Kalyutim maneuvered around the numerous extra-Omniversal ships traveling between Monocosms back to the edge of Beyond, only to be interrupted again by yet another nuisance. Kalyutim was about to angrily shout at them for wasting even more of his metatime, however did his best to hold his tongue upon noticing who they were. Tracidel had come directly to Kalyutim to warn him about something concerning she had found—specifically, that mortals were somehow developing unsupervised technology capable of harming Supergods. A worried Tracidel directed him to a specific Monocosm which had been reformatted into a large megastructure.
She claimed it was capable of absorbing and inverting powerful energy directed towards it, pulling the source of the energy into the Monocosm using the inverted energy itself. Tracidel feared that using this strategy, mortals could trap any Supergod, regardless of how powerful, inside the Monocosm if the Supergod attempted to tamper with or destroy the verse. Tracidel feared this technology could easily fall into the wrong hands and possibly be used against them, especially given the ongoing crisis surrounding Ven.
A mentally exhausted Kalyutim tried his best to delicately explain to his younger sister that he was well aware of such a device, because he approved its creation and helped with its development. Kalyutim wanted more independence for mortals and figured they as Supergods weren’t any more trustworthy than the mortals they were ‘controlling’, so he and Omnarin agreed their Omnipotence^2 could be counter-balanced by advanced anti-Supergod technology.
Tracidel clearly disagreed with this reasoning but nonetheless pretended to unconditionally support Kalyutim, claiming that his judgement was much sounder and more reasonable than her stupid, useless ideas. Kalyutim apologetically tried to reassure her that he did trust her judgement, however an emotional Tracidel told him to just admit he thought she was an idiot. After all, he asked Omnarin for approval of the weaponry and not her! A-and he clearly faked his reaction when she first arrived to warn him, since clearly he rightly hates her mere presence! Omnarin absolutely had much better judgement than a pathetic imbecile like her! What was even her point in this Council?!?
Kalyutim desperately tried to reassure her that he wasn’t picking favorites, she just happened to be busy at the, um- time! (Tracidel’s initially curious expression immediately sullied once Kalyutim finished his sentence.) And yeah, okay, he’s a little distracted right now and not the most engaged, it’s not her fault! He just really needs to get back to working on his most developed Tunnel yet! Kalyutim realized his terrible mistake as soon as he mentioned this, as Tracidel immediately broke into an endless tirade about the members of the former Council and their many mistakes. From Xenixel’s tyrannical leadership to Paradoxus and Logixel’s absurd misadventures, to Matharin’s treacherous social and physical manipulation and far more, culminating in yet another plea for Kalyutim to never bring them back to Beyond, as it would be better off without them!
Having lost all composure after everything that had happened, Kalyutim furiously exclaimed that they were stranded in the middle of Trascendentem with no way back! He was literally fighting for their lives! Tracidel seemed hurt by this and began to repeatedly apologize for being such a stupid fool. A now very guilty Kalyutim tried his best to reassure her that her place in the Emergency Council was very important, and she had just… made a few poor decisions. Clearly able to see this wasn’t working and still desperate to return to Transcendentem, Kalyutim recommended Tracidel go and speak to Omnarin about it, hoping Omnarin would be able to provide better reassurance. Without waiting for a response from Tracidel, the older brother swiftly passed through the layer of God Cels surrounding the Beyond Bubble and entered Transcendentem.
Kalyutim slowly moved through the heavily damaged but still recovering Tunnel system surrounding the Council’s Beyond Bubble, pleased with his progress towards restoring it but still annoyed at how far he was from rescuing the other Supergods. As he floated along his longest Tunnel so far, which his Omniscience^3 suggested had been used by Hellensoerensen during the Collapse, he noticed a small Senchip excitedly buzzing around him and jumping in and out of collapsed Transcendentem. Kalyutim smiled once he recognized Tetta and the two made their way along the Tunnel. Upon reaching a dead end, Tetta began hopping between different patches of Transcendentem ahead to detect which ones were the most covered in Breaker’s Slime and which ones were easiest to restabilize. Kalyutim had no idea how this Senchip was somehow able to survive such extreme environments unharmed, but certainly didn’t complain as she was extremely helpful for Tunnel restoration.
