Scientists suggest that this atmospheric activity we are seeing is closely related to internal processes occurring on and below the surface of Saturn, and it is quite possible that supervolcanoes cause the atmosphere to react in this way.”
(Another significant event at the end of October 2016).
Scientists have opened the tomb of Jesus Christ (October 27, 2016, in Russian)
“The research began at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem as part of restoration work. To get to the Holy Sepulchre itself, specialists first had to remove the stone slab that had been covering it since 1555 from the burial site.
It is believed that in the 4th century, Saint Helen, Equal to the Apostles, conducted excavations at Golgotha and found the cross on which Jesus was crucified, after which she founded the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on this site. The marble slab was placed at the burial site of Christ in 1555, and since then it has never been moved.”
(Let's add a bit of conspiracy theory, opened on May 26, 2021 at 5:17 pm).
Prophecies of Our Lady of Fatima (author Arina Radionova, in Russian)
“But many still believe that the parade of planets on September 23, 2017 is not unique, if only because the same configuration of planets, Sun and Moon was observed in the constellation Virgo on September 24, 1827, September 6, 1483, September 5, 1293, 14 September 1056 and 11 September 3 BC Regarding the last date, many biblical theorists believe that it indicates the exact birthday of Jesus Christ. <…>
… The same thing happened on September 23, 2017. God's sign passed by all the people living on planet Earth, except for one single person – the one who was destined to become <…>. And, perhaps, except for a small fraction of people close to him, truly initiated into this event, just like those first Magi. <…>
Was it simply ‘by coincidence’ that these phenomena coincided with the hundredth anniversary of the apparition of the ‘woman clothed with the sun’, that is, the Virgin Mary, Mother of God at Fatima, which occurred in 1917? The described parade of stars reached its climax just three weeks before the anniversary of the miracle, when the sun ‘danced’ (another sign in the sky) and was observed by thousands of people. <…>
Perhaps not everyone knows that the Fatima prophecy itself suggests that the hundredth anniversary is important. In 1931, Sister Lucia, the most important witness to the apparition, was visiting friends in Rianjo, Spain. There God appeared to her and complained that His Mother’s advice was not followed. He said: ‘Tell my servants that if they, like the King of France, delay the execution of my orders, they will suffer the same misfortune as the King of France. It’s never too late to turn to Jesus and Mary.’ <…>
The reference to the French king is very interesting for everyone, because it is a direct reference to the demands of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which the Lord expressed through Margaret Maria Alacoque on June 17, 1689. King Louis XIV and his successors, however, disobeyed the order to solemnly consecrate France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. As a result, on June 17, 1789, one hundred years later, day to day, the National Assembly of the French Revolution rebelled against the king, declared itself ruler of France and overthrew the monarch. Subsequently, the king, as is known, was executed.”
(The following two links are included in the English translation of my book on November 20, 2024 at 1:58 am).
Devotion to the Sacred Heart: A historical perspective (article from August 3, 2014)
“For those familiar with the question of the third/fourth secret of Fatima, it is well known that the message of Our Lady to the Fatima children explicitly included a reference to the Kings of France, who refused to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart, and warned that if the Popes followed their example, terrible wars and destruction would afflict humanity. We are only a few years away from the 100 year anniversary of the Fatima message, and those who hold, in my view correctly, that the Consecration was not in fact done, have pointed to this as a warning for what is to come. It is best then if we understand what it is Our Lady was referring to when she referenced the kings of France. <…>
What will October 13 2017 bring us? The signs are there to be read, and they’re not good.”
St Margaret Mary Alacoque
“On 17 June 1689, Jesus made known to Margaret Mary that He wanted King Louis XV to consecrate France to His Sacred Heart. Sadly, the consecration never took place and exactly a century later to the very day, on 17 June 1789, the French Revolution broke out and the monarchy overthrown. Four years later, King Louis XVI was executed.”
Patrick Archbold “Apocalypse Now? Another Great Sign Rises in the Heavens”
“In conclusion, I must stress that I make no specific claim of the significance, if any, of the astronomical event I described. Further, I make no claim to know the future or of any forthcoming events relating to the fulfillment of the promises of Fatima. I only relate this to you now as I find myself in a similar situation as those Magi 2,000 years ago. I look to the sky and say, ‘Alright Lord, you have my attention.’”
(Analysis of whether this event happened earlier in history).
Has the September 23 2017 Alignment happened before? Let's take a look into the past
At the time mark 6:23, Jupiter moves beyond the “body” of the constellation Virgo at the moment when the date changes from September 9 to September 10, 2017. The time in the video (19:19–22:35) is dedicated to the movement of the planets for the period November 11, 2016 – September 23, 2017.
