‘I study at the Academy of Oil and Gas, and during the session I only got to Leninsky Avenue on the 666th, even if I was late for the exam. Although it was much more convenient to ride on others,’ says student Petya. ‘You won’t believe it, but the damn number brought me only “A” marks.’”
Bus 666:))) (link in Russian)
“Bus № 666 once ran in Moscow – it seems in the area of the Pr. Vernadskogo and Belyaevo metro stations. On April 26, 1999, in order to combat Satanism, it was renamed №. 616.”
The first thing I found was a note that said that the bus number was changed on April 26th. This was false information; the author of the note was mistaken by one month. But it is obvious that for himself he connected this bus and the Chernobyl accident.
The fact that in 1999 a route bus in Moscow changed its number from 666 to 616 “under pressure from the believing public” shows that this public was unaware of the number 616 in this context. Otherwise they would have continued to protest with redoubled force. And it is important, as I understand it, that until now the bus number 616 has not been changed to another, i.e. the believing people does not have accumulated negative emotions towards the number 616. In principle, it is logical that if people have been directing their negative emotions to a certain number for centuries, then it will certainly become unlucky, even if it did not initially have this connotation.
Further, in 2005, during excavations, a manuscript that was 1700 years old was discovered and deciphered, which is the earliest papyrus fragment of the Apocalypse; in it the “number of the Beast” turned out to be 616. I will assume that the manuscript was “discovered” in the right historical period; apparently, since 2005 hiding this secret has ceased to matter. Or changing the number to another was required for some active processes.
If we consider it even more subjectively, then having appeared again at a certain time, the number 616 may have as its purpose to show something, to have some meaning in the life of a particular person, because for most people, what difference does it make whether there are one or two such numbers. We can say that having received two numbers, an ordinary person also receives some uncertainty; he can no longer unambiguously “count the number of the Beast”, because where there are two numbers, there may be three, or perhaps none of them matter. That is, for an external observer, when he already has two numbers of the Beast, this reduces their significance and uncertainty arises.
There is the number 666, which for many centuries has been absorbing negative energy from the Christian population, in 2005 it suddenly turns out that this was a cover, a “false flag”, a protective shell, and the number 616 appears, which turns out to be “more accurate”, on it there are no centuries-old layers of corresponding negative emotions of people. It is absolutely new, clean, although it is 1700 years old! And humanity simply will not have time to spoil its energy with its pseudo-religious hatred in a short time.
Here, for example, are sincere rules of behavior on one of the sites on the Internet: “We block those who write about religion, money or politics. We don’t want our space to become a negative platform.”
On the other hand, for a specific person, the presence in his life of a number that suddenly appeared in the world and in his life may mean some external influence. He could not psychologically “attract” it to himself and “visualize it in the world”, because almost no one knew about it until 2005.
This is forced object-orientation. First, we notice that something in the external world affects us, then we separate it from the external world, transfer it to our external Event horizon for subsequent analysis into elements and destruction.
April 25, 2022 at 8:42 pm, I scanned all my documents, including old passports, was forced to open each scan in a graphics editor to trim off the extra fields and, willy-nilly, I looked at what I scanned. Unexpectedly, I discovered that in the old Belarusian passport, on page 19, the registry office entry had the number 616. This is the same story of my only marriage, which began in October 1999 and ended 8 months and 3 weeks later when my wife committed suicide in June 2000.
Why in 1999, my registry office entry was № 616? It may seem that the Spirit was “warning that this would be a negative experience in my life”, but this is clearly not the case. That year, the majority of the population, including myself, knew nothing about the number 616, and if it were the number 666, then the reaction would certainly be appropriate. But what is curious is that before receiving the stamp in the passport, we would not have known what the number was set, so as an omen, with a possible response in our subsequent action, this would not have happened, neither in the case of 666 nor in the case of 616.
If in 2005 there had not been a wave of information in the media about the discovered manuscript with the number 616, then this information about the registration in the registry office would not have had any impact on me.
