Have dibs on (something)
Have egg on one's face
Have eyes bigger than one's stomach
Have eyes in the back of one's head
Have eyes only for (someone or something)
Have feet of clay
Have foot-in-mouth disease
Have got a thing going
Have growing pains
Have had a good innings
Have had enough
Have had it up to here with (someone or something)
Have had it with (someone or something)
Have had its day
Have half a mind to do (something)
Have in mind
Have it
Have it all over (someone or something)
Have it both ways
Have it coming (to someone)
Have it in for (someone)
Have it made
Have it out with (someone)
Have keen wits
Have legs
Have mixed feelings about (someone or something)
Have money to burn
Have never had it so good
Have no business (doing something)
Have none of (something)
Have nothing between the ears
Have nothing on (someone or something)
Have nothing to do with (someone or something)
Have nothing/none to spare
Have on (something)
Have one foot in the grave
Have one for the road
Have one too many
Have one's ass in a sling
Have one's back to the wall
Have one's cake and eat it too
Have one's druthers
Have one's ear to the ground
Have one's eye on (someone or something)
Have one's eye on (something)
Have one's eyes glued to (something)
Have one's feet on the ground
Have one's finger in too many pies
Have one's hand in the till
Have one's hands full (with someone or something)
Have one's hands tied
Have one's head in the clouds
Have one's head screwed on right/straight
Have one's heart go out to someone
Have one's heart in the right place
Have one's heart set against (something)
Have one's heart set on (something)
Have one's nose in (something)
Have one's nose in a book
Have one's nose in the air
Have one's nose to the grindstone
Have one's work cut out for one
Have oneself something
Have other/bigger fish to fry
Have pull with (someone)
Have rocks in one's head
Have second thoughts about (someone or something)
Have seen better days
Have stars in one's eyes
Have sticky fingers
Have the best of both worlds
Have the cheek to do something
Have the courage of one's convictions
Have the devil to pay
Have the feel of (something)
Have the floor
Have the gall to (do something)
Have the gift of the gab
Have the inside track
Have the last laugh
Have the makings of (something)
Have the Midas touch
Have the presence of mind to (do something)
Have the right to (do something)
Have the right-of-way
Have the time of one's life
Have the wherewithal to (do something)
Have the wits to do (something)
Have them rolling in the aisles
Have to (do something)
Have to live with (something)
Have too many irons in the fire
Have turned the corner
Have two left feet
Have two strikes against one
Have what it takes
Have/get butterflies in one's stomach
Have/get one's day in court
Have/keep one's finger on the pulse
Hazard a guess/opinion
He who pays the piper calls the tune
Head above water
Head and shoulders above (someone or something)
Head case
Head for (someone or something)
Head is buzzing
Head off (someone)
Head off (something)
Head out
Head over heels
Head over heels in debt
Head over heels in love with (someone)
Head shrinker
Head start
Heads or tails
Heads up!
Heads will roll
Hear (someone) out
Hear a peep out of (someone)
Hear from
Heart and soul
Heart bleeds for (someone)
Heart goes out to (someone)
Heart is dead set against (something)
Heart is in the right place
Heart is not in (something)
Heart is set against (something)
Heart is set on (something)
Heart misses/skips a beat
Heart of gold
Heart of stone
Heart stands still
Heart to heart
Heartbeat away from (something)
Heavy going
Heavy hand (of something)
Heavy heart
Hedge in (something)
Hedge one's bets
Hell and high water
Hell on earth
Hell-bent for leather
Help oneself to (something)
Help out with (something)
Hem (someone or something) in
Here and now
Here and there
Here goes nothing.
Here goes.
Here's mud in your eye.
