Roll up one's sleeves
Roll with the punches
Rolling in money
Rolling stone
Room and board
Root (something) out
Root for (someone or something)
Rooted in (something)
Rooted to the spot
Rope (someone) into (doing something)
Rotten to the core
Rough guess
Rough it
Rough up (someone)
Round off
Round off a number
Round out (something)
Round up (someone or something)
Round-robin letter
Round-robin meeting/discussion/debate
Round-robin tournament/contest
Round-trip ticket
Royal treatment
Rub (someone's) nose in (something)
Rub (someone) the wrong way
Rub (someone/someone's fur) the wrong way
Rub (something) in
Rub (something) off
Rub elbows (with someone)
Rub off on (someone)
Rub out (someone or something)
Rub salt in (someone's) wound
Rub shoulders (with someone)
Ruffle (someone's) feathers
Ruffle its feathers
Ruin of (someone or something)
Rule (someone) out of order
Rule (someone) with an iron fist
Rule of thumb
Rule out (someone or something)
Rule the roost
Rump session
Run (someone) in
Run (someone) out
Run (something) by (someone) again
Run (something) into the ground
Run a fever/temperature
Run a meeting
Run a risk of (something)
Run a tight ship
Run afoul of (someone or something)
Run afoul of the law
Run after (someone) or (something)
Run an ad
Run an errand
Run around
Run around in circles
Run around like a chicken with its head cut off
Run around with (someone)
Run away with (someone)
Run away with (something)
Run circles/rings around (someone)
Run counter to (something)
Run down
Run down (someone or something)
Run down (someone)
Run for it
Run for one's life
Run hot and cold
Run in (somewhere)
Run in the family
Run interference
Run into
Run into (someone or something)
Run into (someone)
Run into (something)
Run into (trouble/problems)
Run into a brick wall
Run like clockwork
Run low on (something)
Run off at the mouth
Run off copies of (something)
Run off with (someone)
Run out of (something)
Run out of patience
Run out of time
Run over (someone or something)
Run over (something)
Run ragged
Run rampant
Run riot/wild
Run scared
Run short
Run short of (something)
Run some tests
Run the gauntlet
Run the good race
Run through (money or something)
Run through (something)
Run to (an amount of money)
Run up
Run up (something)
Run up against (something)
Run wild
Run/go to seed
Rush on (something)
Russian roulette
Rustle (something) up
Sack out
Sacred cow
Sadder but wiser
Saddle (someone) with (something)
Saddled with debt
Safe and sound
Safe bet
Safety in numbers
Sage advice
Sail into (someone)
Sail right through (something)
Sail under false colors
Salt (something) away
Salt away (money)
Salt of the earth
Same as (someone or something)
Same here!
Same old story
Same to you
Sands of time
Save (someone's) bacon
Save (someone's) neck/skin
Save (something) for a rainy day
Save face
Save one's breath
Save the day
Save up (for something)
Saved by the bell
Saving grace
Say "I do"
Say (something) in a roundabout way
Say (something) right to (someone's) face
Say (something) to (someone's) face
Say (something) under one's breath
Say a mouthful
Say grace
Say one's piece
Say the word
Say uncle
Scale (something) down
Scare (someone) out of his or her wits
Scare (someone) silly
Scare (someone) stiff
Scare the (living) daylights out of (someone)
Scare up (someone or something)
Scared silly/stiff
Scatter (something) around
School of hard knocks
School of thought
Score points with someone
Scout around for (someone or something)
Scrape (something) together
Scrape (something) up
Scrape the bottom of the barrel
Scratch (someone's) back
Scratch around for (something)
Scratch one's head
Scratch the surface
Scream bloody murder
Scream one's head off
Screw around
Screw up
Screw up one's courage
Scrimp and save
Scrounge around for (something)
Seamy side of life
Search high and low for (someone or something)
Search me
Search one's heart/soul
Second a motion
Second hand
Second nature to (someone)
Second thought
Second to none
Second wind
Second-guess (someone)
Security against (something)
Security blanket
See (someone or something) as (something)
See (someone) home
See (someone) off
See (someone) out
See (someone) to (somewhere)
See (something) out
See (something) through
See a man about a dog
See about (something)
See double
See eye to eye (with someone)
See fit to (do something)
See no objection to (something)
