Rembrandt code

Artur Zadikyan
Rembrandt code

Полная версия

The gods are deprived of the luxury of not knowing our thoughts.

The author is known to you


In the process of gathering information for this book, I used classified material, as usual. Secret in fact. That is, you understand, secret materials are, to a certain extent, classified. In the world of the Internet, it's hard enough to call something as such.

In addition, I would like to clarify (since I write in the science fiction genre) some attitudes : people want to read something plausible, that is, fiction backed by a solid scientific basis; in other words, they don't want those two words in that combination to be disconnected. Accordingly, they do not want the book to be mere fantasy, nor do they want it to be a boring scientific read. I hope you get my point, though I will still clarify: if the narrative is boring science, then no one will read it as fiction . So, once again: if the narration is purely scientific, then fans of fiction will not be interested in it, and if the text is just fiction, then it will not be appreciated by fans of science fiction. And depts of this science fiction want to see a fictional world, which, by the way, all literary writers draw, but with scientific validity, but only squeeze of facts will not read t. This is the difficulty: where to find that line that separates fiction, just fiction (from fairy tales to fantasy, all the way to love lyrics), and science-based narrative about what we imagine?

So, in the process of collecting information for the book I used materials provided to me by the committee of foreign intelligence and security service of a secret enterprise, which is hidden for the outside world behind a rather working, but however causing certain associations name JSC "ZASLON". However, you understand, I have to use Aesopian language, write not all components of technology under the "top secret", that is to reveal the topic a little veiled. It didn't start with an ordinary case at the mentioned enterprise, but the secret data I came across surprised me even more…

Yes, I am here, according to the rules of good manners, I must introduce myself: Rutra Paschow, head of the secret research bureau "Artificial Intelligence Technology Control Center". The essence of my narration, perhaps, will become clear to you at the end of , now I will bring to your attention its reason: I as a specialist was entrusted to conduct a covert investigation of one very significant and suspicious in sense of naturalness case, namely … T ut I will keep silent for now, because even after apo feosis of the whole scenario of this "show". I'm not sure of the categories of the incident. Let's take the following as a basis for now: a case and an incident (I will designate an incident by these two synonyms) with scientific employee of the secret laboratory of ZASLON JSC. The specificity of this case was quite intricate: three lines of investigation were simultaneously conducted: internal – by the security service of the enterprise, external – by the security service of the state, and also assigned to me. And the enterprise did not know about the investigation that was conducted by the service that hired me. The one I conducted was initiated by the State Security Service, and I acted under the mandate of the Investigative Committee. Everything was organized in an extremely decent entourage : I was provided not only with the documents of an investigator, but also could hold a reception in the office of the corresponding service as a real representative of the committee, though under an assumed name. At the enterprise, including e e security service, my mission was presented as expert, to certify the official version, voiced by the same enterprise security service and, accordingly, by the local medical institution. In the process of familiarizing yourself with the investigation materials that I decided to disclose, you will understand the complexity and danger of the described event. Of course, the question is legitimate: why me and why such a scheme? The answer is banally simple … However.

I will begin, however, with an introduction to the explanatory component, being the outer limits of the spiral of the central core of the incident.

Chapter 1: On People and Not…

It is no secret that even the military recognizes the existence of UFOs. To clarify: UFOs should not be a simple association with some aliens. UFO – is first of all an unidentified flying machine . In addition, there are organizations that study not standard phenomena, unidentified, that is, remaining mysterious events, cases. I do not mean any investigation, criminal or similar, but exactly an event that goes beyond our usual logic.

Next I have one confession to make. In ozzmozhno it will have some consequences for me, but I can't do it without it either. To make it interesting for you to read, I have to make it . It consists in the fact that, in addition to the information that is openly available on the network, there is information from closed networks. For many people it is no secret that there is a dark side of the Internet – a separate world to which mere mortals the way is forbidden. Of course, it is not surprising that it is guarded by those who inhabit this world, but, no matter how strange, those who "hunt " for these "creatures", also unwittingly provide them with additional security . It is the intelligence services, whose goal is to make open all aspects of an individual's life, who fight against the secret side of citizens' relationships, using special organizations and special programs (as we know, anti-viruses), create a powerful barrier between that world and this, explicit one. In that world things happen with impunity that are punishable in this world. But the point for me is not that drugs, weapons, organs and other things are sold there, but the following: in the process of investigation I came to the conclusion that someone ( or something or nobody) created this system, this underground world on purpose, in order to conduct activities, negotiations there, that is to live out of sight of the manifest world. And when I dug deeper, it turned out that in that world "life" began earlier than in this world, in the explicit one.