As Kalyutim slowly navigated the remains of Xenixel’s former Tunnel system, he attempted to focus his Omniscience^3 on the location of Hellensoerensen to confirm the ideal route from their current position. Upon attempting to do this, Kalyutim strangely found he could only detect the presence of six Supergods within the automaton. He figured this must be due to his limited usage of Omniscience^3, yet when he further pressed his abilities for information, he still could find no trace of the two missing Supergods anywhere. That didn’t make sense at all… how could two Supergods just vanish? As Kalyutim attempted to further focus his Omniscience^3 on any nearby traces of Supergods, his abilities began strangely gravitating towards something… else. Some other signature directly between him and Hellensoerensen that for whatever reason… felt exactly… like the presence of a Supergod…
There was another Supergod.
Kaltyutim leapt forward towards the furthest edge of the Tunnel he could reach without entering the Breaker’s Slime, much to Tetta’s confusion, desperate to gain as much insight into this entity as he possibly could. His first thought was that it must be one of the two missing stranded Supergods, accounting for their lack of presence in Hellensoerensen, yet what little information Kalyutim could discern felt nothing like any other Supergod he knew of. His mind was flooded with the amazing possibilities of possibly finally having someone else to work with. Did they have their own Beyond Bubble, with their own resources? Would they be willing to help with restoring the Tunnel system? What was their method of navigating Collapsed Transcendentem? Could it be used to reach Hellensoerensen?? Kalyutim excitedly called out to this Supergod, who was quickly approaching faster and faster.
There seemed to be no response from the traveler, nor any acknowledgement that Kalyutim even existed. Desperate to seize this unprecedented opportunity, Kalyutim focused as hard as he could on every detail of the traveler to find any way of getting their attention. As he did so however, his Omniscience^3 struggled to properly focus itself, as if it were being repelled by the rapidly approaching stranger. As the unbelievably fast traveling Supergod came closer and closer to the Tunnel, this mild discomfort turned into an overwhelming rush of chaotic energy that completely disoriented the young Supergod.
Kalyutim lost his focus and could do nothing as a massive bolt of energy smashed into the Tunnel, destabilizing it and disorienting him as the Supergod flew past. Shocked, Kalyutim desperately tried to regain his composure and immediately chased after the stranger back through the Tunnel. Kalyutim kept calling out to the traveler, attempting to get their attention and find out where they were going. The stranger was moving faster than any entity he had ever seen, comparable to Elastics, and seemed to be sticking just outside the edges of the Tunnel on the exact route back to Beyond. Tetta eagerly followed Kalyutim and as the mysterious Supergod began to slow, Kalyutim requested the far faster Senchip attempt to catch up with the traveler.
Tetta whizzed ahead and quickly matched the stranger’s speed, who seemed to be moving closer and closer to the Tunnel’s side. Kalyutim desperately tried to keep up with the two exponentially faster entities as he began to detect a worryingly large concentration of energy at the side of the Tunnel ahead of him. As the energy cluster became denser and denser, the unknown Supergod decelerated, allowing Tetta to intercept them right at the edge of the Tunnel. Kalyutim already knew what was about to happen and screamed for Tetta to move out of the way as quickly as possible, but before she could, the entire Tunnel around her was engulfed in a massive explosion. Tiny fractured shards of information from the Elastic flew in every direction, disorientating Kalyutim’s Omniscience^3 and preventing him from learning more information about the Supergod, who was now flying ahead of him in the Tunnel at a more physically possible, though still extreme, speed.
Unsurprisingly, Tetta was unharmed by the explosion, however she did seem incredibly confused by what had happened, moving significantly slower and being far less reactive to Kalyutim’s demands that she keep up. Now that Kalyutim could track exactly what paths the Supergod was taking through the Tunnel system, it became very clear that they were intentionally heading for Beyond. Kalyutim knew that the Council’s Bubble was not in any danger, however he was concerned for the wellbeing of the traveler and desperately tried to catch up to them, calling for them to stop and trying to warn them what would happen. Kalyutim warned the traveler as loudly as he could that there was an unbreakable defense system placed around the Bubble! If a Supergod tried to break through it without being recognized as having official access, they’d be stopped dead on the spot! And a quantity of information that large, traveling with that level of propulsion, having it instantly removed would – “Look, you should really just stop!”
“Wha… Why aren’t you stopping?! You’re not going to break through it, you know! It’s really sturdy! …I’m serious, it’s sturdier than you think! It can withstand Omniscience^3! All the Cels survived direct exposure to the Collapse, it’s not going to break becau- SERIOUSLY, JUST STOP RIGHT NOW!!!”