Here, there and everywhere
Hide one's face in shame
Hide one's head in the sand
High and dry
High and low
High life
High man on the totem pole
High on (something)
High seas
Higher education
Hightail it out of (somewhere)
Highway robbery
Hinge on (something)
Hire out (someone)
Hire out (something)
Hit (someone) below the belt
Hit (someone) hard
Hit (someone) like a ton of bricks
Hit (someone) right between the eyes
Hit (someone) up for (something)
Hit a plateau
Hit a snag
Hit bottom
Hit close to home
Hit home
Hit it off (with someone)
Hit on/upon (something)
Hit parade
Hit pay dirt
Hit the books
Hit the bottle
Hit the bricks
Hit the bulls-eye
Hit the ceiling
Hit the deck
Hit the dirt
Hit the hay
Hit the high spots
Hit the jackpot
Hit the nail on the head
Hit the road
Hit the roof
Hit the sack
Hit the sauce
Hit the skids
Hit the spot
Hitch one's wagon to a star
Hither and thither
Hive of activity
Hobson's choice
Hold (someone's) attention
Hold (someone's) hand
Hold (someone) down
Hold (someone) hostage
Hold (someone) in high regard
Hold (something) against (someone)
Hold (something) back
Hold a candle to (someone or something)
Hold a grudge against (someone)
Hold a meeting
Hold all the aces
Hold all the aces/cards/trumps
Hold all the cards
Hold all the trumps
Hold back
Hold back (someone)
Hold court
Hold down (someone or something)
Hold down a job
Hold forth
Hold forth (on/about something)
Hold good
Hold off
Hold on to (someone or something)
Hold on!
Hold one's breath
Hold one's end of the bargain up
Hold one's fire
Hold one's head up
Hold one's horses
Hold one's nose
Hold one's own (in an argument)
Hold one's peace
Hold one's tongue
Hold out (one's hand)
Hold out for (something)
Hold out on (someone)
Hold out the olive branch to (someone)
Hold over (something)
Hold still
Hold the fort
Hold the line at (something)
Hold the reins
Hold true
Hold up
Hold up (as an example)
Hold water
Hole in one
Hole in the wall
Hole up (somewhere)
Holy cats
Holy cow!
Holy mackerel!
Holy Moses
Holy terror
Honeymoon is over
Honor (someone's) check
Honor roll
Hoof it
Hook, line and sinker
Hooked on (something)
Hop to it
Hop, skip and a jump
Horse around
Horse of a different color
Horse sense
Horse trade
Hot air
Hot and heavy
Hot on (someone or something)
Hot potato
Hot rod
Hot under the collar
House of cards
How about?
How come?
How so?
How's that?
Hue and cry
Huff and puff
Hundred and one
Hundred to one chance/shot
Hung jury
Hung up on someone
Hunt high and low for (someone or something)
Hurl an insult (at someone)
Hush money
Hustle and bustle
I/you/he for one
Icing on the cake
Idiot box
If looks could kill
If so
If the shoe fits wear it
If worst comes to worst
Ill at ease
Ill will
Ill-disposed to (do something)
Ill-gotten gains
Implicate (someone) in (something)
In (someone's) black books
In (someone's) clutches
In (someone's) favor
In (someone's) name
In (someone's) prayers
In (someone's) shoes
In a bad mood
In a bad way
In a bind
In a coon's age
In a family way
In a flash
In a fog (haze)
In a fool's paradise
In a hole
In a huff
In a hurry
In a jam
In a jiffy
In a kind/sort of way
In a lather
In a little bit
In a mad rush
In a month of Sundays
In a nutshell
In a pickle/in a pretty pickle
In a pig's eye
In a pinch
In a positive frame of mind
In a quandary
In a rush
In a rut
In a sense
In a snit
In a split second
In a spot
In a stew about/over (someone or something)
In a stupor
In a tizzy
In a way
In a word
In a world of one's own
In abeyance
In absentia
In accordance with (something)
In addition to (something)
In advance
In agreement
In all one's born days
In all probability
In and of itself
In and out
In any case/event
In arms
In arrears
In awe of (someone or something)
In bad faith
In bad/poor taste
In between
In black and white
In bloom/blossom
In brief
In broad daylight
In bulk
In cahoots with (someone)
In care of (someone)
In case/in case of
In character
In charge of (someone or something)
In charge of something
In check
In clover
In cold blood
In common
In concert (with someone)
In consequence of (something)
In consideration of (something)
In contempt of court
In custody of (someone or something)
In debt
In deep
In deep water
In defiance of (someone or something)
In denial
In detail
In disguise
In dispute
In drag
In due course
In Dutch (with someone)
In earnest
In effect
In essence
In exchange for (someone or something)
In existence
In fact
In fashion
In favor of (someone or something)
In fine feather
In flight
In flux
In for (something)
In force
In full swing
In general
In good conscience
In good faith
In good hands
In good repair
In good shape/condition
In good spirits
In good time
In good with (someone)
