“Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light…”
from the poem by Dylan Thomas (1914–1953),
written to his dying father, used in the film Interstellar.
Let's start by unraveling the “mystery”. Of course, the center of the film Interstellar and its main meaning is the communication of a father with his child through the wall of the Room. This is indirectly confirmed by the music for the film by composer Hans Zimmer, which is dedicated to the relationships of close people.
The father had to cover a huge distance to leave and come back. They are separated only by a wall and only by the power of love, which is the very Gravity that throws books off the shelf, draws paths from sand, moves the clock hands, he can communicate with her.
At the end of August – beginning of September 2021, several screenings of this film took place in our city. It had poor image quality, was broadcast without translation, with subtitles.
East and I went to see it on the evening of Wednesday, September 1, 2021; besides us, there were only a few people in the cinema hall. The previous time we watched it was when it premiered, in November 2014. There were no other screenings in our city.
September 5, 2021, Sunday, around 4:00 pm, I guessed that the Room is the “center of gravity” of this film. The film is built on the confrontation of vast distances and the enclosed space of a small room.
In this “Secret Room” the wishes of the characters in the film are fulfilled as they learn the numbers that will unlock the secret of gravity and save the entire race of people by removing them from the Earth.
Most people are fascinated by the “infinite expanses of space”, but for some of them, who live in their room, everything that is outside is just a figment of the imagination.
I was wondering what the plot of the film would be if the Room was destroyed? This could probably radically separate the father from the child. After all, if information is transmitted through the walls of the room, and we cannot influence this flow of information in any way (and we would like to), then the simplest thing that can be done is to destroy the Room.
A short humorous retelling of the film in an alternative cultural perception (found on the Internet):
“The man doesn’t want to work on the farm, he hides behind the closet, drops his books and peeks at his daughter from behind the closet.”
“A man flew into space and got stuck in a closet.”
“Interstellar” from a scientific point of view (link in Russian)
Little-known facts about the filming of Interstellar (link in Russian)
Returning to the previous chapter, I note that the characters in Tarkovsky’s film Stalker did not dare to enter the Room. Or couldn't?
It is also interesting that one of the most famous poems by Dylan Thomas, “And Death Remains Powerless”, is used in Steven Soderbergh’s film Solaris (2002), this is another film adaptation of Solaris, not Andrei Tarkovsky.
“And grandma! You'd better learn the art of weaving intrigues from her. How she knitted! Until now, no one can untie it.”
from the film “31 June”, episode 1, time 0:13:33.
I replay the events of my life over and over again in my memory, but I just can’t grasp the meaning that may be present “between the lines”. This probably corresponds to my “external” type of thinking, when I use external events to understand myself… Maybe it will work out now? (Chapter written on September 25, 2021, in the afternoon before 4:00 pm).
A brief description of the “time loop”; details of each episode can be read in the corresponding chapter of one of my books.
1985, June 19, when I was 12 years old, my room in a 2-room apartment on the 1st floor of the 9-story building where we lived was destroyed. The problem was in the basement, where oxygen cylinders were possibly stored or even real explosives were planted (the owner of the basement was a hunter). In the house and in our apartment, only my room was seriously damaged, the entire concrete floor of which broke into 3 pieces and collapsed into the basement. We lived in the damaged apartment for another 2–3 months, sealing with plastic the opening to the destroyed children's room, which was located opposite the entrance to the apartment, on the left on the way from the large room (hall) to the kitchen. Well, cracks along the outer walls of the building went up to the 6th or 8th floor.
1986, April 26, explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant 1 day before my birthday on April 27, for some reason I began to believe that the explosion in 1985 of my room was on my birthday (or coincided in date with the explosion at the Chernobyl). In the summer of 1986, I was sent to a pioneer camp near Solikamsk and Berezniki. We went on such a long journey (more than 1,700 km by train) solely due to pollution of the area where I lived with radioactive fallout from the explosion at the Chernobyl.
