By the way, why is only the East left next to me, and not the 5th element, North, South and West? I believe they acted absolutely correctly, I am too uninteresting for “advanced” people even for one-time communication, because I am clearly “below average” in emotions or interesting thoughts. Despite the fact that every year I become stronger “energetically”, I unfortunately continue to degrade emotionally and mentally, which of course depresses me. My books confirm this; all these coincidences could only be noticed and given meaning by a person with a boring, uninteresting inner world, who is involved in all sorts of nonsense in life.
When I met the 5th element (summer 2001) she was a very young girl, and when a couple of years later she began to look for a partner, I definitely wasn’t suitable for her, because I did not have the necessary qualities, no special beauty, no brilliant mind or sense of humor, no charisma or money, no position in society. Of course, she chose a more suitable candidate for her life partner.
When I met East (early 2002), she was young, had just graduated from Institute, and she did not have a serious relationship with the opposite sex. She also lacked the needs imposed by modern society, which any self-respecting girl “should have”, and it was completely natural for her to become my companion. I don’t think that at that moment she saw any other options for her future life.
When I met North (June 2013), she had already found her other half and dreamed of having a child with him. Of course, there was no way I could be added to this ideal situation.
When I met South (April 2016), she was already with a guy and doted on him. I was definitely superfluous and she was not interested in me, even for casual communication.
When I met West (May 2017), she told me that she had already found “the love of her life”, she just had to take this man away from his wife and child; she said that she dreams of living with him in an environmentally friendly village near the sea, raise her future children and enjoy nature. As you understand, there was absolutely no place for me in this picture of the world, so naturally, I in no way tried to somehow limit the manifestation of her Soul and influence the life path of this witch.
I would like to note that I talked to these representatives of the fair sex, with the exception of the East, of course, for 10 minutes for each, and only because it was written in Carlos Castaneda's books that the Spirit can send several female Winds to form a party, a group for a person. That is, I communicated with them solely for the purpose of demonstrating respect for the creativity of the Spirit.
This last death, June 9, 2017, prompted me to start writing the first book 19+, then Fantastic Week happened, and just before these events, on September 5, 2017, I noticed that the numbers in the dates had swapped places, 9 June (09/06/2017) changed to September 6 (06/09/2017). Right before the event, on September 4, 2017 they brought me a Felix-02K cash register for repair with error № 19 (its description: “The current date is less than the date of the last entry in the TM [Tax Memory]”); it could not function because in its memory, where the sequence of events is stored in the time line, a date greater than the current one has already been recorded. In the cash register, the dates were similarly “shuffled”: 09/03/2017 and 03/09/2017. Both dates 09/06/2017 and 06/09/2017 had full moons and the first date was the suicide of a girl in the house next door to us. I then felt that luck had smiled on me and that perhaps I would be able to do what I had planned, namely, clean up my connections with the “hell creatures” that were unnecessary to me.
So, the West appeared in my life for a couple of weeks, this was the last Wind, she also planted the idea that these “accidents” were sacrifices, then another death occurred, already associated directly with her and her connection with me, on this once – this was my mother’s opinion. And then the main events started, as a result I began to dig up the history of my life and, to my surprise, I commenced to find references to the history of mankind and at the end of the inversion—I returned to the moment of my conception and even discovered the “Satanic Calendar”.
When, in September 2017, I noticed a change in numbers in the dates 9/6 and 6/9 and that both dates fell on full moons, I jokingly suggested that this was such a rare coincidence that the easiest way to arrange it was to adjust the calendar, adjusting the dates to the full moon, and at the same time, the Moon must maintain a given speed of movement around the Earth for centuries, otherwise nothing will work.
The plot of the film 31 June can be written in a nutshell as follows: “The Evil Wizard Malgrim decided to take possession of Merlin’s Brooch, erase him from World History and take his place. For this, he offers Princess Melicenta true love in exchange for a magical device. Difficult choice…”
(Discovered October 22, 2021 at 1:00 pm, in the Wiki article “Walpurgis Night”)
“Attempts on the life of Merlin, the hero of the Chronicles of Amber (in the second pentateuch – The Merlin Cycle Series), systematically occur before Walpurgis Night.”
