полная версияАнглийские идиомы

Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Английские идиомы

Полная версия

Throw one's hands up in horror

Throw one's hat into the ring

Throw one's voice

Throw one's weight around

Throw oneself at (someone's) feet

Throw oneself at (someone)

Throw oneself at the mercy of the court

Throw oneself at/on the mercy of the court

Throw out (someone)

Throw the baby out with the bathwater

Throw the book at (someone)

Throw together (people)

Throw up

Throw up one's hands (in defeat)

Throw up one's hands (in despair/frustration)

Throw/pitch someone a curve

Thrust and parry

Thumb a lift/ride

Thumb one's nose at (someone or something)

Thumb/hitch a ride

Thumb/leaf through (something)

Thumbnail sketch

Thumbs down on (someone or something)

Thumbs up on (someone or something)

Tickle (someone's) fancy

Tickled pink

Tide (someone) over

Tidy sum of money

Tie (someone's) hands

Tie (someone) up in knots

Tie down (someone or something)

Tie in (something) with (something)

Tie the knot

Tie up (a boat)

Tie up (someone)

Tie up (something)

Tie up (traffic)

Tie up with (someone or something)

Tied to one's mother's apron strings

Tied up

Tight spot

Tight squeeze

Tighten one's belt

Tightfisted/closefisted (with money)

Tilt at windmills

Time after time

Time and time again

Time flies

Time is money

Time is ripe

Time of one's life

Time off

Time out

Time to catch one's breath

Time was (when)

Tin ear for (something)

Tip (someone) off

Tip the balance

Tip the scales at (something)

Tire (someone) out

Tired out

Tit for tat



To (someone's) liking

To (someone's) mind

To (someone's) way of thinking

To a fault

To a great/large extent

To a T

To and fro

To be broke

To be green

To be hale and hearty

To be half the battle

To be halfhearted about (someone or something)

To be hard on (someone's) heels

To be high time

To be hopeless at (doing something)

To be hopped up on (something)

To be hot and bothered

To be hung up on (someone or something)

To be hungry for (something)

To be hyped-up

To be in hand

To be in high spirits

To be in hot water

To be on easy street

To be on hand

To be on the safe side

To be onto (someone or something)

To be raised in a barn

To be reminiscent of (someone or something)

To be rolling in (something)

To be running high

To be safe

To be sick in bed

To be sure

To be talked out

To be under a cloud (of suspicion)

To be/go out on a limb

To beat the band

To boot

To bring someone for a visit

To bundle up

To cease and desist

To date

To ground (someone)

To hand it to (someone)

To hand out (something)

To harp on (something)

To head up

To heel

To hell and gone

To hem and haw

To hook up (something)

To hope against hope

To horn in on (someone)

To horse around

To horse trade

To hound (someone)

To hunger for (something)

To hush up

To jazz up (something)

To kick off (something)

To lay over

To matter

To mean (something) to (someone)

To mean business

To mean for (someone) to (do something)

To mean nothing to (someone)

To mean to (do something)

To mix it up

To mix up (something)

To nose down

To one's heart's content

To one's name

To order

To pieces

To put it mildly

To say nothing of (someone or something)

To say the least

To set up (something)

To show cause

To show good faith

To show off

To show up

To sign on the dotted line

To skip bail

To some extent

To speak of

To stand trial

To stretch the truth

To strike out

To take it

To take off

To take on (something)

To the best of one's ability

To the best of one's knowledge

To the bitter end

To the bone

To the contrary

To the core

To the ends of the earth

To the eye

To the full

To the hilt

To the last

To the letter

To the naked eye

To the nth degree

To the tune of (an amount of money)

To the wall

To turn on a dime

To turn out (something)

To turn over

To whom it may concern

To wit

To/of no avail

Toe the line

Toe the line/mark

Toing and froing (on something)

Tone (something) down

Tongue in cheek

Too bad

Too big for one's boots/breeches

Too big for one's britches/boots

Too close for comfort

Too close to call

Too good to be true

Too many cooks spoil the broth/stew

Too many irons in the fire

Too much of a good thing

Too rich for (someone's) blood

Toot/blow one's own horn

Tooth and nail

Top (someone or something)

Top (something) off

Top (something) off with (something)

Top banana

Top dog




Torn between (two things)

Toss (someone) out of (somewhere)

Toss a salad

Toss off (an answer)

Toss off (something)

Toss one's cookies

Touch a sore spot/point

Touch and go

Touch base with someone

Touch off

Touch off (someone)

Touch off (something)

Touch on/upon (something)

Touch up

Touch up (something)

Touch/hit/strike a raw nerve

Touched (in the head)

Touched by (someone or something)

Tough act to follow

Tough break

Tough it out

Tough row to hoe

Tourist trap

Tower of strength


Toy with (someone or something)


Track (someone or something) down

Trade in (something)

Trade on (something)

Train one's sights on (something)

Travel light

Travesty of justice

Tread on (someone's) toes

Treat (someone)

