Самоучитель английского языка для менеджеров фармбизнеса. PharmEnglish for pharm career

Андрей Тимофеевич Бычков
Самоучитель английского языка для менеджеров фармбизнеса. PharmEnglish for pharm career

Полная версия

Учебный модуль №6.
Контрольная работа по теме №2

Задание: переведите письменно предложения с английского языка на русский.

1. Я не уверен, что каждый Медицинский представитель выполняет подготовку к визиту.

2. Какой специальной техникой пользуется Медицинский представитель, чтобы подготовиться к визиту?

3. Что означает SMART mean?

4. Я не уверен, что Медицинские представители используют промоционные материалы на каждом визите.

5. Почему хорошее открытие так важно для визита?

6. Что позволяет Медицинскому представителю делать навык открытия визита?

7. Боюсь, что Вы не правы, когда говорите, что навык выявления потребностей включает активное слушание.

8. Я не согласен с Вами, что Медицинский представитель ничего не достигает, задавая открытые вопросы.

9. Какая наиболее эффективная и хорошо известная техника изучения потребностей клиента?

10. Почему важно задавать клиенту открытые вопросы?

11. Почему Медицинский представитель представил информацию по препарату до выявления потребностей клиента?

12. Боюсь, что я не знаю, почему Медицинские представители часто встречаются с возражениями/вызовами во время визита.

13. Что включают в себя возражения?

14. Что сделал Медицинский представитель, чтобы преодолеть эти возражения?

15. Почему возникают сомнения и непонимания?

16. Как Медицинский представитель преодолел реальный недостаток препарата?

17. Что делает безразличие наиболее сложным возражением для Медицинского представителя?

18. Что Вы сделаете, чтобы преодолеть возражение клиента?

19. Почему он провалил продажу?

20. Не думаю, что завершение так важно для визита.

Учебный модуль №7. «Ключи» для проверки правильности выполнения заданий

Работа с текстом: перевод и заучивание (выделено жирным шрифтом)

Задание №4: Поставьте повествовательные предложения в: отрицательную форму и в) вопросительную форму:

1. Every Medical Rep must not do some pre-call planning/Must every Medical Rep do some pre-call planning?

2. Good preparation is not more than 50% of the call success/Is good preparation more than 50% of the call success?

3. I don’t want the doctor to try the product you are promoting on a specific group of patients/Do you want the doctor to try the product you are promoting on a specific group of patients?

4. I don’t have in mind how many patients the doctor will try your product on/Do you have in mind how many patients the doctor will try your product on?

5. The sales call objective must not be Timed/Must the sales call objective be Timed?

6. The Sales Rep must not have in mind the time period for the physician to use the new product/Must the Sales Rep have in mind the time period for the physician to use the new product?

7. The doctor will not start to use the new product right away/Will the doctor start to use the new product right away?

8. He should not be able to get the right patients within two weeks/Should he be able to get the right patients within two weeks?

9. An effective Sales Rep must not in advance prepare promotional literature/Must an effective Sales Rep in advance prepare promotional literature?

10. Physicians don’t always like to see proof of the benefits/Do physicians always like to see proof of the benefits?

11. It isn’t important to have a copy of the clinical paper on the comparative study/Is it important to have a copy of the clinical paper on the comparative study?

12. Every sales call doesn’t also need a good opening/Does every sales call also need a good opening?

13. Both the salesperson and the customer won’t gain benefits from the call/Will both the salesperson and the customer gain benefits from the call?

14. The skill of opening won’t enable a Sales Rep to get his customer’s interest/Will the skill of opening enable a Sales Rep to get his customer’s interest?

15. Every customer doesn’t want to see value in spending time with a Sales Rep/Does every customer want to see value in spending time with a Sales Rep?

16. A Sales Rep doesn’t need to recognize the appropriate time to open/Does a Sales Rep need to recognize the appropriate time to open?

17. An effective sales person mustn’t state the purpose of the call/Must an effective sales person state the purpose of the call?

18. He didn’t then explain what the customer would get from the call/Did he then explain what the customer would get from the call?

19. Exploring isn’t the effective skill in selling/Is exploring the effective skill in selling?

20. The Sales Rep hasn’t discovered the customer’s buying needs by asking questions/Has the Sales Rep discovered the customer’s buying needs by asking questions?

