“And this tape recorder, is it also a museum exhibit?”
“Yes, this is also a museum exhibit. He is related to Princess Melicenta. She disappeared from the 12th century, but this object remained in the 12th century.”
“In my opinion, it is much easier to assume that one of the visitors forgot this thing?”
“Maybe you forgot? Take it.”
“I'm not sure it's me.”
“Not sure?”
“Let's get out of here. Is there anything else to see here?”
“No. This is a small museum and it is open only once a year—June 31, Lunar Day.”
“Yes, excuse me, what did you say, the name of this princess?”
“My wife’s name is also Melicenta.”
from the film “31 June”, episode 2, time 1:02:30.
It happens that some event is carefully stored for decades and gradually makes its way to you, actively generating other events, until you finally discover it, deep in your past.
I suppose this is an attribute that is unexpectedly close to my heart. That's exactly how I feel when I think about him… (chapter written March 2021).
What could be an exciting adventure for a 12–13 year old child? I think the Earth Spirits, which are extremely powerful, are quite an interesting toy.
Yes, but now, in 2021, when I found out about these holes in the earth, I am already about 48 years old! Of course, but when I remember that time, I will be 13 years old again, as when I went on an unforgettable two-day train trip to a pioneer camp at the End of the World…
March 5, 2021, Friday, at 12:00 pm I was in the office, and once again (I do this regularly, about once every few months), I began to study materials from the Internet about the painting Salvator Mundi by Leonardo Da Vinci. After opening several videos about this work of fine arts on Youtube, I finished my workday and went home.
Earlier that day, I called back on the phone (there was an important missed call), after which I looked at the phone balance, it turned out to be 119.91 rubles [$2]. East took a screenshot of the balance the next day. I rarely check my balance, no more than 1–2 times a month; the previous time, a week ago it was 36.66 rubles [$0.5]. I got a little tense because recognized the style. Naturally, I immediately began to look for what was going to happen in the next few hours or days…
March 6, 2021, Saturday, in the afternoon, East said that she had recently received an amateur documentary video about the city of Rechitsa with the filming date supposedly summer 1986. She promised to send it to me by email, and I received it on the evening of March 7.
While searching for information on the Internet, I became interested in the name of the last owner of the painting – Rybolovlev. I also opened information on another character who was a catcher of fish and human souls 2000 years ago.
During the day I studied information about Rybolovlev, about his lightning-fast and excessive enrichment and his desire to quickly withdraw money abroad and invest it anywhere, including in the purchase of the most expensive paintings, a football club, about his attempts to bribe officials and “join in”, become one of the elite of the small state of Monaco.
(link in Russian)
“The story of Dmitry Rybolovlev is typical of many Russian oligarchs. He made a fortune mining potash fertilizers until the Kremlin bought his assets, sending the oligarch into friendly ‘exile’. Rybolovlev chose the Grimaldi House in Monaco for his investment. He bought a luxury penthouse ‘La Belle Epoque’ on the famous seaside cliffs of Monaco, the AC Monaco football team, 10% in the Bank of Cyprus.”
(link in Russian)
“The love of art brought the oligarch together with the art dealer Yves Bouvier, an influential man in the art world, the owner of several so-called Freeports – high-tech storage facilities for works of art, jewelry and antiques in duty-free zones of Geneva, Luxembourg and Singapore. These warehouses, or art galleries, offer rich people and collectors services for storing and transporting their valuables without paying taxes and customs duties. And besides, such platforms are ideal for the role of intermediaries between antiques sellers and potential buyers.”
March 7, 2021, Sunday, at 5:00 pm I opened the Wiki page about Uralkali and studied information about the failures (gaps in ground) in Berezniki.
In the evening at 10:50 pm I received and watched an archival video about the city of Rechitsa (the date of filming was probably June 10, 1986). I have never seen an amateur documentary about my hometown before. At 11:05 pm I told East that in the summer of 1986 I spent two months (that’s two shifts) in a pioneer camp near these two nearby cities, Solikamsk and Berezniki, 1700 km from the city of Rechitsa. We were forcibly taken there as “victims of the Chernobyl accident” after the 6th grade of Secondary School № 2 in Rechitsa. It was during my stay there, on the night of July 26–27, 1986, that the first failure occurred in Berezniki, which was accompanied by a gas explosion.