Kalyutim could tell this wasn’t working and shouted for Tetta to speed ahead of the mysterious Supergod and slow them down before they turned themselves into a Godsmoke puddle. Despite now being far faster than both Supergods, Tetta seemed hesitant to go anywhere and kept looking back and forth between the two with extreme confusion. Kalyutim was absolutely baffled that Tetta picked now of all times to act like this! Seriously! How hard can it be to warn one Supergod to stop moving?!? How stubborn were they?!?!?
Fortunately, the mysterious Supergod did indeed decelerate as they reached Beyond, so at the very least their ignorance might only get them injured. Unlike someone he could name, Kalyutim didn’t slow down in turn (seriously, what is her problem right now, she never acts like this!), as his Omniscience^3 had become clear again and if he got closer, he may be able to discern the identity of this strange traveler. As Kalyutim’s mind locked onto the Supergod though, his Omniscience^3 once again began to face resistance, as if it were trying to prevent him from analyzing the Supergod. Nevertheless, he persisted and was almost able to at least determine their level of Omnipotence as likely 2 when he suddenly and without explanation completely lost his focus. Fearing the Supergod had crashed into the God Cel barrier, Kalyutim continued speeding ahead in an attempt to find them, either to help or stop them before they hurt themsel- what the hell where’d they go and why is the God Cel barrier open
oh no.
Tracidel wandered around Beyond, constantly berating herself loudly as she travelled. She felt she could never hope to make up for her foolishness and idiocy in front of Kalyutim—to anger him to such an extent, clearly her actions were permanently unforgiveable. If she wasn’t even capable of pleasing or even being considered tolerable by her older brother, the only thing she ever found herself able to attempt, then that alone should speak volumes about her inability to achieve any other task she focused less on.
Tracidel noticed Omnarin floating nearby, clearly within range to hear her self-deprecation, yet choosing to do nothing, apparently considering talking to their imaginary friend a better use of metatime than engaging with her insufferable nonsense. Good! Tracidel shouted that such isolation was exactly what she deserved!
Tracidel leapt backwards as she saw that Omnarin had somehow appeared directly behind her, smiling warmly. The yellow Supergod ignored her clear distaste for Omnarin’s attitude, insisting to herself that clearly they simply didn’t want to engage seriously with her because of how much of a worthless pathetic failure of a younger sister she was, and did her best to simply respond with an unenthusiastic feigned “hi”. Tracidel asked that Omnarin pass on to Kalyutim how sorry she was for her stupid, idiotic actions earlier, since clearly Kalyutim would never want to talk to her anymore, and with good reason. Omnarin was confused, since Kalyutim obviously thought very highly of Tracidel, so they weren’t quite sure why he’d suddenly decide to never speak to her again, though they figured it was his decision to make when all was said and- well they guess it’s not gonna be said now.
Tracidel wished Omnarin would just drop the pretense—Kalyutim clearly secretly hated her. Omnarin didn’t seem to be as appalled by this information as Tracidel had flinched in expectation of, and simply corrected her slight mistake, since Kalyutim probably didn’t secretly hate her. Increasingly annoyed with Omnarin’s refusal to take her seriously and tell her the truth, Tracidel argued that however much he tried to hide it, every decision of Tracidel’s evidently makes Kalyutim absolutely furious. Omnarin chuckled, “oh definitely!” Shockingly, this wasn’t improving Tracidel’s outlook much. She wondered why exactly anyone would try to pretend Kalyutim doesn’t hate her, considering how much he hates everything she does. What’s even the difference at that point?
Omnarin thought it was just like Tracidel said—Kalyutim obviously gets angry with her even when he tries to hide it. Omnarin wasn’t sure, she wasn’t exactly a psychologist, but if she had to guess, Kalyutim probably wasn’t a very good liar. If Kalyutim really secretly hated Tracidel deep down, he’d probably accidentally admit that all the time too. The fact that someone as incapable of patience as him even tries to lie to her about how much he likes her ideas, or what jobs he thinks she can handle, or anything else he thinks she’ll care about… probably means he thinks pretty highly of her.
Tracidel grumbled that he has a pretty funny way of showing it. Omnarin laughed. Kalyutim was a pretty funny Supergod.
