полная версияVerse and Dimensions: Stories

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Verse and Dimensions: Stories

Полная версия

“You – I knew it!” The Recruiter boldly declared, though on the inside she felt looming dread. Pi, with his predatory instincts, sensed this and he grinned.

Pi looked at The Recruiter with confusion, before he accidentally slipped over a banana peel-shaped lump of trosinium below him. He fell down, hitting his head on a logically sharp corner of the monocosm, and didn’t get back up. Suddenly, a group of Fourth Walls, which happened to be nearby, were alerted to the corpse and swarmed towards it. They viciously consumed it, absorbing many of the components. However, they soon expelled it from themselves, finding the contents of the components incompatible with them.The Fourth Wall thus darted away from the scene, as The Recruiter watched the mangled and half-eaten remains of Pi melt into shadows before disappearing. She approached Hyperman and The Supergods, to see if they were okay. Imagination sat up. “What was that nightmarish beast!? It was truly horrifying – and why am I suddenly speaking clearly?!” She asked, now with seemingly more self-awareness. The Recruiter saw that all the beings were overcome with a large level of insanity and fear, so she removed it from them all to restore them to normal. “Wow, that was a big scary snake!” Imagination then said, now back to her previous self. Hyperman rubbed his head, groaning in pain.“‘You knew’, and yet you never told your little friends about me – though I’m sure that’s for good reason.” Replied Pi, as he approached Hyperman and The Supergods. They all were immobilized by the sheer fear and insanity induced by Pi’s presence, especially for a being of his magnitude compared to theirs. However, he knew that they still possessed awareness of what was currently occurring. “Allow me to fill you all in for her.” he said, now standing directly over them. “I am but a humble holy warrior, seeking to act in the service of my lord. In doing so, I have done many things. I have taken infinite lives, eradicated infinite civilizations, and have sowed chaos and madness all throughout Existence. I have even been responsible for some of your greatest trials, and your nightmares..” as he said this, Hyperman and the Supergods saw visions of Xaragon, Kotoblade, Venrensorys, and Dark Oblivious. “That’s right, you can thank me for them. Oh, but that is just the beginning, my friends. I am at the cusp of fructificating my final, greatest victory, the one goal I have strived towards all this metatime. You may join this cause so that we may share in the glory together, or you can stand and watch the end of everything.” Hyperman, despite his restraint, was able to muster just enough willpower to rise up slightly, and look at Pi. “I…will…never!” he forced himself to say. Pi shook his head in disapproval. “A shame. Oh well, goodbye then.” he said, as he prepared to terminate everyone. Suddenly, he was struck by an energy attack from The Recruiter. “Stay back, fiend!” she declared. Pi crouched like an animal and hissed at The Recruiter, a long snake-like tongue flicking out as he did so. “You know what, I don’t have the metatime for this. None of you were what I truly came for.” Pi growled, and he rapidly scampered like a lizard throughout the Tree monocosm. His long snake-like trunk of a torso, as well as many of his tentacles, dragged themselves along the surfaces he scaled, as a serpent would slither. He searched everywhere in the monocosm, soon becoming flustered as he had no success in finding what he was looking for. “What…where is it? It’s not here!” Pi angrily hissed. The Recruiter stepped forward. “Well I have something for you – a trosinium banana peel!”

”That was just a manifestation?!” Paradoxus exclaimed.“He has never been able to achieve a manifestation of such magnitude before…” The Recruiter worriedly said to herself.

The Recruiter nodded. “Indeed. I knew he would have been too much of a coward to appear to us in his true form, anyways. But this shadows that his power is in fact growing, likely due to the increased chaos being spread throughout Existence.” There was a look of worry visible in her expression. “-We must prepare. Now that we know what we are up against, We need to properly equip you for a threat of this magnitude.” she said to the group.

“Wait, what about The Cloak?” Asked Conceptilum.

“Oh, almost forgot…” she then realized out loud, as another Recruiter appeared, holding a fabric made of stars. “I retrieved The Cloak from Transcendentem-Th.I took it from an Avatar of a Destroyer.” she said, before the two of them recombined. “Come with me, it is metatime to bring you to my home.”

“Your home? Where is it?” asked Logixel.

The Recruiter smiled. “‘Where’ wouldn’t quite describe it properly, she said, as she snapped her fingers.

