полная версияThe Last Da Vinci

Василий Ласовский
The Last Da Vinci

Полная версия

Secret Room

“…What was it?

Meteor falling? Visiting

inhabitants of the cosmic abyss?

One way or another, in our

small country arose

miracle of miracles – ZONE.

We immediately sent

troops there. They didn't return.

Then we surrounded the ZONE with

police cordons…

And probably right

done … However, I don’t know

Don't know…”

from the film Stalker (dir. by Andrei Tarkovsky, 1979,

premiered May 19, 1980)

August 7, 2021, Saturday, in the evening I spoke with East about Andrei Tarkovsky’s film Stalker and she unexpectedly stated that she had found some pattern between the events:

1) June 19, 1985, destruction of my room in the apartment at the address Rechitsa, st. Sovetskaya, 97-A, apt. 74, and subsequent relocation to the address st. Naumova, 69, apt. 19.

2) November 2003 – January 12, 2004, moving from apartment № 19 to apartment № 109, already in another city, it is curious that the numbers “almost match”, only 0 was added.

3) a future event that has not yet occurred, but is already “planned” for the end of 2021 – beginning of 2022.

(1) -> (2) = 6782 days, 18 years 6 months 25 days.

(2) -> (3) = 6683 days, 18 years 3 months 18 days, if we take April 30, 2022 as the date (3), and if we extend to 6782 days, then we get the date (3) = August 7, 2022 (Calculated August 12, 2022 at 8:15 pm).

According to East, approximately 18 years and 6 months pass between these events, and this is similar to the cycle (or double cycle) of the Black Moon, which foreshadow dramatic changes in a person’s life.

Black Moon (Lilith) – transformation of the soul (link in Russian)

“The exact cycle of Lilith is 3232 days, approximately 8 years 10 months and a few days. The rhythm of Lilith's conjunctions and oppositions is approximately 4.5 years, and her position repeats approximately every 9 years . There is a precise connection between Lilith and the nodal axis and the latter’s 18.5 year cycle . Every 9 years a person is tested by the Black Moon Lilith.”

From that evening until the next day, August 8, 2021, I contemplated the decision to “retire” and leave the city in which we had lived since the end of 2003. That evening, I reported this to East, as a huge plus was that August 8th was our store’s birthday.

August 9, 2021, Monday, 6:20 pm, I was walking to the bus stop to go to my ballet class when I saw two “unidentified objects” high in the sky. Arriving at the stop, I took a closer look and identified them as two balloons, then lowered my eyes, and when 3 minutes later I looked into the sky again, there was only one balloon in the air. I was surprised how a balloon flying at an altitude of more than 100 meters could disappear from sight in just a few minutes. Then I rode on the bus, my thoughts were that I was behaving like an ordinary person who, when faced with the unknown, immediately forgets about it, since he has a lot of other, more important things to do. Then I looked up at the TV screen that was fixed in the minibus and saw an advertisement for a classical ballet show that was on tour in our city for only one day.

August 10, 2021, Tuesday, at 8:31 pm I received an SMS from the ballet school in St. Petersburg with a request to return the book by Vaganova A. Ya.“The Basics of Classical Dance”, which I took to read in December 2019. Previous time on the issue of this book they called me on February 24, 2020 at 6:20 pm, so after the first call they waited a year and a half before reminding me about their book again.

This chain of events started on August 2, 2021 at 11:52 am when, upon arriving at work in the morning, I found the following information on the Internet:

In Stalker Tarkovsky predicted Chernobyl (link in Russian)

“In the film Stalker the accident at the fourth bunker is named as one of the reasons for the emergence of the Zone. Six years later, the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded…”

After a simple check, it turned out that I had discovered false information, but surprisingly the title of the article coincided with the course of my thoughts; I had been thinking for many years about the connection between the Chernobyl accident and other events, including in my life. And I could not ignore this information and began to study the film, which I had previously watched only in my youth and I had practically no memories of it.

Many people are familiar with Tarkovsky’s work mainly through anecdote:

“I started watch movie, the camera zoomed in on the room, the bed. Tarkovsky pause. I'm watching. Bed. I went to pour some tea. Returned. Bed. Five minutes bed. Ten. I drank tea. Bed. 20 minutes have passed. Bed. Tarkovsky, I think, has outdone himself. It turned out that my daughter pressed pause.”

In the film Stalker there are two mentions of the "fourth bunker" (first link in Russian):

MALE VOICE. What do you want?