According to this series of books, Merlin united the family ties of representatives of Chaos and Order.
In the film Tenet by Christopher Nolan, the plot is based on a similar idea – to change the world by removing the Inception from history.
(Opened January 23, 2022 at 5:20 pm in Russian)
“We can try to build a scientific justification for the distribution according to the signs of the Zodiac, if we assume the influence on a person in his most important period of intrauterine development of both climatic factors that determine the mother’s nutrition and various kinds of cosmic fields. The date of birth and the associated possible date of conception determine the boundaries of the time period of intrauterine development, as well as the distribution of gravitational and, possibly, some unstudied fields generated by the relative positions of the planets relative to the Earth.”
There is some possibility that conception/fetal development/birth is the most important period in a person’s life.
Perhaps I found what I had been looking for several months, namely: at the end of September 2021, I learned about the Satanic calendar and the distance of 9 months between its two main “holidays”, which were essentially sacrifices, then in mid-November 2021 I came up with the idea that if there is such a strong challenge from the Dark Part of Infinity, then one should rely (for the balance and equilibrium of the human thinking process) of a similar in strength “response” from the Light Part. And so the idea occurred to me that the astronomical event, which ended on September 23, 2017, and began 9 months earlier, on November 20, 2016, is quite suitable for this role.
There is power and significance, Rapture of the Bride is undoubtedly an event from the Light Side, and of course, one event takes place on Earth, and the second in Heaven. Thus, these such distant events, each of them brings something of its own into the life of an ordinary person, and it is even possible that there is attraction and repulsion between them. I think it will be interesting for me to realize this connection.
When I learned about the Rapture of the Bride event in the summer of 2018, I was perplexed why such a complex process as “intrauterine life” was “simulated” in heaven.
To the “Star gate”. From conception to birth (link in Russian)
“Something very, very important happens precisely during this first period of the life of the fetus, which cannot in any way be called a purely technical interval in the creation of a new living being…”
If for a second we imagine the contrast between the intrauterine development of a person and his subsequent life, then the event of conception is the penetration of earthly (dark) forces into some completely different Universe inside the human body.
Vitruvian Man (link in Russian)
“In their mathematical studies, Vitruvius and Leonardo described not only the proportions of man, but also the proportions of all creation. Leonardo's note was found in a notebook from 1492: ‘Ancient man was the world in miniature. Since man consists of earth, water, air and fire, his body resembles a microcosm of the Universe.’”
“You grow up readings about pirates and cowboys and spacemen and stuff, and just when you think the world's all full of amazing things, they tell you it's really all dead whales and chopped-down forests and nuclear waste hanging about millions of years.”
“People need to understand that if they kill a whale, they will get a dead whale.”
Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman “Good Omens:
The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch”.
Sigmund Freud (at “Civilization and Its Discontents”, 1930) considered escapist fantasy an integral element of human life: “Life, as we find it, is too hard for us; it brings us too many pains, disappointments and impossible tasks. In order to bear it we cannot dispense with palliative measures.”
“I have claimed that Escape is one of the main functions of fairy-stories, and since I do not disapprove of them, it is plain that I do not accept the tone of scorn or pity with which ‘Escape’ is now so often used. Why should a man be scorned if, finding himself in prison, he tries to get out and go home? Or if he cannot do so, he thinks and talks about other topics than jailers and prison-walls?”
“The notion that motor-cars are more “alive” than, say, centaurs or dragons is curious; that they are more “real” than, say, horses is pathetically absurd. How real, how startlingly alive is a factory chimney compared with an elm tree: poor obsolete thing, insubstantial dream of an escapist!”
J.R.R. Tolkien.
(after adding this link to the English translation of my book, on November 30, 2024, at 10:04 pm, I looked at its publication date, it turned out to be April 27, 2022.)
From these quotes it follows a completely logical conclusion that the goal of a person’s life may well be to “go away” into fantasy, into daydreaming, and life even seems to “push” him towards this choice. And one more important point. Going into daydreaming implies deception, lies, manipulation as a way of creating an event. This is due to the fact that in the creative process the basis must separate and disappear, and the creative image will further develop independently. The easiest way to separate is false connections with a limited lifespan.