Then, Pi folded the structure of The Gift into a configuration in the shape of a dagger. “…nor the blade to slice it…”

CHAPTER 9 . . . Dei tried to continue reading, but her voice kept breaking up, and she was trembling. Qorter scoffed at this. “Oh, please. Are you seriously afraid of the villain? He’s named after the crazy juice for crying out loud!” ”Exactly!” Replied Dei. “That must mean he is really crazy!” Onu sighed, as Dei worked up enough courage to continue reading. . . . As much as Hyperman wanted to, he could not describe what he was experiencing. The group found themselves in a new realm, which he assumed was The Recruiter’s aforementioned ‘home’. Everything was so beyond his – and The Supergods’ – perception, that they couldn’t properly comprehend anything that was going on around them. “Come, the palace is this way.” The Recruiter beckoned, leading everyone along. “Wait, is that ‘thing’ supposed to be a palace?” asked Unthil, referring to an abstract conceptual notion. “Oh, I keep forgetting, you’re all so tiny. Don’t worry, your ‘vision problems’ will soon be fixed.” The Recruiter said as she led the group into the palace. The group was brought before a being, or at least they were told it was supposed to be a being. All that they experienced was a presence, and a mass of abstract shapes accompanied by some other presences with masses of abstract shapes. “Apex, you already know what happened, so I won’t waste any metatime reiterating it.” The Recruiter told them. As the others were too low-level to comprehend Apex and everything else, only The Recruiter could hear their reply. “Yes, I indeed am well aware. It is concerning that Pi has resurfaced. I also know the reason you have brought this group here.” The Recruiter nodded. “Yes. I would like to make them Transcendent Deities.” “Make us what?” asked Conceptilum. The Recruiter faced the group. “Transcendent deities are beings on a level of power comparable to my own. As transcendent deities, you’ll stand a better chance against our now-known enemy, as well as be able to comprehend and interact with more of Existence’s higher-level Properties.” She turned back to Apex. “So, may we proceed?’” “…Very well.” Apex finally said after a brief pause. Then, there was a sudden flash. When it ended, nobody in the group looked or felt any different. However, what they were seeing had completely changed. They were now standing in a grand castle with ornate design, standing before a throne with other beings standing beside it. The Interpreter, The Gatekeeper and other fragments were all standing together at either side of the throne. Apex, however, still was incomprehensible to them. Now, onto the next order of business.” said Apex. “You have recovered all pieces of The Knight’s gear.” The Recruiter nodded. “Yes, but as you know, the Blade of Destiny has been fragmented into five shards. And we both know the only thing that can reforge it.” Apex nodded. “Yes, I do. I can lead the group to the place this metatime, while you stay. I would like to reacquaint myself with my old acquaintances, anyways.” The Recruiter nodded. “Understood. I and the other fragments will formulate strategies in the meanmetatime. Let’s let the group stay here and rest a short while first, however. I think they have all earned it after everything they have been through thus far.” “I think something we would appreciate more than the rest is some answers as well.” Conceptilum interjected. “We still don’t know exactly what we are getting ourselves into.” “To be truthful, I myself did not yet know until recently.” The Recruiter replied. At that metamoment, another of Apex’s fragments, The Interpreter, approached the group. “Allow me to explain. I can tell them the histories best out of us.” he offered. The Recruiter hesitated, before giving a nod of approval and stepping aside. “Our history is a legend, one which has been forgotten by most in Existence. But that is for good reason.” He sighed, closing his eyes before reopening them again. “Long ago, Existence had order. Everything was fair, and was right. We as fragments had not yet come to be. We all were one with Apex; they which had first arranged this region of Nonexistence into an orderly configuration, that being Existence – also known as Whateverse.” “‘Whateverse’? Such a queer name for a supposedly important place,” Realitus commented. The Interpreter ignored the remark, continuing his explanation. “All was balanced and controlled, until invaders from beyond – The External Hazard – incurred Whateverse and threw the order into chaos. The Hazard was a corruption as the result of the deteriorating psyche of a mad god from far beyond Whateverse, Najha-Tebah. Apex was soon overwhelmed, but other beings from beyond, powerful Aspect Lords, arrived and assisted Apex in quelling the threat. Pi was among these beings, and for some metatime was in fact a great and seemingly loyal ally. There was much trial and error in attempting to locate Najha-tebah and destroying it, until eventually Apex conceded. They lost control over the order, and created fragments of themself, including The Recruiter and I. Soon, a new threat in the form of a cosmic conqueror known as The New God, who had weaponized the Hazard, rose up. Despite Pi’s supposed loyalty, in truth he may have always had darkness in him. Some buried desire seduced him to this inner darkness as he fully embraced it and defected from us, He joined The New God instead, and dedicated himself to the worship of Najha-Tebah as a deity. Pi later returned with a mad fury, the inner darkness visibly having taken a hold over his avatar as well. He exterminated many of the Aspect Lord allies, nearly achieving a full genocide. It was only stopped when The Knight, the brother of The New God, as well as the owner of the gear you have sought out, defeated Pi and drove him away. He later also defeated The New God, trapping him in nonexistence.” The Recruiter paused, allowing his explanation to sink in. “The ramifications of these events were too much for the minds of mortals to bear, so it was made for them to forget most of the war as metatime passed, until now we stand here. Pi has never been gone. He has been in hiding all this metatime, watching attentively. He has been responsible for many heinous events, as he has shown you. And now, it appears he is preparing to enact his ultimate plan.” “And what is his plan?” Asked Logixel. The Interpreter paused. “I shall not say, for fear of being proven correct.” – Pi exited his trance, gasping out. He had finally made himself known to Whateverse’s allies, and while he gained satisfaction from striking fear into them, he realized that he had relinquished the advantage provided by his anonymity. And what was worse, his gamble did not pay off as he couldn’t find what he was searching for in The Tree’s monocosm. Still, it was not a complete loss for him, as he still found one other thing of use… Before Pi could begin with that, however, his current priority still was focused on locating what he had been searching for. As it no longer was in The Tree’s location, Pi needed to manually find it. It took some metatime, but after scrying all of Whateverse, Pi finally found what he was looking for. He laughed maniacally, as he teleported to his destination. – Location: The Nexus Foundation, Transcendentem Continuum-TCt… The workers and scientists of The Nexus Foundation were celebrating the recent completion of the construction of the Xaspunum Nexus. After a long metatime, they had finally installed a Xaspunum gate in the last unconnected monocosm in the Transcendentem Continuum. However, what none of the scientists and workers expected amidst their celebrations was the sudden invasion by a chaotic monstrous being. Instances of the External Hazard were spread all throughout the base, killing and mutating most of the inhabitants. On-site guards began shooting at the being, but their primitive weaponry was useless against it. Pi reveled in the sounds of chaos and suffering, music to him as he disposed of everyone in his way. He finally came upon The Gift, housed in a protective vacuum. He released the vacuum, and the Gift fell into his hands. He smiled in delight as he finally “held” (not quite yet, as this was only his avatar) the relic he had desired for so long in his claws. “Oh, [REDACTED]. You may have been able to erase everything in The Tree…” He unlocked The Gift, removing from it an archversal object which in a mortal’s perception appeared similarly to an apple. “…but you were never able to erase the Fruit it bore....”


