“With the power of your poetic imagination you revived me! He pulled out legends from the darkness… And again returned them to the white light! Again the sky… the sea… You are beautiful, like my father Achilles!”
“Oh thanks!”
“You are talented, like the great Homer, who so wonderfully described us in his “Odyssey”!
“Well, thank you!”
“Well, of course, you read this work?”
“Homer's Odyssey? Desk book!”
“And I would like to remind you of Krylov… Do you know this fabulist?”
“Of course, it's a reference book! All sirens are simply enchanted by his beautiful creations.”
“So I would like to remind you of the following lines: ‘She was sweet-voiced like a siren and dangerous like a siren!’”
“Oh, young Orpheus! In gratitude for returning to life, I will sing to you!”
“Oh, stop, stop, stop! I remember well that many worthy people died from your songs! So I ask you: ‘Don’t!’”
“You ’re a coward!…”
from the film “Higher Than Rainbow” (dir. by G. Yungvald-Khilkevich, 1986)
episode 1, time 18:21.
Who is going to prove what to whom? Of course not for you, my dear reader! In general, it doesn’t matter to me what you think. I have a more important problem…
This problem may be a variant of the Liar Paradox.
The essence of it is that I form my own worldview. But the material that comes into the processing of my thinking is often unsuitable. It can be false, inaccurate, polluted, perverted.
As you understand, the arrival of such unsuitable material complicates perception. But at the same time, this material, at the moment of its awareness, becomes a fact on which one has to rely in the future.
The legal principle “the burden of proof lies with the approver” completely breaks the very need to lie or distort the transmitted material (in order to achieve some minor benefit), because the fact that this material is false, worthless, contaminated—this problem remains on the side of the producer who provided this material, i.e. of course the Spirit. (Posted June 21, 2022 at 4:56 pm).
And this is primarily a matter of trust. Trust destroys a liar.
Necessity (link in Russian)
“One of the circumstances excluding the criminality of an act that violates international law. In accordance with Art. 25 Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts (Annex to General Assembly Resolution A/RES/56/83 of December 12, 2001), a state may invoke a state of necessity only if:
a) this act is the only way for the state to protect a significant interest from a great and imminent danger; <…>”
When Fantastic Week happened, I independently decided that there was some connection, illusory, fantasy, even if it was completely insignificant and harmless in terms of the power of its attraction. It does not matter. In the life of any person there are things that interest him, and there are things that he passes by. So the strength of the event is not as important as the personal subjective predisposition to the way how he perceive certain events. And if an individual focuses his attention on this, then this, personally for him, becomes a fact and the limit of his personal attraction. And I will clarify that it does not matter whether this is the truth for someone else, or the truth in a universal sense, or whether it is, of course, just another fiction.
The facts that I pay attention to become food for my thinking process. This thinking process is quite childish, it assumes that “everything is as it seems”, where words have value and actions are meaningful…
The following are my findings on the Internet, discovered while finishing the book in the summer months of 2022, and some diary entries.
Inversion and the End of the World
(Opened June 21, 2022 at 7:30 pm)
The shrinking Universe will push us into a black hole. But it won't be easy to notice the end of the world (link in Russian)
“Remember the turnstile in the film Tenet, on the other side of which events unfolded in reverse, without losing cause-and-effect relationships? This is how this compression seems to me to be something like this. Quantitative-qualitative transformation. Effects that occur before their cause.”
Inversion (link in Russian)
“Inversion in logic is negation, inversion of meaning, replacement of ‘white’ with ‘black’
Inversion in quantum mechanics – transformation of space, in mathematics called reflection. Plays an essential role in the theory of symmetry. <…>
The film Tenet (dir. by C. Nolan) uses the idea of time reversal invariance, according to which events can go the same way in forward and backward directions. Strategic the possibilities of such a model are fully revealed when tactical interaction between inverted and non-inverted characters occurs along the storyline. <…>
… In direct time: the sun shines on a macro-object—reflected photons fly into the eye – an image is formed in the brain.
In reverse time, everyone is solipsistic: I thought – photons flew from my eyes – the sun shone. Therefore, with a long stay, a firm conviction appears, supported by facts, that you control the world. <…>
… What interesting conclusions, however… if you want to feel like a god, invert your consciousness. You may not become a full-fledged god, but you will definitely gain understanding. <…>
An interesting fact: during the promotion of the film Tenet (dir. by C. Nolan), a statement was repeatedly made that during the production of the film the creators tried as much as possible to move away from the practice of using digital special effects, which is also a kind of inversion and a return to the field of natural realism, no matter how absurd it may sound.”
