полная версияThe Last Da Vinci

Василий Ласовский
The Last Da Vinci

Полная версия

May 29, 2020, Friday, at 12:35 pm the city administration, the “environmental safety” department came in and demanded that construction debris be removed in the corridor in front of apartment 109.

In virtual gaming activity (in the game World of Warships), dedicated to the event – the introduction of submarines into the game (the game developer company has been preparing their release since September 2018), on May 29, 2020 I got 3 rental submarines. Previously, on the 27th and 28th, virtual “sacks of coal” were given out as gifts. Later in this event, 4 more “sacks of coal” remained as gifts. Thanks to these 3 submarines, the number of ships in the virtual port exceeded 100, and I was given a 30% discount on any purchase in the game's premium store.

Late in the evening I saved up some silver and bought a second virtual ship for “Underwater Combat”, VI Dallas, its cost turned out to be 2,666,000 credits. This is a random number, it came out as a 14% discount on the base price of the ship, thanks to the 5th improvement of one of the clan's virtual buildings. The ships VI Dallas and VI Leander were the only ones for me that I was going to play on, because according to the news about the promotion, they were specifically designed for this type of battle. Of the 4 proposed ships, only these two made sense for me to develop, the third – VI Budyonny, had already been “passed” earlier, and Perth was premium and was only available for real money.

The Sun confirms the beginning of a new cycle – our star experienced the largest flare in the last three years (article from May 29, 2020 2:00 pm, in Russian)

“The first major solar flare belonging to class M (the penultimate class, located immediately before the highest grade X) occurred on the Sun a few hours ago, around 11 am Moscow time on May 29, 2020. The last time a flare of a comparable level was observed in September 2017, immediately before our star entered a long, almost three-year hibernation. <…>

Such a major event on the Sun is all the more sudden because it was not preceded by flares of a weaker level (the so-called class C), which occur on the Sun about 10 times more often and from which, usually, the unwinding of the spiral of the solar cycle begins. <…>

The current start of the cycle immediately with a major outbreak, jumping over weaker classes, is just an accident, which is very common in science.”

When I read this news, I started thinking about how I could “attach” the “surfacing” of submarines in the virtual port in the game to the Solar flares, but the article didn't say anything about it. Of course, I searched for the word “surfacing” and not finding it, I resigned myself to the state of affairs, and a few hours later the tesis ( pleased me with the second news item of the day. There were three news items that day, and before them there was a news item from December 26, 2019, i.e. there were no posts in the blog for six months.

The largest surge in solar activity in recent years continues—a new major flare has occurred (article from May 29, 2020, 6:20 pm, in Russian)

“The second, almost equal in strength to the previous one, large flare was recorded on the Sun quite recently, less than 4 hours after the previous one. The score of the new event, as measured by the GOES space observatory, was C9.3, which, although it classifies the new flare as class C (lower than the class of the previous flare M1.1), but indicates that the power of the new event is inferior to the previous one by only about 10 %. Two large flares in a row is an extremely unusual situation for such an early phase of the solar cycle, when magnetic fields are just beginning to form, and their energy is too low even for one event. In addition, as a rule, a large explosion ‘empties’ the active region, and it takes at least a day for it to accumulate new energy. Two of the largest flares in a row in three years at one point on the Sun indicate that the active region is currently being intensively fed with energy, probably in the form of new emerging magnetic field flows (pop-up) here from the depths of the Sun.”

May 30, 2020, Saturday, bought for 523 rubles [$8]. “Warhammer 40k promo set” (it included a combat mission for 10 containers); in the description of the set there was a provocative question: “Who are you for?” and naturally I decided to see what would come out of these virtual gifts. It was also strange that this event coincided in time with the Operation Dynamo campaign.