She approached him. “Metapenny for your thoughts?”

CHAPTER 10 Meanwhile, in Whateverse’s capital, the group was resting in their own forms of leisure, before they were to depart. Imaginatim was viciously gnawing on a wheel of cheese, Realitus was admiring his reflection in a mirrorverse, Unthil was meditating with the use of his expanded Omniscience and discovering the answers to all his questions, Conceptilim was giving himself a pep talk, Logixel was writing an inscripverse of potential speeches to talk down enemies, and Paradoxus was practicing and training in the armoryverse. The Recruiter looked to see Hyperman meanwhile slumped over in a seat, seemingly contemplating.

Hyperman sighed. “Even despite me being on equal footing with the Supergods’ power, I just can’t help but feel inadequate. They all seem condescending to me, and I don’t think they have really bought into me being useful. They still just see me as a ‘mortal’.”

The Recruiter smiled. “Ah, almost like how you have made mortals feel.”

Hyperman was confused. “What?”

“You never realized it, did you? Well, allow me to fill you in. All this metatime, you yourself have been ungrateful and condescending to lower beings, taking them for granted. And when the Constant mortalized you, you did not take it very gracefully.”

Hyperman looked down, digesting The Recruiter’s words.

“If there is one thing I have learned over the course of my existence, Hyperman, it is this: you cannot attain the honor and reverence you seek by gaining everything; rather, you must lose everything.” She looked down at Hyperman, who gazed upon her inquisitively. “Food for thought.” she then said with a smile, patting him on the back as she walked away.