The video also analyzes several other dates for the possible event Rapture of the Bride using the astronomy computer program Sky Stellarium:
September 14, 1056 (timeline 7:48–8:57);
September 4, 1293 (timeline 8:58–9:53);
September 4, 1483 (timeline 9:54–10:53);
September 24, 1827 (timeline 10:54–11:50).
Date 2–3 AD is not considered because Jupiter was too far from the constellation Virgo.
In these four cases, Jupiter, in the process of retrograde movement, leaves the boundaries of the body of the constellation Virgo, and on the date of the Rapture of the Bride does not have time to leave the boundaries of the body of the constellation. Also, planets that “lined up in a crown shape” tended to be “crowded” near the Sun, which certainly wasn’t pretty.
In all of the listed cases, the coincidences were not “pure”; there was no “perfection”, as happened in 2017. And of course, one can write that in the event of 2017 there was the most exact correspondence to the cultural illusions of the earthly observer. Moreover, it was problematic to see all this in the sky (because of the Sun), but it was ideal only in a virtual computer program that simulates the movement of celestial bodies.
The closest thing to the 2017 event, on the basis of “beauty and perfection” occurred in 1827. Interestingly, in 1827, like 2017, this astronomical event coincided with the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah, which literally translates as “head of the year”. This day is considered the anniversary of the creation of the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. Their creation was the last stage of the creation of the world by God.
In 1827, another important event took place during these days. On May 19, 2021 at 12:50 pm, I came across a description in a video dedicated to Rapture of the Bride, which included one of the quotes below, and I found the second quote on my own. The video draws a parallel between the “iron rod” from chapter 12 of the Apocalypse and from the Book of Mormon. See at time 16:14:
Revelation 12 Sign on September 23, 2017 is NOT what we thought (you will be blown away at 17:00)
“September 22, 1827, Age 21, Joseph Smith receives the gold plates from the angel Moroni on the Hill Cumorah and, with the help of the Urim and Thummim, begins to translate the Book of Mormon (after 4 years of waiting).”
Book of Mormon
“1 Nephi 8:30
30 But, to be short in writing, behold, he saw other multitudes pressing forward; and they came and caught hold of the end of the rod of iron; and they did press their way forward, continually holding fast to the rod of iron, until they came forth and fell down and partook of the fruit of the tree.”
“1 Nephi 11:25
25 And it came to pass that I was held that the rod of iron, which my father had seen, was the word of God, which led to the fountain of living waters, or to the tree of life; which waters are a representation of the love of God; and I also was held that the tree of life was a representation of the love of God.”
I don't care for religious literature, but I found some interesting points in these lines that are worth exploring.
May 21, 2021, Friday, found information about Joseph Smith, who wrote the “Book of Mormon” in 1827, in the evening I told East about it.
May 22, 2021, Saturday, at 12:10 pm I wrote the chapter You and me, and we together! (started writing it the night before).
Solar activity:
May 2021 (21 -2.3, 22 -5.3, 23 -5.4, 24 -1.1)
What is interesting to me about Smith and his Book? He began writing it during the previous (inaccurate) event Rapture of the Bride, which occurred in 1827 and also coincided with the most important Jewish holiday, Rosh Hashanah.
Then I read two passages from the Book of Mormon that referred to the “rod of iron” and naturally compared them to Revelation and my own personal experience.
Revelation of John the Theologian, chapter 12,
“12:5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.”
The Book of Mormon mentions the symbol of a “rod of iron” that someone “holds with his hands”. And yes, the “iron rods” that I “held with my hands” were quite present in my Infinity.
“How much do you pay?”
“A million dollars.”
“Dictate the address.”
“Pushkin Street, building 10, entrance…”
“There’s no need for an entrance.”
A joke.
February 13, 2005, Sunday, I felt better and the next day East and I were able to go back to our city, where I was first mistakenly admitted to the infectious diseases hospital, and was treated for poisoning for 6–7 days, which aggravated the disease process and time was lost, then a surgeon examined me, and on approximately the 22nd I had my first surgical operation under full anesthesia, there were five in total, one every day on February 22–26 (Tuesday – Saturday). It took several days for the operations, because the surgeon could not perform an operation lasting more than 4 hours. Unfortunately, I may be wrong about the dates by 1-2 days.
We remember February 13th because on the day my condition improved, our dog died; our Doberman was run over by a car when the dog ran out into the middle of a wide street and for some reason stopped. The next day, February 14, our pet would have turned 1 year old.