Here you need to understand correctly the following: in fact, the Internet was created by a special military organization, which was, accordingly, classified. At first it was a military communication system called Arpanet (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), a computer network created in 1969 in the United States by the U.S. Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which was the prototype of the Internet . In any new technology, even for commercial purposes, is classified. And the systems created by special services and the military are even more so. This is understood, if not by everyone, then by many.

With time, many events , documents, technologies become not secret, but there are some moments in them that are always secret. Imagine if some time ago other intelligent beings settled on Earth, organized our civilization, led it according to their plan. Would it be a global secret for all time? Of course it would! Now the background (you may not believe it, your right): I decided to reveal some of the material, although I presented it in a slightly modified form, so that it was not quite clear where here is truth and where is fiction. With oglaisyte, human civilization is permeated with such stories – from myths and legends about magic, about other worlds, fairy tale creatures to religious cults, belief in God, justified by the suspicions about the existence of such centers, about which I intend to write. Though I will again specify (just in case): all stated is fiction, and there everyone will understand to the extent of his representation of the real reality. After all, everyone has his own point of view about the structure of our world, t and even more so about its hidden underside .

In general, once I was appointed to a commission to investigate paranormal phenomena. I hid it for many years, accordingly, I signed a non-disclosure, so, remaining true to duty, I write about it in the genre of science fiction . About However, I decided to open at least a window into this secret world, because ( I know from my secret channels) "explosion" is coming.

The first case involves, as in the best traditions of the genre, intellectual beings not of earthly origin. I see the modest smiles of some… and not modest either . However, agree, the more one realizes the majesty and magnitude of the universe, the more one wishes to be not alone in these vast expanses , the more one believes in the possibility of extraterrestrial communication with time. Isn't the same way? P look around at all this from the outside and recognize: late or sooner this communication will be realized and the existing one will be revealed.

When we start talking about aliens, most people think of a secret area called Area 51 in the United United States. In fact, this is just a distraction of public opinion, of public consciousness. Think about it logically: if aliens wanted to secretly arrive on Earth and build themselves a center for human surveillance, then couldn't they influence people in advance, recruit some (the right ones) or take on the appearance of humans? In go people are all different too. With the available technology, even Earth technology, they could certainly do it easily. However, here I need to make some clarifications , make an introduction about the cloud structure itself, named as alien visitation to Earth.


Believe me, many people have a very poor understanding of the very options of how this can be realized, respectively, the very structure of the system of moving living beings in space. To make you understand, roughly describe the following (I often repeat this , but there is no way without it): light from the Sun to us flies 8 minutes at a speed of 300 thousand km per second, and our spaceships, which are built at the current technological level not , fly at a speed of 16, 65 km/second. This is the third space speed (the minimum speed that must be given to a body for it to overcome the gravitational pull of the Sun and leave the solar system). So, even if we fly at a speed of 1 thousand kilometers per second, it is very little. Moreover, for living organisms flying in space even at a speed of 16, 65 km/s is very problematic. In the first place, radiation , as we know, penetrates everywhere, and secondly, blood circulation and… our brain also consist mostly of liquid. And fluids are more susceptible to inertial shifts under the influence of gravity and acceleration . That is why I accompany many of my expert opinions with the same introductions , which are based on my invented method of moving in space, finding other worlds, transferring consciousness from one body to another , and even to a being in another world. I learned the scientific component of this possibility by studying these secret materials. The essence of e e is the following: firstly, there is such a paradox of science as effect of quantum-entangled pairs. I will not tell about it for a long time, I often describe it in all my works, besides, there is a lot of information in the Internet . In a nutshell, quantum entanglement occurs at the moment when two or more particles become bound together. The point is that the interaction of these quantum entangled pairs violates all the laws of physics regarding the rate of interaction. And the laws of physics regarding speed, for example, are based on the fact that there is no speed higher than the speed of light. As I said, this speed is 300 thousand km/s. But these quantum entangled pairs affect each other with instantaneous speed, which is even impossible to calculate. Thus can fly these pairs of particles to any distances. Secondly, it is possible to transfer consciousness from one brain to another. For example, I have an interesting idea – a thought that I want to convey to you, for example. What do I do? I form this thought into words, tell someone, or write, or transfer my thoughts with the help of implanted chip directly to artificial intelligence, which can both print and voice, and with different voices . Accordingly, this is how I materialize my thoughts, such as the ones you are reading. By the way, this unique chip and software to it were developed by engineers of the company "ZASLON", and integration was carried out by the author, whom you have the honor to read, that is me. Sorry , I can't deny my modesty (I smile).