21. You can’t make your customer respond freely by asking open questions/Can you make your customer respond freely by asking open questions?

22. I can’t gain «yes’ or «no’ responses by asking closed questions/Can you gain «yes’ or «no’ responses by asking closed questions?

23. The Sales Rep hasn’t proceeded very effectively through the sales call/Has the Sales Rep proceeded very effectively through the sales call?

24. The experienced Sales Rep hasn’t uncovered the customer’s needs/Has the experienced Sales Rep uncovered the customer’s needs?

25. the Sale Rep hasn’t provided the information about the relevant features, advantages and benefits of the product after exploring the customer’s needs/Has the Sale Rep provided the information about the relevant features, advantages and benefits of the product after exploring the customer’s needs?

26. The Sales Rep didn’t face some real challenges during the call/Did the Sales Rep face some real challenges during the call?

27. He didn’t explore challenge and listen carefully/Did he explore challenge and listen carefully?

28. The Sales Rep mustn’t respect the customer’s point of view/Must the Sales Rep respect the customer’s point of view?

29. Doubts and misconceptions can’t occur at every stage of the call/Can doubts and misconceptions occur at every stage of the call?

30. The customer didn’t doubt whether your product really had the features or benefits/Did the customer doubt whether your product really had the features or benefits?

31. The customer didn’t have incomplete or inaccurate information after the call/Did the customer have incomplete or inaccurate information after the call?

32. It isn’t surprising that the customer was questioning you in depth/Is it not surprising that the customer was questioning you in depth?

33. They didn’t want to be sure that you really could deliver what you claimed/Did they want to be sure that you really could deliver what you claimed?

34. Every product doesn’t have its limitations/Does every product have its limitations?

35. A limitation isn’t something that you product can’t offer or satisfy/Is a limitation something that you product can’t offer or satisfy?

36. You won’t need to explore the limitation fully/Will you need to explore the limitation fully?

37. You mustn’t put the limitation into perspective/Must you put the limitation into perspective?

38. He didn’t balance the limitation with relevant accepted benefits/Did he balance the limitation with relevant accepted benefits?

39. He hasn’t gained the customer’s agreement in the end of the call/Has he gained the customer’s agreement in the end of the call?

40. He doesn’t feel that the product will add some value to his practice/Does he feel that the product will add some value to his practice?

41. The Sales Rep hasn’t uncovered all opportunities/Has the Sales Rep uncovered all opportunities?

42. He hasn’t found implications and needs arising out of that situation/Has he found implications and needs arising out of that situation?

43. Many sales Reps aren’t afraid to ask for commitment/Are many sales Reps afraid to ask for commitment?

44. He didn’t fear that the customer would say «No’/Did he fear that the customer would say «No’?

45. The Sales Rep hasn’t failed to close the call/Has the Sales Rep failed to close the call?

46. He didn’t recognize the appropriate time to close during his last call/Did he recognize the appropriate time to close during his last call?

47. The customer hasn’t given a buying signal/Has the customer given a buying signal?

48. The Sales Rep hasn’t reminded the customer of the accepted benefits/Has the Sales Rep reminded the customer of the accepted benefits?

49. You won’t need to suggest an action-plan tomorrow/Will you need to suggest an action-plan tomorrow?

Задание №5: Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам в предложении:

1. Every Medical Rep must do some pre-call planning because good preparation is more than 50% of the call success.

• What Medical Rep must do some pre-call planning because…..?

• Who must do some pre-call planning because…..?

• What must Every Medical Rep do…..?

• Why must every Medical Rep do some pre-call planning?

2. The doctor wants to try the product on a specific group of patients.


• Who wants to try the product on a specific group of patients?

• What does doctor want to try on a specific group of patients?

• On what patients does the doctor to try the product?

3. The Sales Rep aimed high.

• Who aimed high?

• How did the Sales Rep aim?

4. A Sales Rep must have in mind the customer’s profile.

• Who must have in mind the customer’s profile?

• What must a Sales Rep have in mind?

5. The physician started to use the new product to feel some loyalty to it.

• Who started to use the new product to feel some loyalty to it?

• What did the physician start to do?