Dobermans – “Devil's Dogs” (link in Russian)
“Dobermans served in the Marine Corps and performed a huge variety of difficult tasks. For their versatility and loyalty they were called SemperFidelis (from Latin: Always faithful). The speed of reaction and self-sacrifice without hesitation made it possible to perfectly complete all assigned tasks. The dogs successfully worked in security, mine clearance, and in subversive activities. They pulled wounded and dead soldiers from the battlefield.
And even earlier, in 1925 in South Africa, criminal investigation sergeant Herbert Kruger, with the help of his Doberman Sauer, tracked down a dangerous criminal. This case became known and was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Because the dog followed the bandit by scent for 160 km.”
Why is the Doberman considered the dog of the “devil”? (link in Russian)
“Indeed, it was not by chance that the Doberman was dubbed the ‘devil’s dog’. When detaining a criminal (and not only) two Dobermans are more dangerous than four shepherd dogs. Lightning-fast reactions, an insidious method of attack, an uncontrollable passion for rage – made these dogs real killers. Dobermans are just as effective at tracking; in the entire history of dog breeding, there has never been such a sensitive breed.”
Doberman – the good “devil's dog” (link in Russian)
“The Doberman is very affectionate to members of the owner’s family and especially to children. A properly raised dog can be treated like a nanny and you can safely leave your child with him.
As one of the books about Dobermans rightly says: ‘The positive aspects of the history of the Doberman look so attractive that it has a negative effect – people refuse to believe that a dog can have such a big and loving heart.’”
February 10, 2022 at 10:25 pm I remembered that my 9-year cycle ends at the beginning of 2023. I don't think about it often, about once every six months.
February 11, 2022, Friday, at 10:42 am, I learned that the last shepherdess Lucia died just in those days when I was fighting for my life. With a high degree of probability, this was exactly the day when I felt much better and I was able to go to my city for treatment.
I divided the information on Fatima into two chapters for the reason that when the previous chapter was written in the spring of 2021, I was not yet aware of the coincidence of dates. Information on the Internet regarding this topic is full of conspiracy theories. I am far from a “conspiracy theory”, but the date of death of the last shepherdess is of fundamental value.
Two other characters from their little children's band, Francisco and Jacinta, died in 1919 and 1920 respectively, during the Spanish flu epidemic.
(The following quote is from another source, which is currently unavailable).
“Both children became victims of the Spanish flu epidemic, which was raging around the world at that time. On April 4, 1919, Francisco died at home, at the age of 10, having received his Communion shortly before his death.
Jacinta was sent to a hospital in Lisbon and, as Our Lady had predicted, she died there alone on February 20, 1920, at the age of 9.”
“ The Virgin Mary chose the girl Lucia as her messenger; she later became a nun and dedicated her entire life to God.”
100th anniversary of the apparition of Fatima (link in Russian)
“Madonna also said that she would take two children with her. They died soon. Their graves are located inside the Fatima Church, on the right and left sides of the altar. Lucia became a nun in 1928.”
Fatima prophecies about the “dedication Russia”, which the Vatican hid for 57 years (link in Russian)
“Lucia lived to be 98 [97] years old and died on February 13, 2005 , having spent most of her life as a Carmelite nun in Coimbra (Portugal). Over the course of her long life, she gradually revealed the contents of two of the three secrets, while the third was written in a letter and sent to the Vatican.”
(link in Russian)
“In 1917, near the Portuguese town of Fatima, which in our time has become the world’s largest religious center after the Vatican, miraculous events took place. Every 13th from May to October, the Virgin Mary appeared to three young children and conveyed her prophecies to people. Why exactly the town with the eastern female name – Fatima, was the place of transmission of one of the greatest prophecies of humanity – remains a secret, like the Third Prophecy itself.”
The articles emphasize that “every 13th”, the last shepherdess also died on the 13th. It looks like an instilled idea about some predetermination of these events. 100 years also has meaning in the cultural psychology of humanity; people have been taught to analyze date intervals of exactly a century.átima
“According to one source, Lúcia was allegedly asked about the third secret and remarked that it was “in the Gospels and in the Apocalypse”, and at one point had even specified Apocalypse chapters 8 to 13, a range that includes the Book of Revelation 12:4, the chapter and verse cited by Pope John Paul II in his homily in Fátima on 13 May 2000.”
Pope John Paul II Gives Us the Key
The Fatima Movement of Priests
The Church’s Obligation to Believe and Obey Our Lady of Fatima
“According to the divine plan, ‘ a woman clothed with the sun ’ (Apoc. 12:1) came down from Heaven to this earth to visit the privileged children of the Father.”[John Paul II, sermon at Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Rosary in Fatima on May 13, 2000].