Subsequently, over a period of 35 years, ten more failures occurred, but this was the first major failure, which gave rise to a modern geological catastrophe and the death of this previously calm town and the region as a whole.
What is the connection between the appearance of the first failure in Berezniki and me? It seems like nothing, it’s like an “obvious accident”, but if we assume that the appearance of a certain person in the region leads to the activation of some “embedded mechanism”, then of course this sounds very fantastic and interesting in terms of analyzing the hypothetical connection of an individual with the outside world. This was the only time I visited this geologically unstable area.
All the failures were mainly at the enterprise, which later brought money to the new owner – Mr. Rybolovlev. This enterprise formed his fortune and made him a rich and successful oligarch. He managed to get these potash mines during the collapse of the USSR, I believe, the price was symbolic. Potash fertilizers are extremely important for agriculture (remember the SATOR square, which supposedly describes a certain Sower with a plow).
In 2013, Rybolovlev bought for $127.5 million, and in 2017, sold the painting Salvator Mundi by Leonardo Da Vinci for a record amount of $450.3 million.
Thanks to this sale, the painting became the most expensive work of fine art in the world at the moment and naturally attracted the attention of ordinary people far from art. After the sale, the painting disappears without a trace.
If we go back a century, the Mona Lisa came to the attention of ordinary people thanks to the hype in the newspapers, due to the fact that it was stolen in 1911. Before this event, this painting was not so well known, and was clearly not considered the most significant work of art of all times and peoples.
Gaps in ground in Berezniki and Solikamsk (link in Russian)
“The size of the hole along the surface of the water was about 150x70m, along the edge of the forest – 210x110m, 2010s. In 1988, the depth was 105m, in 1992 – 74m, in February 2000 – 52m.”
March 11, 2021, East said that she received a letter with a link to a video about the city of Rechitsa at 4:53 am on March 5, 2021.
East was born in Berezniki and the idea occurred to me that the event with the first failure of the earth was a gift to her on March 8 (I told her the whole story with Uralkali the day before, March 7, 2021). I met her at the beginning of 2003, in the city of Rechitsa, where she settled with her family after many years of wandering around other cities.
Naturally, I could not take this fact negatively, and the fact that this turned out to be the birthplace of the East was, of course, a strong move on the part of the Spirit. I was sent to the Solikamsk and Berezniki area at the age of 13, which is very similar to the “engagement” ritual when a boy and a girl meet at a young age if their relatives plan to arrange their wedding in the future. It's also interesting that these two small towns are very close together, an unusual pairing of towns.
Chronology of my life for the period 1985 – 1996
(Second half of the year, before New Year) – (First half of the next year, until mid-summer) – (Event)
85-86 – 6th grade of Secondary School № 2 in Rechitsa, trip to a pioneer camp near Solikamsk.
86-87 – 7th grade, in the fall of 1986, I moved to my mother in Noyabrsk.
87-88 – 8th grade of Secondary School № 8 in Noyabrsk.
88-89 – 1st year of the Minsk Radio Engineering College. In the autumn and early winter of 1988, the exhibition Informatics in the Life of the USA was held in Minsk.
89-90 – 2nd year of Radio Engineering College.
90-91 – 1st year of the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute. In August I vacationed in Sochi, where from August 18 to 21, 1991, I saw the State Emergency Committee on TV.
91-92 – 2nd year of the Radio Engineering Institute. At the end of 1991 I watched the film Mona Lisa, dir. by N. Studnev.
92-93 – 3rd year at the Radio Engineering Institute, studied until the New Year, then I was expelled in the spring.
93-94 – 1st year of the Film Actor School in Minsk
94-95 – 1st year at the Humanitarian University in Leningrad, specialization something like “actor and theater director”.
95-96 – 1 semester (in autumn) at Lenfilm’s Film Director School in Leningrad (now the city is called St. Petersburg).
“Here, like a crime,
It will happen, and the whole Universe is in me.
Who, what are you dreaming about?
I already know everything gradually about me.”
band SEREBRO, song “Let’s hold hands”, 2010.