• What product did the physician start to use?

• Why did the physician start to use the new product?

6. The physician got the right patients within two weeks.

• Who got the right patients within two weeks?

• What patients did the physician get within two weeks?

• Within what time did the physician get the right patients?

7. One month’s initial treatment was enough for the patient to feel some progress.

• What was enough for the patient to feel some progress?

• What initial treatment was enough for the patient to feel some progress?

• For whom was one month’s initial treatment enough to feel some progress?

8. The Sales Rep must in advance prepare promotional literature.

• Who must in advance prepare promotional literature?

• What must the Sales Rep do in advance?

• What must the Sales Rep prepare in advance?

• What literature must the Sales Rep prepare in advance?

9. Physicians always like to see proof of the benefits.

• Who always like to see proof of the benefits?

• What do physicians always like to do?

• What proof do physicians always like to see?

10. It is important to have a copy of the clinical paper for the call.

• What is it important to have for the call?

• What paper is it important to have for the call?

11. Every sales call also needs a good opening.

• What needs a good opening?

• What does every sales call need?

• What opening does every sales call need?

12. Both the salesperson and the customer will gain benefits from the call.

• Who will gain benefits from the call?

• What will both the salesperson and the customer gain from the call?

13. The skill of opening will enable a Sales Rep to get his customer’s interest.

• What will enable a Sales Rep to get his customer’s interest?

• What skill will enable a Sales Rep to get his customer’s interest?

• Whose interest will the skill of opening enable a Sales Rep to get?

14. Every customer wants to see value in spending time with a Sales Rep.

• Who wants to see value in spending time with a Sales Rep?

• What customer wants to see value in spending time with a Sales Rep?

• What does every customer want to do?

• What does every customer want to see?

15. A Sales Rep needs to recognize the appropriate time to open.

• Who needs to recognize the appropriate time to open?

• What does a Sales Rep need?

• What time to open does a Sales Rep need to recognize?

16. An effective sales person must always state the purpose of the call.

• Who must always state the purpose of the call?

• What sales person must always state the purpose of the call?

• What must an effective sales person always state?

• What purpose must an effective sales person always state?

17. He explained what the customer would get from the call.

• Who explained what the customer would get from the call?

• What did he do?

• What did he explain?

18. Exploring is the most effective skill in selling.

• What is the most effective skill in selling?

• Where is exploring the most effective skill?

19. By asking questions, the Sales Rep has discovered the customer’s buying needs.

• Who has discovered the customer’s buying needs?

• How has the Sales Rep discovered the customer’s buying needs?

20. By asking open questions you can make your customer respond freely.

• How can you make your customer respond by asking open questions?

• By asking what questions can you make your customer respond freely?

21. By asking closed questions you can gain «yes» or «no» responses.

• By asking what questions can you gain «yes» or «no» responses?

• What responses can you gain by asking closed questions?

22. The Sales Rep has proceeded very effectively through the sales call.

• Who has proceeded very effectively through the sales call?

• How has the Sales Rep proceeded through the sales call?

23. The experienced Sales Rep has uncovered the customer’s needs.

• Who has uncovered the customer’s needs?

• What Sales Rep has uncovered the customer’s needs?

24. After exploring the customer’s needs the Sale Rep provided the information about the relevant features, advantages and benefits of the product.

• Who provided the information about the relevant features, advantages and benefits of the product after exploring the customer’s needs?

• About what did the Sale Rep provide the information after exploring the customer’s needs?

• When did the Sale Rep provide the information about the relevant features, advantages and benefits of the product?

• About what features, advantages and benefits of the product did Sale Rep provide the information?

25. During the call the Sales Rep faced some real challenges.

• Who faced some real challenges during the call?

• What did the Sales Rep face during the call?

• What challenges did the Sales Rep face during the call?

26. He explored the challenges and listened carefully.

• Who explored the challenges and listened carefully?

• What did he explore?

• How did he listen?

27. The Sales Reps must respect the customer’s point of view.

• Who must respect the customer’s point of view?

• What must the Sales Reps do?

• What must the Sales Reps respect?

• Whose point of view must the Sales Reps respect?

28. Doubts and misconceptions can occur at every stage of the call.

• What can occur at every stage of the call?

