Conceptilum didn’t want this to result in violence, so he ordered Xenixel to move towards Peralitus’s prison if he really cared about the Council. Matharin felt that Xenixel wasn’t going to listen and urged her partner to take what she referred to as “decisive action” now, while they still had the upper hand. Xenixel did not like the idea of dissolving his precious Supergod Council, but upon witnessing Conceptilum’s direct mutiny, he was left with no other option. Everyone had betrayed him. He can’t trust anyone. He can’t trust anything. He had to protect himself. But before they had the chance to make any further decisions, both Xenixel and Matharin were simultaneously distracted by the strangest information from their Omniscience^3. The two shared the slightest of glances and realized they had detected the same thing: The missing Trosinium had reappeared… inside the Council’s Beyond Bubble…
Xenixel was flung backwards with extreme speed by repeated attacks specifically calibrated to alter his logical position far faster than he could anticipate or react, one-by-one pushing him towards the edge of Hellensoerensen. Just barely able to prevent himself from falling into the hole he had previously smashed into the side of the automaton, a disoriented Xenixel desperately fired an immediate blast in the assailant’s direction, only for it to be absorbed by the redirection verses Empiroxus used before, now being held by a small red Supergod. Still without any opportunity to focus his Omniscience^3, Xenixel was unable to react before Logixel directed half the orange energy back at him, knocking him out of Hellensoerensen. Xenixel felt the harsh sting of the Breaker’s Slime around him as he desperately clung onto the sides of the automaton, while Logixel effortlessly resealed the opened vertex from within.
The other Supergods had only just barely had time to process what was even happening as they saw Logixel turn around to face them, radiating with bright red energy and clutching a redirection chain and peculiar Ultraverse. Conceptilum immediately attempted to immobilize his evidently possessed son, however before he could do so Logixel redirected the remainder of the orange energy directly at the extremities of his father’s Godmsoke, dealing great damage and severely limiting command of his metaphysical abilities. Conceptilum desperately tried to form come kind of constraints around the red Supergod, however due to his damaged Godsmoke the attack manifested as a series of direct lasers in Logixel’s direction, one piercing his Godsmoke and injuring him. Logixel recoiled in pain and Conceptilum stepped back, horrified at the injury he may have inflicted on his son. Unwilling to use his abilities again for fear of further hurting Logixel, Conceptilum tentatively stepped forward to restrain and heal him at a closer range where there was a minimized risk of error. With Conceptilum’s guard down, Logixel quickly ambushed the blue Supergod and threw him at overwhelming speeds into the opposite edge of Hellensoerensen, wrapping the redirection chain around him. Conceptilum felt all his energy being forced out of him by the chain, powerless to stop it from absorbing his energy and decaying his Godsmoke in the process. Logixel drew the blue energy out of the chain and used it to repeatedly punch Conceptilum, dealing blow after blow of Omnipotent^3 power.
Once Conceptilum was too injured to attempt an escape, Logixel formed the remaining blue energy into a sharp javelin which began to glow bright red, poised to impale Conceptilum. Before it could however, Logixel almost seemed to hesitate and hover the javelin in thin air, even though his expression suggested he was doing everything in his power to move it forward. Although this interruption was brief, it was just barely enough time for Paradoxus to intervene and ram into Logixel with all his strength. Paradoxus immediately snapped the energy javelin and struck Logixel with the object as hard as he could, forcing the possessed Supergod to form a feeble energy shield in front of him and move away from Conceptilum. Paradoxus could tell this attempt at defense would be easy to pierce and continuously struck the shield, cracking it and pushing Logixel towards the other side of the module. Matharin untied Conceptilum and did her best to heal him as quickly as she could.
Outside the automaton, Xenixel desperately attempted to blast open Hellensoerensen with all the force he could muster as what little Breaker’s Slime lingered around the robot’s edges began to degrade his Godsmoke. Matharin and Conceptilum were unable to come up with any form of plan fast enough, so against Conceptilum’s wishes, Matharin tapped further into her Omniscience^3 and determined the best course of action that could be achieved through minor causal alterations. Matharin began slowly altering the locations of small verses around Paradoxus and Logixel.
