полная версияLife and Death of Mr. Badman

John Bunyan
Life and Death of Mr. Badman

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But he that doth otherwise, abides in his sin, refuses to be disposed of by the Providence of God, chuseth an high Estate, though not attained in Gods way; when Gods Will is, that he should descend into a low one: yea, he desperately saith in his heart and actions, I will be mine own chooser, and that in mine own way, whatever happens or follows thereupon.

Atten.  You have said well, in my mind.  But suppose now, that Mr. Badman was here, could he not object as to what you have said, saying, Go and teach your Brethren, that are Professors, this lesson, for they, as I am, are guilty of Breaking; yea I am apt to think, of that which you call my Knavish way of breaking; to wit, of breaking before they have need to break.  But if not so, yet they are guilty of neglect in their Calling, 272 of living higher, both in Fare and Apparrel, than their Trade or Income will maintain.  Besides, that they do break, all the world very well knowes, and that they have the art to plead for a composition, is very well known to men; and that it is usual with them, to hide their Linnen, their Plate, their Jewels, and (’tis to be thought, sometimes Money and Goods besides,) is as common as four eggs a penny.  And thus they beguile men, debauch their consciences, sin against their Profession, and make, ’tis to be feared, their lusts in all this, and the fulfilling of them, their end.  I say, if Mr. Badman was here to object thus unto you, what would be your reply?

Wise.  What!  Why I would say, I hope no Good man, no man of good conscience, no man that either feareth God, regardeth the credit of Religion, the peace of Gods people, or the salvation of his own soul, will do thus.

Professors, such perhaps there may be, and who, upon earth can help it?  Jades there be of all colours. 273  If men will profess, and make their profession a stalking-Horse to beguile their neighbours of their estates, as Mr. Badman himself did, when he beguiled her that now is with sorrow his wife, who can help it?  The Churches of old were pestered with such, and therefore no marvel if these perilous difficult times be so.  But mark how the Apostle words it: Nay do wrong and defraud, and that your Brethren: Know you not, that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God?  Be not deceived, neither Fornicator, nor Idolaters, nor Adulterers, nor Effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with Mankind, nor Thieves, nor Covetous, nor Drunkards, nor Revilers, nor Extortioners, shall inherit the Kingdom of God. 274

None of these shall be saved in this state, nor shall profession deliver them from the censure of the Godly, when they shall be manifest such to be.  But their profession we cannot help: How can we help it, if men should ascribe to themselves the title of Holy ones, Godly ones, Zealous ones, Self-denying ones, or any other such glorious title? and while they thus call themselves, they should be the veryest Rogues for all evil, sin, and villany imaginable, who could help it?  True, they are a scandal to Religion, a grief to the honest hearted, an offence to the world, and a stumbling stone to the weak, and these offences have come, do come, and will come, do what all the world can; but wo be to them through whom they come; 275 let such professors therefore disowned by all true Christians, and let them be reckoned among those base men of the world which by such actions they most resemble: They are Mr. Badmans Kindred.

For 276 they are a shame to Religion, I say these slithy, rob-Shop, pick-pocket men, they are a shame to Religion, and religious men should be ashamed of them.  God puts such an one among the Fools of the world, therefore let not Christians put them among those that are wise for heaven.  As the Partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not, so he that getteth riches and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his dayes, and at his end shall be a fool. 277  And the man under consideration is one of these, and therefore must look to fall by this Judgment.

A professor! and practice such villianies as these! such an one is not worthy to bear that name any longer.  We may say to such as the Prophet spake to their like, to wit, to the rebellious that were in the house of Israel.  Goe ye, serve every man his Idols:—If ye will not hearken to the Law and Testament of God, to lead your lives thereafter: but pollute Gods holy name no more with your Gifts, and with your Idols. 278

Goe professors, Goe; leave off profession, unless you will lead your lives according to your profession.  Better never profess, than to make profession a stalking-horse to sin, Deceit, to the Devil, and Hell.

