☛ I heard of one that should say to his Miss, when he tempted her to the committing of this sin, If thou wilt venture thy Body, I will venture my Soul. 127 And I my self heard another say, when he was tempting of a Maid to commit uncleanness with him, (it was in Olivers dayes) That if she did prove with Child, he would tell her how she might escape punishment, (and that was then somewhat severe,) Say (saith he) when you come before the Judge, That you are with Child by the Holy Ghost. ☛ I heard him say thus, and it greatly afflicted me; I had a mind to have accused him for it before some Magistrate; but he was a great man, and I was poor, and young: so I let it alone, but it troubled me very much.
Atten. ’Twas the most horrible thing that ever I heard in my life. But how far off are these men from that Spirit and Grace that dwelt in Joseph!
Wise. Right; when Joseph’s Mistress tempted him, yea tempted him daily; 128 yea, she laid hold on him, and said with her Whores forehead, Come lie with me, but he refused: He hearkned not to lie with her, or to be with her. Mr. Badman would have taken the opportunity.
And a little to comment upon this of Joseph. 129
1. Here is a Miss, a great Miss, the Wife of the Captain of the Guard, some beautiful Dame, I’le warrant you.
2. Here is a Miss won, and in her whorish Affections come over to Joseph, without his speaking of a word.
3. Here is her unclean Desire made known; Come lie with me, said she.
4. Here was a fit opportunity. There was none of the men of the house there within.
5. Joseph was a young man, full of strength, and therefore the more in danger to be taken.
6. This was to him, a Temptation, from her, that lasted days.
7. And yet Joseph refused, 1. Her daily Temptation; 2. Her daily Solicitation: 3. Her daily Provocation, heartily, violently and constantly. For when she caught him by the Garment, saying, Lie with me, he left his Garment in her hand, and gat him out. Ay, and although contempt, treachery, slander, accusation, imprisonment, and danger of death followed, (for an Whore careth not what mischief she does, when she cannot have her end) yet Joseph will not defile himself, sin against God, and hazard his own eternal salvation.
Atten. Blessed Joseph! I would thou hadst more fellows!
Wise. Mr. Badman has more fellows than Joseph, else there would not be so many Whores as there are: For though I doubt not but that that Sex is bad enough this way, yet I verify believe that many of them are made Whores at first by the flatteries of Badmans fellows. Alas! there is many a woman plunged into this sin at first even by promises of Marriage. 130 I say, by these promises they are flattered, yea, forced into a consenting to these Villanies, and so being in, and growing hardened in their hearts, they at last give themselves up, even as wicked men do, to act this kind of wickedness with greediness. But Joseph you see, was of another mind, for the Fear of God was in him.
I will, before I leave this, tell you here two notable storyes; and I wish Mr. Badmans companions may hear of them. They are found in Clarks Looking-glass for Sinners; and are these.
Mr. Cleaver (says Mr. Clark) reports of one whom he knew, that had committed the act of Uncleanness, whereupon he fell into such horror of Conscience that he hanged himself; leaving it thus written in a paper. Indeed, (saith he) I acknowledge it to be utterly unlawful for a man to kill himself, but I am bound to act the Magistrates part, because the punishment of this sin is death. 131
Clark doth also in the same page make mention of two more, who as they were committing Adultery in London, were immediately struck dead with fire from Heaven, in the very Act. Their bodyes were so found, half burnt up, and sending out a most loathsom savour.
Atten. These are notable storyes indeed.
Wise. So they are, and I suppose they are as true as notable.
Atten. Well, but I wonder, if young Badmans Master knew him to be such a Wretch, that he would suffer him in his house.
Wise. They liked one another even as 132 fire and water doe. Young Badmans wayes were odious to his Master, and his Masters wayes were such as young Badman could not endure. Thus in these two, was fulfilled that saying of the Holy Ghost: An unjust man is an abomination to the just, and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked. 133
The good mans wayes, Mr. Badman could not abide, nor could the good man abide the bad wayes of his base Apprentice. Yet would his Master, if he could, have kept him, and also have learnt him his trade.
Atten. If he could! why he might, if he would, might he not?
