полная версияStudies in the Theory of Descent, Volume II

Weismann August
Studies in the Theory of Descent, Volume II

Полная версия

The grub-like larvæ of the Hymenoptera and Diptera appear to me especially instructive with reference to the main question of the causes of transformation. The reply to the questions: what gives the impetus to change? is this impetus internal or external? can scarcely be given with greater clearness than here. If these larvæ have abandoned their ancestral form and have acquired a widely divergent structure, arising not only from suppression but partly also from an essentially new differentiation (suctorial head of the Muscidæ), and if these structural changes show a close adaptation to the existing conditions of life, from these considerations alone it is difficult to conceive how such transformations can depend upon the action of a phyletic force. The latter must have foreseen that at precisely this or that fixed period of time the ancestors of these larvæ would have been placed under conditions of life which would make it desirable for them to be modified into the maggot-type. But if at the same time the imagines are removed in a less degree from those of the caterpillar-like larvæ, this divergence being in exact relation with the deviations in the conditions of life, I at least fail to see how we can escape the consequence that it is the external conditions of life which produce the transformations and induce the organism to change. It is to me incomprehensible how one and the same vital force can in the same individual induce one stage to become transformed feebly and the other stage strongly, these transformations corresponding in extent with the stronger or weaker deviations in the conditions of life to which the organism is exposed in the two stages; to say nothing of the fact that by such unequal divergences the idea of a perfect system (creative thought) is completely upset.

Nor can the objection be raised that we are here only concerned with insignificant changes – with nothing more than the arrested development of single organs and so forth, in brief, only with those changes which can be ascribed to the action of the environment.

We are here as little concerned with a mere suppression of organs through arrested development as in the case of the Cirripedia; the transformation and reconstruction of the whole body goes even much further than in these Crustacea, although not so conspicuous externally. Where do we elsewhere find insects having the head inside a cavity of the body (sectorial head of the Muscidæ), and of which the foremost segment – the physiological representative of the head – consists entirely of the coalesced antennæ and pairs of maxillæ?

The incongruences in the form-relationships are, however, exceedingly numerous in the case of the Diptera, and a special treatise would be necessary to discuss them thoroughly. I may here mention only one case, because the inequality shows itself in this instance in a quite opposite sense.

Gerstäcker, who is certainly a competent entomologist, divides the Diptera into three tribes, viz. the Diptera genuina, the Pupipara, and the Aphaniptera. The latter, the fleas, possess in their divided thoracic segments and in their jointed labial appendages characters so widely divergent from those of the true Diptera and of the Pupipara that Latreille and the English zoologists have separated them entirely from the Diptera and have raised them into a separate order.40 Those who do not agree in this arrangement, but with Gerstäcker include the fleas under the Diptera, will nevertheless admit that the morphological divergence between the Aphaniptera and the two other tribes is far greater than that which exists between the latter. Now the larvæ of the fleas are completely similar in structure to those of the gnat-type, since they possess a corneous head with the typical mouth parts and antennæ and a 13-segmented body devoid of legs. Were we only acquainted with the larvæ of the fleas we should rank them with the true Diptera under the sub-order Nemocera. On first finding such a larva we should expect to see emerge from the pupa a small gnat.

While the imagines of the Nemocera and Aphaniptera thus show but a very remote form-relationship their larvæ are very closely allied. Can any one doubt that in this case it is not the larva but the imago which has diverged to the greatest extent? Have not the fleas moreover become adapted to conditions of life widely different from those of all other Diptera, whilst their larvæ do not differ in this respect from many other Dipterous larvæ?

We have here, therefore, another case of unequal phyletic development, which manifests itself in the entirely different form-relationship of the larvæ and the imagines. Thus in this case, as in that of the Lepidoptera, it is sometimes the larval and at other times the imaginal stage which has experienced the greatest transformation, and, as in the order mentioned, the objection that a phyletic vital force produces greater and more important differentiations in the higher imaginal stage than in the lower or less developed larval stage, is equally ineffectual.