Paradoxus relentlessly battered the shield with every object he could find, yet despite its damaged appearance, it showed no signs of weakening, and instead began to only glow brighter and brighter white. Undeterred, and believing that giving Logixel even the slightest fraction of a chance to retaliate could be catastrophic, Paradoxus grabbed half of a broken machine Xenixel previously shattered and lunged towards his brother with all his might. Upon contact, the shield immediately dissolved into bright white matter. Paradoxus’s excitement quickly turned to fear as Logixel formed the energy he had collected from every one of Paradoxus’s attacks into one centralized blast, knocking Paradoxus across module 2 with all his own power. Paradoxus helplessly crashed between different collapsing and shattering machines as all the remaining white energy almost automatically formed smaller barriers in every direction around Paradoxus and more precise red beams from Logixel eliminated every object in his reach one-by-one. Logixel had Paradoxus completely surrounded, and the only verse Paradoxus could access was the Inscripverse he had dropped earlier.
Out of options, Paradoxus threw the Inscripverse towards Logixel and fired his largest blast at it, hoping it would set the Inscripverse alight. Instead, it somehow managed to obliterate the verse and form a thick energy barrier in its place. The grey shield was so sturdy, Logixel was completely incapable of even slightly weakening it. Thinking quickly, Paradoxus launched the barrier towards Logixel as a battering ram, shattering the barrier and sending the red Supergod flying across Hellensoerensen. Immediately, Matharin flung the redirection chain like a rope, and used its attempt to attract Logixel’s Omnipotent^2 energy to pull him in a more ideal direction. Matharin’s calculations had to be perfect or Logixel could be seriously injured. As Xenixel desperately pounded and pounded on the side of Hellensoerensen over and over, a colossal crack began to form, becoming wider and wider as Matharin flung Logixel towards the middle of module 2. Just as Logixel flew into the direct center, Xenixel fired his strongest blast, obliterating Hellensoerensen’s edge and almost crashing directly into Logixel. Matharin had just barely forced Logixel slightly out of the way, causing Xenixel’s attack to instead slice the Ultraverse he remained holding in half. There was a thunderous release of energy as the larger half flew out of Logixel’s hands and spun across Hellensoerensen, covering the module in bright red logical plasma. Paradoxus rushed towards the Ultraverse once it landed and summoned all his strength, crashing down on the Ultraverse with both of his fists.
The entirety of Hellensoerensen was illuminated bright grey as what was left of the Ultraverse was completely shattered, the red energy inside dispersing and then quickly vanishing from existence, while the smaller half in Logixel’s hands disintegrated, and the red Supergod lost consciousness. Matharin rushed over to her child to desperately check his condition: her plan had worked – Logixel was unconscious but unharmed.
Paradoxus collapsed in exhaustion as his logical surface scanners focused on the remains of the Inscripverse Kalyutim had given him. Barely able to string the concepts together, Paradoxus regrettably told the others that Xenixel was right… Empiroxus was the killer… he had been possessed just like Logixel… The gravely injured Conceptilum stared down at his hand shamefully and let out a sorrowed “I know…” as he opened his palm and allowed the specks of cyan Godsmoke Abstractil had trusted him with to float through Hellensoerensen.
As Matharin helped Conceptilum up and attempted to better heal his injuries, an overbearing Xenixel, surrounded by an overwhelming orange aura re-entered Hellensoerensen and stared down at the unconscious body of Logixel, and then spitefully towards his former coworkers who had just previously accused him of sabotage. Fearing what her Omniscience^3 suggested, Matharin desperately rushed in front of Logixel. Xenixel demanded she stand aside and allow him to execute the traitor. Xenixel could see the fear in Matharin’s eyes as she desperately explained that Empiroxus and Logixel had been possessed; they couldn’t really have been in control of their actions! Xenixel didn’t care. The still injured Conceptilum kept his head down and said nothing, unable to even look at his superior. Xenixel was disgusted that not only would Matharin falsely accuse him of betraying the council, but even after being proven wrong, she would dare continue defending these traitors?!? As far as he was concerned, Matharin was just as guilty as Empiroxus and Logixel! In that case, Matharin begged that he erase her in Logixel’s place, arguing that she had been the one to instigate accusations against Xenixel to begin with, so she was to blame more than anyone! Conceptilum desperately begged for Xenixel not to kill her but found himself unable to face the orange Supergod directly. The Council’s leader saw no reason to prolong the inevitable, and from his hand began shining a violently bright orange light upon the two red Supergods beneath him.
“Leave them alone.”