A special place in my story belongs to the author of the software, whose name I cannot reveal. He was listed in our filing cabinet under the code name Rembrandt. Actually, around his secret activity goes all my narration, which is an investigation. It itself is not official, as it were. I was tasked to carefully find out all aspects of what happened and the events preceding this . So to say, tacitly, in a friendly way, so as not to scare off… To wow? That's what I was supposed to find out, too.

However, I have distracted you a bit. So, that if you or someone else would read or listen to my thought, understand and reflect my thoughts in their thoughts, it is necessary to convert it into some form that we understand. After all, we never learned to read thoughts in the process of evolution. This is how my thought, and thought as such, turns out to be in another brain, in another consciousness, and there, for example, in your brain, as if in your consciousness, it becomes your thought. So in this way I have converted my thought into your thought. But is a long process. If you imagine your personality as a picture of moral and spiritual characteristics, convert it into digital form, then your thought will be one millimicron cell of this picture. And if all the cells are converted into a special program, then your personality will be encrypted in this program. Thus, you can take and, let's say, make a complete description of a person in the form of a complex formula, a mathematical matrix, a computer program. Not only to describe appearance, character or some peculiarities, but to take the totality of all analysis systems , be it blood parameters, tomography data of the whole organism, X-ray of body parts or something else, – analysis of everything that makes up an individual, and make an image of a person. But how to know all these parameters in accuracy, including the mechanisms that form the mental picture of a person, i.e. the formula by which the brain forms them? This is the most difficult thing. And this task was solved in the secret laboratory of ZASLON JSC, namely by a team led by this very genius, and not only in the field of binary code, i.e. in programming. This fantasist and wizard was named by us in the secret documents with the name of another genius – Rembrandt.

So, about decoding, or rather – digitalization of thought and in general the whole essence of a human being. We can do the reverse process: copy information – digital image of a person – from a computer and transfer it to another computer. Accordingly, it is also possible to copy human brain, or rather, all that it keeps in itself, even hidden information, and transfer it through special systems and programs to another person. So far it is all e secret technologies, which we do imagine, but still e do not fully understand, little believe in them . However, as we know, all e ingenious is simple. If we write down our thoughts, for example, we copy our words on a special recording device and then transfer them somewhere, send them over the network or even let them "free float" with the help of radio waves, then play them on other devices, then why can't we copy our brain completely – the information from it, that is all that makes up our personality, and transfer it to another person, as in another computer? All e is possible. This is another part of technology, created in the bowels of JSC " ZASLON" in tandem with the bureau, which is represented in my personal ts . Otherwise, why am I writing about it? Not to mention the fact that I am the chairman of the internal investigation commission. It is kind of necessary to make a reservation here, why the investigation is being conducted, to announce the reasons that caused it but for now let me talk about technology, more precisely, about technology – both in general and directly born in the dungeons of ZASLON JSC.

M aleven explanation: enterprise ZASLON is a general contractor of the Russian Ministry of Defense in the field of development, production and supply of information and complex systems of automated control, software, instrumentation and microelectronics. It is the largest scientific and technical center in this area on a global scale. It is this world scale that will be the element of an important investigation. The enterprise was, of course, a regime enterprise, but the scientific specialists of the enterprise were not only frequent ( and welcome) guests and participants of all kinds of international exhibitions and conferences, but also consultants ( read: leading specialists), including secret projects and missions, in cooperation programs of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

I will now return to the thread of familiarization with technology. Let me remind you that we talked about recording consciousness, i.e. the whole essence of data that make up human personality, on a non-living material medium. Although it is impossible to record it on a living one. But only not for the magicians of the secret laboratory of ZASLON JSC. Yes- yes, I understand your desire to know how, but please be patient.

The next component of the technology, developed in the mentioned laboratory of ZASLON JSC, is a complex system that will influence this program, into which the person's personality will be translated, on the mechanism that will control the spin of quantum-entangled particles.