(Written May 22, 2021, morning to 1:00 pm)
Over the years I have developed a certain, slightly negative attitude towards my Spirit. When I began to become aware of outside influence on myself, I realized that it did not always correspond to my personality, but I was forced to endure and correct this influence, since I assumed that this was one of the laws of my earthly existence.
My Spirit is, as I say jokingly, from the “lowest reaches of Hell”, so to speak, “with an outstanding origin”, sex-crazed and extremely eccentric.
For my personality is very unpleasant about low-quality dark energies of low intensity, and in the reality around me, such “garbage energy” predominates. I also dislike random positive energies separated from the source, no matter how unusual it may sound. But this does not mean that I am on the way up, to “good”, or in search of “evil”; I am just far from these two poles and am creating my own path in life. Where my path leads is a big mystery, including for me.
I have an assumption that I got such a “terrible and wonderful Spirit”, because with such a child you need to “keep your hands in your pockets”, otherwise “your finger will be bitten off”, and I have not yet shown my essence.
In everyday life, I have a “slightly positive” attitude towards people, phenomena and objects around me, because this is the easiest way and people will leave you alone. This is a consequence of my responsible behavior, based on the understanding that to experience any emotions towards others is to receive an emotional connection with them, to think about them is a mental connection. It seems easier for me without these burdens.
I try not to think about the people and events around me in a negative way, because I believe that this harms me first of all, due to my internal structure, if I have a negative attitude towards someone external, I can personally suffer defeat. This is also due to the fact that, having a negative attitude towards something, I can begin to be dependent and attract unnecessary connections to myself.
Interestingly, I am much more kind to people, if I don't know them closely. Perhaps this is due to the fact that people who know me are too close to me, which stresses me out and causes rejection.
I don’t do any magic or rituals, I’m not interested in that.
As for “changing the Spirit” – I don’t think it’s realistic, because I remember its impact from the age of 4–5, i.e. all my adult life, and, in principle, I got used to his periodic “cute pranks” in my mental or emotional field.
How is the influence of the Spirit manifested? For example, if I am in a state of sleep and do not realize that it is a dream, then my behavior is a manifestation of the Spirit, because when my main part is asleep, I am easy to manipulate. If I act in a dream without all the information, then it will be more likely the behavior of the Spirit. At the moment of awakening, I clearly understand the whole situation, and naturally, at this moment I divide my behavior into what matters to me, and into behavior under the influence of external forces.
If in everyday reality I sometimes forget something important and similarly act without considering this important information, then this is also behavior under the influence of third forces.
Of course, there is no dual behavior, as well as “separation of personality”, because my Spirit does not have consciousness manifested on our plane of existence, and, therefore, there is no competition for my thought space.
If in ordinary life I feel some bright emotions or I have unexpected thoughts, then with a high degree of probability this can also be the tricks of the Spirit, adjusting my worldview. But unexpected thoughts and images—this is not thinking at all, which implies a process consisting of a chain of thoughts.
When I wrote earlier about the “external way of thinking”, I called thinking a complex external process, which, of course, does not have a direct correspondence with the human thinking process. This is something completely unusual and perfect, and in this matter I am only taking the first steps. I don't know what it is or how this process will unfold over time. When I think “outwardly” I don't think “inwardly”, it's like my personal evolution.
This process of “external thinking” became possible only when in recent years my Infinity has become more independent from the outside world, and reality does not always manage to limit me and drive me inside the prison cell of my physical body in the process of thinking.
One day in November 2020, at the beginning of a short sleep, he (i.e., of course, me) even called himself the name Balthazar. This is probably typical false information, but it gave me the incentive to look for data on the Internet.
Balthazar – half-demon, half-human (link in Russian)
“According to Christian mythology, Balthazar was the demon who was responsible for seducing people from their true path. Interestingly, in the Jewish belief such a demon simply did not exist.
Balthazar is a demon born from a mere mortal and a demoness. To be more precise, Balthazar is not even a demon, but a demonic entity. His character is insidious and quarrelsome, and his essence is fickle. Either he is in the guise of an evil demon with a repulsive appearance (purple-red face, horns and tail), or he appears before people as an ordinary person. He is a master of illusions and reincarnations, deception and curses. He is subject to frequent changes of mood, and not the best feelings take possession of him – violent outbursts of anger are replaced by no less terrifying lust.
