© Елена Александровна Тинякова, 2025
ISBN 978-5-0065-4120-7
Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero
Международный проект «Глобальная культура-Русский язык для международной коммуникации»
ЗАО «Гуманитарный фонд»
Группа социально-экономического проектирования Санкт-Петербургского союза учёных
НП «Содействие субъектам науки, просвещения, образования»
сектор Народного художественного университета Санкт-Петербурга
для говорящих на английском языке в Африке
с культурологическим приложением. 2-е изд.. изм. и доп.
Учебник рекомендован Группой социально-экономического
проектирования Санкт-Петербургского Союза учёных
Учебник «Русский язык для сотрудничества России и Африки»: учебник для говорящих на английском языке в Африке» является частью Международного проекта «Русский как язык международного общения». Проект задуман автором для расширения включения русского языка в международное общение. Прекрасные образцы русской культуры уже давно завоевали глобальный масштаб в межкультурной коммуникации. Русский язык имеет трудно приводимые в закономерность ситуации в фонетике, грамматике и сложно находимые соответствия лексики при переводе, и это тормозит охват стран в его использовании. Иностранным учащимся надо показать, какое ценное культурное пространство держит русский язык. Поэтому учебник имеет обучающую культурологическую часть в дополнение к базовым основам фонетики, лексики и разговора, грамматики, тренирующей логическое восприятие структуры русского языка. Культурологическая информация учебника кратко знакомит с государственными символами России, географией, природой России, этническим разнообразием страны, календарем праздников и памятных дней, русскими учёными, русской литературой, музыкой, живописью, русскими народными танцами и кратко обычаями. Погрузившись в такую захватывающую атмосферу культуры, учащийся поймёт, что нельзя не знать русский язык, и знать его надо хорошо.
Второе издание учебника русского языка для англоязычной Африки изменено по структуре представления русского языка, также дополнен культурологический блок более подробным рассказом о природе России, традициях, народном менталитете. Изучение русского языка африканскими учащимися может быть в диапазоне уровней В1-С1, и при интенсивном обучение до уровня С2. Поскольку культурологическая часть учебника на оригинальном английском языке, русским учащимся изучающим английский язык, она также может быть полезна для общественно-политического и социо-культурного развития на английском языке. Более того в расширенный культурологический блок было внесено много развивающих упражнений, доводящих русских учащихся до уровня С1-С2 по английскому языку. Обучающий материал учебника открывает широкие перспективы преподавателям и студентам изобретать свои развивающие упражнения.
Textbook for English speakers in Africa
with a cultural application,2-nd edition, changed and added
The textbook is recommended by the Working group
of socio-economic projects of the St. Petersburg Union of Scientists
The textbook «Russian for partnership of Russia and Africa»; for English speakers in Africa» is part of the International project «Russian as a Language of International Communication». The project was developped by the author to expand the inclusion of the Russian language in international communication. Excellent examples of Russian culture have already won a global scale in intercultural communication. The Russian language has situations in phonetics, grammar that are difficult to bring into correlation with a foreign language and difficult to find lexical matching during translation, and this explains the coverage of countries in its use. Foreign students need to be shown what a valuable culture space the Russian language holds. Therefore, the textbook has a teaching culturological part in addition to the basic foundations of phonetics; vocabulary and conversation, grammar that trains the logical perception of the structure of the Russian language. The culturological information of the textbook briefly introduces Russia’s state symbols, the geography and nature of Russia, the calendar of holidays and memorable days, Russian scientists, Russian literature, music, painting, Russian traditional dancing and customs in brief. Immersed in such an exciting atmosphere of culture, the student will understand that one cannot but know the Russian language, and one must know it well.
The second edition of the textbook «Russian for English-speaking Africa» is changed in structure presenting Russian, also more information about the nature of Russia, Russian traditions and mentality is added. A Russian language textbook is provided for English speakers in Africa, levels B1-C1,C2 is reached by intensive studies. Since the culturological bloc is written in original English, this part of the textbook is useful for Russian students to develop conversational skills on socio-political and socio-cultural topics. The more so as the culturological bloc included many intensive excercises, that may bring Russian learners to Levels C1-C2 in English. The learning material of the textbook is open for teachers and students to invent developing exercises independently.