November 4, 2021, Thursday, at 1:10 am, the idea occurred to me that all these supposedly existing relationships in the distant past point to the existence of some mythical Crystal of Predestination, or Crystal of Time, or simply Crystal, or simply Predestination in our current time.
I thought that in the same way that stars in space appeared due to the fact that attraction, Gravity, “suddenly” appeared between particles of cosmic dust; similarly, the Events of Time can suddenly begin to attract due to something like gravity, which I call Predestination.
I began to think about the possible consequences of such a neighborhood and came to the conclusion that their coexistence is antagonistic, the Crystal will undoubtedly conflict with Time and transform or even destroy it, and Time, accordingly, will try to limit the Crystal’s growth, direct its development in the right direction and minimize its influence on oneself, which can also be described as “educate, ennoble, cultivate”.
The most important difference between the Crystal and ordinary current Time is:
1) lack of future and as a consequence:
2) predetermination of the past.
Only some moments from the past stand out and become important; the rest, most of the time, falls apart, is destroyed or recycled.
A crystal is a process of natural destruction of the spacetime continuum under the influence of external invasion. Why do I write “spacetime” if the Crystal supposedly only affects time? I believe that space is unlikely to be able to fully exist without the smooth progressive flow of time.
It can be assumed that the amount of spacetime washed out by a crystal will depend on its internal potential.
We can begin to speculate about the creation of the Crystal if we suddenly discover traces of its penetration in the distant past.
A Time Crystal may also begin to create to protect the subject from external temporal influences. I.e. if an object suddenly notices that Predeterminations begin to form in the distant past, then a certain protective mechanism is triggered, which begins the creation of this mythical Crystal, which will filter and distort the information coming through the branches in order to prevent its negative impact on the object.
What could be the danger for this object in the future? Why is it optimal for him to preserve Time in the current day and consistently destroy (or recycle) the upcoming future? This is either a paranoid fear of expectations from the future, or, on the contrary, a desire to have a future free from one’s own influence, because he wants to live his own unique life, and not follow predetermined patterns. That is, this object does not destroy all the time in front of it, but only what has an influence on it. Perhaps the predetermined future does not suit him in some way.
I don’t like the name Time Crystal at all; it’s better, of course, to just call it Crystal, or Crystal of Predestination, because this “something” has nothing to do with time. For him, time is more of a nutrient medium, soil for the plant, a source of “proteins and vitamins”. You could also say that the Crystal is embedded like a “weed” and “imitates time” so as not to attract attention to itself.
There is a significant flaw in this newly invented theory of mine; on the evening of November 6, 2021, I realized that such wonderful Crystals, which easily explain the emergence of chains of Predestination in the past, are not suitable for explaining the coincidences of the present. For example, they cannot be used for the occasion of my Fantastic Week, because the difference in events was less than one day, and, therefore, the temporary attraction would be insufficient for such a large and distant object as our Sun.
Above I described fictitious fantasy Crystals of a global nature. Here's what the Wiki has about temporary micro-crystals:
(Opened November 4, 2021 at 11:47 am, in Russian)Темпоральный_кристалл
“A temporal (time) crystal is a physical system with broken symmetry with respect to a time shift, leading to the presence of periodic motion even in the state with the lowest energy. The idea of such systems was put forward in 2012 by Frank Wilczek. In 2015, it was proven that the creation of a temporal crystal in a thermodynamically equilibrium system is impossible if the interactions in the system are short-range in nature.”
Physicists have created the world's first “time crystal” (link in Russian)
“In 2012, Nobel Prize winner in physics Frank Wilczek proposed an unusual idea. He suggested (and tried to prove) the possibility of the existence of ‘time crystals’. Such structures, according to the physicist, receive energy for their movement from a fault in the symmetry of time. A rift, according to Wilczek, is a special form of perpetual motion.”
(Opened November 4, 2021 at 1:55 pm)
On the night of November 4, scientists recorded one of the most powerful magnetic storms in the last few years (link in Russian)
One of the largest magnetic storms in several years is occurring on Earth (link in Russian)
“On Earth, at about one o’clock in the morning Moscow time, one of the largest magnetic storms of recent years suddenly began. The geomagnetic activity index, which in recent days had been slowly decreasing to calm values (after flares at the end of October), almost immediately after midnight increased abruptly to level 7 (with a maximum value of 9), which corresponds to a magnetic storm of the third level on a 5-point scale.”