See one's way clear to (do something)
See pink elephants
See red
See stars
See the color of (someone's) money
See the handwriting on the wall
See the last of (someone or something)
See the light
See the light at the end of the tunnel
See the light of day
See the sights
See the world/things through rose-colored glasses
See things
See through (someone or something)
See to (someone or something)
See to it (that something is done)
See which way the wind is blowing
Seeing is believing
Seeing someone
Seize an opportunity
Seize upon (something)
Sell (someone) a bill of goods
Sell (someone) on a plan or idea
Sell (someone) short
Sell (something) at a loss
Sell (something) for a song
Sell (something) off
Sell (something) on credit
Sell (something) out
Sell like hotcakes
Sell out
Sell out (someone or something)
Send (someone) about his or her business
Send (someone) off
Send (someone) packing
Send (someone) up
Send (someone) up the river
Send (something) C.O.D. (care of delivery)
Send away for (something)
Send someone to the showers
Send up a trial balloon
Separate but equal
Separate the men from the boys
Separate the sheep from the goats
Serve (someone's) purpose
Serve (someone) right
Serve as a guinea pig
Serve notice on (someone)
Serve time
Set (someone or something) free
Set (someone or something) loose
Set (someone or something) straight
Set (someone) back
Set (someone) back on his or her heels
Set (someone) free
Set (someone) up (in business)
Set (something) on its ear
Set (something) right
Set (something) to music
Set a date
Set a precedent
Set a trap
Set about to (do something or go somewhere)
Set back (someone or something)
Set eyes on (someone or something)
Set fire to (something)
Set foot (somewhere)
Set forth (something)
Set forth (somewhere)
Set great store on (someone or something)
Set in
Set in one's ways
Set off (something)
Set one back on one's heels
Set one's eyes on (someone or something)
Set one's heart against (something)
Set one's heart on (something)
Set one's mind at rest
Set one's sights on (something)
Set one's teeth on edge
Set out (somewhere)
Set out to (do something)
Set sail
Set the pace
Set the stage for (something)
Set the table
Set the world on fire
Set tongues wagging
Set type
Set up (someone)
Set up (something)
Set up a meeting
Set up shop (somewhere)
Set upon (someone or something)
Settle (someone's) affairs
Settle (something) out of court
Settle a score with (someone)
Settle down
Settle for (something)
Settle on (something)
Settle up with (someone)
Sever ties with (someone)
Sew (something) up
Shack up with (someone)
Shades of (someone or something)
Shadow of oneself/itself
Shaggy dog story
Shake (someone) down
Shake a leg
Shake hands on (something)
Shake hands with (someone)
Shake off (someone or something)
Shake off an illness
Shake up (someone)
Shake up (something)
Shake/quake in one's boots
Shaken up
Shape up
Shape up or ship out
Share (someone's) pain
Share (someone's) sorrow
Share and share alike
Sharp tongue
Shed/throw some light on (something)
Shell out (money)
Shine up to (someone)
Shipping and handling
Ships that pass in the night
Shirk one's duty
Shoe is on the other foot
Shoot for (something)
Shoot from the hip
Shoot one's mouth off
Shoot one's wad
Shoot oneself in the foot
Shoot out (something)
Shoot straight
Shoot the breeze/bull
Shoot the works
Shoot up
Shoot up (drugs)
Shoot up (someone or something)
Shop around for (something)
Shore (something) up
Short and sweet
Short end (of the stick)
Short for (something)
Short of (something)
Short shrift
Shot in the arm
Shot in the dark
Shot through with (something)
Shotgun wedding
Should have one's head examined
Shoulder to cry on
Shoulder to shoulder
Shove (something) down (someone's) throat
Shove off
Shove one's way somewhere
Shove/force/ram (something) down (someone's) throat
Show (someone) the door
Show (someone) the ropes
Show (someone) to his or her seat
Show (someone) up
Show (something) to good advantage
Show of hands
Show one's cards/hand
Show one's face
Show one's hand
Show one's teeth
Show one's true colors
Show signs of (something)
Show up
Shrug (something) off
Shuffle the cards/deck
Shut (something) off
Shut (something) up
Shut off
Shut one's face/trap
Shut out (a team)
Shut the door on (someone)
Shut the door on (something)
Shut up
Shut up (someone or something)
Shut your mouth!