The siblings’ conversation was cut short by a stressed Kalyutim violently bursting through the God Cel barrier, his eyes darting around Beyond frantically. Kalyutim quickly scanned Beyond as fast as he could for any sign of where the stranger had gone. Though more limited in Beyond, his Omniscience^3 was nonetheless quickly able to pinpoint an approximate location and desperately continued chasing after them. With no Elastics to acquire speed from, the stranger was now no faster than Kalyutim and would logically be far less skilled at quickly maneuvering through Beyond, lacking any knowledge of the area. As Kalyutim sprinted through Beyond as fast as he could, he sensed numerous mortals observing him with great confusion and attempted to enlist their help by shouting “SLOW DOWN THAT SUPERGOD!!!” and pointing frantically ahead of him, to which he received a wide range of “What?!?”s. Kalyutim was at his absolute wits end with the apparent necessity for him to do everything around here. Thinking quickly, the purple Supergod grabbed a Thet InVerse and threw it in the stranger’s direction, hoping to slow them down in confusion. To his shock, the stranger seemingly anticipated this and caught the InVerse, which Kalyutim hoped would at least allow him to see their face, and it would have done, had his vision not then been very slightly obscured by being whacked aggressively hard in the face with a model Hellensoerensen held by Omnarin and flung across Beyond, crashing into the side of a Monocosm. For his troubles, he did at least get his InVerse back, thrown lightly in his direction by the stranger.
“Why… the HELL… did you DO THAT?!?!?!?”
A fuming Kalyutim suppressed his desire to repeatedly beat the model Hellensoerensen over this green idiot’s head and instead loudly demanded Omnarin get out of his way while shoving them to the side, having completely lost any trace of the stranger. As Kalyutim desperately ran around Beyond for any sign of where they had gone, Tracidel attempted repeatedly to offer her help. Though she wasn’t sure what was going on, if there was anything she could do for Kalyutim all he had to do was as-
Kalyutim rushed through Beyond, desperately trying to identify any trace of the stranger, however the more he tried, the clearer it became that he could no longer detect any sign of their presence. Exhausted, he eventually slowed to a halt and gave up on chasing the stranger, absolutely furious in the knowledge that he would have been able to catch up to them before they vanished had Omnarin not interfered.
Knowing they could still be in Beyond somewhere and could potentially pose a significant threat if they wished, Kalyutim interrupted as many mortal observation posts as possible and demanded to know any information they might have on the unidentified Supergod. Any that were able to provide information did so with great confusion and seeming uncertainty over what the question even meant, with others who absolutely should have detected plenty of useful information reporting no Supergod sightings besides the Emergency Council, because apparently everyone just had to be completely useless whenever Kalyutim needed anything from them! Just absolutely fantastic!!
From the confused and clueless ramblings of these unhelpful imbeciles, Kalyutim was able to somewhat piece together a probable route they may have taken which, give or take some useless statistics on Kalyutim’s present location that he was pretty sure he was well aware of thanks, appeared to terminate… in the same Monocosm in which Ven vanished.
It’s going to be one of those metadays.
Kalyutim slowly and cautiously inched towards the Monocosm, attempting to discern what was inside yet unable to detect anything. The brief flashes of information he did receive from his Omniscience^3 while focusing on it appeared to be completely random, showing small glimpses of different Beyond Bubble configurations, various ways to pronounce the word “inventory” in fourteen and a third temporalphonic languages, and philosophical musings on the concept of baseballs, successfully narrowing down the Monocosm’s potential contents to literally anything in Transcendentem. Fantastic. Upon tentatively entering the Monocosm, Kalyutim found no Supergods, but instead a peculiar and disorienting orange verse in place of where an Omnivese might normally be. The verse was confusing; despite its small size, Kalyutim’s Omniscience^3 began flashing ever greater random factoids as he approached it, as if this verse contained an incomprehensible amount of information. Kalyutim tried to move closer to the verse, yet no matter how much further he moved, his position in the Monocosm seemed to change very little. Instead, the orange verse appeared to slowly expand in front of him. Once this became severe enough, a frightened Kalyutim attempted to stop and turn back, yet lost his spatial grip and began slowly powerlessly floating towards the orange wormhole expanding front of him, dominating so much of the metaphysical space that the Monocosm and the entire rest of Beyond began to appear more like a verse contained within the now colossal orange void. Kalyutim sped up further and further as he spiraled rapidly into the orange expanse, faster and faster and faster as the Monocosm disappeared into the distance as a tiny speck behind him…
All the noise and motion fell to a halt as Kalyutim was dropped into a strange logically gaseous area. It seemed just like Beyond, but something was… off. But it wasn’t… it wasn’t to do with anything around him. It was the… silence. Kalyutim couldn’t access his Omniscience^3 at all. He received no visions, no premotions, no warnings, no flashes of useless information, nothing. For the first time in his life, he was just floating in the completely silent void.