In great demand
In hand
In heaven
In high gear
In hindsight
In hock
In honor of (someone or something)
In hopes of (something)
In horror
In hot water
In ink
In its entirety
In jeopardy
In keeping with (something)
In kind
In labor
In league with (someone)
In less than no time
In lieu of (something)
In light of (something)
In limbo
In line
In love
In luck
In memory of (someone or something)
In mint condition
In name only
In need
In need of (someone or something)
In neutral
In no mood to (do something)
In no time
In no uncertain terms
In nothing flat
In on (something)
In on (something/a secret)
In one ear and out the other
In one fell swoop
In one's (own) backyard
In one's birthday suit
In one's blood
In one's book
In one's cups
In one's element
In one's face
In one's glory
In one's good books/graces
In one's hair
In one's heart of hearts
In one's mind's eye
In one's opinion
In one's own best interest(s)
In one's prime
In one's right mind
In one's salad days
In one's second childhood
In one's shell
In one's shoes
In one's spare time
In one's Sunday best
In one's tracks
In order to
In other words
In over one's head
In part
In particular
In passing
In pen
In pencil
In perpetuity
In person
In place
In place of (someone or something)
In plain English/language
In plain language/English
In point of fact
In practice
In print
In private
In progress
In proportion
In public
In pursuit of (something)
In rags
In reality
In receipt of (something)
In recent memory
In reference to (something)
In rehearsal
In remission
In retrospect
In return for (someone or something)
In round figures/numbers
In ruin
In safe hands
In search of (someone or something)
In season
In secret
In session
In seventh heaven
In shambles
In short
In short order
In short supply
In sight
In single file
In some/many respects
In someone's corner
In spades
In spite of
In step with (someone or something)
In stitches
In stock
In storage
In store
In style
In surgery
In tandem
In tatters
In terms of (something)
In the absence of (someone or something)
In the act of (doing something)
In the affirmative
In the air
In the bag
In the balance
In the ballpark
In the bargain
In the best of health
In the black
In the buff/raw
In the bullpen
In the cards
In the care of (someone)
In the case of (someone or something)
In the charge of
In the chips
In the clear
In the clouds
In the context of (something)
In the course of
In the dark
In the doghouse
In the doldrums
In the driver's seat
In the event of (something)
In the face of (something)
In the final/last analysis
In the first place
In the flesh
In the groove
In the hands of (someone)
In the hole
In the homestretch
In the interest of (someone or something)
In the interim
In the know
In the lap of luxury
In the limelight
In the line of duty
In the long run
In the loop
In the mainstream
In the market for (something)
In the meantime
In the middle of nowhere
In the money
In the mood for (something)
In the near future
In the nick of time
In the nude
In the offing
In the open
In the pink (of condition)
In the prime of life
In the public eye
In the rear
In the red
In the right
In the right place at the right time
In the running
In the saddle
In the same boat
In the same breath
In the same league as someone
In the second place
In the short run
In the soup
In the swim
In the trust of (someone)
In the twinkling of an eye
In the unlikely event of/that
In the wake of (something)
In the way of (something)
In the wind
In the works
In the worst way
In the wrong
In the wrong place at the wrong time
In theory
In this day and age
In time
In times past
In top form
In touch
In tow
In transit
In trouble
In trouble with the law
In trust of (someone)
In tune
In turn
In two minds about (something)
In two shakes of a lamb's tail
In unison
In vain
In view of
In with
In/have custody of (someone or something)
Inch along
Inch by inch
Inclined to (do something)
Incumbent upon (someone) to (do something)
Ins and outs of (something)
Inside and out
Inside out
Inside track
Instead of
Instrumental in (doing something)
Intent on (doing something)
Interested in (someone)
Into being
Into thin air
Invasion of (someone's) privacy
Invasion of privacy
Invest (something) in (something)
Invest someone with the power or legal right to (do something)
Iron (something) out
Iron fist in a velvet glove
Irons in the fire
Issue a call for (something)
It takes two to tango
It/something goes to show
Itching palm
Itchy/itching palm
Ivy League
Jack up (something)
Jack up (the price)
Jack up the price of (something)
Jam on the brakes
Jekyll and Hyde
Jockey for position
Jog (someone's) memory
John Doe
John Henry/John Hancock
Join forces (with someone)
Join hands
Join the club!