If, however, it be asked whether the unequal phyletic development depends in this case upon an unequal number of transforming impulses which the two stages may have experienced during an equal period of time, this must be decidedly answered in the negative. The unequal development obviously depends in this case, as in the higher systematic groups of the Lepidoptera, upon the unequal value of the parts affected by the changes. These parts are on the one side of small importance, and on the other side of great importance, to the whole structure of the insect. This is shown in the last-mentioned case of the fleas, where, of the typical parts of the body, only the wings have become rudimentary, whilst the antennæ, mouth-parts, and legs, and even the form and mode of segmentation (free thoracic segments), must have suffered most important modifications; their larvæ, on the other hand, can have experienced only unimportant changes, since they still agree in all typical parts with those of the gnat-type.

Although therefore in this and in similar cases a greater number of transforming impulses may well have occurred on the one side than on the other – and it is indeed highly probable that this number has not been absolutely the same – nevertheless the chief cause of the striking incongruence is not to be found therein, but rather in the strength of the transforming impulses, if I may be permitted to employ this figure, or, more precisely expressed, in the importance of the parts which become changed and at the same time in the amount of change.

In this conclusion there is implied as it appears to me an important theoretical result which tells further against the efficacy of a phyletic force.

If the so-called “typical parts” of an animal disappear completely through the action of the environment only, and still further, if these parts can become so entirely modified as to give rise to quite new and again typical structures (suctorial head of the Muscidæ) without the typical parts of the other stage of the same individual being thereby modified and transformed into a new type of structure, how can we maintain a distinction between typical and non-typical parts with respect to their origin? But if a difference exists with respect only to the physiological importance of such parts, i. e. their importance for the equilibrium of the whole organization, while, with reference to transformation and suppression, exactly the same influences appear to be effective as those which bring about a change in or a disappearance of the so-called adventitious parts, where is there left any scope for the operation of the supposed phyletic force? What right have we to assume that the typical structures arise by the action of a vital force? Nevertheless this is the final refuge of those who are bound to admit that a great number of parts or characters of an animal can become changed, suppressed, or even produced by the action of the environment.

IV. Summary and Conclusion

The question heading the second section of this essay must at the conclusion of the investigation be answered in the negative. The form-relationship of the larvæ does not always coincide with that of the imagines, or, in other words, a system based entirely on the morphology of the larvæ does not always coincide with that founded entirely on the morphology of the imagines.

Two kinds of incongruence here present themselves. The first arises from the different amount of divergence between two systematic groups in the larvæ and in the imagines, these groups being of equal extent. The second form of incongruence consists essentially in that the two stages form systematic groups of different extents, either the one stage constituting a group of a higher order than the other and therefore forming a group of unequal value, or else the two stages form groups of equal systematic value, these groups, however, not coinciding in extent, but the one overlapping the other.

This second form of incongruence is very frequently connected with the first kind, and is mostly the direct consequence of the latter.

The cause of the incongruences is to be found in unequal phyletic development, either the one stage within the same period of time having been influenced by a greater number of transforming impulses than the other, or else these impulses have been different in strength, i. e. have affected parts of greater or less physiological value, or have influenced parts of equal value with unequal strength.


In all these cases in which there are deep-rooted form-differences, it can be shown that these correspond exactly with inequalities in the conditions of life, this correspondence being in two directions, viz. in strength and in extent: the former determines the degree of form-difference, the latter its extent throughout a larger or smaller group of species.

