полная версияАнглийские идиомы

Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Английские идиомы

Полная версия


Louse up

Lousy with (something)

Love at first sight

Lovely weather for ducks

Lover's lane

Low man on the totem pole


Lower one's sights

Lower one's voice

Lower oneself to (some level)

Lower the boom on (someone)



Luck out

Lull (someone) into a false sense of security

Lull (someone) to sleep

Lull before the storm

Lunatic fringe



Mad as a hatter

Mad as a hornet

Made for each other

Made to measure

Made to order

Maiden voyage

Main drag

Make (it/an event)

Make (someone or something) available to (someone)

Make (someone's) blood boil

Make (someone's) blood run cold

Make (someone's) flesh crawl

Make (someone's) hair curl

Make (someone's) hair stand on end

Make (someone's) head spin/swim

Make (someone's) mouth water

Make (someone's) position clear

Make (someone) eat crow

Make (someone) look good

Make (someone) look ridiculous

Make (someone) sick

Make (something) from scratch

Make (something) out of nothing

Make (something) right/good

Make (something) to order

Make (something) up to (someone)

Make (something) worth (someone's) while

Make a bed

Make a beeline for (someone or something)

Make a big deal about (something)

Make a break for (something/somewhere)

Make a bundle/pile

Make a check out to (someone)

Make a clean breast of (something)

Make a clean sweep of (something)

Make a cold call

Make a comeback

Make a day of it

Make a dent in (something)

Make a difference

Make a face (at someone)

Make a fast/quick buck

Make a fool out of (someone)

Make a fuss (over someone or something)

Make a go of (something)

Make a great show of (something)

Make a hit

Make a killing

Make a laughingstock of (someone)

Make a living

Make a long story short

Make a meal of (something)

Make a mistake

Make a monkey out of (someone)

Make a motion

Make a mountain out of a molehill

Make a name for oneself

Make a night/evening of (doing something)

Make a note of (something)

Make a nuisance of oneself

Make a pass at (someone)

Make a pitch (for someone or something)

Make a play for (someone)

Make a point

Make a point of (doing/saying something)

Make a practice of (something)

Make a reservation

Make a run for it

Make a scene

Make a silk purse out of a sow's ear

Make a stink (about something)

Make allowances for (someone or something)

Make amends for (something)

Make an all-out effort

Make an appearance

Make an appointment (with someone)

Make an example of (someone)

Make an exception (for someone)

Make an impression (on someone)

Make an issue of (something)

Make an offer

Make arrangements for (someone or something)

Make as if (to do something)

Make away with (something)

Make believe

Make book on (something)

Make chin music

Make cracks (about someone or something)

Make do with (something)

Make ends meet

Make eyes at (someone)

Make for (someone or somewhere)

Make free with (someone or something)

Make friends

Make fun of (someone or something)

Make good money

Make good on (something)

Make good time

Make hay while the sun shines

Make heads or tails (out) of (something)

Make headway

Make it

Make it as far as

Make it hot for (someone)

Make it one's business to (do something)

Make it to first base

Make it up to (someone)

Make it worth (someone's) while to do (something)

Make life miserable for (someone)

Make light of (something)

Make little of (someone or something)

Make merry

Make mincemeat out of (someone)

Make mincemeat/hamburger out of (someone or something)

Make mischief

Make money hand over fist

Make no bones about (something)

Make no difference to (someone)

Make no mistake (about something)

Make nothing of (something)

Make of (someone or something)

Make off with (someone or something)

Make one's bed and lie in it

Make one's blood boil

Make one's feelings known

Make one's hair stand on end

Make one's mouth water

Make one's own way

Make one's toes curl

Make oneself at home

Make oneself conspicuous

Make oneself felt

Make oneself heard

Make oneself scarce

Make or break (someone)

Make out

Make out (a report/application)

Make out (something)

Make over (something)

Make overtures to (someone)

Make peace with (someone)

Make points with (someone)

Make room for (someone or something)

Make sense

Make sense out of (someone or something)

Make short work of (something)

Make sure

Make the best of (something)

Make the cut

Make the grade

Make the most of (something)

Make the scene

Make time for (someone or something)

Make time with (someone)

Make up

Make up (something)

Make up (something/a story/an excuse)

Make up (something/money/time)

Make up for (something)

Make up for lost time

Make up one's face

Make up one's mind

Make up with (someone)

Make use of (someone or something)