1. Why you need to learn Russian
2. Methodical recommendations
3. Types of Russian dictionaries and how to use them
Chapter 1. Entering the Russian language
1.1. Introductory course of phonetics (alphabet, groups
of letters and sounds, syllables to practise distinguishing
sounds; reading rules; about orthoepy, tongue twisters)
1.2. Basic grammar. Morphology: noun, prepositions,
adjective, numerals (counting, dates, time), pronoun,
adverb, verb. Syntax. Punctuation
1.3. Learning to speak in colloquial phrases
1.4. Short thematic texts that will form a dictionary
Chapter 2. Opening Russia
2.1. State symbols
2.2. Briefly about the country of Russia
2.3. Rich nature of Russia……………………………………….
2.4. Public holidays and memorable days in the calendar
of Russia
2.5. Outstanding Russian scientists
2.6. The wealth of the Russian language is its literature
2.7. The world of Russian artists
2.8. Russian classical music
2.9. Russian traditional dances and customs
Chapter 3. Common in the understanding of the world and life
among Russian and English-speaking people (proverbs)
1. Teaching language
to learners of other languages
(peer-review from a native speaker)
The overall strategy the author encourages and actually employs to teach Russian to speakers of other languages in this text is the Principled Eclecticism. She borrows best practices from the methodologies available and puts them to good use. Among the many techniques available to instructors of teaching language to learners of other languages, are the grammar translation method, the direct method, the audio-lingual method, the Immersion technique, the total physical response, the task based approach, the use of multimedia to enhance the learning experience and the communicative approach. I will endeavour to explain some of these techniques as and when need arises in my interaction with this text.
This text uses a variety of methods and approaches, choosing techniques from each method that she considers effective and apply them according to the learning context and objectives. There is no reliance on one «best method’. This is a plus for this text.
The structure of this text is perfect, language learning/teaching starts with the basics, the vocabulary. The learner is exposed to the preliminaries – the sounds (the presentation of the phonetics of the Russian language sets the goal to reduce the foreign accent to minimum when pronouncing Russian words and phrases), the words and phrases, but what is more, these words are placed in the context of the cultural space – the poems/songs at the start of the book are obligatory a necessary addition. How I wished these songs were given their English equivalents, this would have helped the learners more.
The author could have had her own reasons for leaving out the English print. The provision of Dictionaries at this stage could have been one such good reason. Translation though, is an option too early at this stage, but there is no harm in coming back to these texts, over and over again as the learner gains mastery of the language. The breaking down of teaching units into cultural thematic areas is another strategy the author uses to help with the translation. In terms of methodological application, called upon to bear here is the total immersion strategy (and of course the communicative approach suggested in the Immersion technique). As the name suggests, this is a situation where the learner is immersed in the milieu of the target language as well its culture. The learner is expected to operate in the target language at all times. This is a difficult feat to achieve, unless in a situation where the target language is also the language of instruction in the entire school system.
Aspects of the Audio lingua Method are called to bear in the early stages of the book. This methodology emphasises the use of repetition and therefore habit formation. During these early encounters with the language aspects of repetition to form habits is encouraged. It is important to memorise Russian sentences and phrases… which are supported by understanding in English. Comparison of Russian and English texts will definitely contribute to the expansion of the vocabulary for communication in Russian.
It is worth mentioning another positive characteristics to this text. The author includes all sorts of dictionaries, all to the advantage of the learner. We have among the dictionaries given the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, dictionaries of synonyms as well as antonyms, the dictionary of phraseological units, the terminological dictionaries, which are in sections such as medical, technical etc. Learning how to use a dictionary is a good starting point to language mastery.
As they say, speaking a bit of the language of the country you are visiting is always a good idea. Locals will appreciate the effort and will respond positively. This text provides the language to use in various practical situations; these include the home situation where for example all the expected activities around the home are covered – from breakfast through to dinner. In between family time, the parents with the children at the play, in the garden – all aspects are covered and in such detail.