Shuttle (someone) from place to place
Shy away from (someone or something)
Sick and tired of (someone or something)
Sick at heart
Sick of (someone or something)
Side against (someone)
Side with (someone)
Sight for sore eyes
Sight unseen
Sign (something) over
Sign on with (someone)
Sign one's own death warrant
Sign up for (something)
Signal to (someone) to do (something)
Signed, sealed and delivered
Silence is deafening
Silly season
Silver bullet
Simmer down
Since time immemorial
Sing (someone's) praises
Sing/whistle a different tune
Sink in
Sink into despair
Sink one's teeth into (something)
Sink or swim
Sit (something) out
Sit around (somewhere)
Sit at (someone's) feet
Sit back
Sit back and let (something) happen
Sit bolt upright
Sit idly by
Sit in for (someone)
Sit in judgment of (someone)
Sit in on (something)
Sit on (something)
Sit on its/their hands
Sit on one's hands
Sit on the fence
Sit right
Sit through (something)
Sit tight
Sit up and take notice
Sit up with (someone)
Sit well with (someone)
Sitting duck
Sitting on a goldmine
Sitting pretty
Sitting target
Six feet under
Six of one and half a dozen of the other
Sixth sense
Size of it
Size up (someone or something)
Skate on thin ice
Skeleton in one's closet
Skid row
Skin (someone) alive
Skin and bones
Skip bail
Skip it
Skip out on (someone or something)
Skip rope
Sky's the limit
Slack off
Slap (someone or something) down
Slap (something) together
Slap in the face
Slap on the wrist
Slated for (something)
Slave to (someone or something)
Sleep (something) off
Sleep in
Sleep like a log/baby
Sleep on (something)
Sleep with (someone)
Slice of the cake/pie
Slip away/off/out
Slip of the tongue
Slip one's mind
Slip out
Slip through (someone's) fingers
Slip up
Slow as molasses in January
Slow down
Slow going
Slow on the draw
Slow on the uptake
Slow up
Slower and slower
Slowly but surely
Smack dab in the middle
Smack into (someone or something)
Small fry
Small potatoes
Small/fine print
Small/wee hours (of the night/morning)
Smart money is on (something)
Smash hit
Smear campaign (against someone)
Smell a rat
Smell blood
Smile from ear to ear
Smile on (someone or something)
Smoke (someone or something) out
Smoke (something) out
Smoke and mirrors
Smooth (something) over
Smooth sailing
Snail's pace
Snake in the grass
Snake oil salesman
Snap (something) up
Snap at (someone)
Snap out of (something)
Sniff out (someone or something)
Snow (someone) under
Snow job
So clean you can eat off the floor
So far
So far, so good
So help me
So long
So mad that one could scream
So much
So much for (someone or something)
So much the better
So quiet you can hear a pin drop
So soon
So still you can hear a pin drop
So to speak
Soak (something) up
Soaked to the skin
Sob story
Sock (something) away
Sock away (some money)
Sock it to (someone)
Soft spot for (someone or something)
Soil one's diapers
Sold out
Solid as a rock
Somebody up there loves/hates me
Someone's fingerprints are on (something)
Something about (someone or something)
Something else
Something else again
Something of the sort
Something or other
Something's up
Something/words to that effect
Somewhere in the neighborhood of (an amount of money or something)
Son of a gun/bitch)
Son of a sea biscuit
Song and dance
Sooner or later
Sore loser
Sort (something) out
Sort of (something)
Sound (someone) out
Sound as if
Sound like (something)
Sound like a broken record
Sound off about (something)
Soup up (something)
Sow one's wild oats
Spaced out
Spare (someone) (something)
Speak for (something)
Speak for itself/themselves
Speak highly of (someone or something)
Speak ill of (someone)
Speak of the devil (and he appears)
Speak off the cuff
Speak one's mind
Speak one's piece/mind
Speak out of turn
Speak out on/about (something)
Speak the same language
Speak up
Speak up for (someone or something)
Speak with a forked tongue
Spell (something) out
Spell trouble
Spill the beans
Spin (something) off
Spin a yarn
Spin one's wheels
Spit in (someone's) eye
Spit up (something)
Spitting image of (someone)
Split (someone) up
Split (something) fifty-fifty
Split hairs
Split one's sides (with laughter)
Split the difference
Split ticket
Split up
Splitting headache
Splurge on (something)
Spoken for
Spook (someone)
Spoon-feed (someone)
Sport of kings
Sporting chance
Spout off about (someone or something)
Spread like wildfire
Spread one's wings
Spread oneself too thin
Spring (something) on (someone)
Spring for (something)
Spruce (something) up
Square accounts with (someone)