Operation Dynamo

“The Dunkirk evacuation, codenamed Operation Dynamo and also known as the Miracle of Dunkirk, or just Dunkirk, was the evacuation of more than 338,000 Allied soldiers during the Second World War from the beaches and harbour of Dunkirk, in the north of France, between 26 May and 4 June 1940. <…>

Just before 19:00 on 26 May, Churchill ordered Dynamo to begin, by which time 28,000 men had already departed. Initial plans called for the recovery of 45,000 men from the BEF within two days, at which time German troops were expected to block further evacuation.”

Allied evacuation from Dunkirk (first link in Russian, second – in English)

“The evacuation itself was called ‘Operation Dynamo’ in honor of the generator (dynamo) of Dover Castle – it was in the generator room that Ramsey drew up the operation plan and discussed it with Churchill, from where he commanded it.

One of the mysteries of the Battle of Dunkirk remains the order given by Hitler – the order to stop the offensive , which gave the British time to carry out Operation Dynamo. Without reaching just a few kilometers, the German ground forces stopped and took up defensive positions, pressing the remnants of the British troops (together with a number of French) to the shore near the city of Dunkirk. A huge mass of soldiers found themselves locked in the city and on the sandy beaches adjacent to it.

The evacuation began on May 27 -for it, the British light cruiser Calcutta, eight destroyers and twenty-six transport ships were brought to the coast near Dunkirk. The problem was that the coast in that place is flat and sandy, so the shallows extend over long distances under water, making it impossible for large ships to approach the surf line directly. To transport people from the beaches to the ships, the Admiralty literally combed all the surrounding British ports, mobilizing all the small ships that they could reach. It was the most colorful and diverse fleet imaginable – it included pleasure boats, harbor tugs, fishing boats, and even personal sailing yachts.

It was initially assumed that the lull in the German offensive would last no more than forty-eight hours. During this time, it was planned to save 45 thousand people. In fact, the plan was thwarted (on the first day a little more than seven and a half thousand people were taken out, on the second – a little less than eighteen thousand, that is, a total of about 25 thousand instead of the planned forty-five), but the Germans continued to stand still, attacking the Allies only from the air, and the evacuation gradually gained momentum – on May 29, more than 47 thousand people were evacuated in one day, over the next two days more than 120 thousand people were evacuated.

On May 31, the Germans pressed, and the ‘Dunkirk pocket’ shrank significantly. On June 1, 64 thousand people were evacuated. On June 2, the British covering force defending Dunkirk departed. Only the French remained on the continent – they were also exported, but not in the first place. On June 3, air raids became much more intense and daytime flights had to be stopped. On the night from the third to the fourth, it was possible to evacuate about 53 thousand allied soldiers, but on the fourth the Germans finally went on the offensive, and the operation had to be completed. The last ship, the British destroyer Shikari, left the French coast at 3:40 am on June 4 with approximately nine hundred evacuees on board. Two French divisions left to cover the perimeter were abandoned to their fate and forced to surrender.

The result of Operation Dynamo was the rescue of more than a third of a million soldiers and officers – that is, in fact, the entire British Expeditionary Force in France (its total strength was about 400 thousand people).

The expression ‘Dunkirk spirit’ even came into use in the English colloquial language, denoting the unanimous unity of the people in the face of a terrible threat.

The British still remember the evacuation, calling it the ‘Miracle of Dunkirk’. In it memory, a special ‘Dunkirk’ flag was established, the right to raise which only civilian ships participating in Operation Dynamo have the right to raise. Several dozen of them have survived to this day; they regularly take part in celebrations dedicated to the anniversaries of the evacuation.”

The theme of this military operation is revealed in Christopher Nolan's film “Dunkirk”, I have not watched it yet, it is mentioned in the chapter SATOR AREPO TENET or Inheritance.

On the evening of the same day, May 30, 2020 at 6:40 pm, a teenager came into our store and printed out a brochure about the historical uniforms of the Wehrmacht during the Second World War. On his way out, he said that since there was a fylfot there, everywhere they refused to print the brochure. This is important, our store was visited by a client who was passionate about the alternative ideology of Nazism, denied and oppressed in the modern social world.