The dialogues suggested are phenomenon in their coverage, given both in Russian and in English with such details. Also given in both Russian and English is language as you would need to use at the Railway station, at the Airport and the shop… The learner is never left stranded in whatever situation they find themselves. That is how thorough the book is.
Having ploughed through the text, the course, and now armed with an appreciable knowledge of the Russian language, the learner is given interesting questions in English, but they are expected to answer them in Russian. The author here uses aspects of the communicative approach. This approach is in a way a culmination of the foregoing methods. In this approach focus is on learner ability to communicate various functions, such as asking and answering stated questions, making requests, describing certain actions, narrating given situations and making comparisons. The communicative approach is achieved through task assignment and problem solving – the two key components of critical thinking. The strength of this approach is that learning happens in a context. Grammar is not taught in isolation, but in practical situations. Error correction is not emphasised (and this removes anxiety from the learner), as the understanding is that learners will naturally achieve accuracy through frequent use of, and communicating in the language rather than analysing it.
Teach culture alongside the language. This is strength of this text. Teaching communication is not enough in itself, exposure to the culture from which the language springs, will help the learners not just appreciate the real meaning of the words they are learning, but learn the language with relative ease. The inclusion of the proverbs and sayings of the wise, and its comparison to counterpart proverbs and sayings of the wise in important English speaking countries – Britain and America is highly appreciated. This is the culturological strategy the author recommends. The textbook combines Russian language teaching and intensive acquaintance with the Russian culture.
This book, therefore, positions the teaching of the language in the firm foundation of its context – the Russian culture. With this comes all the beauty of Russia as a country, its beautiful landscape, its colour, its rivers and lakes, its beautiful people, its names, its animals, its beautiful Arts – music, paintings, its folklore and literature, its science and scientists, its seasons etc. The author sums it all when she says: «Immersed in such an exciting atmosphere of culture, the student will understand that one cannot but know the Russian language, and one must know it well».
The learner has no choice but to learn the language for the benefits are immense!
What more can one say, this is a bumper harvest for all you who would want to delve into the teaching of Russian as an international language, and you definitely cannot go wrong.
Enjoy it. Kanyampa Manda19/11/2020.
Baylis, P. (2007). Current Approach to Language Teaching and Learning. UWS, Bankstown, NSW, Avstralia.
Bowen, J. D., Madsen, H., & Hilferty, A. (1985). Where we’ve been: insights from the past. InTESOL: Techniques and procedures (pp. 3—30). Boston: Heinle & Heinle.This text provides an informative summary of past language teaching approaches.
Celce-Murcia, M. (2001) Language teaching approaches: An overview. InTeaching English as a second or foreign language (3rd ed., pp. 1—11).Boston: Heinle & Heinle. This text provides an overview of past language teaching approaches with bulleted lists of their main points.
David Nunan, 1991), Language teaching methodology:
a text book for teachers (the Prentice Hall International.
Larsen-Freeman, D. (2000).Techniques and principlesinlanguage teaching (2nd ed.). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. This volume provides a discussion of the direct method including a sample lesson followed by an analysis of the principles of the method.
Richards, J. C. (2005). Communicative language teaching today. Singapore: RELC,1—44.
Kanyampa Manda. (Рис.1)
BA. English and History-University of Zambia, Honours BA – University of South Africa, MA Literature and languages-Solusi University Zimbabwe.
Teacher: English Language and Literature, Chief Examiner School certificate Literature in English-Zambia.
Author: ReCreation, an anthology of poetry and short fiction – ISBN: 978-7283-8416-0 (sc) /ISBN: 978-1-7283-8420-7 (e) AuthorHouse (Trade mark) UK.
Рисунок 1
Task: Discuss the per-review with students (before studying by the textbook and after completing its study)
Рисунок 2
History of Africa opened out across our planet
Africa is the largest continent in terms of territory and population (Рис.2). In 2023, it remains one of the most multinational, where representatives of numerous nationalities and ethnic groups live. According to the International Law, there are 54 recognized independent States in Africa. This is the largest number of countries, on the level of state formation, among all the continents.