Wow, I tell myself, then I copy the newly found text and write down the time I found it. This is one aspect of my thinking, it seems to me to be in some sense external in nature, and perhaps depends on where in the spacetime continuum it all happens.
Something can happen if a non-inverted character (human) and an inverted one (“god”) meet. They can be called for example, Character and Anti-Character. It is logical that the Character (Anti-Character) will radically change its current state; one can even say that its physical nature will be “defeated” by joint efforts. It is assumed that the “communication” will be similar to the interaction of an electron with a positron.
The Langoliers (dir. by Tom Holland, TV mini-series, adaptation of the story by Stephen King, 1995, link in Russian)
“The light is leaving. That's the difference.
“How's Mr. Toomey?”
“Are you kidding? He fell asleep.”
“Apparently, this is the case. Nothing…”
“I smelled it! I smelled it! The smell of a match.”
“Me too.”
“Come on again, Albert.”
“Do you see? Do you see?”
“Do you understand what this means? We brought our time with us! Here is the past. But the present is still here! It is limited to the confines of this aircraft. Therefore, here the flame looks more alive, and not only that.”
“Bravo, Albert, bravo!”
One-Electron Universe Theory (link in Russian)
“In 1948, Richard Feynman developed a mathematical approach to quantum theory in which the antiparticle was viewed as a particle moving backward in time.”
Novikov's principle of self-consistency
(I wrote this fragment on August 6–8, 2022, starting at 6:48 pm, 2 days after the account of Dmitry Puchkov (Goblin) was deleted from Youtube (event approximately August 4 until 8:13 pm), and a few days before that, on July 25 at 2:16 pm, I watched the following video and wrote down an interesting thought).
Klim Zhukov about Interstellar (link removed)
“The main blunder of the film was never discussed: Novikov’s principle of self-consistency. It is impossible to receive the coordinates of a base from the future from yourself if you do not know them in advance, because in order to fly into space and tell yourself these coordinates (NASA base), you must first get to this base, but you cannot get to it without knowing the coordinates, considering the plot. Therefore, here Nolan puts event B before event A, which is impossible in principle.”
That is, in order to influence “from the future to the present”, this information must already be stored in the past. Information can be seen as analogous to an explosive, as in the film Tenet.
If Revelation is the result of a meeting in the future between an ordinary character and his inverted version, then an important condition for the occurrence of this event is the presence (release) of information in the past, because in order for him to receive some knowledge in the future, this information must already exist (be manifested) in the world before it came into his head, and naturally before meeting the inverted one. Why can’t you just “take and find out” information for this person? Why should it be manifested in the world and, therefore, be delivered only through an intermediary – the Spirit? Why should the world take an active part in the process of human thinking?
The paradox is that a person cannot obtain some knowledge from the future if it does not exist in his past. Usually we act as follows: in the process of life we learn something and thereby expand our understanding of the world. And it doesn’t matter, in principle, whether someone knew about it before us, before we knew it.
And only in the case of a hypothetical, conditional, metaphorical “meeting with an inverted character” is it fundamentally important that this information is known before the moment when a specific person finds out about it! And this knowledge must be formalized accordingly, perhaps in the form of a prophecy, as something that “must happen”.
And not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance; the question arises: how can you find out about knowledge if “everyone already knows” about it? In fact, this is really difficult to do, because you can’t easily find out about information if you already know about it! The learning process involves rediscovering information for yourself. In this situation, the “just admire” method does not work. You just need to open the information, and for this, in the case of a well-known fact, it must (at some point) begin to directly concern you, and, therefore, until this moment, it should not concern you. And in the case of personalization, when you discover it for yourself, the information undergoes a transformation from public to personal.
In the case of such a person’s life, the key will not be the desire to realize oneself by moving along the time line into the future, but precisely the main thing will be the motive to personalize publicly available information from the past, if this can open up the opportunity to change one’s nature in the future.
An event is the highest form of knowledge for the reason that it not only has an abstract meaning, but also actually happened and was embodied. And here the peculiarity of the perfect event awaits us, if we try to use it in this theory. The fact is that an event already committed in the past is almost impossible to personalize. How you can’t personalize anything that has already acquired someone’s name. Of course, an event can be re-personalized if for some reason it does not have a Beginning.
Famous Lucy
It seems to me that my freedom lies in the fact that thoughts and emotions remain in that subjective, fantasy, illusory, creative cell of spacetime where they were expressed. When the time runs out, the cell is closed, which allows them to remain intact, as they are of great value to me.