1991, November, I watched the film Mona Lisa by the Belarusian film director Nikolay Studnev and, under the impression of the film, I dramatically changed my destiny, I left the institute where I studied to be a programmer and began to engage in theatrical art, and also began writing poetry and stories.
2017, September 6–10, a Fantastic Week occurred in my life, described in my first book 19+ , which I began writing on July 2, 2017, and published on October 15, 2018.
On April 1, 2018, I learned about the world show (October 11, 2017 – November 15, 2017) with the sale of the painting Salvator Mundi by Leonardo Da Vinci, which is called the male version of the painting Mona Lisa. The painting was “shown to the whole world”, previously almost no one knew about it, and then it was sold for a record sum of $450.3 million and became the most expensive work of fine art in the world sold at auction to date. After this, the picture disappeared, “lost”. Then I noticed that the curls (locks) of my hair resembled the hair in the portrait.
2021, March 7, I learned that the last seller of the painting, Mr. Rybolovlev, received his fortune from the mines near the city Berezniki. I discovered that the explosion and destruction of the mine with the first collapse of the earth occurred on the night of July 26–27, 1986, at a time when I was during two summer shifts (July–August) at a pioneer camp in this area. My companion East was born in Berezniki.
2021, March 20, I read on the Internet that there are three “secret signs” hidden in the painting Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci. Two of them are possibly the person's initials LV (found in the eye of the character in the painting), which correspond to both Leonardo da Vinci's initials and my initials LV (in Latin, Lasovsky Vasily (or Lasovskii Vasilii)), and the number 72 on the bridge, which corresponds to both the year of the destruction of one bridge in 1472, and the date of my conception (late July – early August 1972, I was born on April 27, 1973). The number 27, in reverse order of digits, “turns” into 72.
2021, August 2, I learned that in Andrei Tarkovsky’s film Stalker (1979) a Room was described that was going to be destroyed with a nuclear device.
September 13, 2021, Monday, at 4:56 pm the thought occurred to me that what I sometimes think about is whether any event was “removed from time” and from my life at the moment when I was 12-year old, and the room in which I lived was destroyed, is the cornerstone of the existence of my Personal Infinity, for it can exist fully only if it lacks the Beginning. The destruction of the Room can also be interpreted as the entry into adulthood.
Or it can be described in such a way that an episode is removed from the subject's life that should not be affected if he decides to travel along the time line into his personal subjective past. This removes the threat of “grandfather’s murder”. As you understand, the grandfather expects a very specific behavior from the heir.
Later that day I went to a ballet class at 7:00 pm, before the trip I injured my hand with a knife, I saw the setting red sun through the bus window, at 6:50 pm I got off at the bus stop, was in a hurry, and while crossing the street I almost got hit by a bus.
The main points of the crisis in the psychology of a 12–13 year old teenager (link in Russian)
“12 years is a period of active physiological and psychological changes in a child’s life. It is during this period that the teenager begins to associate himself with the adult generation.”
The paradox of “what happens if you kill your grandfather” due to the travel of his descendant back into the past, can be considered in another context: “what happens if the grandfather ceases to exist” in the past, i.e. there will be a time gap between relatives. Perhaps a break and shift in the timeline will give the descendant some interesting effects in life, but he will have no connection with the timeline with his relatives and all the events associated with them, but remaining in the descendant’s timeline, they will turn into almost nameless legends…
At the end of the film 31 June, the main characters forget everything that happened to them earlier in the plot, and this apparently is a necessary condition under which they can return from the “space of imaginations” to real life.
“These are the ones who later turn out to be loyal friends, knights-errant, unmercenaries, or simply decent people. It's impossible to live. As soon as you come up with some kind of meanness, as soon as you relax—no, they will intervene and fight for justice.”
from the film “Tales of the Old Wizard” (dir. by Natalya Zbandut, 1984)
(Opened September 25, 2021 at 6:50 pm, the next three links are in Russian, the first and third links are no longer available in the fall of 2024)
“The main dark occult ritual of the year, The Grand Climax, is held every 365 days and the day of this ritual is July 27. The essence of this ritual comes down to human sacrifice, since on this day the Gates of Hell are open and the ritual contributes to the success of planned historical events.”