• When can doubts and misconceptions occur?

• At what stage of the call can doubts and misconceptions occur?

29. The customer doubted whether your product really had the features or benefits.

• Who doubted whether your product really had the features or benefits?

• What did the customer doubt about?

30. After your call the customer had incomplete or inaccurate information.

• Who had incomplete or inaccurate information after the call?

• After whose call did the customer have incomplete or inaccurate information?

• What information did the customer have after the call?

• When did the customer have incomplete or inaccurate information?

31. It is not surprising that the customer was questioning you in depth.

• Who was questioning you in depth?

• What was the customer doing?

• How was the customer questioning you?

32. They wanted to be sure that you really could deliver what you claimed.

• Who wanted to be sure that you really could deliver what you claimed?

• What did they want to be sure?

33. Every product has its limitations.

• What has its limitations?

• What does every product have?

34. A limitation is something that can be offered or satisfied by that product.

• What is a limitation?

35. You will need to explore the limitation fully.

• Who will need to explore the limitation fully?

• What will you need?

• How will you need to explore the limitation?

36. You must put the limitation into perspective.

• Who must put the limitation into perspective?

• What must put into perspective?

• Where must you put the limitation?

37. He balanced the limitation with relevant accepted benefits.

Who balanced the limitation with relevant accepted benefits?

• What did he balance with relevant accepted benefits?

• With what did he balance the limitation?/What did he balance the limitation with?

• With what benefit did he balance the limitation?/What benefit did he balance the limitation with?

38. In the end of the call he has gained the customer’s agreement.

• Who has gained the customer’s agreement?

• What has he gained in the end of the call?

• Whose agreement has he gained in the end of the call?

39. The customer was not at all interested in what you were saying.

• Who was not at all interested in what you were saying?

• In what wasn’t the customer interested at all?

40. He doesn’t want your product.

• Who doesn’t want your product?

• What doesn’t he want?

• Whose product doesn’t he want?

41. He feels that the product will add some value to his practice.

• Who feels that the product will add some value to his practice?

• What value will he feel the product add to his practice?

• To whose practice will the product add some value?

42. The Sales Rep has uncovered all opportunities.

• Who has uncovered all opportunities?

• What has the Sales Rep done?

• What has the Sales Rep uncovered?

• What opportunities has the Sales Rep uncovered?

43. He has found implications and needs arising out of that situation.

• Who has found implications and needs arising out of that situation?

• What has he found?

• What needs has he found?

44. Many Sales Reps are afraid to ask for commitment.

• Who is afraid to ask for commitment?

• How many Sales Reps are afraid to ask for commitment?

• What are many Sales Reps afraid of?

45. He feared that the customer would say «No!»

• Who feared that the customer would say «No!»?

• What did he fear?

46. The Sales Rep has failed to close the call.

• Who has failed to close the call?

• What has he failed to do?

• What has he failed to close?

47. During his last call he recognized the appropriate time to close.

• Who recognized the appropriate time to close during the last call?

• What did he recognize?

• What time did recognize to close during the last call?

48. The customer has given a buying signal.

• Who has given a buying signal?

• What has the customer done?

• What signal has the customer given?

49. The Sales Rep has reminded the customer of the accepted benefits.

• Who has reminded the customer of the accepted benefits?

• Whom has the customer reminded of the accepted benefits?

• Of what benefits has the Sales Rep reminded the customer?

50. Tomorrow you will need to suggest an action-plan.

• Who will need to suggest an action-plan tomorrow?

• What will you need to do tomorrow?

• What plan will you need to suggest tomorrow?

• When will you need to suggest an action-plan?

Задание 8 b) Письменно переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. She works as a physician. But she doesn’t! She works as a Sales Rep in a pharmaceutical company.

2. Doctor Sergeeva has not returned from from the international congress yet. But she has! She returned a month ago.

3. Andrey Teetov will go to the cycle conference in Turkey. Yes, that is right.

4. Medical Reps usually work in the office. But they don’t! They always work in the field with their customers.

5. Few Medical Reps work in big pharmaceutical companies. It is not correct! Many Medical Reps work in I big pharmaceutical companies.