Africa is striking in its versatility. These are cultural attractions, historical heritage, and natural corners that attract tourists from all over the world.
Africa has gone through a hard period of colonization. The first colonies in Africa were established by the Portuguese in the 16 century. The largest of them were Angola and Mozambique, which had a great potential of natural resources. Great Britain (18 colonies) and France (16) had the largest possessions, but Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium and Portugal also had colonies.
The process of decolonization of Africa began actively after the Second World War. The Year of Africa – the year of liberation of the largest number of colonies – was declared 1960.
On May 25, Africa celebrates African Liberation Day every year, also known as African Unity Day. (Рис.3)
Рисунок 3
The Day of the Liberation of Africa was established in 1963 on the basis of the decision of the Organization of African Unity, which united African countries in the struggle for independence.
Task: Write an essay «Africa today» (1,5—2 p.)
Oral group discussion «Africa for collaboration with Russia» (look the information below)
Россия имеет три крупных проекта российских компаний в Анголе, Гвинее и Египте, а также образованы советы для успешной работы российского бизнеса в Африке.
Russia has three major projects of Russian companies in Angola, Guinea and Egypt, as well as consulting centers for the successful operation of Russian business in Africa.
Деятельность российских промышленных компаний в Африке осуществляется примерно по 100 направлениям; (Рис.4) их можно классифицировать на пять групп:
– работающие промышленные предприятия, созданные на основе отечественных проектных решений и с использованием отечественного оборудования, в основном в сырьевом, энергетическом и телекоммуникационном секторах;
– строящиеся промышленные объекты с российскими технологиями (например, металлургический Ajaokuta Steel
– в Нигерии, «Российская промышленная зона» в Египте, центр ядерной науки и технологий в Замбии, «Уралхим» с ангольской Grupo Opaia строит завод «Аммиак-карбамид»);
– поставки несырьевой, непродовольственной российской промышленной продукции;
– научно-инжиниринговые услуги (экспертизы, аудит, предварительное и текущие технико-экономические обоснования, испытания, разработки технических проектов и технологических регламентов, обоснование техники безопасности и пр.;
– покупка готовых предприятий.
The activities of Russian industrial companies in Africa are carried out in about 100 areas; they can be classified into five groups:
– operating industrial enterprises created on the basis of domestic design solutions and using domestic equipment, mainly in the raw materials, energy and telecommunications sectors;
– industrial facilities under construction with Russian technologies (for example, the metallurgical Ajaokuta Steel in Nigeria, the Russian Industrial Zone in Egypt, the center of nuclear science and technology in Zambia, «Uralchem» with the Angolan Grupo Opaia is building the Ammonia-Urea plant);
– delivery of non-primary, non-food Russian industrial products;
– scientific and engineering services (expertise, audit, preliminary and current feasibility studies, tests, development of technical projects and technological regulations, safety justification, etc.;
– purchase of ready-made enterprises.
Рисунок 4
Русская духовность в Африке
Russian spirituality in Africa
Рисунок 5
Африка – это 1,3 млрд человек населения и 54 страны, неравнодушные к православной вере. (Рис.5).
Экзархат в Африке – Православная церковь.
В декабре 2021 года в Африке открылся Экзархат РПЦ.
Теперь же Русская Церковь ведёт проповедь по всей Африке, где сейчас от 1 до 3 миллионов православных.
В африканских странах растет количество приходов Русской православной церкви. Рядом с храмами строятся школы, детсады, гуманитарные центры.
Africa is 1,3 billion people and 54 countries that are not indifferent to the Orthodox faith.
Exarchate in Africa – Russian Orthodox Church.
In December 2021, the Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church opened in Africa.
Now the Russian Church is preaching throughout Africa, where there are now from 1 to 3 million Orthodox.
In African countries, the number of parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church is growing. Schools, kindergartens, humanitarian centers are being built near the temples.