Join the fray
Joined at the hip
Jolt to a stop
Judge (someone or something) on its own
Judge (someone or something) on its/their own merit(s)
Judging by (something)
Jump all over (someone)
Jump at (something)
Jump bail
Jump down (someone's) throat
Jump on (someone)
Jump out of one's skin
Jump the gun
Jump the track
Jump through a hoop
Jump to conclusions
Jump/climb/get on the bandwagon
Jumping-off place/point
Jury is still out (on someone or something)
Just about
Just in case (something happens)
Just now
Just one of those things
Just so
Just the same
Just what the doctor ordered
Kangaroo court
Katie, bar the door
Keel over
Keen on (someone or something)
Keep (someone or something) in check
Keep (someone or something) in mind
Keep (someone or something) still/quiet
Keep (someone) company
Keep (someone) from (doing something)
Keep (someone) in line
Keep (someone) in stitches
Keep (someone) on
Keep (someone) on tenterhooks
Keep (someone) out of one's hair
Keep (someone) posted
Keep (someone) up
Keep (something) down
Keep (something) to oneself
Keep (something) under one's hat
Keep (something) under wraps
Keep a civil tongue
Keep a close watch on (someone or something)
Keep a close watch over (someone or something)
Keep a cool head
Keep a secret
Keep a stiff upper lip
Keep a straight face
Keep a tight/close rein on (someone or something)
Keep abreast (of something)
Keep after/at (someone)
Keep an ear out for (something)
Keep an eye on (someone or something)
Keep an eye out for (someone or something)
Keep an open mind about (something)
Keep at (something)
Keep body and soul together
Keep books
Keep company (with someone)
Keep cool
Keep down (something)
Keep from (doing something)
Keep good time
Keep harping on (something)
Keep house
Keep in touch (with someone)
Keep late hours
Keep off (something)
Keep on (doing something)
Keep on an even keel
Keep on one's toes
Keep one's chin up
Keep one's cool
Keep one's distance from (someone or something)
Keep one's ear to the ground
Keep one's eye on the ball
Keep one's eyes open
Keep one's eyes peeled for (someone or something)
Keep one's feet on the ground
Keep one's finger's crossed
Keep one's hand in (something)
Keep one's hands off (someone or something)
Keep one's head
Keep one's head above water
Keep one's head down
Keep one's mouth shut
Keep one's nose clean
Keep one's nose out of (something)
Keep one's nose to the grindstone
Keep one's opinions to oneself
Keep one's own counsel
Keep one's place
Keep one's shirt on
Keep one's wits about one
Keep one's word
Keep pace (with someone or something)
Keep quiet
Keep still
Keep tabs on (someone or something)
Keep the ball rolling
Keep the home fires burning
Keep the lid on (something)
Keep the wolf from the door
Keep time
Keep to oneself
Keep track of (someone or something)
Keep track of (something)
Keep up
Keep up an act
Keep up appearances
Keep up with (someone or something)
Keep up with the Joneses
Keep up with the news
Keep up with the times
Keyed up
Kick around
Kick back
Kick in (some money or something)
Kick off
Kick oneself
Kick out (someone)
Kick the bucket
Kick the habit
Kick up a fuss/storm
Kick up one's heels
Kick/turn over
Kid around (with someone)
Kid's stuff
Kill off (something)
Kill the fatted calf
Kill the goose that layed/lays the golden egg
Kill the goose that lays the golden egg
Kill time
Kill two birds with one stone
Killed outright
Kind of
Kink in one's neck
Kiss (something) good-bye
Kiss and make up
Kiss and makeup
Kiss and tell
Kiss of death
Kit and caboodle
Kith and kin
Knee-high to a grasshopper
Knew it was coming
Knit one's brow
Knock (someone or something) out
Knock (someone's) block off
Knock (someone) around
Knock (someone) dead
Knock (someone) down (to size)
Knock (someone) off
Knock (someone) off their feet
Knock (someone) over with a feather
Knock (something) back/down
Knock (something) off
Knock about
Knock down the price of (something)
Knock it off!