Xenixel slowly turned to the tiny grey Supergod who struggled to even keep himself steady. Xenixel questioned if Paradoxus truly dared to challenge him after every single assertion of his had been correct, despite the great error and treachery of everyone else! But Paradoxus regretted nothing he had said to Xenixel before. He was still impulsive, aggressive, he acted without reason and leapt to violence at the slightest inclination… They were right to challenge him. Those final words above all else outraged the orange Supergod. “You have no right to anything without me.” Matharin inanely babbled in layered pleas for forgiveness, attempts at bargains, admissions of her guilt on every possible level, she’d do anything just so long as Xenixel spared her children. But the Council’s leader had made up his mind, and his decisions were final.
Xenixel screamed as a sharp orange wave of energy sliced through Hellensoerensen like a knife, missing the Supergods only because of his apparent disorientation. Paradoxus grabbed Logixel and scrambled across the automaton along with his parents, desperately trying to escape as Xenixel flung attacks in seemingly random directions. Xenixel’s ability to properly aim became increasingly degraded as his constant visions returned, obscuring his consciousness. All four conscious Supergods could feel each missed attack increasingly destabilizing the already damaged Hellensoerensen.
Matharin begged Xenixel to please calm down and listen to reason; if he continued attacking them this aggressively, he could tear Hellensoerensen apart! Xenixel moved forward, illuminated above by his orange aura and from below by the dark red plasma still covering the module, and prepared an attack poised to obliterate Paradoxus in an instant. Xenixel was sick of trusting these creatures, all they had ever brought him was betrayal and failure. It was time to take things into his own hands. Cornered in module 2 with no means of escape, Matharin’s only hope was to reason with the Council’s leader. Taking precise care to never mention her children while standing directly in front of Paradoxus, Matharin accepted that she was guilty of a great many things, but if Xenixel were to fire an attack that powerful in such an already damaged module, directly in front of the schism he created, it would tear the entire automaton apart in an instant! Punishing traitors can’t be worth Xenixel’s own life! For his own sake, he desperately needed to reconsider!
Xenixel paused for just a moment, lowering his arm.
“I don’t care.”
The frenzied orange Supergod unleashed a precise, cannon-like burst of orange energy, intercepted by the robot’s damaged vertices long before it could reach the Supergods, shattering the two module cores and the valuable Trosinium inside, and expanding the crack to such great proportions that all five Supergods were cast into Transcendentem.
Conceptilum and Xenixel were just barely able to grab hold of Hellensoerensen’s edges while the former grabbed Matharin, herself clutching both Paradoxus and Logixel. The harsh sting of Breaker’s Slime surrounded them all as the violent swirling chaos of Transcendentem weakened the Supergods’ grip. Xenixel’s mind, on contact with the far greater quantities of Breaker’s Slime than previously, began to be overwhelmed with visions of horrific deaths and disintegration of his body and mind simultaneously. The injured Conceptilum did not have enough energy left to lift himself and his family back into Hellensoerensen, and begged Xenixel to help them. They had failed, constantly, and they were indebted to Xenixel for that, but they didn’t know what was going on! And- a-and if Xenixel would rescue them, they would do everything they could to fix Hellensoerensen! To fix the Council! He doesn’t have anyone else, what other choice did he have?? Please!
The blue Supergod’s words were barely registered by Xenixel as his paranoia reached a breaking point. Everything had failed him. Everything. His Council, his robot, his Tunnels, his Bubble, reality itself, his mind, his powers, he can’t trust anyone. He can’t trust anything. He can’t trust anyone. He can’t trust anything.
Conceptilum and Matharin pleaded with everything they could for Xenixel to please do anything to help them! Xenixel continuously whispered to himself over and over, “can’t trust anyone. can’t trust anything. can’t trust anyone. can’t trust anything. can’t trust anyone. can’t trust anything.” He stared at his former allies in disgust, knowing they would no doubt betray him again if given the chance. As Conceptilum saw Xenixel’s expression harden, his eyes filled with dread as he begged for Xenixel to reconsider. But the Council’s leader had made up his mind, and his decisions were final.
“Can’t trust anyone.”
Xenixel sliced through the edges of Conceptilum’s Godsmoke, flinging him from the edge of Hellensoerensen and casting him and his family into Transcendentem. The three screamed and flailed as they fell further into the Breaker’s Slime, no doubt ultimately to meet Empiroxus’s fate.