Here again I must divert you to an explanation: spin is, simply put , the moment of rotation of these quantum-entangled particles. And quantum entangled particles are two or more disconnected particles, which retain a connection between themselves, therefore entangled, as if connected by an invisible thread. They rotate and influence each other in such a way that if with the help of special systems to change the rotation of one particle, that is, to influence the way it rotates (you can even stop it ), then the second one instantly reacts and mirrors . This is such a parallel world. And it is not scientifically clarified how this connection is realized between them . Let me remind you that their interaction with each other is instantaneous. Why am I talking about this ? In with it is about one system – finding other worlds (I understand your surprise), moving there, transferring consciousness, as you have understood, and taking possession of the body, which is in these worlds. It is not necessary to transfer a body in space , but it is impossible, for long distances for sure, especially for the universe the speed of light is still e and very long, not counting the fact that according to the laws of physics material bodies cannot reach e e. It sounds fantastic, I am talking about other worlds and the method of entering them. O but is not fantastic the chain of influences – nuclear fusion in the nucleus of stars and the possibility of our existence, and in general protein bodies (for the life of protein creatures need heavy elements like carbon, which contains 12 protons in the nucleus) ? This process was made possible by nuclear fusion in the core of super hot massive stars billions of years ago . Or isn't the miraculous origin of life? By some minuscule part of the male fuses with part of the female and.... whoa, whoa, whoa!… there is someone who reads this, someone who writes this … well, you get my drift.

So, even if we fly at a speed of 1 thousand km/s ( not per hour, but per second), even if we overcome all these difficulties related to gravity, radiation, inertia and other difficulties, even half jets within our C solar system will not be so fast (for example, a flight from Neptune to the Sun would take 50 days). To say nothing of flying to a neighboring star… well, that's a long time, about 1272 years . And it takes 761 million years to fly to our neighbor Andromeda (the galaxy T umanity of Andromeda, closest to our own). Yes same if we invert all the laws of physics (at least those that are established now) and reach for flights speed of light for material bodies (according to Einstein's theory, in which I very much doubt, material bodies can not reach the speed of light) – 300 thousand. km/s , then to our neighboring star – Proxima Centauri – to fly more than four years, and to the same A ndromeda – more than 2, 5 million years. Imagine how long it would take to fly at a speed that we can technically control – 16.65 km/s. Accordingly, when they say why there are no aliens, why we don't even hear them – I will answer : because to osmosis is huge. Even if we fly at the speed of light, which is not conceivable according to the laws of physics, although radio waves travel at this speed, the movement even within our galaxy will take tens of thousands of years (it is more than 100 thousand light years across). E if even inside our galaxy there is an advanced civilization, at least at our level, then if they sent us hello, say, about thirty thousand years ago, and are on the other side of the galaxy, at the same distance from the nucleus as we are, we will hear them again at least in thirty thousand years. Now, I hope I have made some clarity about the appearance of aliens on Earth. On this issue, I think, it will not be superfluous to touch upon the Drake formula (estimation of the possible number of intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy) and the Fermi paradox (absence of visible traces of activity of extraterrestrial civilizations, which should have settled all over the selves over billions of years of e e development).

Based on the comparisons above, if these UFOs appear in our area, it means that they also depend on such parameter as distance and speed. All hyperjumps, wormholes and reincarnation into another form and then materialization in our reality, can, of course, take place, but then the question remains open – why such complexity? Isn't it easier to appear on our Earth at once, having incarnated in a body, to materialize in such a magical way or to pour all into the consciousness of an earthly inhabitant. To statistics, it is often mentioned in all kinds of paranormal testimonies. To of course, given that UFOs in general are. If we proceed from the statements of various kinds of personalities, those whom I had to investigate, and not only them, – they are real; moreover , with them contacted. This is a hackneyed topic, I realize, that arouses skepticism. However, I have hinted frankly why this narrative is not a documentary read. Agree, it is only necessary to assume the existence of a civilization other than ours, their visit to our planet, their influence on us, so immediately becomes completely justified their desire to hide from people their existence.


There is this religious statement: the basis of the devil's being is not to harm man, but to present himself as B og and prove his absence. I would add: however, to leave us with solid reasons to believe in something supernatural, something to be feared, therefore to read, to believe, and to act on his mercy and love for us. This is also a paradox of our logic and psychology.

However, let's follow the central line of the narrative, so far about UFOs. From the point of view of logic , if UFOs appear, if it is recorded (and the military and special services), it means that these aliens appear periodically. If proceeding from the above arguments (distances and speed), then either they are found accidentally, or they live here, or they conduct experiments on us.