Square away (something)
Square deal
Square meal
Square off to do (something)
Square one
Square peg in a round hole
Square things up with (someone)
Square up to (someone or something)
Squawk about (something)
Squeak by (someone or something)
Squirrel (something) away
Squirrel away (some money)
Stab (someone) in the back
Stack the cards/deck for or against (someone or something)
Stack the deck
Stack up (something)
Stake a claim to (something)
Stall off (someone or something)
Stamp out (something)
Stand (someone) in good stead with (someone or something)
Stand (something) on its head
Stand a chance of (doing something)
Stand behind (someone or something)
Stand by
Stand by (someone)
Stand clear of (something)
Stand corrected
Stand for (something)
Stand head and shoulders above (the rest/someone/something)
Stand in (someone's) way
Stand in awe of (someone or something)
Stand in for (someone)
Stand off (someone or something)
Stand off from (someone or something)
Stand on ceremony
Stand on one's head (to do something)
Stand on one's own two feet
Stand one's ground
Stand out
Stand over (someone or something)
Stand pat
Stand still for (something)
Stand to reason
Stand up
Stand up (someone)
Stand up and be counted
Stand up for (someone or something)
Stand up to (someone)
Standing joke
Stare (someone) in the face
Stark raving mad
Stars in one's eyes
Start from scratch
Start in as (something)
Start off on the wrong foot
Start out as (something)
Start over/off with a clean slate
Start the ball rolling
Start up (something)
Stay away from (something)
Stay put
Steal (someone's) thunder
Steal a base
Steal a march on (someone)
Steal someone's heart
Steal the show/spotlight
Steamed up
Steaming mad
Steer clear of (someone or something)
Step down from (a job/position)
Step into (someone's) shoes
Step into the breach
Step on it
Step on the gas
Step out of line
Step right up
Step up
Step up (something)
Step/tread on (someone's) toes
Stew in one's own juice
Stick (someone) with (something)
Stick (something) out
Stick (something) up
Stick around
Stick by/with (someone or something)
Stick in (someone's) mind
Stick in (someone's) throat/craw
Stick one's head in a noose
Stick one's neck out (for someone or something)
Stick one's nose into (something)
Stick out like a sore thumb
Stick to a story/the facts
Stick to one's guns
Stick to one's ribs
Stick together
Stick up (someone or something)
Stick up for (someone or something)
Stick with (something)
Sticky fingers
Sticky wicket
Stink to high heaven
Stir (someone or something) up
Stir up a hornet's nest
Stitch in time saves nine
Stock up on (something)
Stone broke
Stone's throw away from (something)
Stoop to (doing something)
Stop at nothing
Stop by (somewhere)
Stop dead
Stop in one's tracks
Stop off (somewhere)
Stop over (somewhere)
Stop short of (doing something)
Stop, look, and listen
Storm is brewing
Straight and narrow
Straight from the horse's mouth
Straight from the shoulder
Straight out
Straighten (something) up
Straighten out (someone or something)
Stranger to (someone or something or somewhere)
Strapped for cash
Straw in the wind
Straw that breaks the camel's back
Straw that broke the camel's back
Stretch one's legs
Stretch the point
Stretch the truth
Strictly on the level
Strictly on the up-and-up
Strike (someone's) fancy
Strike (someone) as (something)
Strike (someone) as funny
Strike a balance (between two or more things)
Strike a bargain
Strike a chord with (someone)
Strike a happy medium
Strike a match
Strike a pose
Strike a sour note
Strike at the heart of (something)
Strike gold
Strike it rich
Strike out
Strike out at (someone or something)
Strike the right note
Strike up a conversation with (someone)
Strike up a friendship with (someone)
Strike while the iron is hot
String (someone) along
String (something) out
String along with (someone)
Strings attached
Stroke of luck
Struggle to the death
Stuck in a rut
Stuck in traffic
Stuck on (someone)
Stuck on (something)
Stuck up
Stuck with (someone or something)
Stuff and nonsense
Stuff one's face
Stuff the ballot box
Stuffed shirt
Stumble across/into (someone)
Stumble across/upon (someone or something)
Stumble into (somewhere)
Stumbling block
Subject to (something)
Subscribe to (something)
Such and such
Such as
Such as it is
Suck (someone) in
Sucker list
Sugar daddy
Suggestive of (something)
Suit oneself
Suit/fit (someone) to a T
Sum (something) up
Sum and substance
Sunny-side up
Supply and demand
Supposed to do (something)
Sure thing.