“July 27th of every year and all the surrounding days traditionally enjoy a very bad reputation among conspiracy theorists. Occultists believe that on this day the Gates of Hell open, as it were, and holding a special ritual, The Grand Climax, at this moment contributes to the success of certain undertakings planned by dark magicians.”
“Little is known to the general public about The Grand Climax. Small videos dedicated to this day can be found on Youtube video hosting, on the channels of satanic preachers, in occultist posts and in medieval grimoires. The day of sacrifice lasts five days, characterized by a ‘squall of activity’. The public part is represented by theatrical performances and television rituals.”
Link to Satanic Calendar (for fans, I'm not interested)
April 26 – May 1 – Grand Climax.
July 27 – Grand Climax (5 weeks, 1 day after summer solstice)
These are 2 of 3 “holidays” like De Meur (Da Meur, death) and also 2 of 3 Grand Climax holidays, the third is December 24, Demon Revels (demon feast).
These are 2 of 4 “holidays” in the year, before which there is “preparation with the accumulation of resources”. To be fair, I note that the other two “holidays” with “preparation and accumulation of resources” also occur with an interval of 9 months.
On the night of July 26–27, 1986, the first failure occurred at a mine in the city of Berezniki.
From July 27 (“the opening of the gates of Hell”) to my date of birth on April 27, exactly 9 months pass, which seems to hint. Also, the “holiday” of April 26 – May 1 in addition to my birthday, it also captured the explosion on April 26, 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
As I wrote earlier, one of the three “secret symbols” in the Mona Lisa painting is the number 72 on the bridge depicted in the painting. There is also speculation, based on the style of clothing of the woman in the painting and the shape (position) of her hands, that she was pregnant at the time the artist painted the masterpiece. The bridge in the painting may symbolize the connection between husband and wife, which appears at the moment of conceiving a child.
(link in Russian)
“Lisa del Giocondo (Lisa Gherardini) was much younger than her husband. At the time the painting began, she was pregnant by her husband. <…>
There are many legends that Leonardo da Vinci left some ‘secret signs’ in the painting for his descendants.”
From the point of view of Satanism, a person’s birthday is the most important holiday after Walpurgis Night on May 1st.
What is the Grand Climax celebration about? Probably, this is sexual rejuvenation (rebirth) after age-related menopause, or, conversely, this is the cessation of reproduction.
“Chronologically, the first origins of Satanism lie in the most ancient religions, where veneration was given to harsh and cruel deities. In the religions of the ‘new’ time, the previous deity often became Satan (literally the enemy).
For the first time, the harmonious image of Satan or the devil was formed by the Judaic tradition using Chaldean, Babylonian, Egyptian and other deities and handed it down to Christians. The adherents of the old gods who survived persecution were automatically classified as Satanists.
… But other gods, who had a completely or largely beneficial nature, subsequently became demons. This is due to the fact that the Devil accumulated in himself mainly the features of the god of the Underworld, and more generally, the Neolithic god of the Earth. Or more precisely, the Neolithic god of the Earth, through a long and complex evolution of the image, became the Devil of Christians. Its color is black, which is probably due to its habitat—a dungeon where darkness reigns. The attributes of the Black God, in particular, include fire, phallus, snakes, wolves, goats, cats, and, naturally, a connection with the underworld. It is significant that Saturday in ancient times was dedicated specifically to the Black God, Saturn, Kronos.”
Kronos, in mythology, is the God of time and numbers. Saturn is SATOR, previously mentioned as a possible name included in the magic square of the same name.