The ground and rules of Religion allow not any such thing: Receive us, says the Apostle, we have wronged no man, we have corrupted no man, we have defrauded no man. 279  Intimating, that those that are guilty of wronging, corrupting or defrauding of any, should not be admitted to the fellowship of Saints, no nor into the common catalogue of Brethren with them.

Nor can men with all their Rhetorick, and Eloquent speaking prove themselves fit for the Kingdom of Heaven, or men of good conscience on earth. 280  O that godly plea of Samuel: Behold here I am, says he, witness against me, before the Lord, and before his Anointed, whose Oxe have I taken, or whose Ass have I taken, or whom have I defrauded, whom have I oppressed, 281 &c?  This was to do like a man of good conscience indeed.  And in this his Appeal, he was so justified in the consciencies of the whole Congregation, that they could not but with one voice, as with one mouth, break out joyntly and say, Thou hast not defrauded us, nor oppressed us. 282

A Professor, and defraud, away with him! a Professor should not owe any man any thing, but love.  A professor should provide things, not of other mens, but of his own, of his own honest getting, and that not onely in the sight of God, but of all men; that he may adorn the Doctrine if God our Saviour in all things.

Atten.  But 283 suppose God should blow upon a Professor in his Estate, and Calling, and he should be run out before he is aware, must he be accounted to be like Mr. Badman, and lie under the same reproach as he?


Wise.  No: 284 If he hath dutifully done what he could to avoid it.  It is possible for a Ship to sink at sea, notwithstanding the most faithfull endeavour of the most skilful Pilot under Heaven.  And thus, as I suppose, it was with the Prophet that left his wife in debt to the hazarding the slavery of her children by the Creditors. 285  He was no profuse man, nor one that was given to defraud, for the Text says he feared God; yet, as I said, he was run out more than she could pay.

If God would blow upon a man, who can help it? and he will do so sometimes, 286 because he will change dispensations with men, and because he will trye their Graces. 287  Yea, also because he will overthrow the wicked with his Judgments; and all these things are seen in Job.  But then the consideration of this, should bid men have a care that they be honest, lest this comes upon them for their sin: It should also bid them beware of launching further into the world, than in an honest way by ordinary means they can Godlily make their retreat; for the further in, the greater fall.  It should also teach them, to begg of God his blessing upon their endeavours, their honest and lawfull endeavours.  And it should put them upon a diligent looking to their steps, that if in their going they should hear the Ice crack, they may timely goe back again.

These things considered, and duely put in practice, if God will blow upon a man, then let him be content, and with Job embrace the dunghill; let him give unto all their dues, and not fight against the Providence of God, (but humble himself rather under his mighty hand,) which comes to strip him naked and bare: for he that doth otherwise, fights against God; and declares that he is a stranger to that of Paul; I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound; every where, in all things, I am instructed both to be full, and to be hungry, both to abound, and to suffer need. 288

Atten.  But Mr. Badman would not, I believe, have put this difference ’twixt things feigned, and those that fall of necessity.

Wise.  If he will not, God will, Conscience will; and that not thine own only, but the Consciences of all those that have seen the way, and that have known the truth of the condition of such an one.

Atten.  Well: Let us at this time leave this matter, and return again to Mr. Badman.

Wise.  With all my heart will I proceed to give you a relation of what is yet behind of his Life, in order to our discourse of his Death.

Atten.  But pray do it with as much brevity as you can.

Wise.  Why? are you a weary of my relating of things?

Atten.  No.  But it pleases me to hear a great deal in few words.

Wise.  I profess not my self an artist that way, but yet as briefly as I can, I will pass through what of his Life is behind; and again I shall begin with his fraudulent dealing (as before I have shewed with his Creditors, so now) with his Customers, and those that he had otherwise to deal withall.

He dealt by deceitfull Weights and Measures. 289  He kept weights to buy by, and weights to sell by; measures to buy by, and measures to sell by: those he bought by were too big, those he sold by were too little.