The different forms of incongruence are manifested in the following manner: —

(1.) Different amount of form-divergence between the larvæ on the one side and the imagines on the other. Among the Lepidoptera this is found most frequently in varieties and species, and there is evidence to show that in this case the one stage has been affected by transforming influences, either alone (varieties), or at any rate to a greater extent (species). In the last case it can be shown in many ways that one stage (the larva) has actually remained at an older phyletic grade (Deilephila species). Incongruences of this kind depending entirely upon the more frequent action of transforming impulses can only become observable in the smaller systematic groups, in the larger they elude comparative examination. In the higher groups unequal form-divergence may be produced by the transforming impulses affecting parts of unequal physiological and morphological value, or by their influencing parts of equal value in different degrees. All effects of this kind can, however, only become manifest after a long-continued accumulation of single changes, i. e. only in those systematic groups which require a long period of time for their formation. By this means we can completely explain why the incongruences of form-divergence continually diminish from varieties to genera, and then increase again from genera upwards through families, tribes, and sub-orders: the first diminishing incongruence depends upon an unequal number of transforming impulses, the latter increasing incongruence depends upon the unequal power of these impulses.

Cases of the second kind are found among the Lepidopterous families, and especially in the higher groups (Rhopalocera and Heterocera), and appear still more striking in the higher groups of the Hymenoptera and Diptera. Thus the caterpillar shaped and maggot-formed larvæ of the Hymenoptera differ from one another to a much greater extent than their imagines, since the latter have experienced a complete transformation of typical parts; whilst in the caterpillar-formed larvæ these parts vary only within moderate limits. Similarly in the case of the Diptera, of which the gnat-like larvæ diverge more widely from those of the grub type than do the gnats from the true flies. On the other hand the divergence between the imagines of the fleas and gnats is considerably greater than that between their larvæ – indeed the larvæ of the fleas would have to be ranked as a family of the sub-order of the gnat-like larvæ if we wished to carry out a larval classification. By this it is also made evident that these unequal divergences, when they occur in the higher systematic groups, always induce at the same time the second form of incongruence – that of the formation of unequal systematic groups.

In general whenever such unequal divergences occur in the higher groups they run parallel with a strong deviation in the conditions of life. If these differ more strongly on the side of the larvæ, we find that the structure of the latter likewise diverges the more widely, and that their form-relationship is in consequence made more remote (saw-flies and ichneumons, gnats and flies); if, on the other hand, the difference in the conditions of life is greater on the side of the imagines, we find among the latter the greater morphological divergence (butterflies and moths, gnats and fleas).

(2.) The second chief form of incongruence consists in the formation of different systematic groups by the larvæ and the imagines, if the latter are grouped simply according to their form-relationship without reference to their genetic affinities. This incongruence again shows itself in two forms – in the formation of groups of unequal value, and the formation of groups equal in value but unequal in extent, i. e. of overlapping instead of coinciding groups.

Of these two forms the first arises as the direct result of a different amount of divergence. Thus the larvæ of the fleas, on account of their small divergence from those of the gnats, could only lay claim to the rank of a family, whilst their imagines are separated from the gnats by such a wide form-divergence that they are correctly ranked as a distinct tribe or sub-order.

The inequalities in the lowest groups, varieties, can be regarded in a precisely similar manner. If the larva of a species has become split up into two local forms, but not the imago, each of the two larval forms possesses only the rank of a variety, whilst the imaginal form has the value of a species.

Less simple are the causes of the phenomenon that in the one stage the lower groups can be combined into one of higher rank, whilst the other stage does not attain to this high rank. Such a condition appears especially complicated when the two stages can again be formed into groups of a still higher rank.

This is the case in the tribe Rhopalocera, which is founded on the imagines alone, the larvæ forming only families of butterflies. Both stages can however be again combined into the highest systematic group of the Lepidoptera.

In this case also the difference in the value of the systematic groups formed by the two stages corresponds precisely with the difference in the conditions of life. This appears very distinctly when there are several sub-groups on each side, and not when, as in the fleas, only one family is present as a tribe on the one side and on the other as a family. Thus in the butterflies, on the one side there are numerous families combined into the higher rank of a sub-order (imagines), whilst on the other side (larvæ) a group of the same extent cannot be formed. In this instance it can be distinctly shown that the combination of the families into a group of a higher order, as is possible on the side of the imagines, corresponds exactly with the limits in which the conditions of life deviate from those of other Lepidopterous families. The group of butterflies corresponds with an equally large circle of uniform conditions of life, whilst a similar uniformity is wanting on the side of the larvæ.