Knock off work
Knock on wood
Knock one's head against the wall
Knock oneself out
Knock some heads together
Knock the props out from under (someone)
Knock-down-drag-out fight
Know (someone or something) like a book/like an open book
Know (someone or something) like the back of one's hand
Know (someone or something) like the back/palm of one's hand
Know (someone) by sight
Know (something) backwards and forwards
Know (something) by heart
Know (something) from memory
Know (something) in one's bones
Know (something) inside out
Know (something) only too well
Know a thing or two (about someone or something)
Know a trick or two
Know all the tricks of the trade
Know better (than to do something)
Know one's ABCs
Know one's own mind
Know one's place
Know one's stuff
Know one's way around/about
Know the ropes
Know the score
Know what's what
Know when one is not wanted
Know where (someone) stands on (something)
Know where all the bodies are buried
Know which is which
Know which side one's bread is buttered on
Known fact
Known quantity
Knuckle down (to something)
Knuckle under
Labor of love
Lace into (someone)
Lace into (something)
Lady killer
Lady's man
Lame duck
Land an account
Land in one's lap
Land of Nod
Land on one's feet/both feet
Land up (somewhere or in some situation)
Landslide victory
Lap up
Lap up (something)
Lapse into a coma
Lash out (at someone)
Last but not least
Last of the big spenders
Last person
Last straw
Last thing on (someone's) mind
Last will and testament
Last word
Last-ditch effort
Late in life
Late in the day
Laugh (something) out of court
Laugh all the way to the bank
Laugh off (something)
Laugh one's head off
Laugh out of the other side of one's mouth
Laugh up one's sleeve
Launch forth (on something)
Law unto oneself
Lay (someone) to rest
Lay (something) on (someone)
Lay (something) on the line
Lay (something) on the table
Lay (something) to rest
Lay a finger on (someone or something)
Lay an egg
Lay away money
Lay down one's life (for someone or something)
Lay down the law
Lay eyes on (someone or something)
Lay hold of (something)
Lay in (something)
Lay it on thick
Lay low
Lay of the land
Lay off (someone)
Lay off (something)
Lay off (workers/staff)
Lay one's cards on the table
Lay one's eyes on (someone or something)
Lay one's hands on (someone or something)
Lay one's hands on (someone)
Lay one's hands on (something)
Lay out (money)
Lay out (something)
Lay the blame on (someone or something)
Lay up (a vessel)
Lay up (something)
Lay waste (to something)
Lay/light into (someone)
Lay/light into (something)
Layaway plan
Lead (someone) around by the nose
Lead (someone) by the nose
Lead (someone) down the garden path
Lead (someone) on
Lead (someone) on a merry chase
Lead (someone) to believe (something)
Lead (someone) to do (something)
Lead a dog's life
Lead off
Lead the way
Lead time
Lead up to (something)
Lead/live the life of Riley
Leading question
Leaf through (something)
Leak out (something)
Lean on (someone)
Lean over backwards (to do something or to help someone)
Lean toward (doing something)
Leap to conclusions
Learn (something) by heart
Learn (something) from the bottom up
Learn (something) the hard way
Learn by heart
Learn by rote
Learn the ropes
Learn to live with (something)
Least of all
Leave (someone or something) behind
Leave (someone or something) in (someone's) hands
Leave (someone) alone
Leave (someone) flat
Leave (someone) for dead
Leave (someone) high and dry
Leave (someone) holding the bag
Leave (someone) in peace
Leave (someone) in the lurch
Leave (someone) out in the cold
Leave (something) hanging (in the air)
Leave (something) on
Leave (something) open
Leave (something) out
Leave a bad taste in one's mouth
Leave a lot to be desired
Leave no stone unturned
Leave one to one's fate
Leave one's mark on (someone or something)
Leave oneself wide open for (something)
Leave someone for someone else
Leave word with (someone)
Leave/let well enough alone
Left-handed compliment
Leg man
Leg work
Legal age
Lend (oneself/itself) to (something)
Lend (someone) a hand
Lend (someone) an ear
Lend color to (something)
Leopard can't change its spots
Less than pleased
Lesser of the two
Lesser of two evils
Let (someone) down
Let (someone) down easy
Let (someone) go
Let (someone) have it
Let (someone) have it (with both barrels)
Let (someone) in on (something)
Let (someone) know (about something)
Let (someone) off
Let (someone) off (easy)
Let (someone) off the hook
Let (something) go
Let (something) loose
Let (something) off
Let (something) pass
Let (something) ride
Let (something) slide
Let (something) slide by
Let (something) slip (out)
Let (something) slip by
Let alone (something)
Let bygones be bygones
Let down one's hair
Let go of (something)
Let go with (something)
Let grass grow under one's feet
Let it all hang out
Let it go/lay
Let it rip
Let off steam
Let on
Let one's emotions show
Let one's hair down
Let oneself go
Let oneself/something go
Let out (clothes/a rope)
Let out (some kind of sound)
Let out (someone)
Let out (something)
Let sleeping dogs lie
Let the buyer beware
Let the cat out of the bag
Let the chance slip by
Let the chips fall where they may
Let the grass grow under one's feet
Let things slide
Let up
Let up on (someone or something)
Let well enough alone
Level (something) at (someone)
Level playing field
Level with (someone)
License to (do something)
Lick one's chops
Lick one's lips
Lick/whip (something) into shape
Lie fallow
Lie in state
Lie in wait
Lie low
Lie through one's teeth
Lie/lay down on the job
Life is a bowl of cherries
Life of Riley
Life of the party
Lift/raise a finger/hand
Light into (someone)
Light into (something)
Light on one's feet
Light out (for somewhere)
Light up
Like a bat out of hell
Like a bolt out of the blue
Like a bump on a log
Like a deer caught in the headlights
Like a fish out of water
Like a house on fire
Like a sitting duck
Like a three-ring circus
Like a ton of bricks
Like an open book
Like crazy
Like father, like son
Like getting blood out of a stone
Like greased lightning
Like hell
Like it or lump it
Like it's such a big deal!