Besides, he could use a thing called slight of hand, if he had to do with other mens weights and measures, and by that means make them whether he did buy or sell, yea though his Customer or Chapman looked on, turn to his own advantage.

Moreover, he had the art to misreckon men in their Accounts whether by weight, or measure, or money, and would often do it to his worldly advantage, and their loss: What say you to Mr. Badman now?

And if a question was made of his faithfull dealing, he had his servants ready, that to his purpose he had brought up, that would avouch and swear to his Book, or word: this was Mr. Badmans practice; What think you of Mr. Badman now?

Atten.  Think!  Why I can think no other but that he was a man left to himself, a naughty man; for these, as his other, were naughty things; if the tree, as indeed it may, ought to be judged, what it is by its fruits; then Mr. Badman must needs be a bad Tree.  But pray, for my further satisfaction, shew me now by the Word of God, evil of this his practice: and first of his using false Weights and Measures.

Wise.  The evil of that! why the evil of that appears to every eye: the Heathens, that live like Beasts and Bruits in many things, do abominate and abhorr such wickedness as this.  Let a man but look upon these things as he goes by, and he shall see enough in them from the light of nature to make him loath so base a practice; although Mr. Badman loved it.

Atten.  But shew me something out of the Word against it, will you?

Wise.  I will willingly do it.  And first we will look into the Old Testament: 290 You shall, saith God there, do no unrighteousness in Judgment, in mete-yard, in weights or in measures, a just Ballance, a just Weight, a just Ephah, and a just Hin shall you have. 291  This is the Law of God, and that which all men according to the Law of the land ought to obey.  So again: Ye shall have just Ballances, and a just Ephah, &c. 292

Now having shewed you the Law, I will also shew you how God takes swerving therefrom.  A false Ballance is not good; a false Ballance is an abomination to the Lord. 293  Some have just Weights but false Ballances, and by vertue of those false Ballances, by their just Weights, they deceive the Countrey: 294 Wherefore, God first of all commands that the Ballance be made Just: A just Ballance shalt thou have.  Else they may be, yea are, decievers, notwithstanding their just weights.

Now, having commanded that men have a just Ballance, and testifying that a false one is an abomination to the Lord, he proceedeth also unto weight and measure.

Thou shalt not have in thy bag divers weights, a great and a small; 295 that is one to buy by, and another to sell by, as Mr. Badman had.  Thou shalt not have in thy house divers measures, a great and a small, (and these had Mr. Badman also) but thou shalt have a perfect and a just weight; a perfect and a just measure shalt thou have, that thy days may be lengthened in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.  For all that do such things, (that is, that use false Weights and Measures) and all that do unrighteously are abomination to the Lord.  See now both how plentiful, and how punctual the Scripture is in this matter.  But perhaps it may be objected, that all this is old Law, and therefore hath nothing to do with us under the New Testament.  (Not that I think you, neighbour, will object thus:) Well, to this foolish objection, let us make an Answer.  First, he that makes this objection, if he doth it to overthrow the authority of those Texts, 296 discovereth that himself is first cousen to Mr. Badman: For a Just man is willing to speak reverently of those commands.  That man therefore hath, I doubt, but little conscience, if any at all that is good, that thus objecteth against the Text: but let us look into the New Testament, and there we shall see how Christ confirmeth the same: Where he commandeth that men make to others good measure, including also that they make good weight; telling such that doe thus, or those that do it not, that they may be encouraged to do it; Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom; for with the same measure that ye mete withall, it shall be measured to you again: 297 To wit, both from God and man.  For as God will shew his indignation against the false man, by taking away even that he hath, so he will deliver up the false man to the Oppressor, and the Extortioner shall catch from him, as well as he hath catched from his neighbour; therefore another Scripture saith, When thou shalt cease to deal treacherously, they shall deal treacherously with thee.  That the New Testament also, hath an inspection into mens Trading, yea even with their weights and measures, is evident from these general exhortations. 298  Defraud not; lye not one to another; let no man goe beyond his brother in any matter, for God is the avenger of all such: whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord, doing all in his name, to his glory; and the like.  All these injunctions and commandments do respect our life and conversation among men, with reference to our dealing, trading, and so consequently they forbid false, deceitful, yea all doings that are corrupt.