May 31, 2020, Sunday, in the evening, in a conversation with East, I was thinking about the events—Solar activity and “Submarines for rent”, and I told her that in November 2018, when I was hurt, humiliated by my ballet teacher (he chose another student to prepare a performance, as a result I felt bad, there was a feeling of “surfacing” of uncontrollable emotions, then they even found a submarine that had disappeared exactly a year before, and in an article on the tesis ( website they suggested that the first lines of the new magnetic field of the Sun surfaced that day—and accordingly a new Solar cycle began); and I also found a mention in that old article about the “dynamo mechanism”.

The following describes the events of November 2018, when the missing submarine was found. I would like to note that I found and described these events in 2018, even then they seemed quite important to me, and I still have old archive files with those recordings. When I returned to these events in 2020, their description and meaning did not change at all, everything looked as if this virtual history continued and was supplemented by new events of 2020.

November 16, 2018, Friday, late in the evening at 11 pm I returned after ballet lesson Classics, I was very excited, there was a feeling that some emotion “surfaced” from the depths of my subconscious. At the beginning of the lesson, our teacher winked at the second man in our group (there were only two men and a dozen women in the group) and said that before the New Year he would have the opportunity to prepare for performances. Thus, I began to worry because I felt deprived. The emotion was poorly controlled, and I fought with myself until the night, and went to bed around midnight.

A couple of days later, this happened approximately on Monday, November 19, 2018, this teacher had a problem with the Achilles (this is the muscle at the base of the leg), he injured his leg in another lesson (after ours, in which he humiliated me), where he showed jumping, he was diagnosed with a torn meniscus and a torn cruciate ligament, took Novocaine, put something like a brace on his leg and ignored the requirement to stay in bed for 25 days.

November 22, 2018, Thursday, at 12:54 am opened an article on tesis ( website:

The Sun is showing signs of the start of a new cycle of activity (article dated November 20, 2018, 6:00 pm, in Russian)

“The first signs indicating the approach of a new cycle of solar activity have been observed on the Sun over the past two weeks. Such signs are magnetic fields with a different direction, different from that observed over the past 11 years, which began to appear in the northern hemisphere of the Sun at a great distance from the equator.

Although the solar cycle is perceived by most people as a change in the number of solar flares and magnetic storms, it is undoubtedly much more complex in nature. In particular, since flares are explosions (that is, essentially the release of energy), it is reasonable to ask where this energy is stored? The answer to this question is considered established – energy accumulates in the magnetic field of the Sun. And since the accumulation of energy must undoubtedly precede its release, then changes in the magnetic field must precede solar flares. This is what happens. In particular, it is observations of the dynamics of magnetic fields on the Sun that are the main way to predict flare activity.

For this reason, it is not difficult to guess that behind the global 11-year flywheel changing the frequency of flares there should be a flywheel changing the magnetic field of the Sun. There really is such a flywheel on the Sun, and it is called a dynamo mechanism . Due to the rotation of the Sun, the magnetic field lines seem to be wound around it like threads on a ball, increasing their intensity, then reaching a maximum, and then after a short pause (peak activity) they begin to spin in the opposite direction. Unwinding in this way, they pass through the minimum and continue spinning without stopping in a new direction to the next maximum. If you imagine this picture, you can understand that at the minimum of the solar cycle, the global magnetic field of the Sun does not just pass through zero, but changes its direction. It is this change that is a sign of the imminent beginning of a new cycle. At the same time, there is one more feature that is not so easy to explain without the use of physical formulas, but which is also reliably established – fields of the old direction always disappear near the solar equator, and new fields of a different direction always appear at high latitudes, and the higher, the stronger the new cycle will be considered.