Xenixel forced himself back into the degraded Hellensoerensen. He ultimately regretted that he had to do what he did, but he was given no choice. The automaton now had no ability to transport anything anywhere and was barely even safe from the Breaker’s Slime outside to anyone but mortals, however it was at least mild enough inside that Xenixel’s mind felt the slightest bit more stable. That was all he could ask for now. Xenixel did his best to fight off the constant flashes of strange and useless information from his degrading Omniscience^3 as he slipped in and out of consciousness, hallucinating a bright red light growing around him from below and spreading in every direction…
Oblivion was a Monocosm utilized by the original Supergod Council to dispose of Alomic waste and deceased monocosmic gods. Eventually, the concentration of Alom transformed Oblivion into an infinite, semi-sentient Primordial Chaos. However, it ultimately turned on itself and imploded upon gaining self-awareness, and it technically no longer exists.
When The Supergod Council created Monocosmic gods such as Creators and Destroyers, they did so using a material known as Alom.
The process itself of creating monocosmic gods, as invented by Xenixel, was as follows:
A Supergod would break open an Omnipotency Capsule, extracting the Alomic being from within. This alomic being served as the “base” of the monocosmic god. They then proceeded to remove the being's mind, a process which was not painless whatsoever. Then, they formed raw Alom into a completely new mind, with certain programming specific to the type of monocosmic god, before inserting that mind into the empty husk. Finally, with the use of more raw Alom, the being's form was "sculpted" and "molded" into a form specific to their type, before being "activated".
This process was considered unethical and abusive by many of the other Supergods, who secretly followed a more humane method invented by Abstractil. Peralitus was the only other one who still followed Xenixel's original method, and did so exactly to the letter. Due to this, a dilemma was soon presented. The creation of an infinite amount of these monocosmic gods with Xenixel's method left behind many leftover scraps of Alom. There was also a problem with the deaths of monocosmic gods leaving behind Alom as well. After being manipulated for the purposes of creating the Monocosmic gods, or after those gods dying, the Alom could not simply be recycled for use in the creation of other gods. This was due to issues with potential contamination and impurity, as well as structural problems in the composition of the used Alom. Alom was also not a material that could easily be destroyed, even by Omnipotent^3 beings. It was possible for the Supergods to manually destroy it, but it was too tedious and inconvenient of a process. And there did not exist anywhere safely close enough outside Beyond to dump the corpses or waste. Simply dumping the waste right outside the Beyond Bubble would not only pollute the transcendental environment, but it would also potentially attract alom-feeding predators higher up on the Ecosystem's chain, which would pose a threat to the safety – and stability – of the cohort. While Empiroxus could have brought along some of the alomic waste during his expeditions and dumped them in the remote spots he arrived at, it would have added too heavy of a carry-load to him on top of anything else he had to bring to or from his destination. The most significant issue, however, was that none of these proposed solutions were convenient enough for Xenixel, who prioritized the Cohort's stability above all else. To him, doing anything otherwise would in itself undermine their "mission", and he strived to minimize anything besides the completion of this mission as much as possible.
And so, the brilliant foolproof idea was proposed by Xenixel to simply take all the Alomic waste, and transport it to an empty monocosm which the Council could freely continue to dump in. From then on, all the removed Omnipotency Capsule minds, Alom scraps from Xenixel's method, dismantled prototype gods and naturally deceased gods were cast into the monocosm. However, there was one slight problem. Such a high concentration of Alom, a material from which nearly all transcendental lifeforms are made, was bound to generate life and consciousness of some degree, even if unintentionally. This was an egregiously incompetent oversight on Xenixel's behalf, and even despite the vehement warnings of Empiroxus, the most vocal on the issue – Xenixel simply waved him away in dismissal, repeatedly assuring him he would "take it out later". But "Later" never came, primarily because Xenixel refused to take Empiroxus' concerns into consideration. He figured that Empiroxus was too unnecessarily paranoid, and thought it would be very unlikely for anything to come to life, especially considering that it was the remains of dead beings which were being dumped. But more importantly to him, there did not appear to be any other avenue of disposing of the Alom which wouldn't detract or jeopardize the maintenance of the cohort's stability. Conceptilum and Matharin were too intimidated by Xenixel to confront him on the issue or take matters into their own metahands, Abtractil was seemingly in denial of the potential threat, and Peralitus saw no issue at all, viewing this waste-disposal monocosm as Xenixel's perfect solution. Things continued as they were, even as the monocosm's contents started to breach its capacity.