The second kind of unequal group formation arises from the circumstance that groups of equal value can be formed from the two stages, but these groups do not possess the same limits – they overlap, and only coincide in part.

This is most clearly seen in the order Hymenoptera, in which both larvæ and imagines form two well-defined morphological sub-orders, but in such a manner that the one larval form not only prevails throughout the whole of the one sub-order of the imagines, but also extends beyond and spreads over a great portion of the other imaginal sub-order.

Here again the dependence of this phenomenon upon the influence of the environment is very distinct, since it can be demonstrated (by the embryology of bees) that the one form of larva – the maggot-type – although the structure now diverges so widely, has been developed from the other form, and that it must have arisen by adaptation to certain widely divergent conditions of life.

This form of incongruence is always connected with unequal divergence between the two stages of the one systematic group – in this case the Terebrantia. The larvæ of this imaginal group partly possess caterpillar-like (Phytospheces) and partly maggot-formed (Entomospheces) larvæ, and differ from one another to a considerably greater extent than the saw-flies from the ichneumons.41 The final cause of the incongruence lies therefore in this case also in the fact that one stage has suffered stronger changes than the other, so that a deeper division of the group has occurred in the former than in the latter.

The analogous incongruences in single families of the Lepidoptera may have arisen in a similar manner, as has already been more clearly shown above; only in these cases we are as yet unable to prove in detail that the larval structure has become more strongly changed through special external conditions of life than that of the imagines.

In the smallest systematic group – varieties, it has been possible to furnish some proof of this. The one-sided change here depends in part upon the direct action of external influences (seasonal dimorphism, climatic variation), and it can be shown that these influences (temperature) acted only on the one stage, and accordingly induced change in this alone whilst the other stage remained unaltered.

It has now been shown – not indeed in every individual case, but for each of the different kinds of incongruence of form-relationship – that there is an exact parallelism corresponding throughout with the incongruence in the conditions of life. Wherever the forms diverge more widely in one stage than in the other we also find more widely divergent conditions of life; wherever the morphological systemy of one stage fails to coincide with that of the other – whether in the extent or in the value of the groups – the conditions of life in that stage also diverge, either more widely or at the same time within other limits; whenever a morphological group can be constructed from one stage but not from the other, we find that this stage alone is submitted to certain common conditions of life which fail in the other stage.

The law that the divergence in form always corresponds exactly with the divergence in the conditions of life42 has accordingly received confirmation in all cases where we have been able to pronounce judgment. Unequal form-divergences correspond precisely with unequal divergence in the conditions of life, and community of form appears within exactly the same limits as community in the conditions of life.

These investigations may thus be concluded with the following law: – In types of similar origin, i. e. having the same blood-relationship, the degree of morphological relationship corresponds exactly with the degree of difference in the conditions of life in the two stages.

With respect to the question as to the final cause of transformation this result is certainly of the greatest importance.

The interdependence of structure and function has often been insisted upon, but so long as this has reference only to the agreement of each particular form with some special mode of life, this harmony could still be regarded as the result of a directive power; but when in metamorphic forms we not only see a double agreement between structure and function, but also that the transformation of the form occurs in the two chief developmental stages in successive steps at unequal rates and with unequal strength and rhythm, we must – at least so it appears to me – abandon the idea of an inherent transforming force; and this becomes the more necessary when, by means of the opposite and extremely simple assumption that transformations result entirely from the response of the organism to the actions of the environment, all the phenomena – so far as our knowledge of facts at present extends – can be satisfactorily explained. A power compelling transformation, i. e. a phyletic vital force, must be abandoned, on the double ground that it is incapable of explaining the phenomena (incongruence and unequal phyletic development), and further because it is superfluous.