You know, until a crazed and violent Supergod grabbed him from behind and began aggressively attempting to disintegrate him.
Okay, maybe not so silent.
The frightened and highly about-to-die Supergod desperately tried to get some kind of grip on his current situation, struggling frantically to acquire details as fast as usual due to his lacking Omniscience^3. Forced to just assume the method through which he was being torn apart without any way to check, Kalyutim resisted by aligning his Godsmoke consistently in one logical direction, hoping that it would disorient the omnidirectional separation attack. Apparently, it did. As soon as the blue Supergod found the flow of their attack interrupted, they immediately stopped, seemingly confused by Kalyutim’s mere existence, giving him the perfect chance to escape his grip as fast as possible. While trying to get his bearings, Kalyutim quickly noticed a small magenta Supergod standing right next to him, looking more confused than any creature he had ever encountered. Baffled at why this frail being was standing still despite the clearly imminent danger, Kalyutim shouted “Run!” at the Supergod as they quickly fled from the still disoriented blue maniac behind them. It was only now Kalyutim noticed he was actually surrounded by many more than just the one Supergod, most visibly a grey Supergod enhancing their sentences of bafflement quite loudly, whom Kalyutim quickly identified as… Paradoxus?!
“What are you doing here?!?”
“Who- Wha- What do you mean “WhAt ArE yOu DoInG hErE?!?!?””
“What the-“
“Where’d you come from?!”
“Wait, is that another one?”
Kalyutim had yet to properly proces-
“Hi new friend!!!!!!”
Kalyutim had yet to properly process the fact that he had arrived here via a terrifying cosmology-defying orange nightmare hole, or that an Omnipotent^3 Supergod had just attempted to murder him upon arrival, as he was too busy comprehending how exactly Paradoxus and Logixel were in Beyond, but… not the Beyond? A really empty Beyond?? The small magenta Supergod seemed no clearer on Kalyutim’s existence and questioned how he knew who Paradoxus and Logixel were, and Kalyutim questioned if this is where they had gone after the Collapse. This seemed to cause even more confusion, as the others were under the impression they hadn’t “gone” anywhere! A perplexed Logixel seemed to realize something before turning to Kalyutim and asking “Wait, do you hav-”, a question quickly interrupted by Paradoxus demanding Unthil explain exactly what was happening here, much to the annoyance of the magenta Supergod. Unthil didn’t exactly appreciate his life-threatening abilities being constantly relied on by everyone who didn’t have to risk mental collapse every time they were used. Paradoxus didn’t exactly appreciate hearing any complaints about what Unthil does for anyone else after finding out every single supposedly selfless thing he’s ever done for them is apparently JUST COMPLETELY WORTHLES-
Kalyutim began to ignore Paradoxus as he thought about what he had heard just prior, before only now noticing the yellow Supergod who was seemingly for whatever reason elated by this turn of events, the yellow Supergod who looked a surprising amount like Tracidel…
The two purplish Supergods turned towards each other as they shared the same horrific realization at once, their synchronized realizations triggering an even more horrific realization as the two alternate selves stared at each other in fear.
“Oh no…”
Before Kalyutim could even comprehend the implications of him being thrown into a parallel Transcendentem, he was suddenly and without the warning he was still not used to not having, thrown aside with great force by the blue Supergod, who grabbed hold of and immobilized Unthil. The deranged maniac who Kalyutim only now realized was probably some kind of bizarro version of Conceptilum stated boldly that he was sick and tired of distractions and was ready to show Unthil the true meaning of POWER! Terrifying, RUTHLESS power! Conceptilum then screamed “OBSERVE!!!” before beginning a very sloppy attempt to disintegrate Unthil.