Having thus in a word or two shewed you, that these things are bad; I will next, for the conviction of those that use them, shew you, where God saith they are to be found. 299

1.  They are not to be found in the house of the good and godly man, for he, as his God, abhorrs them; but they are to be found in the house of evil doers, 300 such as Mr. Badmans is.  Are there, saith the Prophet, yet the treasures of wickedness in the house of the wicked, and the scant measure that is abomination? 301  Are they there yet, notwithstanding Gods forbidding, notwithstanding Gods tokens of anger against those that do such things?  O how loth is a wicked man to let goe a sweet, a gainful sin, when he hath hold of it!  They hold fast deceit, they refuse to let it goe.

2.  These deceitful Weights and Measures are not to be found in the house of the Mercifull, but in the house of the Cruel; in the house of them that love to oppress. 302  The Ballances of deceit are in his hand, he loveth to oppress. 303  He is given to oppression and cruelty, therefore he useth such wicked things in his calling.  Yea he is a very cheat, and as was hinted before, concerning Mr. Badmans breaking, so I say now, concerning his using these deceitful weights and measures, it is as bad, as base, as to take a purse, or pick a pocket; for it is a plain robbery, it takes away from a man that which is his own, even the price of his money.

3.  The deceitful Weights and Measures are not to be found in the house of such as relieve the belly, and that cover the loyns of the poor, but of such as indeed would swallow them up. 304  Hear ye this, ye that swallow up the needy, and that make the poor of the land to fail, saying, When will the new Moon be gone that we may sell corn, and the Sabbath that we may set forth Wheat, making the Ephah small and the Sheckle great, (making the Measure small, and the Price great) and falsifying the Ballances by deceit, that ye may buy the poor for silver, and the needy for a pair of shooes, and sell the refuse of the Wheat.  The Lord hath sworn by the excellencie of Jacob, surely I will not forget any of their works. 305  So detestable and vile a thing is this in the sight of God.

4.  God abominates the thoughts of calling of those that use false weights and measures, by any other term than, that they be Impure ones 306 or the like: Shall I count them pure (saith he) with the bag of deceitful weights? 307 no by no means, they are impure ones, their hands are defiled, deceitful gain is in their houses, they have gotten what they have by coveting an evil Covetousness, and therefore must and shall be counted among the impure, among the wicked of the world.

Thus you see how full and plain the Word of God is, against this sin, and them that use it.  And therefore Mr. Badman, for that he used by these things thus to rook and cheat his neighbours, is rightly rejected from having his Name in, and among the catalogue of the godly.

Atten.  But I am perswaded, that the using of these things, and the doing by them thus deceitfully, is not counted so great an evil by some.

Wise.  Whether it be counted an evil or a vertue, by men, it mattereth not; you see by the Scriptures, the Judgment of God upon it.  It was not counted an evil by Mr. Badman, nor is it by any that still are treading in his steps.  But, I say, ’tis no matter how men esteem of things, let us adhere to the Judgment of God.  And the rather, because when we our selves have done weighing and measuring to others, then God will weigh and measure both us and our actions.  And when he doth so, as he will do shortly, then wo be to him to whom, and of whose actions it shall be thus said by him: Tekel, Thou art weighed in the Ballances, and art found wanting. 308  God will then recompense their evil of deceiving upon their own head, when he shall shut them out of his presence, favour, and kingdom, for ever and ever.

Atten.  But ’tis a wonder, that since Mr. Badmans common practice was to do thus, that some one or more did not find him out, and blame him for this his wickedness.