(The following three links are included in the English translation of my book on November 20, 2024).
Christopher A. Ferrara “The Secret Still Hidden” (2008)
[Pages 235–236 (of 260). Found on November 20, 2024 at 8:54 pm, 2–3 minutes after I started skimming the book (from the end).]
“In Last Visionary Bertone claims he was sent to Coimbra to interview Lucia in April 2000, just before publication of the vision and the commentary in Message, because the Pope ‘had need of a definitive interpretation on the part of the religious.’ Yet, in the same book, Bertone asks us to believe that Sister Lucia viewed her very existence on earth as ‘the last obstacle’ to the Secret’s interpretation.
Three inconsistent versions of Lucia’s ‘confession’ that she invented the ‘express order of Our Lady’ regarding 1960. No independent witness has corroborated this claim—not even the retired Bishop of Fatima, who attended the meeting of April 27, 2000 at which Lucia allegedly ‘confessed’, yet conspicuously fails to confirm Bertone’s account of the ‘confession’ during his appearance on the Telepace telecast.”
Tarcisio Bertone “The Last Secret of Fatima. My Conversations With Sister Lucia” (2008)
“April 27, 2000: Tarcisio Bertone meets with Sister Lucia for the first time. The pope has decided to publish the Third Secret, but he needs Lucia to confirm the genuineness of the document and the interpretation of the message.“
Three Secrets of Fatimaátima
“Canon Galamba, an advisor to the Bishop of Leiria, is quoted as saying that when the bishop refused to open the sealed envelope, Lúcia “made him promise that it would definitely be opened and released to the world at her death, or in 1960, whichever came first. <…>
It was announced by Cardinal Angelo Sodano on 13 May 2000, 83 years after the first apparition of the Lady to the children in the Cova da Iria, and 19 years after the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II that the third secret would finally be released. <…>
The text of the third secret, according to the Vatican, was published on 26 June 2000.”
Fatima or the second Vatican (link in Russian)
“On July 7, 1952, Pope Pius XII dedicated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgo Mary. <…>
In 1981, an attempt was made on the life of Pope John Paul II.
Pope John Paul II often said that he was on earth for rent. Madonna protected him from imminent death; the bullet did not seriously damage the internal organs. In addition, the bullet was explosive, although strangely enough it did not explode in the body. Doctors also cannot explain the change in the trajectory of the bullet, since it passed inside, constantly changing direction, without seriously affecting any organ. He was saved only by the fact that at the moment of the shot he turned to a girl from the crowd who was holding the image of Our Lady of Fatima.
While in the hospital, from his room, Pope talked on the phone with Mother Lucia, corresponded with her, and during his treatment he read everything he could about Fatima. While recovering, John Paul II told his friend Pavel Hnilica: ‘In these three months I realized that I could solve all the world’s problems, put an end to wars, get rid of atheism and lawlessness. This is a conversion of Russia. The consecration of Russia is the main meaning of Fatima. After him will be the triumph of Mary.’ <…>
Of the three children, Francisco, Jacinta Marto and their cousin Lucia dos Santos, only the eldest, Lucia, lived to see the secret published. She lived until her very recent death on February 13, 2005, at the Convention of the Carmelite Sisters in Coimbra, where she entered in 1928. Both Francisco and Jacinta died during the Spanish flu epidemic in 1919[–1920]. Following the death of nun Sister Lucia, nationwide mourning was declared in the country and the election campaign was suspended.
There is a widespread belief that the third part of the revelations, published in 2000, is not genuine. The main argument of supporters of this point of view is the delay in publication, despite the known deadlines. It was believed that the secret contained accusations against the current Pope (who, of course, did not want to make it public), or that it contained overly inflammatory remarks about Russia (which should not have been made public during the Cold War). Instead, the third part of the vision turned out to be the most vague, general and ‘soft’ (in comparison with the previous ones, which stated that if Russia is not converted, it will spread its mistakes to the whole world). <…>
Fatima's story is not without controversy. Many non-Christians, and even some Christians, do not accept the church-confirmed authenticity of the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima. In addition, the cult of Fatima was strongly supported by the dictator Salazar, who used it to strengthen the regime and persecute the opposition. During Salazar's period it was mandatory to ‘believe in Fatima’. Portugal was called ‘the country of Fado, Football and Fatima’. <…>
The position of the Russian Orthodox Church regarding Fatima is ambiguous. <…>
The number of people arriving here testifies to the enormous importance this place of worship has acquired. 4 million people come here every year, with the greatest peaks being on the thirteenth of May and the thirteenth of October, and on the days of the most important celebrations the number of people present reaches a million. Countless miraculous healings and other events are associated with the pilgrimage. There are also numerous conspiracy theories that could be the subject of another Dan Brown novel.” [Yes, this is the same author of the novel The Da Vinci Code, 2003.]