Trial and error

Trial balloon

Trials and tribulations

Trick (someone) into (doing something)

Trick of the trade


Trip the light fantastic

Trip up

Trip up (someone)

Trot (something) out

Trouble (someone) for (something)

Trouble (someone) to (do something)

Trouble (someone) with/to do (something)

Trouble one's head about (someone or something)

Trouble oneself about (someone or something)

True love

True to form

True to one's word

Trump card

Trump up (something)


Truth will out

Try (someone's) patience

Try (something) out on (someone)

Try on (something)

Try one's hand (at something)

Try one's luck at (something)

Try out (something)

Try out for (something)

Try out one's wings

Tub of lard

Tuck into (something)

Tug at (someone's) heartstrings


Tune in

Tune in (a radio)

Tune out (someone or something)

Tune up (a musical instrument)

Tune up (an engine)

Turn (someone's) head

Turn (someone's) stomach

Turn (someone) on

Turn (something) on its ear

Turn (something) on its head

Turn (something) over in one's mind

Turn (something) to good account

Turn (something) to one's advantage

Turn a blind eye to (someone or something)

Turn a deaf ear to (someone)

Turn a profit

Turn down (someone or something)

Turn down (something)

Turn in

Turn in (someone)

Turn in (something)

Turn of the century

Turn off (someone)

Turn off (something)

Turn off (somewhere)

Turn on (someone)

Turn on (something)

Turn on a dime

Turn on one's heel

Turn one's back on (someone or something)

Turn one's hand to (something)

Turn one's nose up at (someone or something)

Turn out

Turn out (a light)

Turn out (someone)

Turn out (something)

Turn out all right/good

Turn over

Turn over (an engine)

Turn over (something) to (someone)

Turn over a new leaf

Turn over in one's grave

Turn tail

Turn the clock back

Turn the heat up on (someone)

Turn the other cheek

Turn the tables on (someone)

Turn the tide

Turn the trick

Turn thumbs down (on something)

Turn thumbs down on (someone or something)

Turn to (someone or something)

Turn turtle

Turn up

Turn up one's nose at (something)


Twiddle one's thumbs

Twist (someone's) arm

Twist (someone's) words around

Twist (someone) around one's (little) finger

Two bits

Two bricks shy of a load

Two can play that game

Two cents

Two cents (worth)

Two heads are better than one

Two of a kind

Two strikes against someone

Two wrongs don't make a right

Two's company, three's a crowd


Two-time (someone)



Ugly duckling

Unaccustomed to (someone or something)

Under (close) scrutiny

Under (someone's) feet

Under (someone's) nose

Under a cloud


Under age

Under arrest

Under certain circumstances/conditions

Under construction

Under control

Under cover

Under fire

Under oath

Under one's belt

Under one's breath

Under one's nose

Under one's own steam

Under one's thumb

Under one's wing

Under pressure

Under the circumstances

Under the counter

Under the hammer

Under the influence of (something)

Under the sun

Under the table

Under the weather

Under the wings of (someone)

Under the wire

Under wraps

Undercut (someone)

Unearthly hour

Unfamiliar territory

University of life

Unknown quantity

Unrequited love

Until all hours (of the day or night)

Until hell freezes over

Until the cows come home

Up a blind alley

Up against

Up against (something)

Up and about

Up and around

Up and at 'em/them

Up and away

Up for (something)

Up for grabs

Up front

Up in arms

Up in the air (about something)

Up in years

Up one's alley

Up one's sleeve

Up the ante

Up the creek

Up the river/creek with no paddle

Up to

Up to (someone) to decide/do (something)

Up to (something)

Up to here with (someone/something)

Up to it/the job

Up to no good

Up to one's chin in (something)

Up to one's ears in work

Up to one's ears/eyeballs/neck in (something)

Up to par

Up until




Upper crust

Upper hand

Ups and downs

Upset the applecart

Upshot of (something)


Use (someone or something) as an excuse

Use every trick in the book

Use one's head/noggin/noodle

Use some elbow grease

Use strong language

Use up

Used to



Vanish into thin air

Variety is the spice of life



Vent one's spleen

Verge on (something)

Very last

Very thing

Very well


Vicarious liability

Vicious circle

Vim and vigor


Vote down

Vote of confidence

Vote of thanks

Vote with one's feet




Wade into

Wag one's chin

Wait on (someone) hand and foot

Wait tables

Wait up (for someone)

Wait with bated breath

Wait-and-see attitude

Waiting in the wings

Wake the dead

Walk a tightrope

Walk all over (an opponent)

Walk all over (someone)

Walk away/off with (something)

Walk down the aisle together

Walk of life

Walk on air

Walk on eggs

Walk out

Walk out of (something)

Walk out on

Walk the floor

Walk the plank

Walking papers

Walls have ears

Waltz off with (something)

Want for nothing

Warm one's blood/heart

Warm the bench

Warm the cockles of (someone's) heart

Warm up

Warm up to (someone or something)

Warts and all

Wash one's dirty linen in public

Wash one's hands of (someone or something)

Washed up

Waste one's breath

Watch (someone or something) like a hawk

Watch it!