Wise.  For the generality of people, he went away clever with his Knavery.  For what with his Ballance, his false Ballance, and good weight, and what with his slight of hand to boot, he beguiled, sometimes a little, and sometimes more, most that he had to deal with: Besides, those that use this naughty trade, are either such as blind men with a shew of Religion, or by hectoring the buyer out by words.  I must confess Mr. Badman was not so arch at the first; 309 that is, to do it by shew of Religion; for now he began to grow threadbare, (though some of his brethren are arch enough this way, yea and of his sisters too, for I told you at first that there was a great many of them, and of them good:) but for hectoring, for swearing, for lying, if these things would make weight and measure, they should not be wanting to Mr. Badmans Customers.

Atten.  Then it seem he kept good Weights, and a bad Ballance; well that was better than that both should be bad.

Wise.  Not at all.  There lay the depth of his deceit: 310 For if any at any time found fault, that he used them hardly, and that they wanted their weight of things; he would reply: Why did you not see them weighed? will you not believe your own eyes: If you question my weights, pray carry them whether you will, I will maintain them to be good and just.  The same he would say of his scales.  So he blinded all, by his Ballance.

Atten.  This is cunning indeed: but as you say, there must be also something done or said, to blind therewith, and this I perceive Mr. Badman had.

Wise.  Yes.  He had many ways to blind, but he was never clever at it, by making a shew of Religion, (though he cheated his wife therewith:) for he was, especially by those that dwelt near him, too well known to do that, though he would bungle at it as well as he could.  But there are some that are arch villains this way; they shall to view live a whole life Religiously, and yet shall be guilty of these most horrible sins: And yet Religion in it self is never the worse, nor yet the true professors of it.  But as Luther says, In the name of God begins all mischief.  For Hypocrites have no other way to bring their evils to maturity, but by using and mixing the Name of God and Religion therewith. 311  Thus they become whited Walls; 312 for by this white, the white of Religion, the dirt of their actions is hid.  Thus also they become graves that appear not, and they that goe over them, (that have to do with them) are not aware of them, but suffer themselves to be deluded by them.  Yea, if there shall, as there will sometimes, rise a doubt in the heart of the buyer about the weight and measure he should have, why, he suffereth his very sences to be also deluded, by recalling of his Chapmans Religion to mind, and thinks verily that not his good chapman but himself is out; for he dreams not that his chapman can deceive.  But if the buyer shall find it out, and shall make it apparent, that he is beguiled; then shall he be healed by having amends made, and perhaps fault shall be laid upon servants, &c. and so Master Cheat shall stand for a right honest man in the eye of his Customer, though the next time he shall pick his pocket again.

Some 313 plead Custom for their Cheat, as if that could acquit them before the Tribunal of God: And others say, it came to them for so much, and therefore another must take it for so much, though there is wanting both as to weight and measure: but in all these things there are Juggles; or if not, such must know, 314 That that which is altogether just, they must doe.  Suppose that I be cheated my self with a brass half-Crown, must I therefore cheat another therewith? if this be bad in the whole, it is also bad in the parts.  Therefore however thou are dealt withall in thy buying, yet thou must deal justly in selling, or thou sinnest against thy soul, and art become as Mr. Badman.  And know, that a pretence to custom is nothing worth.  ’Tis not custom, but good conscience that will help at Gods Tribunal.

Atten.  But I am perswaded, that that which is gotten by men this way, doth them but little good.

Wise.  I am of your mind for that, but this is not considered by those thus minded.  For if they can get it, though they get, as we say, the Devil and all, by their getting, yet they are content, and count that their getting is much.