Here someone once seriously thought: where does all this come from? It all started with the investigation of these very unexplained events – UFO sightings by the military. Since everyone would like to have a technology that allows almost invisible and fast travel, e or at least . Moreover, they most likely took care of their safety, so such technology is there. So, according to the available data, according to most of the secret protocols of ZASLON JSC about testing of the Perceptron A-1 installation, – this is not a figment of imagination. I will begin to reveal little by little the secrets of technologies , which became known to me from the program in which I became a participant . Although, what is there to be wise about, we are talking about the technologies I described above. And about the installation of "Per eptron A-1" I will explain: n perceptron – a type of neural networks. It is based on a mathematical model of information perception by the brain. The idea was to create an artificial neural network – a simplified model of a biological neural network. The biological neural network is the human brain. The human brain, and indeed the brain as such, is a complex biological neural network that takes information from the senses and converts it e into the understanding we have of the world as a whole: as the natural world – in selves with all its components . The brain is made up of neurons interacting with each other. "Alchemists" of the enterprise "ZASLON" decided to use the whole totality of systems perceiving something as a similarity of sense organs. And it was a global research and program. Radio telescopes on space satellites; colliders, including the Large Hadron collider; sensors scattered over the vastness of the world ocean; receiving systems of all ranges – from military radars to household antennas – were integrated into the common system. And even the cell phone system was set up to transmit covert signals of interference, from magnetic storms to the relic radiation of the universe. If you have a question "how?", think of the above-mentioned contacts with foreign research and production associations. H and in fact all global systems, from intelligence to research bureaus (at similar to ours), contact and cooperate regardless of even wars and declared policies. This is an equally complex topic, but not the subject of this investigation, which I have defined for myself as research.

For now, let's go in order. About those technologies, described by me above, about expediency of extraterrestrial beings in the body of an earthly inhabitant not just for the sake of a red word said. The general program consists of this important component. The essence is the control of consciousness. However, if some kind of hypnosis, suggestion, advertising or mystical bondage came to your mind, I hasten to disbelieve you, or rather, to clarify: is a direct control of consciousness – as a material component , almost an object. This is done in the following way: the human consciousness is written by the formula of a special matrix into a program. Then with the help of this program influence on those very quantum disconnected particles, on their spin , on the moment of rotation. Spin means literally "rotation". It is the intrinsic momentum of elementary particles, having both quantum and classical nature.

A complex system is implemented, thus transmitting information about the primary system, – about the image from which the matrix is composed, similar, conditionally, to a symbiosis of programs that create everything – from cartoons and movies to objects on a 3D- printer. Thus a special language of the code of rotation is created, of the very spin, each element of which, as if each letter of this alphabet, differs from the other by micron fractions of a millimeter in the change of this spin. Imagine the level of technology that allows you to change the spin of a particle and with the help of it make a matrix in which your inner world is displayed in numbers, letters and symbols – in general, everything that makes up your self. E there are two difficulties: how to collect information about what makes up your personality, and how to remove it completely from your brain and rewrite it into another brain. Here in this matter our hero, this Rembrandt, has shown the excellent quality of his imagination. Proceeding from the fact that all our thoughts and feelings are electrochemical reactions in the brain, in its original generation, he decided to record them and forcibly, with the help of an implanted chip, cause similar reactions in another brain. H example, a person could receive a signal that caused meaningful laughter in the original brain, and laugh , but not know the cause. What would make the reaction meaningful was to recreate the complex of signals together. This task did not become a dilemma for our master. By the way, I call Rembrandt "our" Rembrandt a little ironically, he was working more on tasks under auspices of the concern "ZASLON". At us, he "mutilated" one very unusual, secret and also dangerous program. However, I will leave the intrigue for the time being....

Rembrandt came up with this system: in a room without furniture, with neutral color walls, floor and ceiling, with minimal lighting, where there was only a chair and an electronic calendar on the wall, the experimenter with an implanted chip had to look at this calendar, on which the days changed, starting from the day of his birth. This allowed memories linked in a chronological chain to be revealed. After the fifth time, a fairly voluminous picture of the person's life history was created, which, in turn, was formalized into an animated movie with the help of a neural network. Watching the video allowed maximally recall all the events that seemed already forgotten. All e this time the chip recorded fixed brain signals, which could be different for the same event from time to time by sessions. A matrix of electrochemical reactions , which is a picture of personality, was created from the whole set of signals. The second stage was recording the signals of electrochemical reactions in the process of watching different genre videos . These could be both full-length movies and short commercials. The result was a so-called picture of a person's personality in historical progression. That is, not only what you are, but also what you were once. In the final stage another animated movie was generated, and on the basis of reactions when watching it the final formula of a person's personality was fixed, which included reactions from the sensual perception of one's actions depending on time, place and event.

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