Against the latter half of this argument there can at most be raised but the one objection that the phenomena of transformation are not completely represented by the cases here analysed. In so far as this signifies that the whole organic world, animal and vegetable, has not been comprised within the investigation this objection is quite valid. The question may be raised as to the limit to which we may venture to extend the results obtained from one small group of forms. I shall return to this question in the last essay.

But if by this objection it is meant that the restricted field of the investigation enables us to actually analyse only a portion of the occurring transformations,43 and indeed only those cases, the dependence of which upon the external conditions of life would be generally admitted, I will not let pass the opportunity of once more pointing out at the conclusion of the present essay that the incongruences shown to exist by no means depend only upon those more superficial characters the remodelling of which in accordance with the external conditions of life may be most easily discerned and is most difficult to deny, but that in certain cases (maggot-like Dipterous larvæ) it is precisely the “typical” parts which become partly suppressed and partly converted into an entirely new structure. From the ancient typical appendages there have here arisen new structures, which again have every right to be considered as typical. This transformation is not to be compared with that experienced by the swimming appendages of the Nauplius-like ancestor of an Apus or Branchipus which have become mandibulate, nor with the transformation which the anterior limbs must have gone through in the reptilian ancestors of birds. The changes in question (Dipterous larvæ) go still further and are more profound. I lay great emphasis upon this because we have here one of the few cases which show that typical parts are quite as dependent upon the environment as untypical structures, and that the former are not only able to become adapted to external conditions by small modifications – as shown in a most striking manner by the transformations of the appendages in the Crustacea and Vertebrata – but that these parts can become modelled on an entirely new type which, when perfected, gives no means of divining its mode of origin. I may here repeat a former statement: – With reference to the causes of their origination we have no grounds for drawing a distinction between typical and untypical structures.

It may be mentioned in concluding that quite analogous although less sharply defined results are arrived at if, instead of fixing our attention upon the different stages of a systematic group in their phyletic development, we only compare the different functional parts (organs in the wide sense) of the organisms.

A complete parallel can be drawn between the two classes of developmental phenomena. From the very different systematic values attached by taxonomists to this or that organ in a group of animals, it may be concluded that the individual parts of an organism are to a certain extent independent, and that each can vary independently, when affected either entirely alone or in a preponderating degree by transforming impulses, without all the other parts of the organism likewise suffering transformation, or at least without their becoming modified in an equal degree. Did all the parts and organs in two groups of animals diverge from each other to the same extent, the systematic value of such parts would be perfectly equal; we should, for example, be able to distinguish and characterize two genera of the family of mice by their kidneys, their liver, their salivary glands, or by the histological structure of their hair or muscles, or even by differences in their myology, &c. equally as well as by their teeth, length of toes, &c. It is true that such a diagnosis has yet to be attempted; but it may safely be predicted that it would not succeed. Judging from all the facts at present before us, the individual parts – and especially those connected in their physiological action, i. e. the system of organs – do not keep pace with reference to the modifications which the species undergoes in the course of time; at one period one system and at another period some other system of organs advances while the others remain behind.

This corresponds exactly with the result already deduced from the unparallel development of the independent ontogenetic stages. If the inequality in the phyletic development is more sharply pronounced in this than in the last class of cases, this can be explained by the greater degree of correlation which exists between the individual systems of organs in any single organism as compared with that existing between the ontogenetic stages, which, although developed from one another, are nevertheless almost completely independent. We should have expected à priori that a strong correlation would have here existed, but as a matter of fact this is not the case, or is so only in a very small degree.

Just as in the stages of metamorphosis the inequality of phyletic development becomes the more obliterated the more distant and comprehensive, or, in other words, the greater the period of existence of the groups which we compare, so does the unequal divergence of the systems of organs become obliterated as we bring into comparison larger and larger systematic groups.