Apex and the group soon traveled through a mysterious realm, taking in its magnificent sights. It was not unlike a scene in a painting of nature drawn by a mortal human.Apex arose from their throne. “Come, it is metatime to assemble and depart for our last destinations.” They declared, as they teleported everyone away.

“What is this place?” Hyperman asked, astonished. “This dimension does not have any name, but it serves as a sanctuary for some of the most powerful beings in Existence.” Apex replied, as several large mighty Dragons flew overhead.

“These Dragons are incredibly powerful Aspect Lords. In fact, Pi had once used to be one of them. If there is anyone which can help us to reforge the Blade of Destiny, it is them.”

. . .

. . .“Aha, I knew it! In your face!” Dei triumphantly declared as she jabbed a finger at Onu. Onu rolled his eyes in response. “Oh please, by The Elder’s giant gaping aynysys!”

Suddenly, the group was met with the imposing form of a mighty White Dragon, which landed before them with a heavy thud. It was Alpha.

“WHAT ENTERS OUR SANCTUARY. STATE YOUR INTENTIONS.” He monotonously bellowed, almost robotically. He gazed down on the group, streams of White Flames flaring out from him.

Apex moved forward. “At ease, Alpha! These are friends of mine. We all come in peace…” they replied, trying to calm Alpha at ease. The white Dragon only squinted harder. “I WILL NOT BELIEVE THAT UNTIL-” Suddenly, Alpha roared out in pain as he collapsed, and he was suddenly enveloped by pure black darkness. When the darkness dissipated, a feminine black Dragon stood in Alpha’s place.

“Please excuse my other half, beloveds.” Omega softly said, sort of sheepishly. “I apologize for the improper introduction. Alpha can be a bit…protective.”

“That’s sure a weird way of wording ‘murderous’.” Hyperman murmured under his breath.

“I shall take you to our leader to meet you.” she then turned to Apex. “I’m sure all the others will be delighted to once again see you after all this metatime.”

Led by Omega, the group began to near a clearing in the distance. As they entered it, a large magnificent rainbow Dragon sat proudly, with some other Dragons lingering near him on nearby ledges.

“Ah…guests have decided to grace me with their presence. It has been far too long since I have last interacted with those who are not Dragon-Kin.” The rainbow Dragon spoke as he sat tall. His voice was powerful, but not in a way that was intimidating or aggressive. It was more so in a sense of him being assertive and affirmative.

Apex lightly bowed to the Dragon as a greeting. “It is good to see you, Mu.”

Mu returned the gesture, with a light noble bow of his own. “Indeed it is, Apex. Though I fear this visit was not simply out of missing an old friend. If not, then you would not have brought this group of yours here. Tell me, what have you really come for?” Mu inquired.

Apex presented the broken shards of the sword before Mu. “We seek to reforge The Knight’s Blade of Destiny. If there is anything that can melt the material down, it is your Dragon flames.”

Mu stared down at the shards laid at his claws, as if contemplating, before looking back at Apex. “Very well. Prepare the blade and stay back.”

With that, Apex placed the shards into a mold that they conjured, before they and the group stepped backwards. Mu stood up higher, his chest expanding. Then, in a loud roar, Mu spat out a stream of brilliant Rainbow Flames, which entirely engulfed the sword’s shards. The flames softened the material, allowing them to melt back together into a single whole weapon.

Mu extracted the white-hot sword from its mold, placing it on the ground before cooling it down with breath that appeared like cold steam.

Apex took the sword gratefully. “Thank you, Mu.”

“I am greatly concerned what calamity would cause the need for this weapon to once again arise…” Mu said, a hint of worry persisting in his stoic voice.

“Pi has returned. He is planning something of grand design.” Replied Apex.

Mu lowered his head, seemingly in shame. “I am sorry, Apex. I truly wish I could help, but I cannot.”

“What? Why not?!” Demanded Paradoxus.

Mu drew a heavy sigh, faint wisps of Rainbow Flames flaring from his snout as he did so. “I could have stopped him, but in my cowardice I allowed his rampage to ensue.” Shamefully, Mu uncurled his tail, to reveal an old scar on the side of his form at a position in which he had received damage. “And yet I still did not escape unharmed. I could not in good conscience lead my group into battle after my horrible failure…”

“-Byllshaet!” Another voice rasped, the direction from which flew drops of Metaslime spittle that got on Mu’s face. The Dragon Rho slowly crawled up to him. “How long will ‘long enough’ be?! We’ve been hiding here for far too long! We should be out there, getting back into the fight!” He rasped in a gurgling voice, before turning his head to hack up some metaslime phlegm.