Little good!  Why do you think they consider that?  No: no more than they consider what they shall doe in the Judgment, at the day of God Almighty, for their wrong getting of what they get, and that is just nothing at all. 315

But to give you a more direct answer.  This kind of getting, is so far off from doing them little good, that it doth them no good at all; because thereby they lose their own souls; What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? 316  He loseth then, he loseth greatly that getteth after this fashion.  This is the man that is penny-wise, and pound-foolish; this is he that loseth his good Sheep for a halfpennyworth of tarr; that loseth a soul for a little of the world.  And then what doth he get thereby, but loss and dammage? 317  Thus he getteth, or rather loseth about the world to come: But what doth he get in this world, more than travel and sorrow vexation of spirit, and disappointment?  Men aim at blessedness in getting, I mean, at temporal blessedness; but the man that thus getteth, shall not have that.  For though an Inheritance after this manner may be hastily gotten at the beginning, yet the end thereof shall not be blessed.  They gather it indeed, and think to keep it too, but what says Solomon?  God casteth it away.  The Lord will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish, but he casteth away the substance of the wicked.

The time, as I said, that they do enjoy it, it shall doe them no good at all; but long to be sure they must not have it.  For God will either take it away in their life time, or else in the generation following, according to that of Job: He, the wicked, may prepare it, but the just shall put it on, and the innocent shall divide the silver. 318

Consider that also that is written in the Proverbs: A good man leaveth an Inheritance to his childrens children, and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. 319  What then doth he get thereby, that getteth by dishonest means? why he getteth Sin and Wrath, Hell and Damnation: and now tell me how much he doth get.

This, I say, is his getting; so that as David says, we may be bold to say too: I beheld the wicked in great prosperity, and presently I cursed his habitation: for it cannot prosper with him.  Fluster and huff, and make a doe for a while he may, but God hath determined that both he and it shall melt like grease, and any observing man may see it so.  Behold, the unrighteous man in a way of Injustice getteth much, and loadeth himself with thick Clay, but anon it withereth, it decayeth, and even he, or the Generation following decline, and return to beggery.

And this Mr. Badman, notwithstanding his cunning and crafty tricks to get money, did dye, no body can tell whether worth a farthing or no.

Atten.  He had all the bad tricks, I think, that it was possible for a man to have, to get money; one would think that he should a been rich.

Wise.  You reckon too fast, if you count these all his bad tricks to get money: For he had more besides. 320

If his customers were in his Books (as it should goe hard but he would have them there; at least, if he thought he could make any advantage of them,) then, then would he be sure to impose upon them his worst, even very bad Comodity, yet set down for it the price that the best was sold at: like those that sold the Refuse Wheat, or the worst of the wheat; making the Sheckle great, 321 yet hoisting up the price: This was Mr. Badmans way.  He 322 would sell goods that cost him not the best price by far, for as much as he sold the best of all for.  He had also a trick to mingle his comodity, that that which was bad might goe off with the less mistrust.

Besides, if his customers at any time paid him money, let them look to themselves, and to their Acquitances, for he would usually attempt to call for that payment again, specially if he thought that there was hopes of making a prize thereby, and then to be sure if they could not produce good and sufficient ground of the payment, a hundred to one but they payed it again.  Sometimes the honest Chapman would appeal to his servants for proof of the payment of money, but they were trained up by him to say after his mind, right or wrong: so that, relief that way, he could get none.

Atten.  It is a bad, yea an abominable thing for a man to have such servants.  For by such means a poor customer may be undone and not know how to help himself.  Alas! if the master be so unconscionable, as I perceive Mr. Badman was, to call for his money twice, and if his servant will swear that it is a due debt, where is any help for such a man? he must sink, there is no remedy.

Wise.  This is very bad, but this has been a practice, and that hundreds of years agoe.  But what saith the Word of God?  I will punish all those that leap upon the threshold, which fill their masters houses with violence and deceit. 323 324

Mr. Badman also had this art; could he get a man at advantage, that is, if his chapman durst not go from him, or if the comodity he wanted could not for the present be conveniently had elsewhere; Then let him look to himself, he would surely make his purse-strings crack; he would exact upon him without any pity or conscience.

Atten.  That was Extortion, was it not?  I pray let me hear your Judgment of Extortion, what it is, and when committed?