Our strong emotions, which rush like a hurricane between cells of time, are a sign of the imperfection of the human structure, most likely associated with some damage to our delicate nature. Therefore, by examining one's emotional and mental reactions, one can make good progress in diagnosing and treating one's personal injuries.
(Opened June 29, 2022 at 10:57 pm)
I accidentally went on the Internet to a video fragment from the film “Lucy” (dir. by Luc Besson, 2014), and watched the final episode, where at the end of the plot the main character touches the finger of a great ape, time 1:18:22. I thought that this was exactly the same thing that I was thinking about earlier, one of the answers to the question: what would happen if a man and an inverted “god” met?
A week before watching the video, I asked myself this question, but then I didn’t think about it and didn’t look for information. It was as if it found itself, without any additional work of the mind. This is a mystery. I just randomly decided to watch a certain part of the video and immediately found a match. Of course, I had previously seen the entire film Lucy several times, and this fragment was somehow strange, deliberately falling out of the general semantic sequence of the video, and in general, why was the film called “Lucy”? Previously, I missed all this and didn’t think about it.
When I watched this film again in July 2021, after finishing watching it, a logical question arose: when will the second part be released? I went online and found out that it “came out” literally two days ago. Naturally, this was not the case, but I got another funny coincidence to add to my collection.
The film Lucy as a primitive, but a demonstration of the transformation of an earthly man into a cosmic one (link in Russian)
“Lucy, who owns Time and Space, fully aware of the full extent of the informational nature of existence, returns to the past to that Lucy who will become a person many centuries later and… touches her – transfers her divine energy to her essence… thereby becoming the true source of her transformation .”
Scientists' discovery: the famous Lucy – the ancestor of all people – was a fool (link in Russian)
“According to most anthropologists, our ancestors were Australopithecus afarensis – humanoid creatures, to which the famous Lucy belonged. The ancestor of all people, as she is sometimes called, is Hairy Eve.
Lucy's remains, estimated to be 3.2 million years old, were unearthed in Ethiopia in 1974.”
Creation of Adam (link in Russian)
“’The Creation of Adam’ is one of the most outstanding compositions of the Sistine Chapel ceiling painting [inside the Vatican Museums, 1511]. God the Father flies in infinite space, surrounded by wingless angels, with a flowing white tunic. The right hand is extended towards Adam's hand and almost touches it. Adam's body lying on the green rock gradually begins to move and awakens to life. The entire composition is concentrated on the gesture of two hands. The hand of God gives the impulse, and the hand of Adam receives it, giving vital energy to the whole body. By the fact that their hands do not touch, Michelangelo emphasized the impossibility of uniting the divine and the human.”
Who is given the sign and destiny of the Holy Spirit
(Opened June 23, 2022 at 6:06 pm).
“15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.”
“The Gospel of John”, chapter 14, King James Version (KJV).
“Christ often explained to his disciples the value of the Holy Spirit; the original Bible uses the Greek word Parakletos and translates it as comforter, intercessor, advocate…”
(Opened June 26, 2022 at 8:20 am, at the end of 2024 this link is unavailable)
“This sign occurred almost simultaneously with the celebration of the day of the prophet Jonah (September 22, 2017). Let us remember the words of Matthew 12:39 ‘But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: [King James Version (KJV)]”
The sign – of course, I mean Rapture of the Bride at September 23, 2017. At first glance, this quote from the Bible tells us that the sign will be bad, useless, but since you are looking for it, you will receive it. But on the other hand, it turns out that this priceless gift is the only sign that the “evil and adulterous generation” can receive.
The next day, at 6:30 pm, I began to check this information, it turned out to be not entirely accurate, and as you understand, approximate information may mean something completely different than what we thought right away, and I discovered something that probably I would not have found it if the Spirit had not given me this possibly false information.
“12:39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:
12: 40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”
Jonah's birthday is September 22 according to the old style or October 5 according to the new style. It is important that for some reason this “seemed” to the author of the article and he mixed up the date styles, i.e. there was a funny mix-up where he may have falsely connected the Rapture of the Bride with the Jonah prophecy, but thanks to his mistake I learned about Jonah. In fact, it is not so important whether the date matches exactly down to the day, I admit that within 2–3 months many events will be in some way connected and mutually influence each other, given that the “leverage of influence” can reach 1700 years and more.
This can be considered “immediate thinking”, when people see a specific date and react emotionally, because it supposedly coincides, and of course, in order to further check, you need, firstly, to have time for this, and in the modern age a person does not have a second, to stop and think, and most importantly – there is no desire to check, because this is how a person is designed, if he once responded emotionally, then he is then afraid of losing support in his faith, and does not want to check, because this may ruin his fantasies.