Miracle in Fatima: pro et contra (link not available)
“The Catholic Church considers the Fatima events a miracle. The Orthodox Church has a different opinion on this matter. The so-called ‘Miracles of Fatima’ were critically examined by many Orthodox authors and noted their dubious nature.
Indeed, this phenomenon strongly supports Catholicism, which is why the active propaganda of the Fatima events by Catholics is not surprising. That ‘lady’ who appeared to three Portuguese shepherdesses at the beginning of the twentieth century fully recognized the primacy of the Pope and his claims to worldwide spiritual power. It turned out that it was up to him to dedicate certain countries, in particular Russia, to the Mother of God. This ‘lady’ directly professed the Catholic dogma of purgatory, spoke about the salvation of Catholicism, and supported the Catholic ‘Cult of the Immaculate Heart’. The ‘angel’ who appeared gave the children communion with unleavened bread and expressed the blasphemous idea that children should make atoning sacrifices for the sins of unbelievers.
There is no doubt that, according to the prediction of the ‘Lady’, a real miracle took place, which in 1917 was seen simultaneously by several thousand people, including non-believers. But turning to the descriptions of eyewitnesses, in this massive miracle we will not see anything similar to the miracles of God. All this looks more like seduction on the part of a completely different ‘character’ from the Bible…
All true miracles described in the Gospel and the lives of the saints had a clear spiritual and moral significance. But what is the meaning, what is the edification, what is the spiritual benefit , what is the testimony of Christ in the fact that the sun turned pearlescent, the trees turned purple, and the people yellow, and that a certain luminous object moved quickly in the sky? What is Christlike about these undoubtedly unusual color and light effects? Nothing. It is not surprising that some Orthodox authors called this mass miracle of Fatima one ofrehearsals of the Antichrist miracles predicted in the Holy Scriptures.
It is noteworthy that at a certain period the children themselves doubted that it was the Mother of God and the angels who appeared to them. After the apparitions, they experienced severe physical and mental exhaustion, and sometimes despair.”
Well, since miracles do not bring moral or material benefit to the population, do not improve their comfort and pleasure from living, then they are probably false!
Russian Secret of Fatima or Hidden Sensation (links in Russian)
“Another touch of knowledge was added by the future pope, then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who is now the ‘expapa’ Benedict XVI. In an interview published in Jesus Magazine on November 11, 1984, he was asked if he had read the text of the Third Prophecy of Fatima and why it had not been revealed. Ratzinger said that he had read the Prophecy, and stated in particular that it spoke of ’the danger threatening the Faith and the Christian Life and therefore the life of the world…’ Ratzinger also reported that ‘If it is not made public, at least for the time being, it is only to prevent religious Prophecy from being misinterpreted in the pursuit of the search for SENSATION.’”
What don't I like about all this? Firstly, when I think about those events, I certainly have a wave of suffering emotions, which of course is very annoying, since I immediately assume that they are trying to hide something from me.
Finally, let’s add a pinch of vigorous conspiracy theory “from Edgar Cayce” (link in Russian):
“Speaking about the fate of the world after 1945, Cayce wrote: ‘The hope of the world, its revival, will come from Russia, and will have no connection with what communism is today. It is in Russia that the most genuine and great source of freedom will arise. Then each person will begin to live for the sake of his ideas and his neighbors… It will be a completely different way of life, based on a principle that crystallizes into a new philosophy. Yes, it is from Russia that hope for this world will come.’”
Interesting thoughts about the final stage of the Christian religion (link in Russian):
“I may not understand it, but I am not against Christianity. I only see that it develops only in the kingdom of God. In worldly life within the framework of civilization, Christianity is reduced to an apocalypse . Christianity allows you to live up to this moment, but not overcome it. <…>
What is it for? [Adding the feminine to Christianity.] Well, at least elementary in order to make the finite Christian religion into an infinite one, which will allow us to rethink the apocalypse or push it out of reach.
The basis of the Christian religion is hierarchy (the dominance of the masculine over the feminine) and dichotomy (formalization, primarily of good and evil). All together is a powerful tool for development. But this process is not eternal due to the fact that inequality and dichotomy sooner or later lead to the collapse of the entire system. In religious dogma, this process is described as an apocalypse.”