“’Renunciation of Satan’ is included in the Orthodox and Catholic rites of baptism.” (Wiki)
September 25, 2021, at 3:12 am East sent a video about a volcano that woke up the other day in the Canary Islands (La Palma) “Meanwhile in the Canaries…”
On September 26, 2021, at 2:55 pm, a customer came into our store, who, according to our information, specializes in magical rituals, simply a professional witch. She usually visits us 1–2 times a month. This time she appeared right in the middle of our 5-minute conversation with East, when my partner came to work, and I immediately began to tell her about the “holidays” I had found the day before.
For obvious reasons, I will in no way describe my attitude to the relevant events that happened near me, the description of which will be below in the text. But again, I note that I am not, as it seems to me, on either the dark or the light side. And more importantly, there is no way I could have known about these cases before the events occurred, otherwise I would probably have made efforts to prevent them. Why would it probably, but not definitely, prevent it? Because this action is an expression of human free will, or the laws of nature in the case of animals. For me, the position of distancing from events is closer.
How does suicide and sacrifice in the classical sense differ from the phenomenon I encountered?
In a broad sense, sacrifice is the gift of something important and of value to the giver. And I believe it is implied that the recipient will be able to benefit from the gift to some extent.
If people act independently, i.e. alone with their Spirit, then their actions will directly concern them only and relate to their Spirit as a witness. Thus, the inviolability of the inner world of other people is preserved, and information and energy come through an illusory, fictitious plane, again through the Spirit, which is a layer between people. Thanks to the fantasy, creative plan, some important processing of the physical foundations of the events taking place occurs.
And vice versa, if someone performs an action while holding the image of another person in front of him, then he will probably darken his existence, expose this subject to the threat of external manipulation, and his action will have a rather destructive effect.
I will probably not be able to fully accept these events due to my nature, because according to my moral principles, I do not accept victims. But compassion and empathy in the process of partial acceptance will allow me to have hope that someday I will find out why all this was done.
I would like to note that suicide is an extreme and categorical method of sacrifice. The case when an event “screams about itself”. Besides this, there is a much more complex and perfect way – this is living your entire life in pursuit of the fulfillment of some hidden goal.
Why did I begin to develop my Personal Infinity? After my catastrophe in awareness of the world around me occurred in June 1996, I realized that I personally could cause some harm to people, and in order to limit my possible negative impact as much as possible, I extremely reduced the degree of my communication with the people around me. During the transition period, I found out that people, in essence, do not interest me at all, I do not need them, we have different goals and paths in life, where we practically do not intersect, because people apparently don’t have what I need, and people don’t care about what I have. It was then that my Event Horizon began to manifest itself, which, having developed, began to process external events, sending them to the creative fantasy plane.
The human’s ‘world of souls’ is extremely fragile, and it takes effort not to leave your karmic mark on it and thereby not harm other people by clumsily influencing their lives. And surprisingly, in my opinion, this is the only way to feel and see the beauty of another Soul. If you use any kind of violence or rough influence, you will not be able to sense the Light of a person’s soul. The soul must remain free and intact. And that, at the moment, is all that interests me in people. Yes, it’s that simple, free people with a whole, intact soul.
I view these two Satanic “holidays” as the “next iteration”, from a few targeted sacrifices, the Spirit moves on to a massive, factory-scale “flow” of annual events that perhaps lasted hundreds or thousands of years, inversely into the past. I'm not really interested in this, I don't have any emotional responses to the topic, but I can imagine that there is some fantasy fictional purpose to the events that take place.
I believe these actions are intended to strengthen the connection of embodied people with some personality. Of course, now you can fantasize about mythological personalities, but I don’t feel any personalities other than my average, run-of-the-mill personality.
Do all these sacrifices affect me on the physical plane? The Spirit had been preparing my consciousness for many years before I learned these facts about the Date of my birth, and, accordingly, the Date of Conception. I hope that my “immunity” from possible negative effects will work.