What is a registry office entry? This is a number which is the number in order assigned to a voluntary agreement between two persons to live together. I.e. two people unite their destinies and begin a life together, investing additional meaning in their existence.
I will add that human suicide, according to the Christian tradition, is one of the most terrible mortal sins, which should logically lead this soul directly to Hell, without the option of purgatory.
I learned about the number 616 somewhere in 2018–2019, when I began to research the topic of the Antichrist on the Internet after the events of my Fantastic Week. Naturally, I was not previously interested in this area of human fantasy and fiction, but thanks to the illusory events and impressions that happened to me, I was forced to dig up all this.
When in May–June 2019 I discovered 161 on the key fob of our permanent, for several years in a row, seaside hotel room where we were vacationing, I already knew about 616 and it was obvious that 161 was an association with 616. I also believed that the number 616 occurs as a horizontal reflection of the number 61, which in turn is the inverted number 19, and this number has already flashed several times in my life and was potentially important to me.
The main coincidence occurred on March 28, 2020, when the number of people sick with COVID-19, 616,161 and the number of the cash register shift in our store, 616, apparently connected. By the way, this fact shows that the number 616 is possibly related to the number 161. I even called it another “trump card”, which shows the involvement of external forces in the process and is a kind of key argument in the dispute.
When I discover the numbers 19, 616, 666 and their inverted or mirrored versions in my life, I try to understand what Nature is telling me in this case, because there is a certain “loophole” that the fact that I encounter these numbers in my life is not at all related to probabilities, but is a direct and personal indication, such a “road map”. In my perception there is only one Nature, in the basis of which there is no division, and according to my feelings, it treats me favorably. Well, I'm quite happy.
The absence of conflict gives me a boring, dull, unfulfilled life of an ordinary person. I also lack any “deep spiritual longing” that often brings people to the Church.
I guess the purpose of this whole unhappy marriage story is to isolate me from people as much as possible.
Further, the story with the number of Covid cases, which coincided with the number of the cash register shift, is essentially an echo from two microworlds, microuniverses, on the one hand, the internal computer world, on the other hand, the internal world of viruses. And what could be further from a person than these two infinities? They are as far away as the Stars!
External Relations
Some information about the systems (link in Russian)
“Through the connections of systems, either a material flow, or energy, or information can be transmitted. Stanford L. Optner distinguishes connections of the first, second and third of its orders:
1. First-order connections are functionally necessary connections. Such connections include connections between the most important organs in the human body. When one organ dies, the entire body dies. Connections of this type also exist in technology – without an energy supply, an electric motor does not work.
2. Second-order connections are additional connections that are not functionally necessary, but with their presence, some characteristic of the system changes significantly. An -example is the connection between several enterprises (merger into a combine), which increases the overall effect of cooperative actions to a value greater than the sum of the effects from the actions of each enterprise separately. There are many similar connections in technology – adding a small amount of fuel oil increases the luminosity of the gas torch, which leads to improved heat transfer to the heated surface.
3. Third-order connections – S. Optner calls these connections unnecessary and contradictory. If redundant or contradictory information is transmitted through communication, then such a connection will be a third-order connection.”
Below is a fragment of my diary, which describes the connections between events (I call a connection “a chain of events”) that were created by Nature, and they are clearly beyond subjective human influence.
CHAIN 1 beginning, October 12, 2020, Monday.
(Opened at 5:56 pm, article dated October 7, 2020 3:00 pm)
ST 0.9.10, Arpeggio of Blue Steel and Black Friday
An article about a new event in update 0.9.10 of the WoWs game. It contained information about the continuation of cooperation with Arpeggio of Blue Steel. I remembered that the previous collaboration took place at the junction of versions 0.9.0 and 0.9.1. I noticed the combination “91” that came up, then I opened the Wiki article about ARP.