6. As a rule, Medical Reps don’t have cars. But they do! Medical Reps usually have cars.


7. Medical Reps buy mobile phones for themselves. But they don’t the company buys mobile phones for them.

Задание №12: Письменно, ответьте, что Вы не знаете ответа на заданный вопрос, используя приведенные ниже модели:

• I am afraid I don’t know…

I am afraid I can’t say…

I have no idea…

1. I am afraid I don’t know what a special technique is that the Sales Reps use to prepare for the call.

2. I am afraid I can’t say what SMART means.

3. I have no idea what Specific means in SMART.

4. I am afraid I don’t know what Measurable means in SMART.

5. I am afraid I can’t say what Ambitious means in SMART.

6. I have no idea what Timed means in SMART.

7. I am afraid I don’t know why Sales Reps prepare promotional literature for a call.

8. I am afraid I can’t say why a good opening is so important for sales call.

9. I have no idea what the skill of opening enables a Sales Rep.

10. I am afraid I don’t know what the skill of opening includes.

11. I am afraid I can’t say why exploring is the most powerful and effective skill in selling.

12. I have no idea what exploring helps a Sales Rep to discover.

13. I am afraid I don’t know what a Sales Rep can achieve by asking open questions.

14. I am afraid I can’t say what a Sales Rep can achieve by asking close questions.

15. I have no idea what the most effective and well known technique of exploring customer’s needs is.

16. I am afraid I can’t say what SPIN means.

17. I am afraid I can’t say what S means in SPIN.

18. I have no idea what P means in SPIN.

19. I am afraid I don’t know what I means in SPIN.

20. I am afraid I can’t say what N means in SPIN.

21. I have no idea why it is important to ask a customer situation questions.

22. I am afraid I don’t know why it is important to ask a customer problem questions.

23. I am afraid I can’t say why it is important to ask a customer implication questions.

24. I have no idea why it is important to ask a customer navigation questions.

25. I am afraid I don’t know when a Sales Rep must provide the information about the relevant features, advantages and benefits of your product.

26. I have no idea why it is important to provide the information about the relevant features, advantages and benefits of your product.

27. I have no idea what a Sales Rep can achieve by providing the information about the relevant features, advantages and benefits of your product.

28. I am afraid I don’t know what Sales Reps often face during the call.

29. I am afraid I can’t say why Sales Reps often face challanges during the call.

30. I have no idea what challenges include.

31. I am afraid I don’t know what a Sales Rep must do to manage these challenges.

32. I am afraid I can’t say why doubts and misconceptions occur.

33. I have no idea why indifference occur.

34. I am afraid I don’t know why limitations occur.

35. I am afraid I can’t say what a Sales Rep must do to manage the product limitation.

36. I have no idea what it means to balance the limitation with a relevant accepted benefit.

37. I am afraid I don’t know what makes indifference the most difficult challenge for a Sales Rep.

38. I have no idea what a Sales Rep must do to manage a customer indifference.

39. I am afraid I can’t say why closing can be a real challenge for many Sales Reps.

40. I am afraid I don’t know what call closing includes.

41. I have no idea why closing is so important for a sales call.

«Ключ» для проверки контрольной работы по теме №2:

1. I am not sure that every Medical Rep does some pre-call planning.

2. What is a special technique that the Sales Reps use to prepare for the call?

3. What does SMART mean?

4. I am not sure that Sales Reps use promotional literature in every call.

5. Why is a good opening so important for a sales call?

6. What does the skill of opening enable a Sales Rep to do?

7. I am afraid you are wrong when you say that the skill of exploring includes active listening.

8. I don’t agree with you that Sales Reps achieve nothing by asking open questions.

9. What is the most effective and well known technique of exploring customer’s needs?

10. Why is it important to ask a customer problem questions?

11. Why did the Sales Rep provide/present the information about the product before exploring the customer’s needs?

12. I am afraid I don’t know why Sales Reps often face challenges during the call.

13. What do challenges include?

14. What has the Sales Rep done to manage these challenges?

15. Why do doubts and misconceptions occur?

16. How did the Sales Rep manage the product limitation?

17. What makes indifference the most difficult challenge for a Sales Rep?

18. What will you do to manage a customer indifference?

19. Why has he failed to sale?

20. I don’t think closing is so important for a sales call.

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23 