полная версияThoughts of a dancer

Vadim Garbuzov
Thoughts of a dancer

Полная версия


(written after Vadim by his father Boris)
General Passages and Drafts
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Old American smoking in a car. – I have to quit smoking. … But maybe I can keep smoking. I saw a film “Smoke”. That’s OK.

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Old women in the airport. – Oh, my goodness! Last time I have been to the airport in 1957. Things so much changed since then!

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У нас во время конкурсов пол охраняется вышибалами, говорит Вадик и импровизирует псевдодиалог.

– Куда ты идешь?

– Хочу потанцевать.

– Нельзя. Я работаю на секьюрити, 10 лет просидел в тюрьме, 5 долларов и ты на паркете с любым заходом.

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В машине я, Вадик, Наташа и Надя. Я везу всех к Наташе домой. Наташа недоверчиво критикует мою манеру вождения, противопоставляя мне уверенного в дороге Юру. Вадик так это пародирует. Cначала: "шш…", типа как шум рации.

– Yura, we are already 50 blocks away, but Boris is still not turning. Yura, we turned to 16th, but I do not think we are going to make it home tonight. Please save us. You are the only Communist I know of. We can not trust these democrats.

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Там же в машине. Мы поравнялись с джипом. В нем пара лет сорока. Бородатый мужчина с выпученными глазами выгдядит немного озабоченным. Вадик наделяет его голосом:

– Martha, do not look at them! Just pretend you do not see them!

Sponsorship passages and drafts

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– Where is your coach?

– Right now, he is using an opportunity of making $60 an hour.

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Dancing boss. We anticipated first real chance.

– We are dancers, and we know that you too… We are looking for sponsorship…

– How did you get into the building?

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The organization takes them for a delegation from Holland.

– So much garbage here. This room is bad.

– We are not from Holand, but we have been there.

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We walk into the Hershey Corporation of chocolates knowing we are not going to get any sponsorship, but feeling hungry and in hope to try some chocolates. We do not tell it to each other but know it in our minds and recognize each other’s look. As we go in there, many important people go around waiting for the meeting. We see the receptionist and Vadim starts telling her the speech we learned by heart forever and used for thousand of times in other companies. “.. We are Canadian Champions… looking for sponsorship”. While he is speaking, he looks at the dish of chocolates on the left side not concentrating on the receptionist. In the middle of the speech, he totally starts telling the speech to the chocolates as if they were to sponsor him. The receptionist interrupts him: “You can help yourself”

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Vadim and Nadiya approach the important law office. The receptionist listens to them and calls to the manager: “There are to people from, sorry, what is your organization?”– “Ballroom dance association”. – Bowling association. So, they are looking for you’re funding.” We hear very angry response on the phone. She with embarrassment that we are listening, turns to us, makes a nice face and says: “You can drop off your promotional materials, pamphlets and flyers so committee can look at it at their meeting next year?”

We have so many business cards with notes “call next year”, “call in two years” … So, we imagined what could happen in 10 years if they suddenly call us back when the sport gets popular, they start to get interested in it, and we already drop dancing by then.

Vadim Garbuzov around 2002

Note on judging criteria in arts

In Bratislava we did fine – 2 in St and 3 in Lat and decided to try Adult Standard after good Youth and were 8th out of 33. I did not see so much corruption before. We, thanks to God, were in good position, by points we are first in Austria Youth in all 3 programs from today. But in general, at this competition, they left the best couple in semi-final, the semi-finalist couple they made first and second couple they made fourth. Horror! And they say Ukraine is politicized. I regret that it is hard to achieve in dance fully honestly. You can be best, but the other can easily say that marked you down because he is looking for other criteria in dance. Who will accuse him for that? It is also bad that in our business there are no exact criteria of victory as in run or long jumping. They can define for real who won. But the art is all like that. I, for example, do not see what is so good in Mona Lisa. These are all intricacies of our job. An artist can find the beauty in ugliness and make it still better. We, people of art, bust use our artistic intuition as opposed to scientists, where only calculation works. One should not enter the dance vocation with IQ lower than 100. It is all silly when they say that he just dances. If he achieved something, if he amazes people and they long to him, then he is not simply dancing, but uses full-size his brain, constantly finds out new things and works with his body not less than some athletes. I say it not about myself, but about art as a whole.

Vadim Garbuzov, 10 September, 2004

Personal thoughts

Nobody can achieve perfection; the path is endless and ongoing. The closer we get the smaller our movement towards perfection becomes. The changes that we make become towards improvement are more petite in size.

At the level of the top three couples in the highest categories, we don’t see a big change in their performance from year to year in Blackpool. It’s the couples that have a long way to go to the top that can make a huge improvement from competition to competition in the duration of one week sometimes.

Having achieved a very high level we will witness only small changes in the dancer’s overall performance and they themselves (dancers) don’t know if it’s for the better or for the worse.

Vadim Garbuzov, Saturday, 9 October, 2004

Siebrand world Latin trophy 2005

In the dancing world, apart from the traditional competitions couples attend at their own cost, there are invitational competitions paid by the organizer. This competition is one of the veterans in the invitational world. It’s been around for about 20 years and many of the greats of the competitive dance scene such as Marcus and Karen Hilton have attended this event.

The actual event traditionally takes place in the best hotel of The Hague, Scheveningen. People from all over Europe come to this vacation spot on the coast of the North Sea. Surely a beautifully organized dance event with top couples from around the world is something people enjoy seeing apart from all of the other activities available in the famous city of The Hague with a population of about 800 000.

Even with its small size the floor was perfect, considering that there were never more than 5 couples on it at the same time. It was a very cozy atmosphere with the 2nd story balconies visible while dancing, and people sitting quite closely around the floor. Out of the 10 invited couples the prestigious panel of adjudicators had to distribute 5 couples into the Grand finale, and 5 into the Rising star final. It was an interesting approach to the traditional semi-final, final system. Instead of after the semi-final the dancers who didn’t make it having to stop and jealousy watch the finalists finish the last 5 dances of their competition the organizers spiced things up by allowing the audience to enjoy the couples again, and for the dancers to get another chance to show their skill and try and put out a better performance.

After the end of the dancing part of the event the participants were treated to 5* buffet where they could socialize and continue the night in whichever way they wanted to.

By Vadim Garbuzov, 13 March, 2005, Scheveningen, Holland