Watch one's mouth/tongue

Watch one's P's and Q's

Watch one's step

Watch out for (someone or something)

Watch over (someone or something)

Water (something) down

Water under the bridge

Wax and wane

Way the wind blows

Way to (someone's) heart

Ways and means


Wear and tear

Wear down

Wear more than one hat

Wear off/away

Wear on (someone)

Wear one's heart on one's sleeve

Wear out

Wear out one's welcome

Wear the pants in one's family

Wear thin

Weasel out of (something)

Weather permitting

Weave in and out (of something)

Weed out (someone or something)

Week in, week out

Weigh down on (someone)

Weigh on (someone's) mind

Weigh on/upon (someone)

Weigh one's words

Welcome (someone) with open arms

Welcome to do something

Well and good

Well up in years




Wet behind the ears

Wet blanket

Wet one's whistle

Whale of (something)

What about

What are you driving at?

What can I say?

What have you been up to?

What makes (someone) tick

What one doesn't know won't hurt one.

What with

What's (up) with (someone)

What's cooking?

What's done is done.

What's good/sauce for the goose is good/sauce for the gander

What's keeping you?

What's new?

What's the big idea?

What's up?

What's what

Whatever will be, will be.

Wheel and deal

When hell freezes over

When it comes right down to it

When it comes to (something)

When least expected

When one is good and ready

When push comes to shove

When the cat's away, the mice will play

When the chips are down

When the going gets tough (the tough get going)

When the time is ripe

Where one is coming from

Whet (someone's) appetite

While away the time

Whip up

Whip up (something)

Whisper sweet nothings in someone's ear

Whistle a different tune

Whistle in the dark

White elephant

White lie

White sale

White-tie event/affair

Whitewash (something)

Whole ball of wax/shooting match

Whole new ball game

Whole show

Whoop it up

Wide of the mark

Wild about (someone or something)

Wild goose chase

Wild horses could not drag (someone away)

Wildcat strike

Will not hear of (something)

Will power

Win (someone's) heart

Win (someone) over

Win (something) hands down

Win by a neck

Win by a nose

Win out (over someone or something)

Wind down

Wind up

Wine and dine (someone)

Wing it

Wing smth.

Wink at (something)

Winning streak

Wipe (someone's) slate clean

Wipe off

Wipe out

Wipe the floor with (someone)

Wise guy

Wise up to


Wishful thinking


With a heavy heart

With a jaundiced eye

With a vengeance

With all one's heart (and soul)

With all the fixings

With an eye to (doing something)

With an eye/view to (doing something)

With ease

With every (other) breath

With everything (on it)

With flying colors

With hat in hand

With impunity

With it

With no strings attached

With one hand/both hands tied behind one's back

With one's tail between one's legs

With one/both hand(s) tied behind one's back

With open arms

With relish

With respect to (something)

With the best of them

Within a stone's throw of something

Within a whisker of (doing something)

Within an inch of one's life

Within calling distance

Within reason

Without batting an eye

Without fail

Without further ado

Without question

Without rhyme or reason

Wolf down (something)

Wolf in sheep's clothing

Word for word

Word of mouth

Word to the wise

Words stick in one's throat

Work hand in hand (with someone)

Work in

Work in (someone or something)

Work into (something)

Work like a horse

Work off

Work on/upon

Work one's fingers to the bone

Work one's way through college

Work out

Work out (a problem)

Work out (for the best)

Work over

Work overtime

Work up

Work wonders (with someone or something)

Worked up

World is one's oyster

Worm one's way out of (something)

Worse for wear

Worth its weight in gold

Worth one's salt

Worth one's while

Worthy of the name

Would give one's right arm (for something)

Would just as soon

Wouldn't touch (someone or something) with a ten-foot pole

Wrap (someone) around one's little finger

Wrap up

Wrapped up in

Wreak havoc with/on (something)

Wring (someone's) hand

Wring (someone's) neck

Wring one's hands

Write off

Write off (a loan/debt)

Write up

Written all over (someone's) face

Wrong side of the tracks



Year after year

Year in, year out

Year round

Yellow journalism

Yellow streak



Yield the right-of-way


Yoke around (someone's) neck

You bet your boots!

You bet!/You bet your boots!/You bet your life!

You can lead a horse to water (but you can't make it drink)

You can't make an omelet without breaking the eggs

You can't please everyone.

You can't take it with you.

You can't teach an old dog new tricks

You don't say!

You got me there.

You said it!/You can say that again!

You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

You tell'em!

You're telling me!

You've got to hand it to (someone)

Young at heart

Your guess is as good as mine.

Your secret is safe with me.

Yours truly



Zero hour

Zero in on

Zero-sum game

Zip one's lip

Zonk out

Zoom in on (someone or something)