Wise. Alas, Badman ran away 134 from him once and twice, and would not at all be ruled. So the next time he did run away from him, he did let him go indeed. For he gave him no occasion to run away, except it was by holding of him as much as he could (and that he could do but little) to good and honest rules of life. And had it been ones own case, one should have let him go. For what should a man do, that had either regard to his own Peace, his Childrens Good, or the preservation of the rest of his servants from evil, but let him go? Had he staid, the house of Correction had been most fit for him, but thither his Master was loth to send him, because of the love that he bore to his Father. An house of correction, I say, had been the fittest place for him, but his Master let him go.
Atten. He ran away you say, but whither did he run?
Wise. Why, to one of his own trade, 135 and also like himself. Thus the wicked joyned hand in hand, and there he served out his time.
Atten. Then, sure, he had his hearts desire, when he was with one so like himself.
Wise. Yes. So he had, but God gave it him in his anger.
Atten. How do you mean?
Wise. I mean as before, that for a wicked man to be by the Providence of God, turned out of a good mans doors, into a wicked mans house to dwell, is a sign of the Anger of God. 136 For God by this, and such Judgements, says thus to such an one: Thou wicked one, thou lovest not me, my wayes, nor my people; Thou castest my Law and good Counsel behinde thy back: Come, I will dispose of thee in my wrath; thou shalt be turned over to the ungodly, thou shalt be put to school to the Devil, I will leave thee to sink and swim in sin, till I shall visit thee with Death and Judgment. This was therefore another Judgment that did come upon this young Badman.
Atten. You have said the truth, for God by such a Judgment as this, in effect says so indeed; for he takes them out of the hand of the just, and binds them up in the hand of the wicked, and whither they then shall be carried, a man may easily imagin.
Wise. It is one of the saddest tokens of Gods anger that happens to such kind of persons: And that for several reasons. 137
1. Such an one, by this Judgment, is put out out of the way, and from under the means which ordinarily are made use of to do good to the soul. For a Family where Godliness is professed, and practised, is Gods Ordinance, the place which he has appointed to teach young ones the way and fear of God. 138 Now to be put out of such a Family into a bad, a wicked one, as Mr. Badman was, must needs be in Judgment, and a sign of the anger of God. For in ungodly Families men learn to forget God, to hate goodness, and to estrange themselves from the wayes of those that are good.
2. In Bad Families, they have continually fresh Examples, and also incitements to evil, and fresh encouragements to it too. Yea moreover, in such places evil is commended, praised, well-spoken of, and they that do it, are applauded; and this, to be sure, is a drowning Judgement.
3. Such places are the very haunts and Walks of the infernal Spirits, who are continually poysoning the Cogitations and Minds of one or other in such Families, that they may be able to poyson others. Therefore observe it, usually in wicked Families, some one, or two, are more arch for wickedness then are any other that are there. Now such are Satans Conduit-pipes; for by them he conveighs of the spawn of Hell, through their being crafty in wickedness, into the Ears and Souls of their Companions. Yea, and when they have once conceived wickedness, they travel with it, as doth a woman with Child, till they have brought it forth; Behold, he travelleth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falshood. 139 Some men, as here is intimated in the Text, and as was hinted also before, have a kind of mystical, but hellish copulation with the Devil, who is the Father, and their Soul the Mother of sin and wickedness; and they, so soon as they have conceived by him, finish, by bringing forth sin, both it, and their own damnation. 140
Atten. How 141 much then doth it concern those Parents that love their Children, to see, that if they go from them, they be put into such Families as be good, that they may learn there betimes to eschew evil, and to follow that which is good?
Wise. It doth concern them indeed; and it doth also concern them 142 that take Children into their Families, to take heed what Children they receive. For a man may soon by a Bad boy, be dammaged both in his Name, Estate, and Family, and also hindred in his Peace and peaceable pursuit after God and godliness; I say, by one such Vermin as a wicked and filthy Apprentice.
Atten. True, for one Sinner destroyeth much good, and a poor man is better than a Lier. But many times a man cannot help it; for such as at the beginning promise very fair, are by a little time proved to be very Rogues, like young Badman.