Make waves

Make way for (someone or something)

Make/spend/lose money hand over fist

Man in the street



Many hands make light work

Many is the time

March to (the beat of) a different drummer

Mark down (a price)

Mark down (something)

Mark my word(s)

Mark time

Mark time (to music)

Mark up (a price)

Mark up (something)

Marvel to behold

Match for (someone)

Match made in heaven

Matter of course

Matter of fact

Matter of life and death

Matter of opinion

Matter of record

Matter-of-fact manner/way



Meal ticket

Mean business

Meant to be

Measure up to (someone or something)

Meat and potatoes

Mecca for (something)

Meet (someone) halfway

Meet one's end/death

Meet one's match

Meet one's Waterloo

Meet the requirements (for something)

Meet up with (someone or something)

Meet/find the right girl/guy

Meeting of minds

Melt in one's mouth

Mend fences with (someone)

Mend one's ways

Mention (someone or something) in passing

Mess around/about

Mess up


Middle of the road

Might as well

Milestone in someone's life

Milk (someone) for (something)

Milk of human kindness

Million and one

Million dollar question

Million miles away

Millstone around (someone's) neck

Mince (one's) words

Mind goes blank

Mind is buzzing

Mind is in the gutter

Mind is on (something)

Mind one's manners

Mind one's own business

Mind one's P's and Q's

Mind over matter

Mind the store

Mind you



Mine of information

Mineral rights

Miscarriage of justice

Misplace one's trust in (someone)

Miss by a mile

Miss out on (something)

Miss the boat

Miss the cut

Miss the point

Mistake (someone) for (someone) else

Mix and match


Mixed bag

Moment of truth

Money burns a hole in (someone's) pocket

Money doesn't grow on trees

Money is no object

Money is the root of all evil

Money talks

Money to burn

Monkey around with (someone or something)

Monkey business

Monkey on one's back

Monkey see, monkey do

Mop the floor up with (someone)

Mope around

Moral turpitude

More (something) than one can shake a stick at

More and more

More dead than alive

More fun than a barrel of monkeys

More often than not

More or less

More than (someone) bargained for

More than one can bear/stand/take

More the merrier

More to (someone or something) than meets the eye

More to (something) than meets the eye

Morning after (the night before)

Move heaven and earth (to do something)

Move in on (someone or something)

Move into (something)

Move the goalposts

Move to (do something)

Move up (in the world)

Movers and shakers




Much ado about nothing

Much in evidence

Much sought after

Muddy the water

Mull over (something)

Mum's the word

Murder on (something)

Muscle in on (someone or something)

Music to one's ears

Musical chairs

Must have

Muster up the courage

My foot!

My goodness/my God

My gut tells me

My one and only


Nail (something) down

Nail in (someone's) coffin

Naked eye

Name (someone) after (someone or something)

Name of the game

Narrow escape





Near at hand

Neck and neck

Neck of the woods

Need (something) like (one needs) a hole in the head


Need (something) like a hole in the head

Need (something) yesterday

Need one's head examined

Needle in a haystack

Neither fish nor fowl

Neither here nor there

Neither hide nor hair (of someone or something)

Nervous Nellie

Nest egg

Never fear

Never in one's life

Never mind

Never would have guessed

New blood

New broom sweeps clean

New deal

New hire

New lease on life

New person

Next of kin

Next to nothing

Next-door neighbor

Nice and (some quality)

Nickel and dime (someone)

Night on the town

Night owl

Nine times out of ten

Nine-day's wonder

Nine-to-five attitude

Nine-to-five job

Nip (something) in the bud

Nip and tuck

No bed of roses

No cigar

No deal

No dice

No doubt

No end

No end of/to (something)

No flies on (someone)

No go

No great shakes

No hard feelings

No holds barred

No ifs, ands, or buts about it

No joke

No kidding

No laughing matter

No love lost between (two people/groups)

No matter

No matter what happens

No picnic

No point in (something)

No skin off (someone's) nose/teeth

No skin off (someone's) teeth/nose

No sooner said than done

No spring chicken

No sweat!