PROFESSOR. Just a few words with you. You’re hidden it, I’ve found it. The old building, bunker fourth. Do you hear me?

MALE VOICE. I’m alerting the security immediately.

The professor assembles a bomb. His face is not visible – only his hands. His voice is heard.

PROFESSOR. We had assembled it… with friends, with my former… colleagues. Apparently, this place will not bring any happiness to anyone. (Types the code. Finishes assembling.) And if it falls into the wrong hands… However, now I don’t even know. Then it occurred to us… that there is must not to destroy the Zone after all. If this… even if this is a miracle, it is part of nature, which means hope in some sense. They hid this bomb… And I found it. Old building, fourth bunker. Apparently, there should be a principle… never to commit irreversible actions. I understand, I’m not a maniac (sighs), but as long as this ulcer here is open to any bastard… no sleep, no calm. Or maybe the innermost won’t allow it? A?”

The plot of the film Stalker is that several people find a Secret Room, where the innermost desires of the person who enters are supposedly executed, and one of them carries with him a small nuclear device in order to destroy this room.

There is also a curious installation in the film, when the main characters pass by the skeletons of a man and a woman, and from the remains frozen in an embrace, a tree grows, which clearly symbolizes the World Tree.

At the end of the film, Stalker and his family return home, passing along a poisoned river, where the background of the landscape is occupied by a power plant building, equipped with wide pipes-cooling towers. Of course, the film used footage of a thermal power plant (TPP), but cooling towers are used in two types of power plants, not only in TPPs, but also in nuclear power plants, and this image can be considered as an image of a typical nuclear power plant.

August 7, 2021, Saturday, at 12:48 pm I learned that in the film Stalker, in the episode The Dream of a Stalker, time 1:21:10, a direct quotation is used from the 6th chapter of the Apocalypse of John the Evangelist. This is the chapter where the 4 Horsemen arrive and the main events begin (link in Russian).

July 17, 2022, Sunday, at 4:48 pm I discovered that another quote from the Bible was used in the film Stalker, episode time 1:25:24 (link in Russian).

“It is faith that the Stalker is trying to awaken in his companions. It is not for nothing that passages from Holy Scripture are woven into the work. In the first case, the Stalker himself prays in the Gospel passage for those traveling to Emmaus, whose eyes ‘were kept’ (Luke 24:13–18). Moreover, the camera work makes it clear that we are talking about two of Stalker’s companions. In the second case, the Stalker’s wife reads a passage from the Apocalypse (Rev. 6:12–17) about the curses and misfortunes that befell people for their unbelief.”

Emmaus (Nikopol) (first link in Russian)Эммаус_(Никополь)

“The name Emmaus most likely comes from Hebrew. ‘Hammat’ or ‘Hamta’ meaning ‘hot spring’ (under this name it is mentioned in Midrash Zuta on Song of Songs 6.8 and Midrash Rabbah on Lamentations 1.45). The name for Emmaus was hellenized during the 2nd century BC and appears in Jewish and Greek texts in many variations: Ammaus, Ammaum, Emmaus, Emmaum, Maus, Amus, etc.: Greek: Άμμαούμ, Άμμαούς, Έμμαούμ, Έμμαούς, Hebrew: אמאוס, אמאום, עמאוס, עמאום, עמוס, מאום, אמהום…

After the defeat of the Bar Kokhba uprising in the first half of the 2nd century AD. The Romans and Samaritans settled in Emmaus. At the beginning of the 3rd century AD the Christian scientist and writer of Roman origin, Julius Africanus, who corresponded with Origen, lived and worked in Emmaus. According to historians of the Byzantine era (Eusebius of Caesarea, Jerome of Stridon, Philip of Side and others), Julius Africanus led a delegation of local residents to the Roman emperor Elagabalus, who received the status of a city (polis) for Emmaus and the name ‘Nicopolis’, which it bore at the end of the Roman era and in Byzantine era.


During the Byzantine era, Emmaus-Nicopolis became a large city with an episcopal see. At the supposed site of the breaking of bread by the risen Christ, a large church complex was built, which served as a place of pilgrimage, the ruins of which are still preserved. <…>

A biblical story about two disciples of Jesus Christ who went to the village of Emmaus. Saddened by the death of their teacher, they met the resurrected Jesus on the way and did not recognize him. In the evening, at mealtime, the disciples saw him breaking bread and saying a prayer of thanks, and they realized who was in front of them. This event is described in the Gospel of Luke:

‘13 Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles[a] from Jerusalem. 14 They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. 15 As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; 16 but they were kept from recognizing him… 28 As they approached the village to which they were going, Jesus continued on as if he were going farther. 29 But they urged him strongly, “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over.” So he went in to stay with them. 30 When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. 31 Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight.’