Like lambs to the slaughter
Like looking for a needle in a haystack
Like mad
Like nothing on earth
Like one of the family
Like pulling teeth
Like shooting fish in a barrel
Like taking candy from a baby
Like two peas in a pod
Like water off a duck's back
Like waving a red flag in front of a bull
Like/love to hear oneself talk
Likes of (someone)
Line of least resistance
Line of products
Line one's own pockets
Line up
Line up (someone for something)
Line up (someone with someone)
Line up (something with something)
Lion's share of (something)
Lip service
Lips are sealed
Liquid assets
Listen to (someone) with half an ear
Listen to reason
Litmus test
Little bird told me
Little bit
Little by little
Little frog in a big pond
Little pitchers have big ears
Live (something) down
Live a life of (something)
Live and learn
Live and let live
Live beyond one's means
Live by one's wits
Live down (something)
Live for the moment
Live from hand to mouth
Live hand-to-mouth
Live happily ever after
Live high off/on the hog
Live high on/off the hog
Live in
Live in a fish bowl
Live in an ivory tower
Live it up
Live off the fat of the land
Live on borrowed time
Live out of a suitcase
Live through (something)
Live up to (something)
Live up to one's end of the bargain
Live within one's means
Living end
Loaded for bear
Local color
Lock (something) in
Lock (something) up
Lock horns with (someone)
Lock the barn door after the horse is gone
Lock the barn door after the horse is stolen
Lock, stock, and barrel
Lodge a complaint (against someone)
Lone wolf
Long and the short of it
Long arm of the law
Long face
Long haul
Long in the tooth
Long shot
Look (someone) (right/straight) in the eye
Look (someone) in the eye/face
Look (someone) up
Look a gift horse in the mouth
Look after (someone)
Look after number one
Look at (someone) cross-eyed
Look at the world through rose-colored glasses
Look at/see the world through rose-colored glasses
Look down on (someone or something)
Look down one's nose at (someone or something)
Look down one's nose at (someone)
Look for (something to happen)
Look for (something)
Look for trouble
Look forward to (something)
Look good on paper
Look high and low for (someone or something)
Look in on (someone)
Look into (something)
Look like (something)
Look like a million dollars
Look like death warmed over
Look like something the cat dragged in
Look like the cat that ate/swallowed the canary
Look like the cat that swallowed the canary
Look like the cat that swallowed/ate the canary
Look on
Look on (someone) as (something)
Look out
Look out for (someone or something)
Look out for (someone)
Look over (something)
Look over one's shoulder
Look the other way
Look the picture of health
Look to (someone)
Look to (something)
Look up (something)
Look up to (someone)
Loom large (on the horizon)
Loose ends
Loosen (someone's) tongue
Lord it over (someone)
Lose face
Lose ground
Lose heart
Lose one's cool
Lose one's grip
Lose one's head over (someone or something)
Lose one's marbles/mind
Lose one's shirt
Lose one's temper
Lose one's touch (with someone or something)
Lose one's train of thought
Lose one's way
Lose oneself (in something)
Lose out on (something)
Lose out to (someone or something)
Lose sight of (something)
Lose sleep over (someone or something)
Lose touch with (someone)
Lose track of (someone or something)
Lost and gone forever
Lost cause
Lost in the shuffle
Lost in thought
Lost on (someone)
Loud and clear