism or by one of its parts) must be innate, and further that each acquired character is only the predisposed reaction of some part of an organism upon some external influence; then we must admit that only one of the causes which produce any acquired character can be transmitted, the one which was present before the character itself appeared, viz. the predisposition; and we must further admit that the latter arises from the germ, and that it is quite immaterial to the following generation whether such predisposition comes into operation or not. The continuity of the germ-plasm is amply sufficient to account for such a phenomenon, and I do not believe that any objection to my hypothesis, founded upon the actually observed phenomena of heredity, will be found to hold. If it be accepted, many facts will appear in a light different from that which has been cast upon them by the hypothesis which has been hitherto received,—a hypothesis which assumes that the organism produces germ-cells afresh, again and again, and that it produces them entirely from its own substance. Under the former theory the germ-cells are no longer looked upon as the product of the parent’s body, at least as far as their essential part—the specific germ-plasm—is concerned: they are rather considered as something which is to be placed in contrast with the tout ensemble of the cells which make up the parent’s body, and the germ-cells of succeeding generations stand in a similar relation to one another as a series of generations of unicellular organisms, arising by a continued process of cell-division. It is true that in most cases the generations of germ-cells do not arise immediately from one another as complete cells, but only as minute particles of germ-plasm. This latter substance, however, forms the foundation of the germ-cells of the next generation, and stamps them with their specific character. Previous to the publication of my theory, G. Jäger101, and later M. Nussbaum102, have expressed ideas upon heredity which come very near to my own103. Both of these writers started with the hypothesis that there must be a direct connexion between the germ-cells of succeeding generations, and they tried to establish such a continuity by supposing that the germ-cells of the offspring are separated from the parent germ-cell before the beginning of embryonic development, or at least before any histological differentiation has taken place. In this form their suggestion cannot be maintained, for it is in conflict with numerous facts. A continuity of the germ-cells does not now take place, except in very rare instances; but this fact does not prevent us from adopting a theory of the continuity of the germ-plasm, in favour of which much weighty evidence can be brought forward. In the following pages I shall attempt to develope further the theory of which I have just given a short account, to defend it against any objections which have been brought forward, and to draw from it new conclusions which may perhaps enable us more thoroughly to appreciate facts which are known, but imperfectly understood. It seems to me that this theory of the continuity of the germ-plasm deserves at least to be examined in all its details, for it is the simplest theory upon the subject, and the one which is most obviously suggested by the facts of the case, and we shall not be justified in forsaking it for a more complex theory until proof that it can be no longer maintained is forthcoming. It does not presuppose anything except facts which can be observed at any moment, although they may not be understood,—such as assimilation, or the development of like organisms from like germs; while every other theory of heredity is founded on hypotheses which cannot be proved. It is nevertheless possible that continuity of the germ-plasm does not exist in the manner in which I imagine that it takes place, for no one can at present decide whether all the ascertained facts agree with and can be explained by it. Moreover the ceaseless activity of research brings to light new facts every day, and I am far from maintaining that my theory may not be disproved by some of these. But even if it should have to be abandoned at a later period, it seems to me that, at the present time, it is a necessary stage in the advancement of our knowledge, and one which must be brought forward and passed through, whether it prove right or wrong, in the future. In this spirit I offer the following considerations, and it is in this spirit that I should wish them to be received.

94Häckel, ‘Ueber die Wellenzeugung der Lebenstheilchen etc.,’ Berlin, 1876.
95Darwin, ‘The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication,’ vol. ii. 1875, chap. xxvii. pp. 344-399.
96His, ‘Unsre Körperform etc.,’ Leipzig, 1875.
97Brooks, ‘The Law of Heredity,’ Baltimore, 1883.