Luke. 24:13–31 (New International Version).

In 1878, Blessed Mariam of Bethlehem had a vision of Christ, who showed her this place as the real Emmaus, as a result of which this place was redeemed from the Muslims.

Emmaus-Nicopolis has retained over the centuries its ancient name ‘Emmaus’ (‘Amvas’), and over the centuries the Christian tradition of venerating this place as Emmaus, where the risen Christ appeared, has also been preserved.”

(link in Russian)Явления_Христа_ученикам

“The number of appearances of Jesus Christ varies among evangelists:


1. Appearance to the myrrh-bearing women (Matthew 28:9–10)

2. To the eleven apostles (Matthew 28:16–17)


1. Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9), see Touch Me Not

2. To two disciples on the way to the village (Mark 16:12)

3. To the eleven apostles (Mark 16:14)


1. To two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:15)

2. To the eleven apostles (Luke 24:36)


1. Mary Magdalene (John 20:14)

2. To the ten apostles (without Thomas) (John 20:19)

3. To the eleven apostles (John 20:26)

4. To the disciples on Lake Tiberias (John 21:1).”

Lost Shrine, Emmaus City ( link in Russian)

“It turns out that Emmaus became the first place of Christ’s appearance after his resurrection!

With the departure of the Crusaders from the Holy Land, the history of Christian Emmaus was interrupted. Only since the 19th century have scholars identified Amuas with the biblical Emmaus and the Roman-Byzantine Nicopolis.

In 1878, Blessed Mariam of Bethlehem [Mariam Baouardy], a nun of the Catholic Carmelite Monastery in Bethlehem, had a vision of Jesus Christ, who showed her Amuas as the New Testament Emmaus, as a result of which the holy place of Emmaus was purchased by the Carmelite Monastery from the Muslims.”

When I think about Emmaus, this is an unexpectedly close topic for me; I have emotions similar to those when I learned about the sinkholes in Berezniki. And this is the second nun of the Carmelite monastery in this book; Lucia was mentioned before her, in the chapter about Fatima.

In the film, Stalker did not say the word Emmaus, he quoted a passage from the Bible, and instead of the name of the village, he paused.

Tarkovsky in London

“At the end of July [1984] he was in London, where he appeared on an invitation from the Piccadilly Festival, an annual activity centering around film, theatre, music and poetry, organized by the St. James' Church, right in the middle of London. Source: This article first appeared in the now defunct Swedish film journal Chaplin, in the September 1984 issue, pp 156–157.”

Andrei Tarkovsky “The Tale of the Apocalypse” (speech delivered in one of the London churches in 1984, link in Russian)

“Perhaps the Apocalypse is the greatest poetic work created on earth. This is a phenomenon that essentially expresses all the laws set before a person from above. We know that for many, many years there have been disputes about the different interpretations of certain parts of the Revelation of St. John. That is, roughly speaking, we are accustomed to the fact that Revelation is interpreted, that it is can be interpreted. This is exactly what, in my opinion, should not be done, because the Apocalypse is impossible to interpret. Because there are no symbols in the Apocalypse. This is an image. In the sense that while a symbol can be interpreted, an image cannot. A symbol can be deciphered, or rather, a certain meaning, a certain formula can be extracted from it, whereas we are not able to understand an image, but we are able to feel and accept it. For it has an infinite number of possibilities for interpretation. It seems to express an infinite number of connections with the world, with the absolute, with the infinite. The Apocalypse is the last link in this chain, in this book – the last link that completes the human epic – in the spiritual sense of the word. <…>

What is the Apocalypse? As I already said, in my opinion, this is an image of the human soul with its responsibilities and duties. Every person experiences what was the theme of the Revelation of St. John. That is, he cannot help but worry. And ultimately, that is why we can say that death and suffering are essentially equivalent if an individual suffers and dies, or the cycle of history ends and millions die and suffer. <…>

And now I ask myself the question: what should I do if I read Revelation? It is absolutely clear that I can no longer be the same, not simply because I have changed, but because I was told: knowing what I have learned, I am obliged to change. <…>

There is a book in which the author, Castaneda, wrote the story of a journalist, that is, his story about how he studied with a Mexican sorcerer. This is an incredibly interesting book. But that's not the point. A legend arose that there was no sorcerer, that these were not diary entries, but everything was invented by Castaneda – both the method of his own training, with the help of which he wants to change the world, and the sorcerer himself, and his method. But this does not at all simplify the essence of the matter; on the contrary, it complicates it. That is, if all this was invented by one person, then this is an even greater miracle than if it actually existed. In short, my point is that the artistic image is, in the final analysis, always a miracle.”