Here's another quote from the article:
“But then there is a second event, where it is clearly indicated that the Antichrist will not reveal himself until he is taken from the environment that holds him.
Who is holding back the Antichrist? There are different interpretations here, but the most common one is that this is the Holy Spirit who descended on the disciples of Christ on the day of Pentecost. From this moment the period of the Church began, and accordingly, with the ascension of the Church, the Holy Spirit will leave with it, which will open the way for the Antichrist.”
I'll add a little conspiracy nonsense (opened March 28, 2022 at 4:15 pm, in Russian)
Meme with the date 27/07/2021 – what will happen?
“Actually, this is where the mysterious date began to spread. The essence of the meme is that no one understands what is going to happen on this day, but it is being promoted as a date that will radically change the life of humanity.
A little later, these memes reached TikTok, but there the date is distributed outside the context of Ubermaginal. Users simply create creepy, scary videos, inventing new versions of terrible events that could happen on this date. A version has already appeared here about a time traveler who managed to end up in our reality to warn about this date. And about the fact that the lid of the sarcophagus may collapse in Chernobyl. Well, there will probably be many more versions.”
It is interesting in this text that the author, for some reason, connected the date July 27 and the consequences of the Chernobyl accident.
27/07/21 (link in Russian)
“27/07/21 [27/07/2021] is a meme associated with trash blogger Ubermarginal. The date of July 27 is being pushed forward as a harbinger of something terrible.
The force of the date 27/07/21 began at the end of 2020, when Ubermarginal (Anatoly Mitsengendler) heard this phrase in a song during a stream. The blogger listened to Iranian black metal, and words in Russian were heard in the background: twenty-seven zero seven twenty-one.”
(Opened June 26, 2022 at 9:12 am, in Russian)
How the Sun destroyed US mines
“An unusual example of the impact of space weather on combat operations on Earth became known after the publication in the United States of secret documents about one of the episodes of the Vietnam War. On August 4, 1972 the crew of an American military aircraft, flying over a mined port in the Hon La area (now a special economic zone of Vietnam), witnessed the explosion of about 20–25 sea mines, which occurred in a short period of time – about 30 seconds. In addition, from the air, 25–30 muddy spots from mine explosions were seen in the water, which were dropped three months ago as part of the American operation ‘Pocket Money’ to mine the ports of North Vietnam.
On August 15, Admiral Bernard Clary, commander of the US Pacific Fleet, made an inquiry about the possible influence of the Sun on the detonation of mines.
The fact is that most ammunition had magnetic fuses that were triggered by changes in the surrounding magnetic field. By that time, scientists already knew about the influence of solar flares on changes in the magnetic environment, but it was not clear whether such an event could cause an unexpected detonation of ammunition.
It turned out that at the beginning of August 1972, record activity was observed on the Sun, during which several powerful flares and so-called coronal mass ejections were recorded in the region of MR 11976. Military experts investigating the self-detonation of supplies visited the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Space Environment Laboratory to speak with scientists.
Professor Brian Frazier, then at NOAA, remembers one day seeing a group of high-ranking military officials come to talk to his colleagues about the possible influence of the sun on mine fuses. ‘Then they didn’t say whether the mines exploded or not, although maybe Wally (colleague) was just hiding it. And of course, all this was top secret,’ the scientist recalls.
The investigation concluded that it was ‘highly likely’ that the explosions were caused by solar activity observed in August of that year.
Today we know that in August 1972, one of the most powerful solar flares was actually observed, activity was observed in a region of the Sun called MR 11976. During that period of time there were many reports of power outages and accidents on telegraph lines throughout North America, now Scientists have another example of the impact of space weather on human activity.
The peak of activity then occurred at 6:21 am Universal Time on August 4, when a class X flare occurred on the Sun, causing a coronal mass ejection that reached the Earth 14 hours later. Scientists suggested that earlier, weaker emissions “cleared the way” for this more powerful flare, which was similar to the one observed by the STEREO satellite in July 2010.
The magnetic storm it caused on Earth became the reason for the detonation of mines in the Vietnamese port. <…>
… Let us recall that astronomers recorded the strongest solar flare in the last 12 years on September 6, 2017. Moreover, the event, which was estimated at X9.3 out of 10 possible in terms of the power of disturbances, occurred against the background of minimal solar activity. Already on September 7, communication interruptions were felt in Europe and America.”