Then, another Dragon, Beta, interjected. They didn’t speak through verbal dialogue, but rather interpretive movements.

“I’m sorry, what did that one say?” Hyperman asked the other Dragons.

“They said that Love is the key to fixing this.” Said Omega.

“No, what they said is we shouldn’t be standing around here and wasting our metatime!” Rho grunted.

Omega turned into Alpha, which said “What they said was Pi needs to be neutralized.”

Fi was about to suggest what he thought Beta said, but all the other Dragons simultaneously turned to him and shouted “NO!” before he could.

“That’s enough! All that Beta said was that he was bored by this conversation!” Apex frustratedly interrupted, being the only one capable of interpreting Beta’s language.All the Dragons bickered with each-other over what they thought Beta meant to say, while Beta cringed in embarrassment and hid their face behind their wings.

Mu again shook his head. “I cannot come with you…I am sorry. But know that we will have you in our thoughts as you embark on your journey.”

Apex nodded, slightly disappointed, as he led the rest of the group back out of the realm. As they did so, Mu, Rho and some other Dragons were murmuring amongst themselves, debating.

“Now that we have all the gear, what’s next?” Hyperman asked as they traveled.

“We shall present it to The Knight, and he shall don it and lead us into battle.” Replied Apex as they entered another dimension. They came upon a quaint elegant mansion perched atop a hill, on an earth-like planet.

“After the war, The Knight wanted to lay low. So he decided to live somewhere more humble, so as to distance himself from his former existence.” Apex replied before they entered the house. At the end of the hall they came into, there was a living room, in which sat an old man resting in his armchair. He appeared to have been sleeping, a book he was reading beforehand opened in his lap.“For such a figure of a supposedly legendary stature, this is strangely modest.” Realitus sniffled.

Apex approached the old man, before saying “Wake up.”

At those two words, the man started up in his seat, the force of his jolt causing a small wooden box on a shelf above him to fall off and bonk him in the head. The man rubbed his head, groaning in pain before he looked up to see Apex and the others. Again he jolted back. “Apex?! What are you doing here?”

The man looked down at the armor, then back up at Apex and the others, remaining silent for a moment. “…No.”Slowly, Apex stepped forward, before kneeling down to present the Knight gear to the man. “It is metatime…”


Apex and the rest of the group were taken aback. “No, you don’t understand…”

“No, I don’t think you understand, Apex!” The man snapped. “I made it abundantly clear when I last took off that armor that I was never putting it back on! I never wanted that life, and I don’t want it now; especially long after I’ve retired.”

Hyperman clenched his fists. “This isn’t fair. Do you have any idea what we have done to gather these?! You are supposed to be our hero-”Apex stood up. “Listen, Pi has returned!” they revealed. The old man perked up for a brief moment upon hearing the name, as if stirred by it. But the light in his eyes once again faded. “I don’t care what threat has arisen this week! I told you, I am done. And need I remind you, this is all partially your fault? If one of your fragments had never retaliated against my brother, then…” he paused, not finishing his sentence. He sighed. “-Even if I wanted to, I’m not in proper shape. The only thing keeping me from crumbling to dust is my immortality. So whether or not I want to fight, I can’t.” He sighed. “I’m sorry, Apex, but I was never your chosen one. And I definitely am not now. Go find some other Knight to get into that shining armor. Because it isn’t me…”

“Never meet your heroes....” the old man somberly said, a sense of shame in his voice. “-Or else, this is what you get.”

Apex was silent for a moment, before slowly replying. “I…I see. Very well.” They said, motining for the rest of the group to follow them as they took back the knight gear and left the mansion. The old man continued staring down at the floor, dwelling on what he was told.

“Come, I will explain.” Apex said, as they teleported everyone back to Whateverse’s capital.“So, the one being who we were supposed to be investing so much in, and have gone on an entire wild goose chase for, won’t even accept the items we gathered. Wonderful.” Unthil bitterly remarked. Apex was about to reply, but suddenly stopped. “It’s gone.” they realized out loud. Hyperman looked at Apex in confusion. “What do you mean? What’s ‘gone’?” “The container…it was stolen from the Nexus Foundation. Pi took it.” “Container? What makes this container so important?” asked Logixel.