The first region of a magnetic field of a different direction was recorded on the Sun on November 8 and existed for about a day, which suggested the possibility that this was an accident. Three days ago, on November 17, a new magnetic flux with the same (reverse) direction emerged at approximately the same high latitudes. At the moment it is almost destroyed, but traces of it are still visible on the disk of the Sun. In general, the behavior of our star these days is very similar to the stage that always precedes the start of the cycle. The reason for this ‘timid’ behavior is that magnetic fields on the Sun are formed at very great depths and emerge very slowly and gradually. As a result, the massive rise of the field is usually preceded by the appearance of small magnetic islands – the first areas to break through the thickness of the solar plasma more than 200 thousand km deep. Further, several scenarios are possible, including the rapid (within six months or a year) emergence of the main new magnetic fluxes and the pulsed launch of the flare flywheel. However, a slow increase in activity is also possible when the Sun is stuck at its lowest point for 2 or 3 years. In any case, if the appearance of new streams is not an accident, we can conclude that the fundamental physics of solar activity is working correctly, and the conditions for a new cycle have already been formed somewhere in the hidden depths of our star. We can only wait to see how quickly and with what intensity this will manifest itself on the surface.”

When I was thinking about this material on November 22, 2018, at 12:54 am (after midnight), the Internet (Youtube) independently played the song 10–12 times in a row, in various versions:

Green Carriage (author Alexander Sukhanov)

“Fast, fast asleep are little hedgehogs,

Bear cubs, baby mice and human children.

All, all are fast asleep till daybreak.

But a green carriage…”

Argentina lost contact with submarine with 44 crew on board (link in Russian)Аргентина_потеряла_связь_с_подлодкой_с_44_членами_экипажа_на_борту

“A search operation is underway. This was announced by the official Twitter account of the Argentine Navy on Friday, November 17, 2017.

Media: The crew of the Argentine submarine reported a malfunction back in September (link in Russian)

The missing submarine San Juan was found in Argentina (article date Nov 17, 2018, 8:42 am, page opened on November 17, 2018, 10:50 am, link in Russian)

“The Ministry of Defense and the Argentine Navy notify that after examining object № 24, discovered by Ocean Infinity, the location of the San Juan submarine was determined using a remotely operated vehicle at depth 800 meters.”

Exactly one year after the loss (public announcement date November 17, 2017), the submarine was found (same public announcement date, plus 1 year, November 17, 2018).

I compared my state, according to my feelings on the evening of the November 16th during ballet class, it was an unpleasant emotion that “rose” from my Infinity and was not entirely ordinary and for some time did not give in to my attempts to drown it out and take control. Also that autumn I lived in room № 24 in one of the mini-hotels in St. Petersburg.

May 31, 2020, Sunday, we return to this day, when I discussed the events of 2018 with East. At the end of the conversation, I said that this all resembles the plot of another science fiction novel.

All these events with the lost and found Argentine submarine, which coincided with the false beginning of the Solar cycle in November 2018 and my ballet classes, were emotionally memorable to me and left a mark in my diary.

Then there was the real beginning of the solar activity cycle in May 2020, which coincided with the anniversary of Operation Dynamo, and with the activities in the computer game – from my point of view, they are only a wrapper, a package from a hidden and much more important event for me, which should was going to happen in the future. I view them as a contrail back in time from the future. It is important that I knew exactly the date and time when the main event was supposed to happen, or when I would receive information that was valuable to me. Inversion means that the future becomes the past that has already happened. Of course, I didn’t know whether it would actually happen or not, and I didn’t know how important it was to me, but I immediately appreciated the wrapper and waited the required two weeks to unwrap the wrapper and receive the gift.

June 9, 2020, Tuesday, in the evening before going to bed, I read an article about yoga that it is not recommended for Christians, because it is connected with another (competing) “religion of Shiva”.

June 10, 2020, Wednesday, at 10:00 am I downloaded an update for the game WoWs, became available combat mission related to Warhammer 40k, I played 3 battles, received the first 2 chests. There was nothing interesting in the chests.