98Galton’s experiments on transfusion in Rabbits have in the mean time really proved that Darwin’s gemmules do not exist. Roth indeed states that Darwin has never maintained that his gemmules make use of the circulation as a medium, but while on the one hand it cannot be shown why they should fail to take the favourable opportunities afforded by such a medium, inasmuch as they are said to be constantly circulating through the body; so on the other hand we cannot understand how the gemmules could contrive to avoid the circulation. Darwin has acted very wisely in avoiding any explanation of the exact course in which his gemmules circulate. He offered his hypothesis as a formal and not as a real explanation. Professor Meldola points out to me that Darwin did not admit that Galton’s experiments disproved pangenesis (‘Nature,’ April 27, 1871, p. 502), and Galton also admitted this in the next number of ‘Nature’ (May 4, 1871, p. 5).—A. W. 1889.
99Weismann, ‘Ueber die Vererbung.’ Jena, 1883; translated in the present volume as the second essay ‘On Heredity.’
100E. Roth, ‘Die Thatsachen der Vererbung.’ 2. Aufl., Berlin, 1885, p. 14.
101Jäger, ‘Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Zoologie,’ Bd. II. Leipzig, 1878.
102M. Nussbaum, ‘Die Differenzirung des Geschlechts im Thierreich,’ Arch. f. Mikrosk. Anat., Bd. XVIII. 1880.
103I have since learnt that Professor Rauber of Dorpat also expressed similar views in 1880; and Professor Herdman of Liverpool informs me that Mr. Francis Galton had brought forward in 1876 a theory of heredity of which the fundamental idea in some ways approached that of the continuity of the germ-plasm (‘Journal of the Anthropological Institute,’ vol. v; London, 1876).—A. W., 1888. [A less complete theory was brought forward by Galton at an earlier date, in 1872 (see Proc. Roy. Soc. No. 136, p. 394). In this paper he proposed the idea that heredity chiefly depends upon the development of the offspring from elements directly derived from the fertilized ovum which had produced the parent. Galton speaks of the fact that ‘each individual may properly be conceived as consisting of two parts, one of which is latent and only known to us by its effects on his posterity, while the other is patent, and constitutes the person manifest to our senses. The adjacent and, in a broad sense, separate lines of growth in which the patent and latent elements are situated, diverge from a common group and converge to a common contribution, because they were both evolved out of elements contained in a structureless ovum, and they, jointly, contribute the elements which form the structureless ova of their offspring.’ The following diagram shows clearly ‘that the span of each of the links in the general chain of heredity extends from one structureless stage to another, and not from person to person:— Structureless elements {…Adult Father… } structureless elements in Father {…Latent in Father…} in Offspring.’ Again Galton states—‘Out of the structureless ovum the embryonic elements are taken … and these are developed (a) into the visible adult individual; on the other hand …, after the embryonic elements have been segregated, the large residue is developed (b) into the latent elements contained in the adult individual.’ The above quoted sentences and diagram indicate that Galton does not derive the whole of the hereditary tendencies from the latent elements, but that he believes some effect is also produced by the patent elements. When however he contrasts the relative power of these two influences, he attaches comparatively little importance to the patent elements. Thus if any character be fixed upon, Galton states that it ‘may be conceived (1) as purely personal, without the concurrence of any latent equivalents, (2) as personal but conjoined with latent equivalents, and (3) as existent wholly in a latent form.’ He argues that the hereditary power in the first case is exceedingly feeble, because ‘the effects of the use and disuse of limbs, and those of habit, are transmitted to posterity in only a very slight degree.’ He also argues that many instances of the supposed transmission of personal characters are really due to latent equivalents. ‘The personal manifestation is, on the average, though it need not be so in every case, a certain proof of the existence of latent elements.’ Having argued that the strength of the latter in heredity is further supported by the facts of reversion, Galton considers it is safe to conclude ‘that the contribution from the patent elements is very much less than from the latent ones.’ In the later development of his theory, Galton adheres to the conception of ‘gemmules’ and accepts Darwin’s views, although ‘with considerable modification.’ Together with pangenesis itself, Galton’s theory must be looked upon as preformational, and so far it is in opposition to Weismann’s theory which is epigenetic. See Appendix IV. to the next Essay (V.), pp. 316-319.—E. B. P.]
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