На Втором саммите «Россия-Африка» в Санкт-Петербурге 27 июля 2023 года Святейший Патриарх Московский
и всея Руси рассказал: «Вместе с тем, присутствие Русской Православной Церкви на территории Африки не какая-то беспрецедентная новация. Русские приходы начали появляться на континенте еще в XIX – начале XX века… в Абиссинии в 1889 и 1896 годах были построены русские храмы, а постоянный приход Русской Православной Церкви в Египте был создан в 1914 году. После революции в России… приходов в Африке стало открываться все больше: в 1920 году был освящен храм в Тунисе, в 1922 году был создан приход в Алжире, в 1927 году – открыты русские православные приходы на территории Марокко. В 1998 году мне довелось освящать первый русский храм
в Южно-Африканской Республике».
At the Second Russia-Africa Summit in St. Petersburg on July 27, 2023, His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia said: «At the same time, the presence of the Russian Orthodox Church in Africa is not some unprecedented innovation. Russian parishes began to appear on the continent back in the 19th – early 20th centuries… in Abyssinia, Russian churches were built in 1889 and 1896, and the permanent parish of the Russian Orthodox Church in Egypt was created in 1914. After the revolution in Russia… more and more parishes began to open in Africa: in 1920 a temple was consecrated in Tunisia, in 1922 a parish was created in Algeria, in 1927 Russian Orthodox parishes were opened in Morocco. In 1998, I had a chance to consecrate the first Russian church in the Republic of South Africa».
Русская православная церковь расширяет присутствие на африканском континенте. Ее миссионеры уже охватили 23 страны, в которых служат более 200 клириков, подчиняющихся РПЦ.
Патриарший экзархат Африки начал 2024 год с самого масштабного выезда священнослужителей Русской православной церкви в разные страны африканского континента.
The Russian Orthodox Church is expanding its presence on the African continent. Her missionaries have already covered 23 countries in which more than 200 clerics subordinate to the Russian Orthodox Church serve.
The Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa began 2024 with the largest exit of the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church to different countries of the African continent.
Экзархат Африки состоит в тесном сотрудничестве с Министерством просвещения, Министерством науки и высшего образования, Министерством здравоохранения, с Россотрудничеством, естественно, с Министерством иностранных дел совместно разрабатываются мощнейшие программы по Африке, которые уже начинают во многих странах реализовываться.
The Exarchate of Africa is in close cooperation with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Ministry of Health, Rossotrudnichestvo, of course, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and it is jointly developing the most powerful programs in Africa, which are already beginning to be implemented in many countries.
В 2023 году в 28 африканских странах совместно с 14 российскими педагогическими вузами начали работу центры открытого образования на русском языке. Такие Центры работают в Алжире, Анголе, Гане, Египте, Зимбабве, Мадагаскаре, Мозамбике, Республике Конго, Тунисе, Уганде, Эфиопии, ЮАР. В планах сотрудничества вовлекать юных жителей африканских стран эффективно изучать русский язык, участвовать в российских олимпиадах, конкурсах, мероприятия. В целом рассматривается широкое сотрудничество России с африканскими коллегами по линии образования.
В 2024 году открыты еще 4 русские школы в Африке. In 2023, Russian Open Education Centers began operating in 28 African countries, together with 14 Russian pedagogical universities. Such Centers operate in Algeria, Angola, Ghana, Egypt, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Mozambique, the Republic of Congo, Tunisia, Uganda, Ethiopia, and South Africa. Cooperation plans include involving young residents of African countries to effectively learn the Russian language, participate in Russian olympiads, competitions, and events. In general, broad cooperation between Russia and African colleagues in the field of education is being considered. In 2024, 4 more Russian schools were opened in Africa.
Язык – это история народа. Язык – это путь цивилизации и культуры. Поэтому-то изучение и сбережение русского языка является не праздным занятием от нечего делать, но насущной необходимостью.
А. И. Куприн, известный русский писатель
Language is the history of a people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. Therefore, the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle occupation with nothing to do, but an urgent need.