No trespassing

No two ways about (something)

No wonder



No-win situation

Nobody in his/her right mind would do (something)

Nobody's fool

Nobody's home

Nod off

None of (someone's) business/beeswax

None other than (someone)

None the wiser

None the worse for wear

None too (something)

Nose (someone) out

Nose about/around (something)

Nose into (something)

Not (someone's) cup of tea

Not a bit

Not a dry eye in the house

Not a lick of work

Not a living soul

Not a moment to spare

Not a snowball's chance in hell

Not able to call one's time one's own

Not able to go on

Not able to see the forest for the trees

Not all (someone or something) is cracked up to be

Not all there

Not at all

Not bat an eye

Not bat an eye/eyelid

Not believe one's eyes

Not beyond the wit of (someone)

Not born yesterday

Not breathe a word (about someone or something)

Not breathe a word of it

Not buy (something)

Not by a long shot

Not enough room to swing a cat

Not for a moment

Not for all the tea in China

Not for anything in the world

Not for hire

Not for love nor money

Not for love or money

Not for publication

Not for the world

Not give (someone) the time of day

Not give it another thought

Not give two hoots about (someone or something)

Not give/care two hoots about (someone or something)

Not half bad

Not have a clue (about something)

Not have a leg to stand on

Not have a snowball's chance in hell

Not have anything to do with someone

Not have the heart to do (something)

Not have the stomach for (something)

Not have two cents to rub together

Not hear of (something)

Not hold a candle to (someone or something)

Not hold water

Not hurt a flea

Not in so many words

Not in the same league

Not in the same league with (someone or something)

Not just a pretty face

Not know (someone) from Adam

Not know beans about (someone or something)

Not know enough to come in out of the rain

Not know if one is coming or going

Not know one's own strength

Not know the first thing about (someone or something)

Not know the first thing about something

Not know where to turn

Not know whether/if one is coming or going

Not lay a finger/hand on (someone)

Not let (someone) catch you (doing something)

Not lift a finger/hand

Not lift a finger/hand (to help someone)

Not long for this world

Not made of money

Not make head nor tail of (something)

Not miss much

Not move a muscle

Not much of (something)

Not on your life

Not one iota

Not one's cup of tea

Not one's place

Not open one's mouth

Not playing with a full deck

Not see farther than or past the end of one's nose

Not see past/farther than the end of one's nose

Not set foot (somewhere)

Not show one's face

Not sleep a wink

Not so hot

Not stand for (something)

Not take no for an answer

Not tell a (living) soul

Not to be sneezed at

Not touch (someone or something) with a ten-foot pole

Not touch (something) with a ten-foot pole

Not up to scratch/snuff

Not with it

Not worth a dime/cent

Not worth a hill of beans

Not worth a plugged nickel

Not worth mentioning

Not worth one's while

Not worth the trouble

Nothing but (something)

Nothing but skin and bones

Nothing doing

Nothing down

Nothing if not (something)

Nothing of the kind

Nothing short of (something)

Nothing to choose from

Nothing to complain about

Nothing to it

Nothing to sneeze at

Nothing to speak of

Nothing to write home about

Now and then

Now or never

Nowhere near

Null and void

Number cruncher

Number of (things or people)

Number one

Nurse (someone) back to health

Nurse a grudge

Nuts about (someone or something)

Nuts and bolts (of something)

Nutty as a fruitcake

Nuzzle up to (someone or something)




Occur to (someone)

Ocean(s) of (something)


Odd (something)

Odd man out


Odds and ends

Odds are against one

Odor of sanctity

Of age

Of all the nerve

Of all things

Of benefit to (someone)

Of course

Of interest (to someone)

Of late

Of one mind

Of one's own free will/accord

Of the old school

Of the same mind

Of two minds

Off (someone or something) goes

Off and on

Off and running

Off balance

Off base

Off campus

Off duty

Off guard

Off like a shot

Off limits

Off one's back

Off one's chest

Off one's hands

Off one's high horse

Off one's rocker

Off season

Off the air

Off the beam

Off the beaten track

Off the hook

Off the mark

Off the record

Off the subject

Off the top of one's head

Off the track

Off the wagon

Off the wall

Off to a running start

Off to one side





Offensive weapon

Old boy network

Old flame

Old hand at (doing something)

Old hat

On (someone's) account

On (someone's) back

On (someone's) behalf

On (someone's) coat-tails

On (someone's) doorstep

On (someone's) head

On (someone's) say-so

On (someone's) shoulders

On (something's) last legs

On a diet

On a dime

On a first-name basis (with someone)

On a fool's errand

On a par with

On a shoestring

On a splurge

On a waiting list

On account

On active duty

On again, off again

On all fours

On an even keel

On and off

On and on

On any account

On approval

On behalf of (someone)