August 27, 2021, Friday, at 2:01 am, I opened one of the definitions of the term “sacrifice” (link in Russian):

Sacrifice is a form of religious worship that exists to one degree or another in most religions; pursues the goal of establishing or strengthening the connection of an individual or community with gods or other supernatural beings by bringing them gifts of objects of real or symbolic value to the donor.”

It’s interesting that in my life, in my subjective opinion (this the idea was given to me in May 2017 by a random acquaintance – West, and then I thought of it on my own), these actions were the opposite, i.e. from the Spirit, presumably in my direction. These paradoxical events were one of the reasons why on July 2, 2017 at 6:20 pm I began writing my first book 19+.

I told my East about this, she noticed that this is only one of the meanings, and in general “all this” is not interesting to her.

But this simple information made a strong impression on me. The next day there was solar activity, the maximum for the month, index 6.2:

August 28, 2021, M4.7 class flare area 2860, from 8:39 am to 9:23 am (peak 9:11 am).

It started with the following two activities:

August 26, 2021, C3.0 class flare area 2859, from 8:48 pm to 9:42 pm (peak at 9:18 pm)

August 27, 2021, C3.9 class flare area 2860, from 2:17 am to 2:26 am (peak at 2:22 am)

Solar activity for August–September 2021:

August 2021 (9 -0.4, 14 -0.5, 20 -2.8, 21 -0.5, 22 -2.0, 24 -0.6, 25 -0.1, 26 -2.1, 27 -2.8, 28 -6.2, 29 -4.2, 30 -3.1, 31 -1.6);

September 2021 (1 -1.3, 2 -0.3, 8 -3.9, 9 -1.8, 11 -1.3, 14 -0.1, 17 -1.8, 18 -2.1, 8 -3.9, 19 -0.7, 21 -2.0, 22 -0.1, 23 -4.9, 24 -1.5, 25 -2.0, 26 -1.4, 28 -0.7, 29 -1.2).

September 8, 2021, Class C8.3 flare area 2866, from 8:11 pm to 8:49 pm (peak at 8:30 pm).

Then I began to study information on Andrei Tarkovsky’s latest film The Sacrifice (second link in Russian).Жертвоприношение_(фильм,_1986)

“Such a testament was the film The Sacrifice created by the master outside the walls of his home in Sweden and released in May 1986.

The director’s last film, which became a kind of ‘testament’ to humanity and a warning against the threat of nuclear war.

The film begins with the showing of the painting ‘The Adoration of the Magi’ by Leonardo da Vinci, which is one of the important details of the film. <…>

What must be sacrificed to save the world from an impending catastrophe? With your property, your way of life, or maybe your life? What will the hero of the film put on the altar of the Almighty Creator, if the latter, of course, exists?! <…>

The film is made specifically in such a way as to be interpreted in different ways, Tarkovsky himself wrote about it: ‘I wanted to show that a person can restore his connections with life by renewing the foundations on which his soul is based… Sacrifice is what every generation must do in relation to its children: sacrifice itself.’”

Also, the main image of the film The Sacrifice is a dry tree that the main character plants in the ground, and this is a possible reference to the symbol of the World Tree.

Then I remembered the film that East and I watched at the end of December 2019. It was the only trip to the cinema that year. In general, I watch very few films in cinemas, no more than 1–3 per year. In 2019 – 1 film, in 2020 – 2 films, in 2021 – 3 films, in 2022 – not a single film.

In 2019, we watched the film Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Sunrise (dir. by J. J. Abrams, premiere in Russia on December 19, 2019). I understood the final scene with Palatine in my own way: I saw the meaning in the fact that the father (Palatine, “The Dark Lord”) sacrificed himself so that the life of his child could continue, and all the rest of the supposed “confrontation” was just theatrical decoration.

Let's return to our Room, quote from the film Stalker:

“PROFESSOR. How far is it to this Room?

STALKER. In a straight line – about two hundred meters, but there are no straight lines here, that’s the problem.”
