foliage, color, and symmetry
follies, fashions, and infatuations
foolish, ignorant, and unscrupulous
force, grace, and symmetry
forcible, extraordinary, and sublime
foremost, preeminent, and incomparable
foresight, prudence, and economy
form, color, and distance
formless, silent, and awful
forward, onward, and upward
frank, kindly, and unfaltering
free, equal, and just
freedom, honor, and dignity
fresh, vigorous, and telling
fretfulness, irritability, and petulance
friendly, amiable, and sincere
frigid, austere, and splendid
fruitful, luminous, and progressive
full, animated, and varied
fullness, force, and precision
furious, sanguinary, and disorganizing
[sanguinary = Accompanied by bloodshed]
fustian, padding, and irrelevancy
[fustian = pompous, bombastic, and ranting]
gaunt, desolate, and despoiled
gay, easy, and cordial
generous, large-hearted, and magnanimous
genial, frank, and confiding
genius, learning, and virtue
gentle, firm, and loving
genuineness, disinterestedness, and strength
germinate, develop, and radiate
gesture, accent, and attitude
ghastly, hateful, and ugly
gibes, sneers, and anger
gifts, graces, and accomplishments
gladness, exaltation, and triumph
glean, gather, and digest
gloomy, silent, and tranquil
glow, grace, and pleasantness
good, gentle, and affectionate
gorgeous, still, and warm
grace, simplicity, and sweetness
gracious, mild, and good
gradual, cautious, and well-reasoned
gratitude, happiness, and affection
grave, disastrous, and wanton
gravity, sweetness, and patience
gray, monotonous, and uninteresting
great, grand, and mighty
greed, lust, and cruelty
grim, lean, and hungry
gross, ignorant, and impudent
growth, progress, and extension
guide, philosopher, and friend
habits, tastes, and opinions
hard, stern, and inexorable
harmony, peace, and happiness
harsh, intolerant, and austere
health, character, and efficiency
helpful, suggestive, and inspiring
helpless, hopeless, and downtrodden
high, lofty, and noble
high-spirited, confident, and genial
history, philosophy, and eloquence
homage, ability, and culture
honesty, probity, and justice [probity = integrity; uprightness]
honors, riches, and power
hopes, aspirations, and longings
hot, swift, and impatient
humanity, freedom, and justice
humble, submissive, and serviceable
humor, fancy, and susceptibility
idle, profuse, and profligate
ignorance, fear, and selfishness
illuminating, chastening, and transforming
images, events, and incidents
imagination, judgment, and reason
immediate, sure, and easy
immethodical, irregular, and inconsecutive
impatient, inconsiderate, and self-willed
impetuous, fierce, and irresistible
impracticable, chimerical, and contemptible
impulse, energy, and activity
inclinations, habits, and interests
incoherent, loud, and confusing
incomparable, matchless, and immortal
inconsiderate, irritable, and insolent
indignation, surprise, and reproach
indirect, obscure, and ambiguous
indolent, dreamy, and frolicsome
inert, torpid, and lethargic
ingenuity, force, and originality
innocence, intelligence, and youth
inordinate, excessive, and extravagant
insight, knowledge, and capacity
insincere, partial, and arbitrary
insipid, commonplace, and chattering
insolence, injustice, and imposture
intelligence, taste, and manners
intense, weighty, and philosophical
inventions, sciences, and discoveries
irksome, painful, and depressing
irresolute, procrastinating, and unenterprising
irritable, sulky, and furious
issues, hopes, and interests
jealousy, exclusiveness, and taciturnity [taciturnity = habitually untalkative]
jovial, ready-witted, and broad-gaged
joyous, delightful, and gay
justice, mercy, and peace
keen, clear, and accurate
knowing, feeling, and willing
knowledge, skill, and foresight
labors, anxieties, and trials
large, rhythmical, and pleasing
laughter, ridicule, and sneers
lead, attack, and conquer
learning, profundity, and imagination
legislation, education, and religion
levity, indolence, and procrastination
libelers, reviewers, and rivals
liberating, vitalizing, and cheering
liberty, justice, and humanity
light, easy, and playful
literature, history, and legend