(Opened July 3, 2022 at 5:45 pm)
First version of “31 June” (3 links in Russian, 4th link in English)
“An extra day in June”
“This brooch, a gift from Merlin, which Malgrim was hunting for, is a merkaba with which you can move in space and time. And Priestley’s novel is almost the Gospel of Judas.”
“The MerKaBa is a crystalline Human Lightbody, an energy field that connects the mind, heart and body. This word consists of 3 words: Mer – a type of light rotating within itself, Ka – spirit, Ba – human body. All together means a rotating light that transfers spirit and body from one world to another.
One of the functions of the MerKaBa is to move the spirit and body to the next world, but this requires certain changes in the person himself. To move to the higher worlds, he must be immersed in the world of love, harmony, unity.”
If you ask me if I believe in coincidences, I will honestly answer that it is not a matter of faith, but rather of common sense. Due to my extreme pragmatism and down-to-earth nature, I purely logically choose the option—to try to understand possible connections and choose what can help me in living my personal subjective reality. Oh yes, they are still beautiful, these “coincidences”!
Another version of the worldview, based on the fact that there are billions of these “coincidences”, of course, this opinion is absolutely correct, and many people, I believe, use this convenient “excuse” not to think about such nonsense, but to do what they need to do: increase your well-being and levelup the comfort of your stay. But what should a person do if he has already reached the level of comfort he needs (other than helping other people increase the comfort of their lives)?
The opposite opinion to mine is that the astronomical event, which was called Rapture of the Bride is just one of the many “coincidences” in the sky and every second absolutely unique combinations of stars and planets line up in the sky, each of which can be “dedicated to thousands of poems”. This is absolutely true, and I dare to say that this will be the position of pure, primordial Chaos, when all these combinations of planets and stars do not yet make any sense and, therefore, are not worth studying them.
(Opened November 18, 2021 at 1:00 pm)
“ The Novikov principle of self-consistency , developed in the 1970s by Russian physicist Igor Dmitrievich Novikov (‘The Evolution of the Universe’, 1979), proposes the use of geodesic lines to describe the curvature of time (roughly how the curvature of space is described in Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity). These closed, time-like curves will not allow any cause-and-effect relationships on the same curve to be disrupted . The principle also suggests that time travel will only be possible in a region where these closed curves are present—for example, in the presence of wormholes, as described by Kip Thorne and colleagues in their 1988 paper ‘Wormholes, Time Machines, and the Weak Energy Condition’. In this case, events would be cyclical and self-consistent.”
If we assume that the Crystal of Predestination has no purpose to harm the movement of time, then, according to the current human worldview, it can act using, for example, this “theory of geodesic lines” by Novikov, i.e. exactly within the limits outlined by the line of permitted and possible influence, which was supposedly introduced into the fabric of the existence of Time as a result of the work of some important process.
I will also note that a certain Crystal with predetermined branches extending into the past is very reminiscent of Tree of Life. It will be a surprise if it suddenly turns out that the predetermined branches support the flow of time and are its basis.
Predestination is the influence of current events on events in the past.
But you will say that it is traditionally believed that what is predetermined can and should come true, and therefore future events are a consequence of past ones.
Yes, this is undoubtedly true, but in essence it is the presence of events in the future that makes the predetermination branches significant, and they acquire a meaning that is not limited only to the event cell. As a result, future events influence (give meaning and reveal unexpected meaning) events of the past.
What difference does it make what happens in the future, even if it is “predetermined” in the past, if these same future events have no meaning for the past? I.e. predestination is important for significant events, and, therefore, it is the presence of events from which predetermination recedes into the past that is paramount. In other words, these events in the present should have great intrinsic meaning and without predeterminations, thereby predeterminations only strengthen and decorate these events, but may not be their root cause.