Arpeggio of Blue Steel
“Due to global warming and rising sea levels in the early 21st century, much of Earth's landmass has been lost. In 2039, fleets of powerful sentient warships, armed with advanced technology and possibly 'alien' weaponry, mysteriously appear and devastate the world's naval forces. These ships, collectively known as 'The Fleet of Fog', impose a worldwide naval and aerial blockade, preventing humanity from both traveling the oceans and to other nations. <…>
I-400 – one of two submarines who act directly under Yamato's orders.”
CHAIN 1 ending, October 18, 2020, Sunday.
At 12:15 pm I opened the article (publ. on October 12, 2020 by the author of “I Want to Believe” in Zen, the link no longer works, the article was deleted, but I have a screenshot). This note also provides a link to the English original.
Russian submarines are at war with unknown ships in the depths of the ocean
“Russian submarines are waging a secret war with ‘alien’ ships deep underwater, according to top secret Kremlin documents, which for some reason ended up in the possession of the English publication The Sun.“
(Original article publ. October 8, 2020 by Emma Parry)
TSAR WARS Russian submarines in secret battle with 'ALIENS' deep under the oceans, top secret Kremlin documents claim
“In scenes straight out of a Hollywood film, Soviet subs are playing a game of cat and mouse with strange underwater craft, according to a new book called ‘Russia's USO Secrets’, by Brit investigator Philip Mantle, based on Russian documents and accounts from military veterans.“
CHAIN 2 beginning, October 15, 2020, Thursday.
At 11:38 am I read an article about the disaster on Saturn, it made a strong impression on me, half an hour later the thought appeared about pirouettes, that I should do this, and that the rings of Saturn are a great work of art.
Climate catastrophe on Saturn (link in Russian)
CHAIN 2 ending, October 17, 2020, Saturday.
At 8:48 pm I opened a comic article on Zen from October 9 about fouetté (like pirouette, these are the main rotations in ballet) and their influence on time.
My son watched the ballet and liked it. Part 2: Father's worst dream comes true
“I spun the fouetté counterclockwise faster than a crazy hamster rushing headlong in its wheel. Even faster than inflation. Neither test pilots nor schoolchildren in first grade experienced such a load. My husband stood on a chair and rested his finger on my crown. I exceeded the speed of light, time began to rewind. Stalin's mustache and Yesenin's birch tree flashed by… Oh, Prince Vladimir is driving everyone into the river to baptize…
‘There are only men in ballet…!’
So, stop, let's fly a little forward. I'm spinning clockwise. Da Vinci's parachute, Stas Mikhailov's great-great-great-grandfather cuts out an accessory in the form of a large pectoral cross… We slow down and are transported with Andrey to the ballroom of King Louis XIII of France. This is the time when there were only boys in ballet. And even the king played the role of a bait merchant (women) and a peasant in his own invented ‘Merlezon Ballet’!”
(Opened July 1, 2022 at 4:55 pm)
Kant – Proof of God (link in Russian)
“Kant admitted: ‘The human mind has a strange fate in one of its types of knowledge: it is besieged by questions from which it cannot evade, since they are forced upon it by its own nature; but at the same time it cannot answer them, since they exceed the capabilities of the human mind.’
Kant formulated the main questions that he set out to resolve:
1. What can I know?
2. What should I do?
3. What can I hope for?
4. What is a person?
In the ‘ The Critique of Pure Reason ’(1781), Kant formulates his famous thesis: the ‘Thing-in-Itself’, meaning that space and time are in fact subjective. What is important is not the object, but the subject, how he perceives the world. The philosopher explains that we cannot perceive anything outside of space and time.
Kant distinguishes between the world as it is in itself (the ‘Thing-in-Itself’), and the world as it is given in appearance, that is, in experience. In the world that Kant formulated, in the sphere of transcendental objects that lie beyond our experience, there is no time and space.