On bended knee

On board

On call

On campus

On cloud nine

On condition that

On consignment

On credit

On deck

On duty

On edge

On end

On everybody's lips

On faith

On fire

On foot

On good terms with (someone)

On guard

On hand

On hold

On horseback

On ice

On impulse

On land

On line

On location

On medication

On no account

On occasion

On one's best behavior

On one's chest

On one's coat-tails

On one's feet

On one's guard

On one's heels

On one's high horse

On one's honor

On one's mind

On one's own

On one's own time

On one's person

On one's shoulders

On one's toes

On order

On par with (someone or something)

On pins and needles

On probation

On purpose

On record

On sale

On schedule

On second thought

On shaky ground

On side

On speaking terms with (someone)

On standby

On target

On the air

On the alert (for someone or something)

On the average

On the ball

On the bandwagon

On the beam

On the bench

On the blink

On the block

On the borderline

On the button

On the contrary

On the defensive

On the dole

On the dot

On the double

On the edge of one's seat

On the eve of (something)

On the face of it

On the fence (about something)

On the fritz

On the go

On the heels of (something)

On the horizon

On the horns of a dilemma

On the hot seat

On the hour

On the house

On the job

On the level

On the lookout for (someone or something)

On the loose

On the make

On the market

On the mend

On the money

On the move

On the nose

On the off chance

On the one hand

On the other hand

On the point of (doing something)

On the QT

On the right track

On the road

On the rocks

On the ropes

On the same page

On the same wavelength

On the sly

On the spot

On the spur of the moment

On the strength of (something)

On the take

On the tip of one's tongue

On the trail/track of (someone or something)

On the up and up/on the up-and-up

On the verge of (doing something)

On the wagon

On the warpath

On the way (somewhere)

On the whole

On the wrong track

On thin ice

On time

On tiptoe

On top

On top of (something)

On top of (something/things)

On top of the world

On trial

On vacation

On view

On your marks

On/upon (someone's) head

On/upon one's head

Once and for all

Once in a blue moon

Once in a lifetime

Once in a while

Once or twice

Once upon a time


One (for someone)

One after another

One and all

One and only

One and the same

One at a time

One by one

One foot in the grave

One for the (record) books

One for the road

One good turn deserves another

One heck/hell of a (someone or something)

One in a hundred

One in a million

One in a thousand

One in a thousand/hundred/million

One jump/step ahead of (someone or something)

One little bit

One man's meat is another man's poison

One of the boys

One of these days

One of those days

One of those things

One or two

One person's trash is another person's treasure.

One sandwich short of a picnic

One that got away

One thing leads to another

One to a customer

One up on (someone)

One way or another

One's bark is worse than one's bite

One's chickens have come home to roost

One's days are numbered

One's feet are on the ground

One's flesh and blood

One's frame of mind

One's goose is cooked

One's hair stands on end

One's hands are tied

One's lucky number comes up

One's lucky stars

One's money is on (someone)

One's name is mud

One's number is up

One's opposite number

One's stamping grounds

One's tail between one's legs

One-armed bandit

One-night stand

One-track mind



Only have eyes for (someone)

Open (someone's) eyes to (something)


Open (something) up

Open a conversation

Open and aboveboard

Open book

Open fire on (someone)

Open for business

Open one's heart to (someone)

Open Pandora's box

Open season on (someone or something)

Open secret

Open the door to (something)

Open to (something)

Open up a can of worms

Open up on (someone or something)

Open up to (someone)

Open with (something)

Open-and-shut case

Opening gambit

Opposite sex


Or else

Or words to that effect

Order (someone) around/about

Order of the day

Other fish to fry

Other side of the tracks

Other way round

Ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Out and about

Out cold

Out for blood

Out from under (someone or something)

Out front

Out in force

Out in left field

Out in the cold

Out like a light

Out of (something)

Out of a clear blue sky

Out of all proportion

Out of bounds

Out of breath

Out of character

Out of circulation

Out of commission

Out of condition

Out of consideration for (someone or something)

Out of control

Out of courtesy

Out of earshot

Out of favor (with someone)

Out of gas

Out of hand

Out of keeping with (something)

Out of kilter

Out of line

Out of luck

Out of necessity

Out of one's element

Out of one's hair

Out of one's league

Out of one's mind/head/senses

Out of one's shell

Out of order

Out of place

Out of practice

Out of print

Out of proportion

Out of reach

Out of season

Out of service

Out of shape

Out of sight

Out of sight, out of mind.