Wise. That is true also, but when a man has done the best he can to help it, he may with the more confidence expect the Blessing of God to follow, or he shall have the more peace, if things go contrary to his desire.
Atten. Well, but did Mr. Badman and his Master agree so well? I mean his last Master, since they were Birds of a Feather, I mean, since they were so well met for wickedness.
Wise. This second Master, was, as before I told you, bad enough, but yet he would often fall out 143 with young Badman his Servant, and chide, yea and some times beat him too, for his naughty doings.
Atten. What! for all he was so bad himself! This is like the Proverb, The Devil corrects Vice.
Wise. I will assure you, ’tis as I say. For you must know, that Badmans wayes suited not with his Masters gains. Could he have done as the Damsel that we read of Acts 16. 144 did, to wit, fill his Masters Purse with his badness, he had certainly been his White-boy, but it was not so with young Badman; and therefore, though his Master and he did suit well enough in the main, yet in this and that point they differed. Young Badman 145 was for neglecting of his Masters business, for going to the Whore-house, for beguiling of his Master, for attempting to debauch his Daughters, and the like: No marvel then if they disagreed in these points. Not so much for that his Master had an antipathy against the fact it self, for he could do so when he was an Apprentice; but for that his servant by his sin made spoil of his Commodities, &c. and so damnified his Master.
Had (as I said before) young Badmans wickedness, had only a tendency to his Masters advantage; as could he have sworn, lied, cousened, cheated, and defrauded customers for his Master, (and indeed sometimes he did so) but had that been all that he had done, he had not had, no not a wry word from his Master: But this was not always Mr. Badmans way.
Atten. That was well brought in, even the Maid that we read of in the Acts, and the distinction was as clear betwixt the wickedness, and wickedness of servants.
Wise. Alas! men that are wicked themselves, yet greatly hate it in others, not simply because it is wickedness, but because it opposeth their interest. Do you think that that Maids master would have been troubled at the loss of her, if he had not lost, with her, his gain: No, I’le warrant you; she might have gone to the Devil for him: But when her master saw that the hope of his gain was gone, then, then he fell to persecuting Paul. 146 But Mr. Badmans master did sometimes lose by Mr. Badmans sins, and then Badman and his master were at odds.
Atten. Alas poor Badman! Then it seems thou couldest not at all times please thy like.
Wise. No, he could not, and the reason I have told you.
Atten. But do not bad Masters condemn themselves in condemning the badness of their servants. 147
Wise. Yes; 148 in that they condemn that in another which they either have, or do allow in themselves. And the time will come, when that very sentence that hath gone out of their own mouths against the sins of others, themselves living and taking pleasure in the same, shall return with violence upon their own pates. The Lord pronounced Judgment against Baasha, as for all his evils in general, so for this in special, because he was like the house of Jeroboam, and yet killed him. 149 This is Mr. Badmans Masters case, he is like his man, and yet he beats him. He is like his man, and yet he rails at him for being bad.
Atten. But why did not young Badman run away from this Master, as he ran away from the other?
Wise. He did not. And if I be not mistaken, the reason 150 why, was this. There was Godliness in the house of the first, and that young Badman could not endure. For fare, for lodging, for work, and time, he had better, and more by this Masters allowance, than ever he had by his last; but all this would not content, because Godliness was promoted there. He could not abide this praying, this reading of Scriptures, and hearing, and repeating of Sermons: he could not abide to be told of his transgressions in a sober and Godly manner.
Atten. There is a great deal in the Manner of reproof, wicked men both can, and cannot abide to hear their transgressions spoken against.
Wise. There is a great deal of difference indeed. This last Master of Mr. Badmans, would tell Mr. Badman of his sins in Mr. Badmans own dialect; he would swear, and curse, and damn, when he told him of his sins, and this he could bear better, 151 than to be told of them after a godly sort. Besides, that last Master would, when his passions and rage was over, laugh at and make merry with the sins of his servant Badman: And that would please young Badman well. Nothing offended Badman but blows, and those he had but few of now, because he was pretty well grown up. For the most part when his Master did rage and swear, he would give him Oath for Oath, and Curse for Curse, at least secretly, let him go on as long as he would.
Atten. This was hellish living.