Kuprin A.I., famous Russian writer
Русский язык – это не сложно. Его нужно понимать. Если это предложение верно для русского, оно верно и для всех языков, потому что «трудность» всегда относительна: интерес, преданность, любовь, настойчивость, страсть, время, предрасположенность и т. д.…
Тинякова Елена, автор учебника
Дзанарелла Паоло, деятель культуры Италии
The Russian language is not difficult. You have to understand it. If this sentence is true for Russian, it is true for all languages, because «difficulty» is always relative: interest, devotion, love, persistence, passion, time, disposition, etc…
Tinyakova Elena, the author of the textbook
Zanarella Paolo, great figure in culture of Italy
Historical ties between Russia and Africa
The Russian Empire, as compared with other European powers, did not seek to colonize the territory of Africa. At a certain period of history, the Russians did try to establish themselves in Africa to some extent. It would be more accurate to say that it was done by a group of people from Russia, and not Russia as a state.
Peter the Great made his first attempt to make an establishment in Africa. On the island of Madagascar, he wanted to make a parking port for Russian ships. The first attempts to establish ties with Africa date back to the 18-th century – a letter from Peter I to the «Madagascar king» has been preserved. But this business stopped with the death of the tsar.
Catherine II entered into correspondence with the Moroccan Sultan a few decades later.
For some time, the Russian state was very indifferent to Africa in the 19 century. The state interest was concerned about the tasks of expanding to the East – the Caucasus, Central Asia, Primorye. Travels under the auspices of the Russian Geographical Society to Africa began only in the 1870s, and Vasily Junker became one of the pioneers in the discovery of the Black continent. In 1875—1886 he made two long trips to the region of today’s South Sudan and the CAR, which by that time remained a solid white spot on the map of Africa.
In the first two months of 1889, a group of one hundred and fifty Cossacks reached a village in East Africa, which is now called Djibouti (at that time it was known as French Somaliland, and later the French territory of Afar and Issa). Their main goal was to establish a Russian colony called «New Moscow», which would form a springboard to build relations between the Russian Orthodox and the Ethiopian Orthodox Churches.
The most famous Russian African is Pushkin’s great-grandfather, the Arab Abram Hannibal. However, he probably did not originate from Ethiopia, as Pushkin himself believed, but from the Kotoko people, who live to this day on the shores of Lake Chad. This is evidenced, among other things, by linguistic facts.
The lack of Russian political interest in Africa predetermined the purely scientific nature of travel, which in the 19 century also had
a strong artistic and romantic character and goals.
Ethiopia has always been of interest to the Russian Empire. In January 1895, the Russian expedition of Nikolai Leontiev arrived to the oldest independent state of Africa, it began as a research expedition, but turned into a diplomatic matter. As a result of Leontiev’s meeting with Negus Menelik II, it was decided to establish diplomatic relations between the two countries. In January 1896, Leontiev returned to Ethiopia and became Menelik’s military adviser during the Italian-Ethiopian War, during which the colonizers were defeated with the help of Russian weapons, and Ethiopia retained its independence.
Many Russian volunteers fought in the Anglo-Boer War of 1899—1902 on the side of the Boers.
During the second half of the 19th century, Russian consulates were opened in the North African countries controlled by Europeans – Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt.
The Russian Empire hoped to enlist the support of the rulers of Morocco, Egypt and Tunisia in the confrontation with the Ottoman Empire. In 1869, diplomatic relations were established with Tunisia, in 1897 – with Morocco, in 1898 – with Ethiopia and the state of the Boer Afrikaners – the Transvaal Republic.
The Russian Black Sea Fleet, which left Sevastopol after the defeat of the «white movement» during the revolution that began in 1917, was evacuated in 1920 to the Tunisian Bizerte.
Russian consulates worked until 1924, and thousands of Russian emigrants scattered through the cities of North Africa, some of whom gained fame in their new homeland.
After the October Revolution of 1917, Russian-African relations practically did not develop; only in 1943 did the Soviet Union manage to establish official relations with Egypt and Ethiopia.
The USSR initiated the adoption the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the UN General Assembly in 1960. As African countries gained independence and developed contacts with the USSR, the Soviet country consistently defended their interests in the UN. In particular, in 1973, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid, proposed by the USSR jointly with Guinea.