Survival of the fittest
Susceptible to (something)
Swallow (something) hook, line and sinker
Swallow one's pride
Swamped with (something)
Swan song
Swear (someone) in
Swear by (something)
Swear off (something)
Swear on (something)
Swear on a stack of bibles
Sweat (something) out
Sweat blood
Sweat bullets/blood
Sweat it out
Sweep (someone) off his or her feet
Sweep (something) under the rug/carpet
Sweep out of (somewhere)
Sweet and sour
Sweet nothings
Sweet on (someone)
Sweet-talk (someone)
Sweetheart deal
Sweetie pie
Swelled head
Swift and sure
Swim against the tide/current
Swing (something)
Swing into action
Switched on
Table a discussion
Table a motion
Tackle a problem
Tag along with (someone)
Tail between one's legs
Tail wagging the dog
Take (a company) public
Take (someone or something) in hand
Take (someone or something) off (someone's) hands
Take (someone or something) on
Take (someone or something) wrong
Take (someone or somewhere) by storm
Take (someone's) breath away
Take (someone's) part
Take (someone's) pulse
Take (someone's) temperature
Take (someone) at his or her word
Take (someone) by surprise
Take (someone) down a notch/peg or two
Take (someone) for (someone or something)
Take (someone) for a ride
Take (someone) for an idiot/fool
Take (someone) for granted
Take (someone) hostage
Take (someone) into one's confidence
Take (someone) to task
Take (someone) to the cleaners
Take (someone) under one's wings
Take (someone) up on (something)
Take (something)
Take (something) at face value
Take (something) by storm
Take (something) for granted
Take (something) in stride
Take (something) into account
Take (something) lying down
Take (something) on faith
Take (something) on the chin
Take (something) out on (someone or something)
Take (something) personally
Take (something) the wrong way
Take (something) to heart
Take (something) to one's grave
Take (something) up with (someone)
Take (something) with a grain of salt
Take (something/it) to the bank
Take a backseat to (someone or something)
Take a bath (on something)
Take a beating
Take a bow
Take a break
Take a chance/risk
Take a course in (something)
Take a crack at (something)
Take a dig at (someone)
Take a dim view of (something)
Take a fancy/liking to (someone or something)
Take a gander at (someone or something)
Take a hand in (something)
Take a hard line (with someone)
Take a hint
Take a leaf out of (someone's) book
Take a leak
Take a load off one's feet
Take a look at (someone or something)
Take a look for (someone or something)
Take a nap
Take a new turn
Take a nosedive
Take a pay cut
Take a potshot at (someone or something)
Take a powder
Take a punch at (someone)
Take a shine to (someone)
Take a shot/stab at (doing something)
Take a shower/bath
Take a spill
Take a stand on (something)
Take a toll on (someone or something)
Take a trip
Take a turn for the better
Take a turn for the worse
Take a vacation
Take a whack at (someone)
Take a whack at (something)
Take advantage of (someone or something)
Take after (someone)
Take aim at (someone or something)
Take an interest in (something)
Take an oath
Take attendance
Take back (something)
Take care of (someone or something)
Take care of (something)
Take care of number one
Take charge of (someone or something)
Take down (something)
Take effect
Take exception to (something)
Take five
Take great pains to do (something)
Take heart
Take heed
Take hold of (someone or something)
Take in
Take in (clothes)
Take in (money)
Take in (someone)
Take in (something)
Take inventory
Take issue with (someone)
Take it
Take it away
Take it easy
Take it easy on (someone or something)
Take it into one's head to do (something)
Take it on the chin
Take it or leave it
Take it out on (someone or something)
Take it slow
Take it upon oneself to (do something)
Take its toll
Take kindly to (someone or something)
Take leave of one's senses
Take liberties with (someone or something)
Take minutes
Take no stock in (something)
Take note of (something)
Take notice of (something)
Take off
Take off after (someone or something)
Take off clothes/shoes etc.