The time scheme of “random” events given in the previous chapter of this book is extremely complex and therefore difficult to implement, because many factors must be taken into account. But this complexity gives it an inner beauty, which in my opinion is an objective indicator, it is independent of anyone's subjective opinion or superimposed emotions.
The explosion at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant must occur not far from my place of residence, the area must be seriously contaminated in order for me to be taken a great distance to a pioneer camp.
The premiere of the film Mona Lisa should take place very close to my place of residence (500 meters from the hostel where I lived when I studied at the institute, I of course mean that previously these two buildings should be built as close as possible to each other) to make sure I don't miss this film. Therefore, an important event is admission to this institute without exams, thanks to 1st place at the Republican Olympiad and a special agreement between educational institutions, according to which, as my classmate said, only one person actually entered.
The name of the person who sold Leonardo’s painting must be directly associated with the Savior, otherwise I most likely would not have become interested in his biography and would not have come across the history of the sinkholes of the land near Berezniki.
The “secret signs” in the painting Mona Lisa which I previously perceived as a cute joke, will receive some subjective meaning in my eyes precisely thanks to all these “impossible accidents” that lined up in an amazing time chain of 35 years.
I respect the work of others, and I understand the incredible complexity of such creativity, so naturally I make an effort to thoroughly understand a certain plan.
(The two paragraphs below were written on October 6, 2021 at 1:20 pm)
Naturally, the theory that is relevant to me is that it uses inverse analysis, based on the assumption that these sacrifices in the past were based on a future event of human birth. And the deeper we fall into the “mole hole”, the more “wonderful” everything around us becomes, and we can assume both a positive influence – “energy enhancement” and “intensity of predestination”, and a negative intention – an attempt to influence a person’s life path so that he took a wrong turn.
Any attitude that I take too closely to this situation can be disastrous for my Infinity. It has neither property nor any other attachments, and if I fully accept or reject this “gift” completely, then this will be a manifestation of dependence, which is of course unacceptable. I believe that I should distance myself from the “coincidences and accidents” described in the book, remaining grateful and inaccessible.
(The three paragraphs below were written on November 3, 2021 at 1:30 pm)
Partial, forced acceptance is a method of understanding the world. It is impossible to completely isolate yourself from it. You have to be aware of it and humble yourself, accept its existence. If you completely accept the world, you can lose your individuality. If you completely reject it, then even more so you can lose something important.
But I constantly write about some of my Personal Infinity. Isn't there a contradiction here, and doesn't infinity imply separateness? My Infinity implies loneliness. There is simply no one else or anything next to me, I am absolutely alone, this is my Infinity, in endless loneliness.
I do not have separation for the reason that in order to have separation, you need to be separated from someone or something. If there is nothing to separate from, then there will be no separation.
In the first book I wrote that I have a certain “second plan”, as if “behind the mirror”, and I can move back and forth. It feels like a hoax, a deception, because I don’t actually move anywhere, and I don’t change at all. That is, I am in the same place and only my sense of reality changes slightly. But this does not in any way lead to enlightenment or high spirituality, because neither I nor reality changes, and I, of course, do not develop. I am only growing and becoming stronger, but not wiser. And I don’t learn anything new during these “movements”.
In fact, I have no other ways of perceiving reality except my own thoughts, the emotional movements of my Soul, memories of the days I have lived and fantasizing based on fictitious images created and destroyed, as I believe, at the level of my Event Horizon.
People are slightly interesting to me, but I don’t understand or feel them at all… I assume that all the feelings and thoughts that arise when I think about them or come into contact with them are the fruit of the work of my mind, i.e. they are certainly contrived by me and false for me. In my opinion, people are very strange and unpredictable subjects. And yes, the appearance of people shocks me. However, I honestly try to understand their behavior, motives and get along with them. I have a feeling that humanity has some small potential, but what, I don't understand.