Out of sorts

Out of spite

Out of step

Out of stock

Out of style/fashion

Out of the blue

Out of the corner of one's eye

Out of the frying pan and into the fire

Out of the hole

Out of the loop

Out of the mouths of babes

Out of the ordinary

Out of the question

Out of the red

Out of the running

Out of the way

Out of the woods

Out of thin air

Out of this world

Out of touch with (someone or something)

Out of town

Out of tune

Out of turn

Out of whack

Out of work

Out on bail

Out on one's ear

Out on parole

Out on patrol

Out on the town

Out to lunch

Out-and-out (something)


Out-of-pocket expenses

Outgrow (something)

Outguess (someone)

Outside of (something)

Outside the box

Outsource (something)

Over (someone's) head

Over a barrel

Over and done with

Over and over

Over one's dead body

Over one's head

Over the hill

Over the hump

Over the long run/haul

Over the short run/haul

Over the top

Over the worst

Over with

Overnight (something)

Owing to (someone or something)

Own up to (something)



Packed in like sardines

Pad the bill

Paddle one's own canoe

Pain in the neck

Paint oneself into a corner

Paint the town red

Pale/blue/green around the gills

Palm off (something)

Paper tiger

Par for the course

Pass the buck

Pass the hat

Pass the torch/baton to someone

Pass through (someone's) mind

Pass with flying colors

Pat on the back

Patch up a relationship

Pay (someone or something) no mind

Pay (someone) a back-handed/left-handed compliment

Pay a king's ransom (for something)

Pay an arm and a leg (for something)

Pay as you go

Pay in advance

Pay lip service to (someone or something)

Pay off

Pay off (someone)

Pay off (something)

Pay off a debt/loan

Pay one's debt (to society)

Pay one's own way

Pay the piper

Pay through the nose for (something)

Pay up




Pecking order

Peeping Tom

Penalty clause

Pennies from heaven

Penny for one's thoughts

Penny saved is a penny earned

Penny-wise and pound foolish

Per head

Perfect couple


Pick holes in an argument

Pick the brains of (someone)

Pick up the tab/check

Pie in the sky

Piece of cake

Piece/slice of the action

Piggy bank


Pinch pennies

Pink slip

Pit one's wits against (someone)


Play ball (with someone)

Play by ear

Play by the rules

Play cat and mouse with (someone)

Play chicken

Play devil's advocate

Play fair

Play footsie (with someone)

Play hardball (with someone)

Play hooky

Play into (someone's) hands

Play it by ear

Play one's ace

Play one's cards close to one's chest

Play one's cards right

Play possum

Play the market

Plea bargain


Plug a product


Poetic justice

Point the finger (of blame) at (someone)

Poke one's nose into (something)

Poker face

Polish the apple

Pony up

Pop the question

Post mortem

Pot calling the kettle black

Pour money down the drain

Pour one's heart out (to someone)


Powder one's nose

Power of attorney


Preferred customer

Preliminary hearing

Press the flesh

Prick up one's ears

Prima facie

Privy to something




Publish or perish

Pull (someone's) leg

Pull (someone's) tooth out

Pull (something) off

Pull (something) out of a hat

Pull one's (own) weight

Pull one's hair out

Pull the wool over (someone's) eyes

Pull through

Pull up one's socks

Pump iron

Punitive damages

Puppy love

Put (lay) one's cards on the table

Put (someone or something) out of one's head/mind

Put (someone or something) out to pasture

Put (someone's) eye out

Put (someone's) nose out of joint

Put (someone) on hold

Put (someone) through

Put (something) down in black and white

Put (something) in mothballs

Put (something) on hold

Put a bug in (someone's) ear

Put all one's eggs in one basket

Put flesh on (something)

Put hair on one's chest

Put ideas into (someone's) head

Put in one's oar

Put in one's two cents (worth)

Put on a brave face

Put on one's thinking cap

Put on the dog

Put on the feed bag

Put one's back into (something)

Put one's best foot forward

Put one's cards on the table

Put one's face on

Put one's finger on (something)

Put one's foot down (about something)

Put one's foot in one's mouth

Put one's hand to the plow

Put one's hands on (something)

Put one's head in a noose

Put one's head in the lion's mouth

Put one's head on the block for (someone or something)