It is not inconceivable – although a clear proof of this is certainly as yet wanting – that a variety of the ancestral species would differ only in one single character, such as hairiness, colour, or marking, and such instances would thus agree precisely with the foregoing cases in which only the caterpillar or the butterfly formed a variety. All the more profound modifications however – such for instance as those which determine the difference between two species – are never limited to one character, but always affect several, this being explicable by correlation, which, as Darwin has shown in the case of dogs, may cause modifications in the skull of those breeds having hanging ears in consequence of this last character alone. It must be admitted however that one organ only would be originally affected by a modifying influence. Thus, I am acquainted with two species of a genus of Daphniacea which are so closely allied that they can only be distinguished from one another by a close comparison of individual details. But whilst most of the external and internal organs are almost identical in the two species the sperm-cells of the males differ in a most striking manner, in one species resembling an Australian boomerang in form and in the other being spherical! An analogous instance is furnished by Daphnia Pulex and D. Magna, two species which were for a long time confounded. Nearly all the parts of the body are here exactly alike, but the antennæ of the males differ to a remarkable extent, as was first correctly shown by Leydig.

Similarly in the case of genera there may be observed an incongruence of such a kind that individual parts of the body may deviate to a greater or to a less extent than the corresponding parts in an allied genus. If, for instance, we compare a species of the genus of Daphniacea, Sida, with a species of the nearly allied genus Daphnella, we find that all the external and internal organs are in some measure dissimilar – nevertheless certain of these parts deviate to an especially large extent, and have without question become far more transformed than the others. This is the case, for example, with the antennæ and the male sexual organs. The latter, in Daphnella, open out at the sides of the posterior part of the body as long, boot-shaped generative organs, and in Sida as small papillæ on the ventral side of this region of the body. If again we compare Daphnella with the nearly allied genus Latona, it will be found that no part in the one is exactly similar to the corresponding part in the other genus, whilst certain organs differ more widely than others. This is the case for instance with the oar-like appendages which in Latona are triramous, but in Daphnella, as in almost all the other Daphniacea, only biramous.

In families the estimation of the form-divergence of the systems of organs and parts of the body becomes difficult and uncertain: still it may safely be asserted that the two Cladocerous families Polyphemidæ and Daphniidæ differ much less from one another in the structure of their oar-like appendages than in that of their other parts, such as the head, shell, legs, or abdominal segments. In systematic groups of a still higher order, i. e. in orders, and still more in classes, we might be inclined to consider that all the organs had become modified to an equally great extent. Nevertheless it cannot be conclusively said that the kidneys of a bird differ from those of a mammal to the same extent as do the feathers from mammalian hair, since we cannot estimate the differences between quite heterogeneous things – it can only be stated that both differ greatly. Here also the facts are not such as would have been expected if transformation was the result of an internal developmental force; no uniform modification of all parts takes place, but first one part varies (variety) and then others (species), and, on the whole, as the systematic divergence increases all parts become more and more affected by the transformation and all tend continually to appear changed to an equal extent. This is precisely what would be expected if the transforming impulses came from the environment. An equalization of the differences caused by transformation must be produced in two ways; first by correlation, since nearly every primary transformation must entail one or more secondary changes, and secondly because, as the period of time increases, more numerous parts of the body must become influenced by primary transforming factors.

40[The Aphaniptera are now recognized in this country as a sub-order of Diptera. See, for instance, Huxley’s “Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals,” p. 425, and Pascoe’s “Zoological Classification,” 2nd ed. p. 122. R.M.]
41[This illustration of course only applies to the old arrangement of the Hymenoptera into Terebrantia and Aculeata. See also note , p. . R.M.]
42[Eng. ed. This law is perhaps a little too restricted, inasmuch as it is theoretically conceivable that the organism may be able to adapt itself to similar conditions of life in different ways; differences of form could thus depend sometimes upon differences of adaptation and not upon differences in the conditions of life, or, as I have formerly expressed it, it is not necessary to allow always only one best mode of adaptation.]
43[It must be understood that the word rendered here and elsewhere throughout this work as “transformation” is not to be taken in the narrow sense of metamorphosis, but as having the much broader meaning of a change of any kind incurred by an organism. Metamorphosis is in fact but one phase of transformation. R.M.]