Wise.  Extortion 325 is a screwing from men more than by the Law of God or men is right; and it is committed sometimes by them in Office, about Fees, Rewards, and the like: but ’tis most commonly committed by men of Trade, who without all conscience, when they have the advantage, will make a prey of their neighbour.  And thus was Mr. Badman an Extortioner; for although he did not exact, and force away, as Bailifs and Clarks have used to doe; yet he had his opportunities, and such cruelty to make use of them, that he would often, in his way, be Extorting, and forcing of money out of his Neighbours pocket.  For every man that makes a prey of his advantage upon his neighbours necessities, to force from him more than in reason and conscience, according to the present prizes of things such comodity is worth; may very well be called an Extortioner, and Judged for one that hath No inheritance in the Kingdom of God. 326

Atten.  Well, this Badman was a sad wretch.

Wise.  Thus you have often said before.  But now we are in discourse of this, give me leave a little to goe on.  We have a great many people in the Countrey too that live all their dayes in the practice, and so under the guilt of Extortion: people, alas! that think scorn to be so accounted.

As for Example: 327 There is a poor body that dwells, we will suppose, so many miles from the Market; and this man wants a Bushel of Grist, a pound of Butter, or a Cheese for himself, his wife and poor children: But dwelling so far from the Market, if he goes thither, he shall lose his dayes work, which will be eight pence or ten pence dammage to him, and that is something to a poor man.  So he goeth to one of his Masters or Dames for what he wanteth, and asks them to help him with such a thing: Yes, say they, you may have it; but withall they will give him a gripe, perhaps make him pay as much (or more) for it at home, as they can get when they have carryed it five miles to a Market, yea and that too for the Refuse of their Commodity.  But in this the Women are especially faulty, in the sale of their Butter and Cheese, &c.  Now this is a kind of Extortion, it is a making a prey of the necessity of the poor, it is a grinding of their faces, a buying and selling of them.

272A heavy blot upon Religion.
273If Knaves will make profession their cloak to be vile, who can help it?
2741 Cor. 6. 8, 9, 10. 2 Tim. 3. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
275Matt. 18. 6, 7, 8.
276Let such be disowned of all good men.
277Jer. 17. 11.
278Ezek. 20. 38, 39.
2792 Cor. 7. 2.
280Mar. 10. 19.
2811 Sam. 12. 3.
282Ver. 4.
283A question.
284An answer.
2852 King. 4. 1, 2.
286Hag. 1. 9.
287God does sometimes blow upon his own people. How they should doe at that time.
288Philip. 4. 12.
289More of Mr. Badmans fraudulent dealing. He used deceitful weights and scales.
290Levit. 19. 35, 36.
291Of Just weights and measures.
292Ezek. 45. 10.
293Pro. 20. 23. Chap. 11. 1.
294The evil of deceitful Balances, Weights and Measures.
295Deut. 25. 13, 14, 15, 16.
296The Old and New Law commands all men to be honest and upright in their weights and measures.
297Luke 6. 88.
298Pat Scriptures for our purpose.
299Where false weights and measures are to be found.
3001. With evil doers.
301Mic. 6. 10.
3022. With the merciless and Oppressors.
303Hos. 12. 7.
3043. With such as would swallow up the poor.
305Amos 8. 4, 5, 6, 7.
3064. With impure ones.
307Mic. 6. 11.
308Dan. 5. 27.
309How Mr. Badman did cheat, and hide his cheating.
310Good Weights and a bad Ballance a deep piece of Knavery.
311A cloak of Religion to blind Mr. Cheats Knavery.
312Mat. 23.
313Some plead Custom to cheat.
314Deut. 16. 20.
315They get nothing that cozen and cheat.
316Mar. 9.
317Prov. 10. 3. Jer. 15. 13. Chap. 17. 3.
318Job 27. 17.
319Pro. 13. 22.
320More of Mr. Badmans Bad tricks.
321Amos 8.
322Another art to cheat withall.
323Zeph. 1. 9.
324Servants observe these words.
325Of Extortion.
3261 Cor. 6. 9, 10.
327Who are Extortioners.