Upon seeing this, Kalyutim immediately leapt into action and generated a thin energy wire which he immediately flung and wrapped around Conceptilum’s extremities. Confused but undeterred, the blue Supergod continued pouring his violent energy towards Unthil, now being absorbed by the wire as it began glowing blue and sparking with Omnipotent^3 power. With Conceptilum’s unwittingly added force, Kalyutim was able to physically yank Conceptilum away with all his strength, sending him tumbling through Beyond. Conceptilum attempted to grab Unthil while being flung away, but he had no idea how to control his inflicted paralysis and the area of stasis placed around the magenta Supergod quickly flickered and vanished.
Still holding the energy wire, Kalyutim tempted to fling the flailing Conceptilum into a nearby Monocosm, however the frenzied fanatic was able to sever the wire wrapped around his hands with an ear-piercing shriek. Still spinning aimlessly with no idea of how to stop himself, Conceptilum grabbed hold of the now free-floating wire and yanked the powerless Kalyutim towards him with unstoppable force. Unthil watched in awe as the two Supergods tumbled and span chaotically through Beyond with no control, ultimately crashing into each other and falling with great speed into the nearby Monocosm. Slowed by the Monocosm’s viscus Outside, Conceptilum regained what passed for his composure and grabbed hold of the purple pest, charging all his energy into a punch that would smush him into a velvet paste. Kalyutim struggled but was unable to free himself from the Omnipotent^3’s grip, until a tiny magenta pellet harmlessly bounced off Conceptilum’s head and whizzed off into Beyond. The furious blue Supergod turned around to see a frightened and hapless Unthil shrinking away, a distraction just barely long enough for Kalyutim to grab hold of Conceptilum’s fist and redirect his Supergod-pasting punch right into his own face.
Conceptilum recoiled in pain and clawed in futility at the quickly escaping Kalyutim. The velvet non-paste emerged from the Monocosm and once again screamed “RUN!” as loudly as he could, while Conceptilum screeched with the fury of a thousand angry weasels as he successfully failed to solve the daunting puzzle of “how to exit a Monocosm”.
Another Supergod who had been standing idly by Conceptilum jumped in to block Kalyutim from following the escaping Unthil. The pale green Supergod asserted that whoever this mauve menace was, he was in no position to challenge the authority of the great SuperGod Council, its indisputable leader, or most importantly its most notable, iconic, and useful member: Realitus! Realitus ordered the “trespassing fiend” to stand down, or he may be forced to allow Conceptilum (still seemingly unsure of quite how to leave a Monocosm) to take further action! Kalyutim stared in silence for a few metaseconds, repeating all five stages of grief in his mind aleph five times over before he finally worked up the courage to say “…Really?” Realitus seemed taken aback by this response for the briefest instant, before quickly transitioning to irritation at the outsider’s disrespect. Kalyutim should be careful how he treats such a talented and respected prodigy, Conceptilum may have some very strong words for him! At that moment, Conceptilum finally (though violently and with great difficulty) emerged from the Monocosm, screaming as loudly as he could, which counted as words enough for Kalyutim, who immediately took the hint and fled the scene.
The still screaming Conceptilum launched a poorly aimed blue shockwave in Kalyutim’s general direction, which he only narrowly avoided the edges of because Unthil had grabbed him at the last metasecond and began dragging him along with himself and the other three. Logixel frantically and cluelessly questioned if the purple Supergod was some kind of alternate Unthil? Is that what was going on?? Kalyutim wasn’t sure this was exactly the best metatime for elaboration considering he has no idea what was going on, how he got here, how he’ll get back, or why there’s a deranged version of his father attempting to murder him. As Kalyutim said this, the four heard Conceptilum scream “I’M THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS!!!!” and began rapidly spinning his arms as he fluttered towards them like a helicopter seed. An evil helicopter seed.
Logixel tried to clarify that Conceptilum wasn’t normally like this, though he was drowned out by Paradoxus questioning why Kalyutim was so scared of being murdered, why should upper class Omniscient^3 Supergods like him worry about such peasant matters as death when they have their “resurrection devices?!?” Kalyutim was baffled, why would he make resurrection devices?! Those useless things take up so much essential energy for such a low and fragile chance of success that they’d permanently cripple any Supergod dumb enough to make them! Unthil seemed to intentionally avoid looking at anyone as Kalyutim said this. Paradoxus growled the most wrathful and vitriolic “Yyep.” any of them had ever heard.