It is interesting that this article begins with the date August 4, 1972, and ends with the date September 6–7, 2017. The usual structure of books is when important events are given at the beginning and end of the work. At the beginning of the book – to form a narrative and interest the reader, and at the end – to dot all the i's and come to the end of the story. And of course, first of all I note the style of the event, which is eccentric and very impressive. For the US military to conduct an investigation using taxpayer money, the event must be out of the ordinary.
The date at the end of July or early August 1972 is a very definite time point in my biography. The peak of activity occurs on August 4; therefore, solar activity begins at least a few days or even a week before this date.
As I wrote earlier, record solar activity of class X9–X10 usually occurs once every few years and lasts several days. Class X 9 activity was close to my birth date. The activity on August 4, 1972 was simply class X, most likely X1–X3, such flares are not record-breaking, they are 4–10 times less powerful and occur much more often. I cited the article above only as an illustration of how people connect events with each other.
To reassure the reader and confirm my mediocrity, I believe that there is no direct relationship between Solar activity and my behavior, but I leave these possibilities open, because of course, I could be wrong.
There is a nuance that accepting responsibility for extraterritorial (outside the human body) events is the theme of Revelation. This acceptance of responsibility cannot occur without the prior event of making a connection and realizing the extent of one's personal impact.
For several years I tried unsuccessfully to feel something about the next solar activity, but I never felt any connections. When, at the end of September 2021, I learned about two Satanic holidays, the topic of Solar activity ceased to interest me, and then I practically forced myself to sometimes ask about this question.
I have almost no emotional or mental interaction with S.A. Why almost? Once, at the beginning of February 2018, for several minutes I had a feeling of “support” from the setting Sun, a certain incoming “emotional interest”. But I don't think this is something unique, this experience is probably available to many.
I assume that everything related to Solar activity (in my case)—is nothing more than an element of external psychological manipulation, like many things in my life. Here, for example, is another illustration of an allegedly “explicit connection”:
(Discovered on the Internet June 29, 2022 at 5:45 pm, article dated April 20, 2022, 2:10 pm, three links in Russian)
The Sun experienced its largest flare in several years
(Article from April 30, 2022, 9:30 pm)
A new major explosion occurred on the Sun. The flare will not harm the Earth.
April 2, 2022 -7.3, class M4.3 flash
April 17, 2022 -7.7, class X1.1 flare
April 20, 2022 -8.6, class X2.2 flash
April 30, 2022 -8.2, class X1.1 flash
May 3, 2022 -7.1, class X1.1 flash
May 4, 2022 -7.7, class X1.1 flash
May 10, 2022 -7.4 class X1.5 flash, area 3006, time 4:50 pm – 4:59 pm (peak 4:55 pm).
May 11, 2022 -7.1, class M2.6 flash
May 19, 2022 -7.0 class M5.6 flash
On May 11, 2022, solar activity began to decline. I view the whole thing as one event, beginning on April 17 and ending on May 11, 2022. It falls within the range of up to a month, and characteristically ends with one localized strong flare, like a flare that ends the show.
The center of the event was on April 30, when I completed my business in the city in which I had lived since the beginning of 2004 and then I was already packing my things and preparing to move; on May 10 at about 5:10 pm (approximately), I landed on the plane at quite another region and began to look for a taxi to get to my hopefully permanent new home.
“The bus number 666 was changed to 616. The irony is that 616 is the more sacred ‘Number of the Beast’.”
Bus 666, with exactly this number, from 1983 to 1999, a Moscow bus ran on the route New Cheryomushki – Vernadsky Avenue (link in Russian)
“The number 666 in 1983 did not bother anyone and a bus with that number existed for more than 15 years. However, in 1999, the bus depot, due to numerous requests from the Orthodox community, changed the number 666 to 616.”
(Article in the newspaper “MK” dated March 19, 1999.)
Bus driver #666 is a real Devil (link in Russian)
“We finally decided to give a gift to Orthodox Christians, we found a free bus number, and from March 26, the 616 will be launched on route 666. The parishioners and representatives of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Vorontsovo suffered the most from the ‘devilish’ bus. Since this bus was the only transport that went from the metro to the church, some parishioners basically did not get on the transport, and walked 1.5 hours (6–8 stops) to get to the church. Well, those who were braver drove, but read a prayer the whole way.
‘We started the war with the satanic bus nine years ago,’ says the head of the temple, Vitaly Afanasyevich. ‘Then they answered us: they say, what difference does it make to you what you drive?’ Since 1992, I have not stopped knocking on the doors of various institutions. After all, this is not just superstition, this is a devilish number that disgusts the Orthodox spirit. Many believers felt bad on this bus and experienced moral discomfort.
But for many students traveling from home to college, it was the ‘satanic’ bus that brought good luck.