From Kant's point of view, our knowledge is determined not so much by the external material world as by the general laws and techniques of our mind. In order for knowledge to take place at all, it is not our cognitive abilities that must correspond to the world, but the world must be consistent with our abilities.
Something pointed Kant to the supernatural purpose of his essence. He admitted that he could not see infinity; however, there is something that cannot be seen or touched, but which creates in the mind the idea of infinity.”
Kant's grave is located in Kaliningrad (formerly Königsberg), an enclave separated from the main part of Russia by the territory of the hostile state of Lithuania. For me, Kant's life story is important because I found a person in the past who had the experience of contacting his subjective Infinity. Because it cannot simply be imagined, it must first be felt.
Naturally, this event marks both the end of this book and a new stage in my life. It's amazing how just a few words can make a big impact.
“I really look like him…”
“Shut up, Dimmock! You've found the wrong person to be like.”
from the film “31 June”, episode 2, time 0:41:12.
The mystery of “God's number” (link in Russian)
“The Fibonacci numbers are a sequence of numbers compiled by Leonardo Fibonacci in 1175–1245. Fibonacci numbers are also known as the golden number of human life. Believe it or not, according to scientists of ancient times, the Fibonacci numbers is one of the proofs of the existence of God. And this is one of the reasons why it is sometimes called God's number.
Fibonacci numbers are a sequence of numbers obtained from the sum of the two numbers in front: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, etc.
For example, the number 5 is obtained from the sum of the two numbers in front, namely 2 + 3.
φ [Phi, ‘golden ratio’] is the result of dividing a number in the Fibonacci sequence by the number before it. For example: 3:2, 34:21, 89:55. The more Fibonacci numbers involved in the division, the closer the result is to 1.618.”
I was debating whether to add information about this number or not, but added it anyway since I have a couple of thoughts on this matter. (I found the information at the very end of writing the book, July 31, 2022, at 4:06 pm).
“The shortcomings of mathematical education are most clearly manifested in the excessive accuracy of numerical calculations”
Carl Friedrich Gauss (a German mathematician, astronomer, 1777–1855).
7 Methods for Rounding Numbers (link in Russian)
If you use the method:
“1. Round to the nearest integer”, then we get 1.62.
But if you use the rounding method:
“3. Rounding down, which is called debtor or customer rounding. Most often, such rounding can be encountered when trading on the market and receiving a favorable discount from the seller”, then the number will be 1.61.
The nuance is that rounding a number modifies it, i.e. the reverse transformation becomes difficult if we want to recognize it in a crowd of numbers (identify), because the third character changes.
In the process of “rounding down” which essentially means “trimming off extra signs”, there is no doubt that the number deteriorates its mathematical meaning, but it does not change, and this is also justified in cases where it unites a group of numbers that differ in signs, starting from the fourth.
987/610 = 1.618032787,
610/377 = 1.618037135,
377/233 = 1.618025751,
233/144 = 1.618055556,
144/89 = 1.617977528,
89/55 = 1.618181818,
55/34 = 1.617647059,
34/21 = 1.619047619,
21/13 = 1.615384615.
For the very first numbers in the sequence, the result of division is completely different:
13/8 = 1.625000000,
8/5 = 1.600000000,
5/3 = 1.666666667,
3/2 = 1.500000000,
2/1 = 2.000000000.
So we are observing a modification of a given number, and of course it can be argued that this number “tends” to some number.
The first 5 divisions give a different result, which cannot be considered in this theory. The next 5 divisions give the result with the 4th digit fluctuating from 5 to 9. Divisions after the 10th give the 4th digit equal to 8.
To take an example from another area, Date of Birth is a well-defined date consisting of year, month and day, but if a person was born at 11:59 pm hours and minutes of that day, he still gets the current date, which is used even without a reservation – “Do you know that he was born 1 minute before the date +1?”
Naturally, this assumption makes sense only if identification requires a number limited to three digits.