Wise. ’Twas hellish living indeed: And a man might say, that with this Master, young Badman compleated himself 152 yet more and more in wickedness, as well as in his trade: for by that he came out of his time, what with his own inclination to sin, what with his acquaintance with his three companions, and what with this last Master, and the wickedness he saw in him; he became a sinner in grain. I think he had a Bastard laid to his charge before he came out of his time.
Atten. Well, but it seems he did live to come out of his time, 153 but what did he then?
Wise. Why, he went home to his Father, and he like a loving and tender-hearted Father received him into his house.
Atten. And how did he carry it there?
Wise. Why, the reason why he went home, 154 was, for Money to set up for himself, he staied but a little at home, but that little while that he did stay, he refrained himself 155 as well he could, and did not so much discover himself to be base, for fear his Father should take distaste, and so should refuse, or for a while forbear to give him money.
Yet even then he would have his times, and companions, and the fill of his lusts with them, but he used to blind all with this, he was glad to see his old acquaintance, and they as glad to see him, and he could not in civility but accomodate them with a bottle or two of Wine, or a dozen or two of Drink.
Atten. And did the old man give him money to set up with?
Wise. Yes, above two hundred pounds.
Atten. Therein, I think, the old man was out. Had I been his Father, I would have held him a little at staves-end, till I had had far better proof of his manners to be good; (for I perceive that his Father did know what a naughty boy he had been, both by what he used to do at home, and because he changed a good Master for a bad, &c.) He should not therefore have given him money so soon. What if he had pinched a little, and gone to Journey-work for a time, that he might have known what a penny was, by his earning of it? Then, in all probability, he had known better how to have spent it: Yea, and by that time perhaps, have better considered with himself, how to have lived in the world. Ay, and who knows but he might have come to himself with the Prodigal, and have asked God and his Father forgiveness for the villanies that he had committed against them. 156
Wise. If his Father could also have blessed this manner of dealing to him, and have made it effectual for the ends that you have propounded; then I should have thought as you. But alas, alas, you talk as if you never knew, or had at this present forgot what the bowels and compassions of a Father are. Why did you not serve your own son so? But ’tis evident enough, that we are better at giving good counsel to others, than we are at taking good counsel our selves. 157 But mine honest neighbour, suppose that Mr. Badmans Father had done as you say, and by so doing had driven his son to ill courses, what had he bettered either himself or his son in so doing?
Atten. That’s true, but it doth not follow, that if the Father had done as I said, the son would have done as you suppose. But if he had done as you have supposed, what had he done worse than what he hath done already? 158
Wise. He had done bad enough, that’s true. But suppose his Father had given him no Money, and suppose that young Badman had taken a pett thereat, and in an anger had gone beyond Sea, and his Father had neither seen him, nor heard of him more. Or suppose that of a mad and headstrong stomach he had gone to the High-way for money, and so had brought himself to the Gallows, and his Father and Family to great contempt, or if by so doing he had not brought himself to that end, yet he had added to all his wickedness, such and such evils besides: And what comfort could his Father have had in this?
Besides, when his Father had done for him what he could, with desire to make him an honest man, he would then, whether his son had proved honest or no, have laid down his head with far more peace, than if he had taken your Counsel.
Atten. Nay I think I should not a been forward to have given advice in the cause; but truly you have given me such an account of his vilianies, that the hearing thereof has made me angry with him.
Wise. In an angry mood we may soon out-shoot our selves, but poor wretch, as he is, he is gone to his place. But, as I said, when a good Father hath done what he can for a bad Child, and that Child shall prove never the better, he will lie down with far more peace, than if through severity, he had driven him to inconveniencies.
I remember that I have heard of a good woman, that had (as this old man) a bad and ungodly 159 son, and she prayed for him, counselled him, and carried it Motherly to him for several years together; but still he remained bad. At last, upon a time, after she had been at prayer, as she was wont, for his conversion, she comes to him, and thus, or to this effect, begins again to admonish him. Son, said she, Thou hast been and art a wicked Child, thou hast cost me many a prayer and tear, and yet thou remainest wicked. Well, I have done my duty, I have done what I can to save thee; now I am satisfied, that if I shall see thee damned at the day of Judgment, I shall be so far off from being grieved for thee, that I shall rejoyce to hear the sentence of thy damnation at that day: And it converted him.