What’s strange is that Balthazar’s character changes dramatically depending on what guise he’s in. So, being a demon, he is incredibly cruel and cunning. His job is to find and destroy good witches, which he does successfully. After all, he’s a demon of the highest level, which means he can do something!
Having reincarnated as a human, Balthazar becomes unrecognizable. He begins to feel and may even fall in love. Our world makes him more humane, frees him from rage and the eternal desire to kill. Most likely, this is explained by the fact that this demon, be that as it may, has partially human roots and, accordingly, inherited from his father some human character traits and feelings.
However, you shouldn’t get too hopeful and deluded – at any moment, even a great attachment to someone can be overcome by the cruel essence of his demon mother breaking out. In addition, thanks to the ability to transform, this demon can become anyone, taking any place he likes in our world and society. It is quite possible that you even saw him once or that he still seems to be one of your acquaintances or best friends. This is such a two-faced entity!”
Internet comment: “Balthazar is a demon who knows how to appreciate. And he doesn’t care much about the soul of a mortal; there are things more serious than the soul. He is devoted to the owner, if the owner keeps him for the sake of revenge or justice… he helps to establish the balance of the Universe, he is a friend and an enemy. You need to be sincere with him, and then he will become interested in you and begin to listen. His mother is a demon of the element of fire. She is a righteous woman over chaos, her father, on the contrary, is a right person… Balthazar has a special opinion”.
Who is Balthazar? (link in Russian)
“The demon Balthazar is a common misconception. Today, many demonologists, who have not delved into the origins of the ancient traditions of summoning demonic entities, believe that Balthazar is the name of one of the creatures of hell. Compared to the demon Astaroth or the Lord of the Flies, Beelzebub, Balthazar has no real prototypes. Most prejudices are based only on popular literature and other works of popular art. Some claim that Balthazar is the son of a demoness and a common man, the best assassin in the service of the hellish lords.
This demon is an invention of the creators of the popular series about witches “Charmed”, which is where the information came from. Medieval magicians, for example, the famous and authoritative demonologists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Aleister Crowley or MacGregor Mathers, did not know or write anything about the demon.
The name Balthazar is still popular today. A real demon does not exist and did not exist, unlike the biblical king, sorcerer and some other historical figures mentioned in various sources.”
Internet comment: “Balthasar is not on any theological list of angels and demons”.
I was glad when I read the comments on these articles. It may seem that I am interested in “cooperating with a demon”. But this is not what attracted me, I liked that it fits exactly into the overall fabric of the narrative of my books, and there is nothing more interesting than unraveling a certain plan bit by bit.
I sometimes noticed how a certain raging hatred rose from the depths of my subconscious, not supported by anything, just such an internal and at the same time external feeling that did not affect me. This happened rarely, maybe a couple of times a year. At first I was amazed by this depth of hatred, but then I noticed that it did not directly concern me, and I could quite easily pull it out of my subconscious at will for further research and softening.
… And there is a possibility that all this does not come from the Spirit, but from my personality. But this is of course the most unpleasant option.
(Opened on June 28, 2022 at 2:38 pm, when I had almost finished the book).
Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Ratos (link in Russian)
“A famous talisman formula which, in one of its earliest versions, is found in the ruins of Pompeii around 79 AD. There is still no consensus on what this square or magic formula means. Among the most popular versions:
1. If we consider the Latinized version: sator – tiller; arepo – some form of name; tenet – holds; opera – work; rotas – wheels or plow. Thus, this formula refers to the actions of the planet Saturn, whose symbol is the farmer with a scythe (the great reaper). Here we can recall the famous spirit of Saturn from Western magic – Aratron, whose name in Greek Αροτρον means ‘farmer’. In general, this explanation is quite legitimate, because often this square can be seen in medical formulas against epidemics, which are also under the influence of Saturn.
2. There is a version that these are the names of the three wise men as a protective force, protecting and honoring the infant Christ. Thus, the person wearing this square seems to take their protection upon himself. The version is based on the fact that in some Byzantine texts the names of the Magi are: Ator, Sator and Peratoras. Although a more popular version of their names is Caspar (‘קאספר’), Melchior (‘מלכיור’) and Balthasar (‘בלשאצר’).
Their names can often be found in all kinds of protective formulas, including against epidemics.”