Pi had managed to procure the Peratik during his visit to The Tree, and trapped it in a logical resin. Dark Oblivious showed great promise to Pi as a champion, and so it had greatly pained him when they lost to a single mere Supergod Council – especially after having gained the power of another one. So he was forced to go with plan B, using Dark Oblivious to interfere with The Tree. But Pi was determined to not let such an embarrassing defeat happen again. He was going to bring back Dark Oblivious, and make them better and stronger.

CHAPTER 11 In an interdimensional void between several insignificant multiverses in The Barrel, The Architect aimlessly drifted. He had done and experienced so much by now – between the separation of Oblivion, the formation of Oblivious and the occurrence of The Alom Wars – that there was very little which ever excited or aroused Him any longer. Even His multiverses had lost their novelty, there having been an infinite amount that He created by this point. The Architect continued pondering His existence as the supreme ruler over all forms of infinity and potency, when He suddenly felt a magnetic pull begin to draw Him. To what destination, He did not yet know, but a clearer picture formed when The Architect found himself in the presence of another fellow Oblivious Entity – The Artisan. They would soon be joined by The Augur, The Artifact, The Alchemist, The Attendant, and infinitely many more. Eventually, a collection of all Oblivious Entities throughout the entire Barrel had been drawn together into one single group. Such an occurrence similar in any way to this current one had only happened once before – and seemed to be happening once again. All of the Oblivious Entities were caught in a whirling chaotic storm of Alom which raged all around and throughout them… – The form of Oblivious materialized itself. The first thing that they felt was confusion, as the last thing they remembered was being smashed into a Godverse. Once the disorentiation has subsided and Oblivious got their bearings, they realized that they were in a -verse (if it even was that) that they did not recognize. They looked up to see Pi looming over them with a grin. “(What are you?!)” Oblivious demanded. “I am your savior, which so generously chose to give you new life. Be grateful for it.” Pi answered. “(Why have I been brought back?! What am I even supposed to be?!)” roared Oblivious, still just as confused and chaotic as they had been originally. “You desire purpose? I’ll tell you what you are meant for, then…” Pi said as he slowly bent down towards Oblivious. “You exist to loyalty and unwaveringly serve me. Nothing more, nothing less. Should you choose to defy that directive, you will no longer exist and no longer have purpose. Do you understand?” Oblivious stared deeply at Pi, before finally nodding and bowing to him. Pi’s grin widened. “Excellent. Now, it is time to introduce you to your soon-to-be comrades.” After some rummaging, Pi smiled as he pulled out a jarverse containing a Peratik. But this was no ordinary Peratik. What made it special, what made it important to Pi, was the Alom which it had consumed, and specifically the being from which the Peratik had sapped the Alom; a version of Oblivious whom many referred to as “Dark Oblivious”. Contained within this Peratik was the last remaining trace of Dark Oblivious’ sentience and memories in all of Existence, following their erasure by The Tree. However,what prevented them from being fully erased were the Hazard seeds that Pi had originally presented to them. The seeds were specially engineered to be resistant to the erasing properties of The Tree, counteracting them.

Pi took an omnipotency capsule, breaking its exterior to reveal the alomic being residing within it – the size of a small doll to him. Laying the being out, Pi made an incision into the being’s head with a sharp-pointed tentacle, violently and sloppily tearing out the alomic mind in chunks that splattered everywhere. As he did so, the being’s mouth was agape in a silent scream of horror, as its form twitched and jerked, continuing to do so even after its entire mind was removed. After that, the body still slightly twitched periodically. Then, Pi sent forth lighting from his fingertips and electrocuted the being. This part actually had nothing to with the process, and Pi was just being sadistic. When the electrocution concluded, Pi used another of his tentacles to drill a hole into the resin, and siphoned the Alom from the fossilized peratik like a syringe. Then, Pi injected it into the being’s empty head from the tentacle. He sealed the being’s head shut, as the Alom from Dark Oblivious formed into the being’s mind. The being violently convulsed, its fists tightly curling up and releasing, and its legs kicking around repeatedly. Dark veins spread across its form, corrupting and perverting its existence. The being finally twisted to life, screaming in pain from being bright back into the

Immortal fold. Dark Oblivious was reborn. Of course, the first thing that Dark Oblivious saw upon coming back to life was the enormous looming silhouette of Pi, grinning madly. “Good to have you back.” He said with a chuckle.

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