Put one's heads together

Put one's mind to (something)

Put one's money where one's mouth is

Put one's nose to the grindstone

Put one's shoulder to the wheel

Put one's thinking cap on

Put one's toe in the water

Put some teeth into (something)

Put the bite on (someone)

Put the cart before the horse

Put the cat among the pigeons

Put two and two together

Put weight on

Put words into (someone's) mouth

Put/lay the finger on (someone)

Putty in (someone's) hands


Quake in one's boots

Queer as a three-dollar bill

Quick and dirty

Quick as a flash

Quick as a wink

Quick as greased lightning

Quick buck

Quick on the draw

Quick on the trigger

Quick on the uptake

Quick one

Quid pro quo

Quiet as a mouse

Quite a (something)

Quite a bit

Quite a few

Quite a lot

Quite a number

Quote a price


Race against time

Rack one's brain

Racked with pain

Rail at (someone) about (something)

Rain (something) out

Rain cats and dogs

Rain check

Rain on (someone's) parade

Rain or shine

Raise a fuss

Raise a hand

Raise a hand against (someone or something)

Raise a stink about (something)

Raise an objection (to/about someone or something)

Raise an objection to (someone or something)

Raise Cain

Raise eyebrows

Raise havoc with (someone or something)

Raise hell with (someone or something)

Raise its (ugly) head

Raise one's sights

Raise one's voice to (someone)

Raise the ante

Raise/up the ante

Raise/wave a white flag

Rake (someone) over the coals

Rake (something) off

Rake in the money

Rake off (some money)

Rally around someone or something

Ram (something) down (someone's) throat

Ramble on about (someone or something)

Rank and file

Rant (at someone) about (someone or something)

Rant and rave about (someone or something)

Rap (someone's) knuckles

Rap with (someone)

Rare bird

Rarin' to go

Rat on (someone)

Rat out on (someone)

Rat race

Rate with (someone)

Rattle (something) off

Ravished with delight

Raw deal


Reach a compromise

Reach a stalemate

Reach an agreement

Reach an impasse

Reach first base

Reach for the sky

Reach one's stride

Read (someone's) lips

Read (someone's) mind

Read (someone) his or her rights

Read (someone) like an open book

Read (something) into (something)

Read (something) over

Read (something) through

Read between the lines

Read out loud

Read the handwriting on the wall

Read the riot act (to someone)

Read to oneself

Read up on (someone or something)

Ready, willing, and able

Real McCoy

Real thing

Reality of a situation

Rear its ugly head

Receive (someone) with open arms

Reckon with (someone or something)

Recognize (someone or something) for what it/he/she is

Reconcile oneself to (something)

Red cent

Red flag

Red herring

Red in the face

Red ink

Red tape

Red-carpet treatment



Red-letter day

Reduced to (something)

Reel off (something)

Refill a prescription

Regain one's composure

Regain one's feet

Regardless of (something)

Regular as clockwork

Regular guy

Relative to (someone or something)

Reliance on (someone or something)

Religious about (doing something)

Reluctant to (do something)

Reputed to be/do something

Resign oneself to something

Resonate with (someone)

Responsible party

Rest assured

Rest in peace

Rest on one's laurels

Rest on one's oars

Result in (something)

Return the compliment

Return the favor

Rev (something) up

Rhyme or reason

Rich in (something)

Ride (something) out

Ride herd on (someone)

Ride off in all directions

Ride on (someone's) coattails

Ride roughshod over (someone or something)

Ride the gravy train

Riding for a fall

Riding high

Right and left

Right as rain

Right at (a specific time/place)

Right away

Right down/up (someone's) alley

Right hand does not know what the left hand is doing

Right off the bat

Right on

Right on time

Right out

Right side up

Right under one's nose

Ring a bell

Ring down the curtain on (something)

Ring hollow

Ring in the New Year

Ring true

Ring up (someone)

Ring up (something)


Rip into (someone or something)

Rip off (someone or something)

Ripe old age

Ripple of excitement

Ripple of protest

Rise and shine!

Rise to the bait

Rise to the occasion

Risk of rain/showers/thunderstorms

Risk one's neck (to do something)

Rivet (someone's) attention

Road hog

Rob Peter to pay Paul

Rob the cradle

Rock the boat

Rock-bottom offer

Roll around

Roll back (a price)

Roll in

Roll out the red carpet