I tell you, that if Parents carry it lovingly towards their Children, mixing their Mercies with loving Rebukes and their loving Rebukes with Fatherly and Motherly Compassions, they are more likely to save their Children, than by being churlish and severe toward them: but if they do not save them, if their mercy doth them no good, yet it will greatly ease them at the day of death, to consider; I have done by love as much as I could, to save and deliver my child from Hell.
Atten. Well I yield. But pray let us return again to Mr. Badman: You say, that his Father gave him a piece of money that he might set up for himself.
Wise. Yes, his Father did give him a piece of money, and he did set up, 160 and almost as soon set down again: for he was not long set up, but by his ill managing of his matters at home, together with his extravagant expences abroad, he was got so far into debt, and had so little in his shop to pay, that he was hard put to it to keep himself out of prison. But when his Creditors understood that he was about to marry, and in a fair way to get a rich Wife, they said among themselves, We will not be hasty with him, if he gets a rich Wife he will pay us all.
Atten. But how could he so quickly run out, for I perceive ’twas in little time, by what you say?
Wise. ’Twas in little time indeed, I think he was not above two years and a half in doing of it: but the reason 161 is apparent; for he being a wild young man, and now having the bridle loose before him, and being wholly subjected to his lusts and vices, he gave himself up to the way of his heart, and to the sight of his eye, forgetting that for all these things God will bring him to Judgment; 162 and he that doth thus, you may be sure, shall not be able long to stand on his leggs.
Besides, he had now an addition of 163 new companions; companions you must think, most like himself in Manners, and so such that cared not who sunk, if they themselves might swim. These would often be haunting of him, and of his shop too when he was absent. They would commonly egg him to the Ale-house, but yet make him Jack-pay-for-all; They would be borrowing also money of him, but take no care to pay again, except it was with more of their company, which also he liked very well; and so his poverty came like one that travelleth, and his want like an armed man.
But all the while they studied his temper; 164 he loved to be flattered, praised and commanded for Wit, Manhood, and Personage; and this was like stroking him over the face. Thus they Collogued with him, and got yet more and more into him, and so (like Horse-leaches) they drew away that little that his father had given him, and brought him quickly down, almost to dwell next dore to the begger.
Atten. Then was the saying of the wise man fulfilled, He that keepeth company with harlots, and a companion of fools, shall be destroyed. 165
Wise. Ay, and that too, A companion of riotous persons shameth his father; 166 For he, poor man, had both grief and shame, to see how his son (now at his own hand) behaved himself in the enjoyment of those good things, in and under the lawfull use of which he might have lived to Gods glory, his own comfort, and credit among his neighbours. But he that followeth vain persons, shall have poverty enough. 167 The way that he took, led him directly into this condition; for who can expect other things of one that follows such courses? Besides, when he was in his Shop, he could not abide to be doing; He was naturally given to Idleness: He loved to live high, but his hands refused to labour; and what else can the end of such an one be, but that which the wise man saith? The Drunkard and the Glutton shall come to poverty, and drowsiness shall cloath a man with rags. 168
Atten. But now, methinks, when he was brought thus low, he should have considered the hand of God that was gone out against him, and should have smote upon the breast, and have returned.
Wise. Consideration, good consideration was far from him, he was as stout and proud now, as ever in all his life, and was as high too in the pursuit of his sin, as when he was in the midst of his fulness; only he went now 169 like a tyred Jade, the Devil had rid him almost off of his leggs.
Atten. Well, but what did he do when all was almost gone?
Wise. Two things were now his play. 170 1. He bore all in hand by Swearing, and Cracking and Lying, that he was as well to pass, as he was the first day he set up for himself, yea that he had rather got than lost; and he had at his beck some of his Companions that would swear to confirm it as fast as he.
Atten. This was double wickedness, ’twas a sin to say it, and another to swear it.
Wise. That’s true, but what evil is that that he will not doe, that is left of God, as I believe Mr. Badman was?
Atten. And what was the other thing?