A few minutes before opening the chests, I saw a promotional advertisement for Good Omens on the Internet in the Yandex.Zen tiles, and below was an article that interested me. A few minutes after studying it, I noticed that it was published on April 27th. April 27 – is my birthday. Also, the author’s logo is a stylized image of the Sun with a “human face”. “The Archetype of Happiness channel is hosted by the famous journalist and writer Denis Anurov.” Naturally, I took a screenshot. Here are these two links (the second one is no longer valid at the end of 2024, after it I will provide a link with similar content from April 28, 2020):

Let's laugh at Armageddon: 5 reasons to watch the series Good Omens (link in Russian)

What if the target of the virus is one person? And this person – is YOU (article from April 27, 2020, unavailable at the end of 2024)

“About Liu Cixin’s novel “The Three-Body Problem” (2007).

In the book, a flu pandemic begins, and this flu is surprisingly contagious, but also mild. For many, it is asymptomatic, for others it manifests itself in the form of a common runny nose and fever.

Then it turns out that this virus was created artificially and has as its goal the murder of ONE SINGLE person.

‘Is the fundamental law of nature really the absence of laws?’ Van thought. ‘Is it possible that stability and order are just a temporary dynamic equilibrium achieved only in one corner of the Universe, a small island of peace in an ocean of chaos?’


Everyone who connects to the game through a virtual reality suit will be able to see, hear and feel a world in which chaos rules the roost, and fragile organic life rushes between the measured and predictable Era of Order and the catastrophes of the Era of Chaos.”

(Article from April 28, 2020, in Russian)

“What if the virus's target is one person?

In 2006, Chinese Liu Cixin wrote one of the most popular science fiction novels of the 21st century, ‘The Three-Body Problem’.

And there's an interesting new version of the origin of the killer virus. It seems like people have already discussed all the conspiracy theories, but this one feels fresh.

In the book, a flu pandemic begins, and this flu is surprisingly contagious, but at the same time weak. For many, it is asymptomatic, while for others, it manifests itself as a common runny nose and fever. Then it turns out that this virus was created artificially and is aimed at killing one single person.

The thing is that some powerful behind-the-scenes force needed to kill one Chinese scientist, but the Chinese government hid him securely. And the villains, who despaired of finding him, ended up creating a flu virus that was designed to kill this particular dude. And the virus used all the other inhabitants of the Earth simply as carriers.

Apparently, covid-19 is not so perfect and therefore is still unsafe for some of its carriers. But if covid has a main target, I wonder who this person is and whether the virus has already reached him.

It is not a fact that this is some politician. I think most likely it is an ordinary, inconspicuous person, because a famous person can be found and killed in a simpler way.

Maybe you are that very person?”

I immediately noticed the contrast in the phrase “Let's laugh at Armageddon”. The provocative title caught (or repulsed) my attention for the reason that I definitely wouldn’t want to “laugh at Armageddon”.

I will note that what I pay attention to matters, of course, only to me. It’s as if I subconsciously separate what is important to me and what is not. Another person, with a different set of “secrets of his subconscious” and life experience different from mine, might prefer to choose other events, but my own destiny is important to me, I am interested in the mysteries of my own subconscious and, of course, creating harmony with my Soul.

June 11, 2020, Thursday, at 10:00 am, having arrived at work in the office, I noticed fresh graffiti on the roller shutter of the front door, the previous one nearby on the wall was dated January 14, 2020. This inscription was probably applied the night before, June 10. This graffiti is the only one that was not advertising, apparently one of the children or teenagers realized their accumulated emotions.

From the day the store opened until August 2022, there was no further graffiti on the roller shutters. On the walls of the house related to our office there was a small inscription in February 2015, a couple of months before one of the tragic events, then two small advertising inscriptions around January 14, 2020, and another small advertising graffiti somewhere in April 2020.

At 10:57 am I returned home, a few minutes before, when I was approaching the entrance, a passenger car was parked nearby in the parking lot, and when a teenager standing next to him opened the door, a bag fell out of the passenger compartment onto the asphalt, which naturally attracted my attention. The teenager who opened the car door was the same boy who on May 30 printed pictures with prohibited Nazi symbols.