But what about works of art, aren’t people in their best impulses of the Soul described there? But somehow fiction and what I see around me in life don’t match. It’s as if some other characters are described in books and films. I am certainly close to romantic works of art, but in my subjective opinion, they have nothing to do with the people of my day and what they do in life. In modern people, again in my opinion, the Soul is structured somewhat differently and they rather imitate spiritual impulses. This is not bad, it is certainly better than having no emotional impulses at all.
“Hellish creatures”, on the contrary, are much closer to me, even perhaps due to my inner nature, but I am diligently trying to distance myself from them for the reason that those creatures that are present on this plane of existence are absolutely uninteresting to me, since they are lazy, weak and corrupted, and I am no longer looking for other, deeper plans, because I understand that my time for studying them is up, and I should be directed further in my life. Of course, I do not associate myself with them at all, I am something more complex and more dangerous, but less complex and simple than people. On a daily basis and in my instincts, emotional and mental development, I am closest to animals. Well, or to the children.
I perceive this world as very blurry and of poor quality (sorry, Creator!), and sometimes I yearn for sensations that are very mysterious and complete…
My danger lies in the fact that I practically do not manifest myself either on the plane of people or on the plane of these creatures. I have little interest in this life, but at the same time I have a confident understanding of the direction where I am moving. I can even guess what will happen at the next stage, since being now at a certain point in my personal spacetime, I have all the keys and all the days that will come next. This is a direct consequence of the influence of my Personal Infinity, if nothing external can radically influence me, therefore, what will happen to me next can be predicted based only on current data. This can also be called “no future”.
The influence of the surrounding world is that what I can “predict” may not occur, or may occur in a clouded, distorted state. But it is unlikely that something that is not in me now can come, because it can destroy my inner world. If the event does not occur, it will still remain on a fictitious, fantasy plane, it will be with me, and open to my mind, remaining unmanifested in the world, “stuck” in the spacetime of fiction, falling endlessly into the Event Horizon
Naturally, these are just my fantasy assumptions, which I will be happy to correct at the first opportunity.
At the beginning of June 2017, we were driving in a car from East, and I asked her a question: “Why are all these sacrifices happening?“ and another question bothered me then: “Have there been similar cases in history?” I remember that the East answered me that people probably do not pay attention to what is happening around them, which is why there are no traces left in the literature. Then, on July 2, 2017, I started writing my first book to figure it all out, and things started to happen.
What victims have been around me over the years of my life?
2000, June, suicide of my wife, with whom we lived together for only about 8 months and 3 weeks. I met this woman at the end of August or beginning of September 1999, i.e. about a month and a half before the marriage registration.
2001, July–August, approximately, I saw two swallows collide in the sky in front of me, and one fell to die right in my path. The next evening, an unusual girl knocked on my door to meet me, we had known each other for a short time, then our paths diverged, but thanks to her I made a serious decision, and at the end of 2003 – beginning of 2004 we moved from apartment 19 to apartment 109 in another city.
2005, February 13, our dog died, the pet ran out onto the road and was hit by a car, I was seriously ill at the time and was in another city.
2015, March 30, "accidentally" fell out of the window and died a girl we barely knew, and I assumed she would be a replacement for North, who did not join our group.
2017, June 9, a girl fell from the window of the 8th (presumably) floor of the house opposite ours and died. West lived in this house, whom we met less than a month before this event; she also did not join us. At that moment, my mother emotionally connected this tragic event with my acquaintance with this witch.
10–14 days before this terrible event, after which the West naturally no longer communicated with us, and probably left the city somewhere, in a conversation with me she expressed the opinion that all cases of these deaths (at that time the last incident had not yet occurred) were sacrifices. This could not have occurred to me; I considered them only bad omens. That is, I repeat once again, a casual acquaintance with whom I spoke a maximum of a few times for ten minutes at a time, but who has a rare insightful gift, after listening to my story, immediately concluded that all of these were sacrifices. This is important to me because these are not my thoughts, I am too stupid for such deep conclusions, this was the opinion of an outsider who did not know me at all.