Question. Why should we look for and try to find out this number in nature if we believe that it is found in many parts of the world? I.e. what is the purpose of this search, what are we going to identify? What can we lose if we don't find this number?
The number of God or the formula of the universe. The code of life, thanks to which our world arose in the form in which we know it (link in Russian)
“1.61 is a number that is called the Fibonacci number, the golden ratio, and less commonly the God number. But few people think about what it really is.
Even scientists – those same people of science – eventually become convinced that the world bears the imprint of the Supreme Mind – God. His mind is so superior to the human mind that people can only admire him. Even the famous Einstein thought so. Moreover, hundreds of scientists claim that the universe has such a complex structure that if you do not believe in a Higher Power, it is unlikely that it will be possible to explain its existence. We are used to thinking that scientists do not believe in God, but in reality it is exactly the opposite. Knowledge that is revealed to scientists and makes them believe in its existence. No one anymore believes that the Universe could have arisen from an accidental explosion; it’s like saying ‘the book wrote itself’. Each new discovery by scientists raises even more questions. But they are absolutely sure of one thing – this is that the universe has its own formula. This formula is the famous number of God.
The Fibonacci number has its own sequence. In it, the first two are equal, and each subsequent one is equal to the sum of the first two numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13…
They named it in honor of the mathematician Leonardo Pisano, who was also called Fibonacci.
However, this number was discovered in India, long before it was discovered in Europe. There it was used in metric sciences.
Leonardo Da Vinci coined the term ‘golden ratio’. He believed that the human body or figure is the most perfect creation in the whole world. Thus, this proves that the Fibonacci number can be found not only in mathematical science, but also in many others. Besides, we ourselves come across it all the time, every day! In the world, both living and nonliving things are related to the number of God: the structure of the human body, pine cones, pineapple cells, honeycombs, the human DNA spiral, seeds, the structure of a snail’s shell, flower petals and many other examples.
The Fibonacci number is also considered a power number. Even in architecture, buildings and bridges are erected using this number. Using it, proportions for the strength and stability of structures are calculated. The Bible itself reveals the proportions of Noah's Ark, communicated from above. In total they give 1.61.
Scientists are sure that the golden ratio and the number of God are the key to the foundation of our world. The golden ratio is called perfect. The edges on which it is expressed most strongly and seem harmonious and beautiful to people. Works of art created using the golden ratio represent an aesthetic ideal.”
(Beware, religious video, they fanatically claim about the number 1.61, without commenting in any way on the presence of other decimal places.)
The number of God. The incontrovertible proof of God (link in Russian)
Fibonacci number and its connection with God's number (link in Russian)
“The Fibonacci number is called the number of God. Why? Well, firstly, because everything living and non-living is somehow related to this number. For example: the structure of a snail's shell, the structure of the human body, the growth of sunflower grains, the size of honeycombs in bees, etc.
But what is more interesting is the connection between numbers and our DNA . The DNA chain resembles helical strands held together by bridges. These bridges are located every 10, 5, 6, 5 amino acids. And it’s all about the distance at which the bridges are located.
If the numbers 10,5,6,5 are represented as the natural number 10565, and divided by the proportions of the golden ratio, you get 105 and 65, and dividing these two numbers, you get the Fibonacci number.”
105/65 = 1.615384615.
Here the fourth digit is 5, not 8. 105 and 65 are other numbers, not from the Fibonacci sequence.
Naturally, my attitude towards such articles is light and humorous; I understand that all this is often a manifestation of human emotions and the desire for simplification and generalization as the driving force of modern mass human culture. But since a very specific number appears in these texts, I was forced to publish these fragments. It may seem that I am adjusting the number 1.618… to the number 1.61, but no, I realize that these are different numbers, I am just working on some hypothetical possibility and the need to truncate it to three digits, “for certain purposes”. I just assume that I see probably false information and make an effort to find the part of it that makes sense.
Mario Livio “The Golden Ratio The Story of PHI, the World's Most Astonishing Number” (2003)