Wise. Why, that which I hinted before, he was for looking out for a rich Wife: 171 and now I am come to some more of his invented, devised, designed, and abominable Roguery, such that will yet declare him to be a most desperate sinner.
The thing was this: A Wife he wanted, or rather Money; for as for a woman, he could have Whores enow at his whistle. But, as I said, he wanted Money, and that must be got by a Wife, or no way; nor could he so easily get a Wife neither, except he became an Artist at the way of dissembling; nor would dissembling do among that people that could dissemble as well as he. But there dwelt a Maid not far from him, that was both godly, 172 and one that had a good Portion, but how to get her, there lay all the craft. 173 Well, he calls a Council of some of his most trusty and cunning Companions, 174 and breaks his mind to them; to wit, that he had a mind to marry: and he also told them to whom; But, said he, how shall I accomplish my end, she is Religious, and I am not? Then one of them made reply, saying, Since she is Religious, you must pretend to be so likewise, and that for some time before you go to her: Mark therefore whither she goes daily to hear, and do you go thither also; but there you must be sure to behave your self soberly, and make as if you liked the Word wonderful well; stand also where she may see you, and when you come home, be sure that you walk the street very soberly, and go within sight of her: This done for a while, then go to her, and first talk of how sorry you are for your sins, and shew great love to the Religion that she is of; still speaking well of her Preachers and of her godly acquaintance, bewailing your hard hap, that it was not your lot to be acquainted with her and her fellow-Professors sooner; and this is the way to get her. Also you must write down Sermons, talk of Scriptures, and protest that you came a wooing to her, only because she is Godly, and because you should count it your greatest happiness if you might but have such an one: As for her Money, slight it, it will be never the further off, that’s the way to come soonest at it, for she will be jealous at first that you come for her Money; you know what she has, but make not a word about it. Do this, and you shall see if you do not intangle the Lass.
Thus was the snare laid for this poor honest Maid, and she was quickly catched in his pit.
Atten. Why, did he take this counsel?
Wise. Did he! yes, and after a while, went as boldly to her, 175 and that under a Vizzard of Religion, as if he had been for Honesty and Godliness, one of the most sincere and upright-hearted in England. He observed all his points, and followed the advice of his Counsellers, and quickly obtained her too; for natural parts he had, he was tall, and fair, and had plain, but very good Cloaths on his back; and his Religion was the more easily attained; for he had seen something in the house of his Father, and first Master, and so could the more readily put himself into the Form and Shew thereof.
So he appointed his day, and went to her, as that he might easily do, for she had neither father nor mother to oppose. Well, when he was come, and had given her a civil Complement, 176 to let her understand why he was come, then he began and told her, That he had found in his heart a great deal of love to her Person; and that, of all the Damosels in the world he had pitched upon her, if she thought fit, to make her his beloved wife. The reasons, as he told her, why he had pitched upon her were, her Religious and personal Excellencies; and therefore intreated her to take his condition into her tender and loving consideration. As for the world, quoth he, I have a very good trade, and can maintain my self and Family well, while my wife sits still on her seat; I have got thus, and thus much already, and feel money come in every day, but that is not the thing that I aim at, ’tis an honest and godly Wife. Then he would present her with a good Book or two, pretending how much good he had got by them himself. He would also be often speaking well of godly Ministers, especially of those that he perceived she liked, and loved most. Besides, he would be often telling of her, what a godly Father he had, and what a new man he was also become himself; and thus did this treacherous Dealer, deal with this honest and good Girl, to her great grief and sorrow, as afterward you shall hear.
Atten. But had the maid no friend to looke after her?
Wise. Her Father and Mother were dead, and that he knew well enough, and so she was the more easily overcome by his naughty lying tongue. But if she had never so many friends, she might have been beguiled by him. It is too much the custom of young people now, to think themselves wise enough to make their own Choyce, and that they need not ask counsel of those that are older and also wiser then they: 177 but this is a great fault in them, and many of them have paid dear for it. Well, to be short, in little time Mr. Badman obtains his desire, 178 gets this honest Girl and her money, is married to her, brings her home, makes a Feast, entertains her royally, but her Portion must pay for all.