Take off one's hat to (someone)
Take off time
Take offense at (someone or something)
Take office
Take on (an employee)
Take on (someone)
Take on (something)
Take on the look/appearance of (something)
Take on too much
Take one's cue from (someone)
Take one's eye off the ball
Take one's hat off to (someone)
Take one's leave of (someone)
Take one's mind off (something)
Take one's own life
Take one's own medicine
Take one's time
Take one's vows
Take out (someone)
Take out a loan
Take over (something)
Take part in (something)
Take pity on (someone or something)
Take place
Take precedence over (someone or something)
Take pride in (something)
Take root
Take shape
Take sick/ill
Take sides
Take steps to (prevent/do something)
Take stock
Take stock in (something)
Take stock of (something)
Take that tack
Take the bitter with the sweet
Take the bull by the horns
Take the cake
Take the checkered flag
Take the day off
Take the edge off (something)
Take the Fifth
Take the initiative to (do something)
Take the law into one's own hands
Take the liberty of (doing something)
Take the money and run
Take the plunge
Take the rap for (someone or something)
Take the roll
Take the stand
Take the starch out of (someone)
Take the trouble to (do something)
Take the wind out of one's sails
Take the wind out of someone's sails
Take the words out of (someone's) mouth
Take time off
Take to (someone or something)
Take to (something)
Take to one's heels
Take to the woods
Take turns
Take umbrage at (something)
Take up (clothes)
Take up (something)
Take up (somewhere)
Take up (space or room)
Take up (time)
Take up a collection
Take up arms against (someone or something)
Take up where one left off
Take up with (someone)
Taken aback
Taken for dead
Talk (someone's) ear off
Talk (someone's) head off
Talk (someone) down in price
Talk (someone) into (doing something)
Talk (someone) out of (doing something)
Talk (someone) out of (something)
Talk (something) over
Talk a blue streak
Talk back to (someone)
Talk big
Talk down to (someone)
Talk in circles
Talk of (somewhere)
Talk oneself out
Talk out (a problem)
Talk shop
Talk through one's hat
Talk turkey
Talk until one is blue in the face
Talk up (someone or something)
Tamper with (something)
Tan (someone's) hide
Taper off
Tar and feather (someone)
Tarred with the same brush
Taste blood
Taste of (something)
Taste of things to come
Teach one's grandmother to suck eggs
Teach someone a lesson
Teacher's pet
Team player
Team up with (someone)
Tear down (someone)
Tear down (something)
Tear into (someone or something)
Tear off
Tear one's hair out
Tear up (someone)
Tear up (something)
Tear/rip (someone) limb from limb
Teething problems/troubles
Tell (someone) a thing or two
Tell (someone) a thing or two (about something)
Tell (someone) off
Tell (someone) to his or her face
Tell (someone) where to get off
Tell apart (two things or people)
Tell it like it is
Tell it to the marines/Sweeney
Tell on (someone)
Tell time
Tempest in a teapot
Ten to one
Test the water
Thank one's lucky stars
Thankful for small blessings
Thanks to (someone or something)
That makes two of us.
That will be the day
That's all she wrote.
That's the way the ball bounces.
That's the way the cookie crumbles
Then and there
There are plenty of other fish in the sea
There is more than one way to skin a cat
There is no such thing as a free lunch
Thin on top
Think (someone or something) fit for (something)
Think a lot/great deal/highly/much of (someone or something)
Think back on (someone or something)
Think better of (doing something)
Think inside the box
Think little of (someone or something)
Think nothing of (something)
Think on one's feet
Think out (something)
Think out loud
Think outside the box
Think over (something)
Think the world of (someone or something)
Think twice (before doing something)
Think up (an excuse/idea)
Third degree
Thirst/thirsty for (something)
Thorn in (someone's) side
Those three little words
Thousand and one
Thrash (something) out
Thread (one's way) through (something)
Three R's
Three sheets to the wind
Thrill (someone) to pieces/death
Through and through
Through hell and high water
Through the grapevine
Through the mill
Through thick and thin
Throw (someone's) name around
Throw (someone)
Throw (someone) a curve
Throw (someone) for a loop
Throw (someone) for a loss
Throw (someone) off (someone's) trail
Throw (someone) to the lions
Throw (someone) to the wolves
Throw (something) back in (someone's) face
Throw (something) into the bargain
Throw (something) together
Throw a fit
Throw a monkey wrench into the works
Throw a party for (someone)
Throw away a chance or opportunity
Throw caution to the wind
Throw cold water on (something)
Throw down the gauntlet
Throw good money after bad
Throw in (something)
Throw in one's lot with (someone or something)
Throw in the towel/sponge
Throw money around
Throw money at (something)
Throw off (someone)
Throw off an illness
Throw one's hands up in despair