But what's the point appears from events in the past? Don't they have a meaning to begin with? Of course, all events have some meaning, limited by a cell of spacetime; potentially, some events may have some additional meaning, but for its manifestation an external factor, an influence that reveals it, will be required. It is quite logical that this impact can occur when the event has already been fully formed, and the current spacetime cell has closed and is no longer subject to internal probabilistic fluctuations. It is possible that this factor is transtemporal, i.e. not limited by a time slot.
A striking manifestation of this factor is Temporal gravity, which attracts and arranges such ancient events into some beautiful and even perfect Parade of events in the time branch.
For me personally, this whole fictional theory carries a certain dangerous connotation, namely, with the hypothetical presence of predetermined branches and thanks to them, there is a danger of “getting bogged down” in time. For this reason, having once formed my opinion and expressed it in thoughts and feelings, after a while I already think about how to modify it or even divide it into elements, since the formed opinion gradually begins to influence me, representing quite consciously an independent value, and it even begins to seem that this is actually the case, if you forget the entire order of previous thinking, which out of nothing created this essentially illusory object that does not rely on anything.
Kill grandpa and survive. What does physics allow time travelers? (link in Russian)
“The movement of objects in time and space can be described in the form of a curve that connects the ‘influencing past’ with the ‘influencing future’—since experience tells us that the cause of any event must be in the past, not in the future. The universe is considered predictable from its current state. In this case, the cause-and-effect relationship between events in the past and future is determined by the principle of causality and the speed of transmission of the information signal.“
And if we assume that it is the present in a person’s personal life that influences past events in the world, then what can replace the “Principle of Causality”?
On the afternoon of November 23, 2021, I thought that if I shift my focus from the events of September 2017 to November 1991, miraculously it turns out that Fantastic Week and other incidents in 2017 are all completely “virtual events” in my life, but just November 1991, when I watched the film Mona Lisa and changed my destiny—the most real event. But upon further reflection that evening and the next afternoon, I came to the conclusion that, despite the fact that I would probably be able to completely send all further coincidence events after 1991 to the “virtual plane” and consider them in relation to my life only as a “beautiful legend”, but this still shouldn’t be done, but a balance must be maintained, and for some reason I need this obvious fiction in my later life, and it should be taken seriously.
Then, in June 1996, I once again changed the direction of my life, but then there were no obvious events on the material plane that would coincide with this event. Subsequently, until Fantastic Week, I had no major path changes in my life.
Having shifted the center of perception to the end of 1991, I am touching the brightest period of my life, when my choice, it seems to me, was not determined by external manipulative influence and, therefore, was pure, and was also ennobled by high romantic feelings.
November 27, 2021 at 6:56 pm I came up with the idea that the desire to get closer to the meaning of your life and naturally to its beginning and to the moment of conception is a laudable desire that is worth the resources spent on it, and what can be as difficult as possible for a person who wishes to know his origin? Of course, these are ritual sacrifices on the dates of Conception and Birth.
These events, coinciding with important dates in a person’s life, which were repeated perhaps hundreds or even thousands of years, may well have a significant and serious negative meaning, namely, to hide from this person some secret of his origin, to cause him to turn in the wrong direction, needed by some external forces.
This can also be seen as a challenge that he will have to overcome, process this wave of other people’s uncontrollable emotions in order to get closer to solving his personal secret.
Here you can see the fork of choice—if you accept all these undoubtedly strong emotions, then the chance of realizing your origin will slip away, because the experiences he needs will most likely be very weak.
On the same day, a little earlier, at 6:00 pm, I learned that Leonardo Da Vinci’s mother’s name was Caterina (links in Russian).
That same evening, at about 8:00 pm, I discovered the video clip of the group Era “7 seconds”; it was published on October 6, 2017, which is very close to my Fantastic week. This video features a dance studio and a “666” shaped flame, probably on an altar in a temple. Also suggestive are lightning and fire against the backdrop of a tall stained glass window, presumably the windows of a temple, and a hammer selling something at auction.
A very remarkable video, this is a modified version of the song and video from 1994, in the new reincarnation of this poetic work, the color of the skin of the child who is born is given a completely different meaning:
“Battle's not over
Even when it's won
And when a child is born into this world
It has no concept
Of the tone of skin it's living in.”
“J'aimerais qu'on oublie leur couleur pour qu'ils espèrent.”
[“I wish we could forget their color so they could hope.”]