Over metatime, the discarded Alom began forming together, taking on a collective yet separate series of consciousnesses from the fractured memories and personalities of all the lifeforms from which the Alom originated. This amalgamated mass of semi-sentient aspects came to form into the Primordial Chaos known as Oblivion. From the very beginning, Oblivion's "soul" was an extremely conflicted one. Some fragments of Oblivion, those which came from the gods created by Abtractil's more humane method, viewed the Supergods as its "parents", who took care of it and nurtured it with Alom as nutritional sustenance. At the same metatime, there were also the fragments of Oblivion which originated from the failed prototype gods that were dismantled and discarded. These parts felt degraded and useless, like failures that were never cared for, and thus began harboring a deep-seated grudge. And then, some of the most complete and sentient minds present within Oblivion were the former consciousnesses of the Omnipotency Capsules mutilated by Xenixel and Peralitus. They had no knowledge of the Supergods who had chosen to spare them and only knew of the two who cruelly tore their minds from their bodies and unknowingly damned them to eternal suffering within Oblivion.
When Xenixel discovered that Oblivion had come alive, he looked down upon it in a mixture of shock and repulsion. At this point, he could no longer deny that it was unsafe and irresponsible for the council to dump their Alom waste there, fearing that they could make Oblivion powerful enough to become a Beyond-scale threat if enough Alom was fed to it. He sealed off the monocosm from the rest of Beyond, making it self-contained so that the chaos of Oblivion would not seep into other monocosms and pollute them. He did not know or care for any of Oblivion's own thoughts or desires. He had an "out of sight, out of mind" mentality, wanting to be rid of the perceived abomination.
This act had a detrimental effect on Oblivion's immature, childlike psyche. The part of it which looked up to the Supergods as parents felt a crushing sense of betrayal and abandonment, thinking that its "parents" thought it to be disgusting and no longer wanted it. It had been oblivious to the cruel, true nature of its life, but now it knew the truth. And thus, in some way or another, now the entirety of Oblivion felt an unyielding rage and bitter resentment against the Supergods which began to take root. However, still lacking the knowledge of the nature of Oblivion or larger Beyond, they had no way to act on these thoughts, and thus receded into a state of near-stagnant dormancy.
After Xenixel informed the other Supergods of Oblivion's condemnation, this of course was Empiroxus' perfect chance for an "I told you so" – which he eagerly took. But the rest of the Supergods didn't voice their personal opinions, too fearful of Xenixel to do so. Then, begrudgingly, Xenixel officially abolished his former method of designing and creating monocosmic gods, and issued the order for the entire Council to instead officially adopt Abstractil's "inferior" method, a process which was more "Transcendent eco-friendly" and left behind no extra Alom and thus provided no need for a way to dispose of it. Furthermore, if these gods were to die, this new method allowed the Alom to retain its malleability and be recycled for other uses.
Over metatime, fragments of Oblivion began to gain sentience independent from the whole, becoming "Oblivious Entities". For a long metatime, the Oblivious Entities simply were, and they remained blissfully unaware of the existence of each-other nor themselves. It was during this metatime that Oblivion was subconsciously stewing, both literally and figuratively. Eventually, a catastrophic event known as the mass Beyond Bubble Collapse occurred. The immense force of the disruptive cataclysm essentially provided a "wake-up call" to Oblivion, and after finally realizing the nature of its own existence, Oblivion suddenly became self-aware of its true self, self-destructing with madness. What followed was a war among the Oblivious Entities, a battle of Wills, as they all collectively attempted to annihilate both each-other and themselves. The ultimate result of this was Oblivion's own self-destruction. Oblivion collapsed on itself and imploded, giving way to a mass of Interdimensional Voids between itself. As Oblivion tore itself apart, all the Oblivious Entities were expelled into an infinite set of self-contained Archversal voids throughout the monocosm. Due to this, each of the Oblivious Entities believed themselves to have been the only survivor of Oblivion's demise, being oblivious to each-other's survival as they went on to create their own -Verses within their Voids…
The simplest way to describe Oblivion, is that it is a primordial soup of the gestating essences of dead, unborn and half-born semi-sentient monocosmic gods which, together, formed a collective hivemind. That is, until Oblivion became self-aware and the individual entities realized their own identities. Oblivion never had any rigid or consistent structures, as it was ever-changing amorphous chaos. The only constant in Oblivion was the monocosmic barrier- not even a part of it- surrounding the chaos which separated it from the rest of Beyond.